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Official Q&A Thread for June 8th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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Is there any chance BW will actually listen to there customers and actually give the Marauders the Gear they deserve rather than the ugly gear that was given to them which in the first place should have been given to juggs.:(
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I like the solable content, but the AI for my companions even with high pressence seems lacking. For instance when I have Andronikos out and am fighting the Jedi in H2 Poisonous Strategy (Sith Side) he "stands in the fire" Are there future patch ideas to fix this?
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I had a quick fix idea to bring back open world PVP on ilum... could you put war zone comms in to the armament creates that we used to collect for the dailies.. but only allow the side that controls ilum to be able to access the crates and collect the WZ comms.. this would mean we would start fighting for control of ilum again and also give another path for being able gear up in pvp ..for when your waiting for WZ to pop. much like it is on Tat but with more coms available and faster re spawn of the crates
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With the announced level cap increase, which as a side note I believe to be way to soon, will all current content be scaled to the new level of 55? If not this will just take content away from players and give us less to do. Please consider making all FPs and OPs scale to 55 if you haven't already.
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Not sure if this idea/suggestion ever came up. I would really like it if we can queue up for PVP or eventually the PVE queue with our lvl 50 character while leveling another character within the same legacy. I do not like sitting in the fleet and waiting for the queues. I think this would make a lot of people happy. :D
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My question relates to the PVP system. Coming to SWTOR from KOTOR (i.e. this is my first MMO), solo play with companion(s) is my norm. That said, having found a good guild, I've grown to enjoy group play (heroics and flashpoints). While I picked a light PVE server (to avoid roving hordes of people crashing through the same area I'm in), I am curious about PVP and have started looking into it. This has led to 2 concerns and my question.


First, I see that there is a new stat (Expertise) that appears to only be built up via continuous PVP (like a PVP-only form of experience). Second, I see that there are whole separate sets of gear that one appears to need for PVP. Taken together this seems like a "PVE'ers need not apply" message for engaging in occasional PVP.


Why don't we just have one set of stats/mechanics and gear? For example, I hear that Expertise replaces Critical and Surge in PVP. What's wrong with just having Crit/Surge. I realize that veteran PVP'ers are going to have an edge in PVP, but that comes from real "hands on" experience in that play environment. Magnifying that by adding a PVP-only stat/mechanic on top of that seems to put a pretty high wall up between PVP and PVE players.

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Hi, can you look at changing the cool-down of the purple (cyber crafted) grande's as they currently all share the same 2min CD!


Can this not work like 2 relics instead, and just have a 45 second lock out of all other grande's & let each grenade have its own CD (maybe even increase this a little to balance things)

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With an upcoming increased level cap, do you have a strategy for keeping current Operations still pertinent and desirable to players (something like level 50 versions and then higher level versions)?


The current Operations are fun, and though I'd love being able to run a higher level group of four through one, I'd hate to see them stop being competitive options for gear progression at level cap--whatever that cap may be.

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In future will we be able to more fully upgrade our weapons and armor? as in get paints and decals for the armor and addons for our weapons like bayonets scopes and grenade launchers? thanks in advance Edited by Snow_Hawk
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UI Modifications have created a steadily rising quality of life for Operation members in competing MMOs as well as creating balancing issues for raid designers. In order to sidestep the balancing issues of Operations encounters, the SWToR has decided to not enable modding.


However, could we expect to see the quality of life improvements to the UI to be rolled into SWToR? Such as frame color changes to denote when a party/operations member has a debuff, or the ability to bind certain ability uses to clicking on the party/operations frames (such as guard, guardian leap, heals, debuff clense, etc)?

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Looking forward to the new space missions, but will it be rail system or free flying? Also, good to see a new species becoming playable but will we see more this year.... Cathar would seem to be more republic based, what about Imperials?
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Jedi Guardians, Jedi Sentinels, and Jedi Sages have the option of using non-lightsaber weaponry. Jedi Shadows cannot equip electrostaves without severely hindering their abilities! Was this intended? Why no love for staff-type non-lightsaber weapons?
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Is there any chance that there will be fully realized in-game graphics for the current "Invisible stat-sticks", weapons and "wieldables" like the Agent/Operative's Vibroknife, the Smuggler/Scoundrel's Scattergun, Focus Items and Shield Generators etc....that have a character sheet slot yet no in-game graphic? Without them, it seems that classes that do not wield "preferred" weapon/equipment types in each hand have a significantly impaired visual feedback of their advancement through the game. Especially as a player with an Operative (whom has a talent tree dedicated to Vibroknife skills) as a main, I very much feel the absence of these graphics - unable to see my Vibroknife slot item belted to my hip or thigh, draw it, have it used in attack animations and more; feeling similar vacancy in my experience while playing other classes so afflicted.


As a second issue, I'd like to speak about the role of the "magic stock graphic pistol" that appears on the hip of my Agent, despite his inability to use pistols as a class or advance class, during conversations? It would seem that with very little alteration to current animations, a fully realized Vibroknife-slot item could be visible for use were one available. I am told that similar occurrences happen for other classes as well (ie. The Trooper) during conversations, and it feels to me like a large oversight to players of many classes and certainly not the sort of corner-cutting expected when SWTOR has made Conversations such an important part of their game?


More information here, for those interested - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=268729

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HI devs,


here's an idea..


Why not make a new race that will only be unlocked if we mixed up two different races' relationships of certain levels to unlock a certain race or (new class?) plus new (or old) skills for future patches.. And the good thing here is that you will not release any combinations, races, skills, classes to be unlocked with each combination and let all of us discover them for our selves.. In that way we'll take time searching for right combinations to unlock our favorite race..

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Can you shed some light on the 'current' in development model for the upcoming free server transfers?

(Server A moves to server B ..or.. servers A and B move to new server C ..or.. something unheard of?)

Edited by Briseius
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