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Top Ten Reasons YOU play SWTOR? Top five reasons you quit?


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Reasons why i still play:

1. My friends/guild.

2. PvE experience is trending upwards.

3. PvP is fun.

4. It's Star Wars.

5. It's BioWare.


Reasons why i would quit right now:

1. Developers seem out of touch with their own game.

2. PvP experience and balance is trending downward.

3. PvE Content is slim at best.

4. Being a Republic player in a Empire game.

5. It's EA.

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Top 3 reasons I play:

1) Juggernaut is cool (leaping all over the place, ect)

2) Star Wars

3) Huttball


Top 3 reasons I might quit:

1) Friends quit because of 2) and 3)

2) No good open world PvP

3) The objectives in the non-huttball warzones are boring

Edited by Lymain
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I play it because it is brilliant. I have never thought thus far of unsubbing.


Class story, story in general.


Playability. I like that you get to USE your powers later as you level, not just use four to five of them as some other games have you do, where there are powers that are just bought and forgotten.


Voice over.


Space missions.


Just that fact that it is well written and fun. I have not yet found a class who's story I don't find awesome!


My bit done.

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10 for playing:

1. Star Wars'esq feel

2. Class story lines

3. Hoping it will be more like kotor in the future

4. Pvp warzones are entertaining, sometimes

5. Hoping Legacy becomes more then a credit sink

6. I'm out of reasons...


5 for quitting:

1. Side quests make me want to /wrists

2. Boring repetitive leveling system ^like this^

3. Legacy system nothing but a giant credit sink

4. Bioware not adding anything worth a **** to the game.

5. Armor sets are so not Star Wars it makes me feel angry

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Top Ten Reasons

1-4 Loved KotOR

5-6 BW fanboy since Baldur's Gate

7-8 Played Sith Lords repeatedly just to get my Old Republic fix taken care of.

9-10 Its The Old Republic


Top 5 reasons why I will probably quit

1-3 PVP

Sorry but I don't think its the devs that are out of touch with the game. I think its a lot of subs that are out of touch with the game. I think you have a whole lot of ex-Wow and other ex-MMO players coming here and expecting what they are familiar with. But Bioware has always been about story line. Period. End of Story. To complain that there are only 4 areas where basically people go to hack and slash for credits and potential prizes is nonsensical to me. Why do you need more than 4? Warzones are the same boring routine everytime. The howls of complaint that came from this sector are absolultely insane. How should BW have handled it? They should have opened a small number PVP only servers and allowed anyone to transfer there. Then as those people left the game they would not have scuttled entire servers with them. I really dislike the focus that PVP has taken and how much the future of this game appears to be around that.


4. Flashpoints and Ops. Read the PVP notes above. I think the real social opportunity here was in the planetary heroics. It makes more sense to me to have in depth missions that are much more difficult and challenging on a planet level. I have done a couple of HM raids with my guild. Frankly third time through is just plan boring. See PVP notes above.


5. Storyline. I play for the story. I love this game for the story. The codex entries, the lore, the connections between items and characters that BW has so finely crafted. But at 50 when my character is at the height of power and accomplishment, the story is over. For me so is the game. I have 2 characters at 50 now. When I finish leveling the others I will probably move on. I need the story. I primarily play a Role Playing Game. I need a Role to play at 50 and this game just doesn't have it. PVP, FPs, Ops. means to me that I may as well be playing a FPS and the last one of those I bought was the original Call of Duty. Boring.

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What are the top things you can say about SWTOR? Or perhaps, top five reasons you quit? I am still playing, so to start this off I will post my top ten reasons why I still play SWTOR and am interested in it, though NOT necessarily in this order.

- Music. It's elegant, plentiful and enhances the narrative.


- Massive, diverse environments. The SWTOR planets themselves I find very unique in art style, architecture, color scheme, mass, setup and above all, story and lore.


- Datacrons. I just find these really entertaining to find.

- The Codex. I love the fact that there is just this massive encyclopedia of lore for the game, a rumoured 1-2 novels worth.


- Class Story: We knew this was coming. All the stories are very interesting to me and fufill the star wars archetypes, and it really makes you feel unstoppable, and one man army.


- Flashpoints and Operations. I like that these are fun, have variety, have challenge AND are infused with Bioware storytelling, lore and environments. If you WoW PvE, you will like SWTOR PvE., as it is often more in-depth and has a greater feeling of peril.


- Crew Skills. Grind free crafting. Awesome.


- Space Combat. I love it, I dont know why, I just do.


- Overall Presentation of the Star Wars Universe. If there is but one thing this game does right, it is capturing the Star Wars feel. Great, massive and diverse world, interesting (though cliche) characters, tons of lore to explore and a real sense of galactic conflict. Its a personalized Star Wars saga with the class stories and world arc and RPG style lore, but at the end of the day you can join with friends and have fun in a perilous, exciting flashpoints and operations, or bashing some heads in some fully voice acted warzones


Things that ARE wrong with this game:

- HORRIBLE character customization

- Though fun, flashpoints and ops must progressively attain more difficulty,

- Lack of PvP endgames. I enjoy warzones, but four is not enough for hardcore PvPers.

- Lack of variety in terms of housing and minigames (though space combat is a step in the right direction).

- Needs MORE DIVERGING stories in flashpoints and world arcs

- No hobbies or alternate professions outside of space combat

- Population imbalance, but you knew that.


Otherwise, I really love SWTOR and think Bioware should proceed to not keep up the good work, but proceed to do better to make the content better with every update, to be progressive and learn.

I pretty much agree with everything you have said inlcuding the downsides. The upcoming content and updates should address most of these downsides. I am personally interested to see the difficulty level of Nightmare :)

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Top reasons I started playing

- It's a BioWare RPG.

- It's Star Wars

- Every class has it's own storyline.

- Fully voice acted.

- No repeated quests between the factions.


The single reason I didn't resub yesterday.

It's been six months and we haven't seen a single new class or companions quest. Six. Months. This game was supposed to be the BioWare story that would never end. In this respect, BioWare has not delivered imo. Instead of doing what they to best (create awesome stories) they insist on going the WoW route by adding more and more dailies and raids. If I wanted to play WoW, i'd play WoW. I came here for the "Bioware story" and until more of that is implemented I will remain unsubbed.

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There's only one reason I cancelled my recurring subscription: the way BioWare sprung the server merges on us.


I fully understand the need for low pop servers to be made into origin servers and allow people to move, but why were so many healthy pop servers designated as origin? Lord Adraas, for example, was by all accounts right around the same pop as Ebon Hawk, and LA was designated for transfers. It gutted the entire server, destroyed many guilds (my own included) and caused a lot of people to have to rename their characters and legacy. Since BioWare has been stressing the importance of the Legacy system, and reminding us at every turn that we need to be sure when we choose a name, because it's permanent, and basically putting a high importance on our characters' identities to have to lose that identity after months of play time is frustrating.


If BW had come out before the transfers and said stated that they would be merging servers, for the benefit of all the features coming in patch 1.3 (LFG, pvp, etc.) then many of us would not have been annoyed by suddenly having a healthy server population disappear. I feel that I was duped and that BW is only giving us the illusion of choice by calling these merges "transfers" instead. The process is exactly how EA/Mythic consolidated servers in Warhammer, allowing free transfers first then forcing people after the server was shut down, but at least they stated they would be doing it that way. In a few months, I expect most of the origin servers to be gone entirely.


I still have two months left in my subscription, and in a few days maybe I will feel like playing again. I lost a guild I put a lot of time and effort into establishing an identity and reputation on my server, and when some of my guildies transferred and tried to recreate the guild they found that the name was already taken. So now I lost out monetarily on our guild's website. However, I will see if I can regain my desire to play, especially as the new patch comes and we find out more about what is coming at the end of the year.


Oh, ok, maybe one other reason: all the free to play talk. You should have worked out f2p from the beginning, in my experience games that go from sub to f2p are never the same, and every one I've played tha went that way I wound up quitting.

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Top 10 reasons why I play


10. Nothing better to do: In the this is not really the case as I find a lot to do, ride a bike over 1000 miles each summer, fish, play golf, etc. But it does get dark and rains and such, I don't really watch TV or go to the movies so I play games.

9. WOW added pandas: I have actually been waiting for this game since the information about the focus group was leaked just after SOE NGEd SWG. But while waiting I began to play WOW had a lot of fun made friends and such. There was actually a time when I wasn't sure if I would leave wow for SWTOR but they added pandas and helped me decide.

8. Fully voiced: Now I'm not saying Nancy McIntyre was right but the voice stuff was and still is nice.

7. Story: The story kind of gives you a purpose of doing things verse a mindless grind. I think wow had a story with quest to a point but I never read them just went and killed and got reward. Swtor gave you the story see #8

6. Its a MMO: MMOs are kind of a living game. Sure all the world stuff is always the same but there is always something different because players make the community and while many are the same every night moods change, they can be funny, can be ***holes, and anything can happen with players.

5. Companions: Han had Chewie, Luke had R2. You always need a sidekick. Its nice for some one to have your back. You even end up making decision based on what they would think. Kind of helps shape our charcters personallity.

4. Lightsabers>swords: Kind of a no brainer. If you really wanted to pretty much anybody could have a sword in real life but SWTOR is one very few places, and they are all games, in which you can have your very on light saber.

3. Choices: Big selling point of the game, your decisions matter. (see other #3)

2. Doing stuff with other people: MMOs are social games. You interact with other people most of which you never know or will never meet. You make friends even if it is only a game and they thin you name is someting really wierd and don't even know how to say it. You run flash points with them, you do operations with them, you pvp withe them, you tell stupid jokes, you lol, you win , you lose. But other people are there and its more fun because they are there.

1. Its Star Wars: Yes I'm old, I saw Star Wars when I was a kid a long time ago it what seems most days like a galaxy far away. Life has changed, I have changed, but I'm still a Star Wars fan.


Top 5 Reasons I quit (I just cancled last week and my subscription runs out on the 21st, kind of sad)

5. Crafting: I know thats kind of strange as you don't have to craft to play. But any way I have level most crafting professions, was still working on armstech, and I have been very disappointed. You make decent stuff but not really that good. Cybertech was the most disappointing of all. I have a guardian and a juggernaunt and I was leveling cybertech so I could make mods, well guess what when you get to 400 there are really no good mods to make. Just run the daily and get you mod. That's okay though as I was still get the crits on occasion and had a piece with an augment slot... oooh rare = good but in 1.3 you get kits so = not so rare = no big deal = crafting sucks.

4. Companions: Its nice having somebody with you and all but what if its not really the one that you wanted. If I play a tanking character for example well there is really no need to have another tank. So let them dps you say well the healer is obviously the companion you need. So I don't really get to chose which companion. Thats okay if you are a BH, Mako isn't bad. Its okay if you are a jedi, Doc can be kind of funny. But if you are a sith warrior you get Malavai Quinn, a total *****. He even tries to kill me. I'm a sith lord dark iv mind you and dude tries to kill me but I can't use Vette because I need him to heal. No choice of companion really you kind of get stuck based on the role for you character. Why can't I chose my compaions advance class. Jaesa would be a sorcerer healing me if I really had a choice.

3. Choices: (see above #3) The choices you make really don't mean anything. I killed a guy and got dark side points when I wanted to be light iv so I run eseles and get 200 lightside points in about 15 minutes. You don't really have a choice of companions (see quitting #4). You really don't have a choice of light side dark side. I'd actually prefer not to be either with most characters but I kind of need a relic.

2. Not enough people to do stuff with: Playing MMOs is about playing with other people whn I log in most nights there is 25 or less people on the republic fleet 30 or so on the Imperial side, less than 5 per planet. Many nights I never see another player except on the fleet. Hard to enjoy playing with other people when there are no other people.

1. Tired of waiting: In one of the reason I play I stated that I have been waiting for this game since shortly after SOE NGEd SWG, thats a long time. I pre-ordered at the end of July when the announced pre-orders, I had to wait to get EGA, no big deal I still get in early. I would hit a button for an attack I had to wait on it to actually happen. They fixed it after a while but I was still waiting until they did it. The population died; they said they were gonna have transfers and I waited , and waited, and waited. They said they were gonna open them up on 6-12-12. And I happily waited. Then no transfer for me maybe tomorrow, so I waited. The next day no transfer, so I waited still nothing, maybe tomorrow. So after waiting another day at the end of the day they say no more for the weekend wait and we will se how it goes. So I log in and try to find a group and I wait and never find one. I que for pvp and wait for an hour or more. I don't think its worth waiting for anymore.


Until Tuesday I don't think I had posted more than two or three times on these forums. I post and people flamed me said I was being negative. Heck I even got into an arguement with thomasthegalient sorry thomas I really wasn't trying to be negative on Tuesday when I said some of us would have to wait until next week. This game could have had a good community It could have had so many things (and could still have) but it has been long enough. I for one am tired of waiting.

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Plus side:


1/ Nice cut scenes (the 1st time round).

2/ Star Wars!!!

3/ Potental?


Minus side:


1/ It's a roller coaster with punishment for exploring (Fatigue).

2/ Boredom at 50 if your not a daily addict.

3/ The crafting is awful & worst of all... Useless at 50!

4/ Same storyline over and over, far to much time & money wasted on cut scenes that in the end only hurt the game by being repeat heaven (or hell).

5/ Server tranfers were great, til they didn't add more character slots and the people that re-rolled got shafted by it.

6/ No RvR style PvP.

7/ No choice in PvP.

8/ To few character options at creation. Choice is good!

9/ No feeling epic, like you are the hero. You stand on the fleet with the same companion & looks as the rest. Your nothing but a clone! No character bonding at all.


I'm sure theres more to be said on both sides of the coin, but it's late and I'm off to hang myself!


Goodnight and Dog bless! Woof! :o

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Plus side:


1/ Nice cut scenes (the 1st time round).

2/ Star Wars!!!

3/ Potental?


Minus side:


1/ It's a roller coaster with punishment for exploring (Fatigue).

2/ Boredom at 50 if your not a daily addict.

3/ The crafting is awful & worst of all... Useless at 50!

4/ Same storyline over and over, far to much time & money wasted on cut scenes that in the end only hurt the game by being repeat heaven (or hell).

5/ Server tranfers were great, til they didn't add more character slots and the people that re-rolled got shafted by it.

6/ No RvR style PvP.

7/ No choice in PvP.

8/ To few character options at creation. Choice is good!

9/ No feeling epic, like you are the hero. You stand on the fleet with the same companion & looks as the rest. Your nothing but a clone! No character bonding at all.


I'm sure theres more to be said on both sides of the coin, but it's late and I'm off to hang myself!


Goodnight and Dog bless! Woof! :o


What do you mean by choice in pvp?

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Top reasons i stay subscribed,


1. I enjoy my time in the game.

2. The stories feel like you are part of star wars.

3. I have a variety of playstyle options.

4. I enjoy the challenges presented by solo join PvP.

5. I like helping people, in my own way.


Top reasons I would quit.


1. Gamers refuse to take personal responsibility for their own actions.

2. Team mates that forget that the other side will stop queuing if treated like NPC resource Nodes.

3. Drive by Guild invites without any previous communication.

4. Anon forum posters making statements they would not dare make face to face.

5. Drivel on the forums designed only to nerf other classes.

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1.) It isn't wow.

2.) There is at the very least some resemblance of fairness in PvP.

3.)The don't have Pandas

4.)see number 3

5.)see number 1

6.) the devs don't screw with the talent system and completely overhaul it every year.

7.)This game doesn't have Chris Metzen involved with it, which is a HUGE bonus.

8.) it's ok to be the good guys for once in an MMO, though barely

9.) No trade chat trolls

10.) NW actually cares about scammers/cheaters etc.

11.) Few, VERY few young teens and tweens


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10 Reasons I'm still playing.


- Fan of Star Wars and Kotor.

- WoW just doesnt hold my interest anymore.

- Legacy Unlocks

- Class Stories

- Each Companion has some lovable quirk to them.

- Dual Wield Lightsabers

- Ability to just log on and play myself at my own pace whenever I want.

- Fan of Bioware products and know they will bounce back eventually.

- The fact they included the Battle of the Heroes theme from Revenge of the Sith.


and Most importantly this is the big thing that keeps me playing


- I have fun. I honestly truthfully do.


hehe "- Ability to just log on and play myself at my own pace whenever I want." lol, hows that different from any other game :rolleyes:


(Sry big post coming :) )


Oh well my reasons to play the game:

- Its Starwars universe, played wow and i am never going back to a fantasy themed mmo thats for sure. You just cant get tired of a lightsaber swing sound :)

- PVP, even though we lack severe world pvp content atm and warzones are repetitive the fights will never be the same and why i pvp and not pve.


Reasons i like the game:


- Story on levelling was a nice touch and the optional outcome made it fun also, but only the first character, spaced through my others sadly.

- No big reputation grind for this and that item/recipe/mount/mats. Crew skill professions might not been as fun as in wow (explosive sheep lol) but it is still nice that i can train all my levels from whereever i want.

- datacrons was also fun to chase down with friends (some lost from falling into their deaths lol)


Reasons i dislike the game:


- World pvp or a bigger warzone, nuff said. Call me an old farting wow lover but i kind of miss the really big alterac valley skirmishes, you remember those?

- Questing, while entertaining with different stories, i have done exactly the same path of planets on all my characters xcept the starter planet ofc and it just gets to the point of annoying. Which leaves me to my last point.

- Rollercoaster effect. The game while feeling like a mmo generally, just feels like you cant make any wast different choices. The space combat also backs up my point. While entertaining at first i just get quickly annoyed that i cant fly THAT way around the incoming astoroid but have to follow the same line everytime :/

- I know i am properly alone on this, but from start and till now i still cannot grasp the concept of how BW did the class/advance classes design. Me and my friend levelled as a sorc and assasin aswell and i was sooo dissapointed to see when we first got our pvp armor that they were exactly the same just with a different color. Not to mention i rolled a sorc for the cool lighting and what does my rogue ish friend have aswell? Force lighting >.<

Whats the use of a basic class that gets split up into two different classes?

Ask yourself what is an inquisitor? Well erm its a lighting firing..WRONG thats a sorc.. oh well its then a melee hitting, WRONG thats an assasin lol :(



Reasons i could quit the game:


- Content added too slow. I dont mean to complain about the current content its nice and all and i properly have the luxury of spending more time on the game than most ppl, but ive never gone through the content so fast in this game as any other. I dinged 50 and did a few flashpoints and before i knew it i had already gone through the two operations at the time and bam i was done. The same fight just slighty harder doesnt really cut it for me as its still the same boss. Flashpoints plays little role in prepping you for operations, heck i even did one operation in pvp gear, it was np. This is why i pvp again, new players, never the same fight. I remember spending way more time in the dungeons of wow to get my first dungeon set first before ever THINKING about stepping into the first raid molten core.


BW has also yet to prove me that they are on top of the needs also of what mmo's want. Guildbank, Groupfinder tool, mailbox in ships and all the upcoming ways to increase the xp of your alt (in many cases their 8th alt and alts is what legacy is all about) should have come much sooner in the game. Dual spec come on already. I know that wow did not have all this at start, but i just dont think that you can argue that sw can start at the same exact point. The game has been in development for many years and it was released 6 years after wow.


I am currently greatly awaiting to see what they have done with ranked warzones.


my 50 cents

- Steele

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top 5 reasons I quit:


PvP was no longer fun after 1.2 and I was not going to endure changes in name of "balance" which were merely changes to introduce flavor of the month classes in the name of making $$.


I live on the West Coast in the U.S.- the game was down too often when I was just getting home from work. Sorry, I know server maintenance is important and all but I'll find another game that does not exclude the West Coast of the United States...


The server population fiasco


The delay in doing anything about the server population fiasco...


This game is too much like a WoW clone... I'd prefer to play something with more innovations than the WoW/ EQ mold which was worse than Ultima Online.

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Why i left:

Stupid developers think they know more than the people who play the game.

1)No way to control the population

2) Promised content cut

3)Going f2p shortly why support it

4)No lfg tools

5)Poor communication and arrogance (lies) from Biware.


I could put up with a lot but the way bioware handled everything up to and including the mergers means i wont be back.

It could have been good but they may so many blunders.


James Ohlen: I am not fan I am a gamer. I only wanted to play the game.

I dont care if your game survives or dies. i am not fanatical. i suggest you use proper terminology in your videos from now on, that was also not very smart.

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I'm still playing. 10 reasons would be stretching me, I'll give top 5 reasons why I play & my 3 big disincentives from playing (in order).


Top 5 Reasons I'll keep subscribing for the foreseeable future:


1) SWTOR has locally based AU/NZ servers. Even if I hated the game, I'd pay for an account just to support an MMO running proper localised servers.

2) The single player campaigns are great, I love the stories & the RP element of each of my characters.

3) I enjoy the crafting system. REing is interesting. Adding time into the process is a great move on many levels. I think the game's crafting economy has worked out extremely well, despite having the major handicap of utterly antiquated auction house functionality.

4) I like the atmosphere. I turn music off in 95%+ of games, SWTOR is one of a handful of exceptions - the music itself is good, and the way it's used is exceptional. All the art is stylistically effective in establishing atmosphere, and there are moments when it's genuinely jawdropping (the first time I saw the flying fish-things on Alderaan I just stopped and stared for a good minute or two). There are games with "better" art/music, but they're rarely used as effectively (something I'd say SWTOR & WoW have in common).

5) I'll say it again... AU/NZ servers... 30ms ping in an MMO is dreamy.


Top 5 things that Irritate me most:


1) Bioware doesn't seem like an MMO oriented company. It feels like the development staff are running the asylum unchecked. There's a point where "good enough for now" is the best solution, and adequate continuous service beats perfecting that service. You haul down the service for minor in-game fixes while taking ~6 months of bleeding subscribers to implement server transfers. Bioware's customer service priorities are all over the place & it feels like the development team needs to be brought to heel by someone who's got customer service experience rather than having customers + customer service being dictated to by development.


BTW. This is the second time I've written this, the first time I wrote it & pressed submit I got a "this service is down for scheduled maintenance" message... a 'scheduled' maintenance that isn't mentioned anywhere prior & couldn't have been saved till the (genuinely) scheduled maintenance tomorrow? Really? But that's Standard Operating Practice at Bioware. This sort of mismanagement is the only way SWTOR could potentially lose my subscription, but I honestly wouldn't put it past the out-of-control development management do it :(


2) While I love the roleplay element, I wish it were more open ended. All too often the choices boil down to cookie-cutter light/dark. I tried to play my Bounty Hunter as a pure grey warrior-code professional, and I was constantly being railroaded out of a character I'd have thought would be one of the most obvious choices for a mandalorian bounty hunter. E.G. There is no way in hell my BH would have failed to complete the Gault bounty if it hadn't been pre-ordained by a railroading plot. The "press flirt once & prepare for sex+marriage" romance plotlines are another obvious example of railroading.


3) By not embracing 3rd party addons, SWTOR has reliability at the cost of flexibility & creativity. Bioware could be 5 times more creative than their competition, but their competition also has a surrogate community of thousands of unpaid developers working for them simultaneously. Because Bioware can't compete with that sort of creative output, BW should be much more proactive in cherry-picking the best of the competition's 3rd party designs and adapting them into the more reliable SWTOR environment. In particular I'm thinking of stuff like: Mogit, Power Auras[/ulr], Tidy Plates, Omen, Altoholic and the Undermine Journal. With the exception of PA, Omen & Tidy Plates, those are pure quality-of-life improvements that SWTOR is missing out on.


Just opening up to addons would be a lot simpler & probably involve less development time. I foresee it being a cold day in hell before the development staff agree to some else messing with their precious though.

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The ONE and ONLY reason I am still playing is: KOTOR


This game holds a certain amount of sentimental value to me because KOTOR is probably my favourite game ever and I feel I owe it to KOTOR to give this game a chance.


If there was no KOTOR, I wouldnt be as forgiving

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1) class stories

2) horizontal scaling in PvP 10-49

3) unlocking emotes buffs and classes for meeting certain requirements

4) graphical design - the worlds do look different - maybe there could be some tourist spots

5) huttball





1) crafting window - discoveries should be grouped near the original item - it always forgets about them

2) legacy prices - WTB credits?

3) class similarities interrupts, knock backs, ..

4) missing social things (might change with bigger servers and Group Finder Tool) yet there was only one world event

5) lack of personal communication on part of the customer service or developer feedback. I mean with the same number of tickets I had like 1 helpful CS chat, lots of auto response tickets, where a few were just unhelpful and the ticket closed right away - On a competing game a game master would have been shown up at lot more and

would only close the ticket after making sure the issue is resolved.


x) poor breakdown on Dark Side and Light Side choices. I mean they feel stereotype. The low level companions seem to favour LS choices apart from the agent.

x2) Loading screens. I mean go Balmorra loading screen - 50 second travel Black Whole Loading screen. Woha..

x3) unable to teach certain companions basic "ozzz loock nack zac k bal..."

x4) missing challenges - e.g. defeat X in y minutes - keep y alive - sharing codexes- datacrons missing hooking end-game

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The ONE and ONLY reason I am still playing is: KOTOR


This game holds a certain amount of sentimental value to me because KOTOR is probably my favourite game ever and I feel I owe it to KOTOR to give this game a chance.


If there was no KOTOR, I wouldnt be as forgiving


Same here. I was hoping for a continual process of my char's lore and story in TOR, but it basically ended when he hit 50. Was a great game and experence for me leveling up....like it was KOTOR 3. But to the OP's thread...


Reasons I played:


1. Was Star Wars.

2. Loved KOTOR

3. BioWare did a great job with the cinematics.

4. The rich story for my Jedi Shadow

5. Companion system.


Reasons I quit:


1. Nothing to do at level 50 except dailies.

2. Very hard and sometimes impossible to get groups for runs.

3. Very lack luster crafting system.

4. Choices in the game really had no real impact on the game or char.

5. Combat felt "clunky" at times. Lack of smooth transitions.

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