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Everything posted by Kyneris

  1. Hey people, I love lightsabers designs so... I made some of my own. They belong to the various characters in this story I've been writing on an off. The lightsabers can be found here: Deviantart clicky! Thanks for checking it out and have a good one!
  2. BioWare, please consider allowing companions to use multiple types of weapons. For example: Allow Nadia, Kira and Jaesa to equip single lightsabers in addition to double-bladed lightsabers. I picked out cool lightsabers for each of them but now they can't use them anymore. This would of cours be a cosmetic change as it amounts to little more than a change in animation. It would do wonders for immersion and it would enhance the game's already impressive amount of customizability.
  3. Now that we have cross-class and cross-faction companions It would be nice to have old character customizations found on vendors be available to all characters. They are currently bind on pickup which effectively makes them faction-bound. Please consider making them Bind On Equip or Bind on Legacy.
  4. The Jedi robes as seen in Knights of the Old Republic II are so close I can taste them! Please BioWare, you are our only hope!
  5. Well, if you'd like, I could help you craft a more believeable character instead of this anime-esque version you have going on.
  6. I appreciate the fact that you went through the trouble of typing all of that. It shows that you are dedicated to your character and that's awesome. Having said that, you character has some serious next-level mary-sue going on.
  7. I would like to invite everyone who has posted (or is thinking about posting here) to do this Mary Sue character test. I'm curious to see how it turns out. The character in my signature scored a 31.
  8. I'm a male and when it comes to games with a heavy emphasis on story (BioWare and Bethesda games etc) I always play as "myself." I create a character with the same ethnicity, hair color, eye color, height, age group etc as myself and I use my own morality/world view to make choices and advance the story. Since SWTOR has so many different stories, I picked the class that appealed to me the most (Jedi Consular) and applied the above to it. When it comes to alts (or repeated playthroughs for singleplayer games) I create alternate personalities and roleplay those. Jedi Shadow, Sith Sorcerer, Vanguard and Sniper are male. Jedi Guardian, Sith Marauder, Mercenary and Scoundrel are female.
  9. I am of the opinion that F2P pretty much saved this game and it's the reason why this game is doing as well as it is atm.
  10. Tbh, I kinda wished that Obsidian kept the uniform-like Jedi robes from KOTOR I in KOTOR II. The change from those two styles was much to sudden to make it really believable. The change should have been gradual over the 3500 years or so between KOTOR and the movies. With that said, it is what it is, the movie-style Jedi robes were made the standard in KOTOR II, so it should be the same in SWTOR imo.
  11. Ok, I'll bite and respond to these points. I must be out of my mind to do this... but w/e. 1: Makes no sense. Paying taxes isn't about funding the government, it's about being able to fund the things government does to run and improve society. Police, Fire, Military, building new roads, education etc. Such core infrastructures need to be improved and maintained on a continuous rate which is the purpose of taxation. The whole notion of voluntary taxation is just another way of saying. "I want anarchy." 2: Believe it or not, Doctors aren't miracle workers. Medical science hasn't been able to create the magic wand that cures all ailments forever. Also, healthy people (or those that feel healthy) don't go to the doctor or have regular check ups. People only go out of their way to have their health taken care of when something is amiss which is why we have sick care. And the notion that doctors don't recommend a healthy lifestyle is just absurd. To suggest that there's a massive conspiracy that revolves around keeping people sick as long as possible is a paranoid delusion. Just to add to this point: Is is wrong that treating an affliction is more profitable than curing it, I think so. But to extrapolate that to say that there's a massive conspiracy around that involving all doctors and medical workers is again, absurd. 3: I sort of agree with this one, the USA is limited to only two parties both of which have sure signs of being in favor of corporatism and being an oligarchy. The American way of politics is one of legalized bribery (Citizens united etc) which effectively destroyed any real form of democracy. 4: Back in the day, hundres of years ago, people did what they hated all day every day also, with no pay at all, no days off or any other kinds of benefits simply because some Lord or King owned the land they lived on. Today, people have vacation time, workers rights, unions, pay/disposable income, which is a vast improvement over the situations of the past. Now, that's not to say that the current system is perfect, but our lives have (mostly) improved over the centuries in terms freedom and economic power. 5: I agree with this one, simply because it's correct. The Federal Reserve Bank ( a private bank) owns and produces all the money in the system which it lends out with debt attached. This is how they excercise massive influence on the system, which is wrong imo. 6: I feel this is another paranoid delusion. The purpose of those TV shows isn't to promote certain values, but to make money. Whether or not that's bad also is a discussion for another day, but reality shows or drama shows aren't here to impose a lifestyle on people I would say. 7: I agree with this one. Privacy and the problem of mass surveilance is a real issue that needs to be adress. The idea that "I've got nothing to hide." is bogus because it assumes that it's by definition ok to spy on people if they have not broken any laws, which I think it's not. Spying on people who you have reasonable evidence against is something that's arguable, mass spying on everyone is not. 8: This looks like a standard, run of the mill pro-gun speech. Guns don't make a society safer, if it did, the USA is the safest place on earth, it's not. Are there places with high rates of gun ownership that are safe ? Sure, Switzerland and Canada are examples, but thats not because of their guns, but dispite of them. Guns aren't the answer. 9: More paranoid delusions, fluoridation of water as a means of improving dental health isn't debateable. It's backed by piles of scientific evidence. Believe it or not, some people actually do care about others. 10: I don't see why this is an issue. The same could be said of nicotine and any other recreational drug (including alcohol and caffeine), people use these substances for a reason (getitng high, staying awake etc) and it's a part of one's freedom to be able to choose how to live your life. If someone chooses to smoke, drink or w/e, then it's not anyone else's place to stop that person. 11: More paranoid delusions. To suggest that mental conditions don't exist but are concept created by the government to push medication to people is beyond absurd. The Psychologic and Psychatric sciences have good (scientific) reasons to classify the various mental conditons as they do. With that said, are some institutions a bit too eager to perscribe medication when there are alternatives ? Yes, I think so too. Could there be a profit motive for this, in some cases sure. But to assert some kind of mass conspiracy is just.... absurd. 12: There is some truth to this one. Many news sources are privately owned (like Fox News) and try to influence public opinion by distorting facts, giving scewed opinions or just flatout lying. People should watch/read news from different sources and make up their own mind. 13: This is true to an extent, but it doesn't involve everyone. There is a global push for the improvement of the environment (climate change etc) and most people do believe that it's a problem. Corporate and economic interests inhibit the fixes to these problems more than people's perceived inaction imo. 14: I love this one. The advocation of the acceptance of unproven and unexplained as fact. Science is not about what people feel, or what people experience. It's not about what you want to believe. It's about what you can prove to be true. Do people have near-death experiences ? Sure. No one is disputing that. Do near-death experiences provide any evidence of the existence of the afterlife or anything similar ? Not in the slightest. In fact, near-death experiences have been reproduced in controlled environments via chemical induction. Acupuncture has not been shown to have any healing ability whatsoever other than the placebo effect, which is why we dont practise it in hospitals. It's called "alternative" medicine for a reason because if ti actually worked, it wouldn't be alternative, but simply medicine. As for Ayahuasca, I love how a minute ago you were advocating against mind-altering dugs and now you are advocating for them ? Makes no sense. People have been taking drugs since forever, some people get life-changing experiences. No one is doubting that the experiences exist. Is that proof that these experiences are anything other than chemically induced trips/hallucinations etc ? No. 15: Questioning everything is a good thing. However, the article about "20 questions they refused to answer." is filled with gaps in logic and is telling of a complete lack of understanding of the way history and science works. Questions like "Why are there sill apes if humans evolved." is just cringe-worthy. 16: There is zero proof at all for any of the supposed supernatural events. And everytime someone does claim to have proof, it's destroyed by science. In closing: The OP's post is written by someone who lacks any real understanding of the sciences of the world and simply (mindlessly) accepts the paranoid delusions brought forth from many of the conspiracy theorists about there. He is seeing agency and malevolence everywhere even when none exists, he a slave to a paranoid-ridden, conspiracy building matrix of his own. In the event that the OP didn't read this but simply copy-pasted this from some other source, than this all applies to that original writer ofc.
  12. Well, the robes in question appeared in the movies before they appeared any KOTOR game and in much of the pre-Original Trilogy era Star Wars media, Jedi were seen wearing those types of robes (with some exceptions). This is the type of clothing that is associated with Jedi. Isn't it fair to say that this is what they traditionally wear ? Those robes would be a nice addition to SWTOR for sure. And if those robes were in KOTOR II instead of the robes we got, I would call for them instead of the "traditional" ones. I want the movie-style Jedi robes that debuted in KOTOR II. I don't know what happened to Jedi fashion between KOTOR and KOTOR II, but somewhere in that five year period, they made the switch from the uniform-type Jedi robes from KOTOR to the movie-esque robes from KOTOR II. I want those robes, they were in KOTOR II so there's no real reason why they shouldn't be in SWTOR also.
  13. Sadly, this is the reality we live in. Any type of comparison, comments or criticism about game x, y or z is not seen by many of x, y or z's fanbase as an invitation to an exchange of ideas, but as an attack on their person. Some people immediately go into the position akin to a cornered animal and go berserk. Unable to distinguish between debating a concept or idea and attacking them on a personal level. Obiter dictum: Maybe this is me being judgemental, but it strikes me that most of these people just aren't capable (or willing) to be objective and think critically about such things.
  14. Did you even play KOTOR II ? Every Jedi on the Jedi Council except Atris wore those robes and even Atris had a modified version of the traditional Jedi robes. In addition to that, it doesn't matter what the Jedi wore in KOTOR I, because they had the traditional movie-style robes in KOTOR II which takes place ~5 years after KOTOR I and however many Jedi were or were not around is totally irrelevant to this point. Amount of mods used: Zero.
  15. I like the new items added, but what so many people (myself included) want are these. I have ~5600 cartel coins saved up so I can buy 4 of them right when they are released (if ever. )
  16. Allow me to explain.... Well, it wasn't until WoW and it's massive success that MMORPGs starting popping up left and right, trying to cash in on the hype created by Blizzard by copying WoW. I would consider this phenomenon to be "the moment when WoW made MMORPGs mainstream." I have no doubt that EQ and UO occupied a lot of the MMO market in those days, but the mmo market back then was very small compared to what it became after WoW was released which is another reason why I would say that WoW was the "mainstream breakthough moment" of the MMORPG genre. Even though this has nothing to do with the topic or what I said at all, I'll adress this anyway since lots of people bring this up. When creating WoW, Blizzard took the best ideas of the MMORPGS (and other games) of those days and rolled them all into one game. That coupled with WarCraft's popularity as a franchise and Blizzard's reputation for making good games (Warcraft III, StarCraft and Diablo) was enough to spark the explosion that was World of Warcraft. It wasn't original, no one ever said it was, When you take a step back however, you will see that this point ultimately irrelevant. Nothing exists in a vacuum, everything that we humans create is based of something else that came before it, art, science, mathematics etc However, when WoW does it, it's suddenly a problem. I didn't say WoW created the MMORPG genre. However due to it's overwhelming success, it has become the standard to which all other MMORPGs are measured against. Like it nor not, that's the reality of the situation. Also, "best" is a subjective term. If a person thinks the big mac is the tastiest burger ever made, even after trying many others, who are you to say he's wrong ? It's his opinion and opinions, by definition, can't be wrong. I never said anything that disputes this. This makes no sense, not only are you judging WoW, but now you are judging McDonalds also ? Why ? Are you seriously suggesting that there's something wrong with liking McDonalds ? Simplistic isn't by definition a bad thing, just as how more complex doesn't automatically mean better or more fun. This is just an arbitrary statement. I think WoW has lots of good qualities. The general public being aware of the existence of MMORPGs isn't the same as them being mainstream as a form of entertaiment or recreation. Well, that's great news. But I don't see how that makes a game mainstream. As far as that quote goes, it could be 10000 guys playing 100 dollars a month which, by the standards of the early-mid 90s, isn't mainstream. I would define mainstream not by how much money is made, but by what percentage of gamers (and/or the general population) plays the game.
  17. That shouldn't really matter, KOTOR II was directly referenced in the game by: This proves that KOTOR II is canon by SWTOR's standards.
  18. The reason why this game is compared to World of WarCraft is twofold I would say: 1: WoW is the biggest fish in the sea and it's at the top of the foodchain, every new mmorpg will be compared to it no matter what, it's inescapable. 2: SWTOR is similar to WoW in a lot of ways, mostly the game's combat system en mechanics. SWTOR does innovate on some of the current-generation mmorpg conventions, but it's indeniable that WoW, the game which made MMORPGs mainsteam, was the foundation upon SWTOR was built. Just to clarify, I'm not making any value judgements here, I'm not saying one game is better than the other, I'm just pointing out some observations.
  19. Lots of people get carried away by nostalgia when it comes to old games, books, movies, music etc. Star Wars Galaxies is no exception. There were a lot of things that were awesome about SWG, but for every good quality there was a terrible one also. As for the community, I never really had any problems with people on my server (Europe-Chimaera), the "guild" I was in was really friendly.
  20. These are the robes that the "Traditional Jedi Robe" crowd (of which I am a member) wants. They aren't in the game thusfar. With that said, the gear posted on Dulfy's website are welcome additions for sure. The "Humble Hero" set looks a lot like Luke's outfit from the beginning of Return of the Jedi, which is awesome. Good news for all of us for sure. PS: These robes are from Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords, which takes place some 300 years before SWTOR.
  21. Such as ? I agree with this part, it could still go either way, so it's all more or less speculation until we get official word.
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