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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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All of u marauders and sentinels who think they are pro just leave this thread..that was what scoundrels were saying when they were 3 hiting a full battlemaster geared player 4 months ago. "No we are not op" - yeah right..same thing again..5 ppl shooting on a major dmg dealing class that withstands punishment better than a heavy armoured tank. A aoe stun, saber ward (totaly op ),self healing while attacking, a ravage attack that takes half hp from anyone and is now uninterupptable =6000 dmg with crits for clicking one button(i call that skill -_-) even better if u use the adrenal shot that increases dmg..and ofc my favourite STEALTH when u about to die u vanish after u poped all u had so u dont even have to die after u baldy jump into 5 players alone and kill 2 of em just while saber ward is on., and im not talking about lovbies or complete noobs.Dont even have to say i play tanky champ and he melts me from 13k hp to 6 just by jumping on me with 44% dmg reduction. Seriously? im afraid what would happen if i was a sorcerer or a sniper. Im getting tired of seeing same rotations, same builds copied from each other and same op carnaging that il say is worse than those of scoundrels/operatives..they had op dmg but at least they could be melted if other players reacted on their assault. Balance the game soon, or ul have 4 subbs less.:rak_03: Edited by Budachxy
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All of u marauders and sentinels who think they are pro just leave this thread..that was what scoundrels were saying when they were 3 hiting a full battlemaster geared player 4 months ago. "No we are not op" - yeah right..same thing again..5 ppl shooting on a major dmg dealing class that withstands punishment better than a heavy armoured tank. A aoe stun, saber ward (totaly op ),self healing while attacking, a ravage attack that takes half hp from anyone and is now uninterupptable =6000 dmg with crits for clicking one button(i call that skill -_-) even better if u use the adrenal shot that increases dmg..and ofc my favourite STEALTH when u about to die u vanish after u poped all u had so u dont even have to die after u baldy jump into 5 players alone and kill 2 of em just while saber ward is on., and im not talking about lovbies or complete noobs.Dont even have to say i play tanky champ and he melts me from 13k hp to 6 just by jumping on me with 44% dmg reduction. Seriously? im afraid what would happen if i was a sorcerer or a sniper. Im getting tired of seeing same rotations, same builds copied from each other and same op carnaging that il say is worse than those of scoundrels/operatives..they had op dmg but at least they could be melted if other players reacted on their assault. Balance the game soon, or ul have 4 subbs less.:rak_03:


u should start roleplaying leia in the fleet

PvP is not for u

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Dont you just love threads started with intent of pretty much sayng...



"hahaaha you guys are getting nerfed and dont deny it"


When in fact the devs already looked at this class a long time ago and said the metrics were fine (amongst the many you guys are getting nerfed this week in a hot fix, then it was the next week, and the next.)


In fact, the latest dev news about pvp? Increasing usefulness and maybe a second look at Merc/Vang damage and stuff... Hmmmm no mention of a pass on DPS let alone a "nerf"


The same guy spammed this in the Marauder forums too...


Haters are going to hate... especially if they SUCK at pvp (which they will NEVER admit)

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If u cannot read it says that marauders/sentinels subjective opinions arent for this thread we all know what u gonna say. "Oh mon we skilled" - "Oh mon theres only 15 of us who actually can kill everyone and we admit we are op but only cause we are insanely pro" - "Oh mon the most population isnt marauder cause we are op its pure coincidence a lvl 11 marauder has 350k dmg in a wz full of 40s, or he is one of those 15 skilled" "I just saw a marauder wasting his saber ward,we arent op" "Go learn to play u need more bgs to beat a marauder" " i was just aoeed by 3 players to death we arent invincible"....if u were here 4 months ago same answers came from operatives / scoundrels who now write on general channels "play agent they say itl be fun they say" ..cya all when u get nerfed. Edited by Budachxy
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If u cannot read it says that marauders/sentinels subjective opinions arent for this thread we all know what u gonna say. "Oh mon we skilled" - "Oh mon theres only 15 of us who actually can kill everyone and we admit we are op but only cause we are insanely pro" - "Oh mon the most population isnt marauder cause we are op its pure coincidence a lvl 11 marauder has 350k dmg in a wz full of 40s, or he is one of those 15 skilled" "I just saw a marauder wasting his saber ward,we arent op" "Go learn to play u need more bgs to beat a marauder"....if u were here 4 months ago same answers came from operatives / scoundrels who now write on general channels "play agent they say itl be fun they say" ..cya all when u get nerfed.


Honestly I stopped reading...


No one cares... you're the 63, 875th person to complain about something that needs to be nerfed this week. Apparently, marauders, powertechs, assassins, snipers, and their pub equivalents are all over powered. So basically all of the DPS is over powered... I mean c'mon... the damage dealing classes doing more damage than the rest of the classes is simply just unfair. Next thing you're going to tell me is that the healers can restore HP's. Just nonsense... if someone tells me that tanks take way more damage than the rest of the classes I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna unsub and then return to the forums weekly to complain about how bad this game is.


My favorite part about these posts is no one complains about the sorcs... which most skilled players can agree can put up some ridiculous numbers of dmg and heals... at the same time. The difference is there are far fewer "good' sorcs out there.


Don't get me wrong... you and the kleenex krew have complained enough that us marauders will surely get nerfed soon and you can go on to continue complaining about another class being better than yours.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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Mara takes skill to realize its op potential.




People who complain about them haven't played one... By far the most difficult class I've played yet. Once I got my priorities/rotations and utilities down to natural reactions. BEAST! But agreed... most don't realize what it takes to actually be an effective marauder... in comparison to how easy the other classes are to play.


I wish the people that complain would roll one and then after 90% of them got demolished maybe 50% of that 90% would stop complaining. That's some pretty optimistic thinking though... :rolleyes:

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@ UGLYMRJ u banalize a class to dmg dealing. But fact u have too much elusiveness and tendacity for a dmg dealing class doesnt bother u. A dps class needs nerf when it has a tendacity of a tank. Blast u can wear down a shield tech or vanguard faster than a marauder with all the wards dodges,stealth etc. Other classes need no nerf cause only with marauder or sentinel, in a duel if u have no adrenal or defensive abilty off cd u have no equal chance of winning a fight regardless of urs or his skill. Edited by Budachxy
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@ UGLYMRJ u banalize a class to dmg dealing. But fact u have too much elusiveness and tendacity for a dmg dealing class doesnt bother u. A dps class needs nerf when it has a tendacity of a tank. Blast u can wear down a shield tech or vanguard faster than a marauder with all the wards dodges,stealth etc. Other classes need no nerf cause only with marauder or sentinel, in a duel if u have no adrenal or defensive abilty off cd u have no equal chance of winning a fight regardless of urs or his skill.


You make it more and more obvious that you haven't played a marauder... a bad one will drop QUICK!


I doubt you have played a PT either... I can do top dmg with my marauder if I'm really paying attention and on my game. I can do top dmg with a PT with my eyes closed. Yes, I have more survivability with my marauder... but again, it's a much more difficult class to play. And maybe you should roll a marauder and then duel an assassin of equal skill and then come back and tell me what you think.


It's very obvious that you have probably only rolled one character to 50... if that. learn the mechanics of the class you are up against. It separates the good from bad. If I have problems with one class... I use this magical thing called Google or this even more amazing thing called SWTOR.com forums to learn the strengths and weaknesses of said class. Guess what? Those classes don't give me problems any more... I know who to attack and who to avoid in WZ's after one encounter... some know how to shut down a marauder and some don't. Every class has a weakness... do your homework if it bothers you that much. So as much as you don't want to hear it... L2P.



Edited by UGLYMRJ
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. Seriously? im afraid what would happen if i was a sorcerer or a sniper.:


Oh yeah... almost forgot... Sniper is the counter to the Marauder...


I missed this earlier but thanks for further proving my point. :D

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