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Everything posted by Kryogenique

  1. PvPers are widely accepted as the biggest complainers. We're just never happy
  2. RNG=RNG mate It could proc every single time through a boss fight or not at all
  3. Stack expertise to begin with. When you're geared and start min/maxing your gear, stack power power power power power. It's that simple. Now go join the sea of the rage smashing monkeys
  4. Kryogenique

    Hypergate WZ

    RNG=RNG No problems here, seems to be popping at a decent rate. (ToFN)
  5. Kryogenique

    scoundrel cover

    He is correct. Taking cover behind something solid will grant you leap immunity AND the ranged defense bonus (20%?). Crouching in place will ONLY grant you leap immunity. (Apart from zealous leap) Both will allow you to use cover-only abilities.
  6. If this happens to me, I usually flashbang and get the cap anyway, takes a little practice to get flashbang > instant start capping, but works well enough
  7. Levelling an alt, I usually keep to valor rank cap all the way to 50.. That's not exclusively PvPing, that's doing class quests and a few side quests. With 30% boost to class quests and PvP, my hope is to hit 50 JUST doing class quests, and maxing my valor rank.. (With added WZs just for fun) I wouldn't say 30% extra exp for doing something I enjoy is useless...
  8. I think that should clear some things up for you. Plus a lot of glitches/teleports/jumps etc seem to caused by the client-server lag.
  9. If I switch instance, it generally helps.. By that I mean going from Belsavis (1) to Belsavis (2).. Of course, this isn't acceptable, doesn't help in PvP or on the fleet (generally both instances are very similar with the lag). For now it helps me get my dailies done
  10. This is my favourite. Sitting in the cargo hold until 1.3 right now though, using an augmented custom built sniper rifle.
  11. Thank you for reaching a decision. I for one am happy with moving to ANY server with a high population. Let's be honest, the majority of RP on LC was in guilds anyway, and what's to stop you RPing in an RP guild on ToFN? Just because it isn't a DESIGNATED RP server, doesn't mean you can't recreate your RP guild from LC. Some people are never happy
  12. LOL in my experience levelling, that wouldn't be a good idea. I've witnessed MANY a rage/troll fest in general chat because people speak a language other than english in /1 Mainly on Voss for some reason o.O Then again, I'd welcome ANY increase in server population right now!
  13. I'd personally only buy the WZ + Class exp boost. As someone with 3 lvl 50s, the side quests are tedious and boring. The thought of joining the revanites AGAIN is just horrific. 1 day of dailies on my 50s for 60% more exp across the two aspects I enjoy most on an alt? Yes please.
  14. Couldn't agree more. Although I would think the RP would suffer. There is only one in the EU. Why have regional servers at all if they are going to suggest US players play on EU servers (or vice versa)?
  15. I'd ASSUME that would be the case. In the EU there is only one RP-PvP Server (Lord Calypho), and as you say, the population in dwindling. I can only PvP reliably at peak hours. On the other hand they may allow us to transfer to RP-PvE servers too (since it's RP). Or, our server may be one of the ones eligable for transferring too. Guess we'll have to wait until the 12th
  16. So my alt Tankassin was mainly PvE until now. I've bought both the Survivor & Stalker recruit sets. I also have full Rakata Survivor & Stalker, with a few Black Hole tanking mods/implants. Which would make me more of an asset to a team? Rakata/Black hole mix, or full recruit?
  17. I play the EU RP-PvP server Lord Calypho, I likely won't be transferring unless our entire guild decides on a server that suites everyone. We are currently the ONLY RP-PvP server in Europe so this gives me hopes people would consider transferring here. Not counting on it though. It seems PvP servers are suffering heavily since people are re-rolling to Tomb of Freedom Nadd for PvP.
  18. Stand on the tank while DPSing. Then you only need to run into the dome, not avoid all the lightning and AoE, have one player (we had operative healer) stay off the tanks, so only he has to keep moving.
  19. Some great stuff there, do run mainly premade or mainly PuGs etc? And I notice you're camera is zoomed in fairly close, personal preference or some tactical advantage (no pun intended) I'm missing? Good to see objective play rather than medal play.
  20. Counted as one of highest DPS and endgame PvE. Fairly useful to a group with a 20% AoE damage reduction for all members & a 20% instant armour debuff. PvP, they're the healer hunters and support class. Work much better in premades rather than PuGs. Devastating for the enemy team if left alone.
  21. Doddle = Walk in the park, easy, relaxed And you CAN send mail to your empire characters now (Only within your legacy though) great new feature.
  22. Lethality for Ops is heavily reliant on TA procs, which invovles getting into melee range, which defeats the point tbh. If you just want to play the lethalty spec, do it on the sniper.
  23. Kryogenique


    Oh, you again.
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