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Marauder vs Pyrotech?


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I'm having trouble facing pyrotech in pvp. anyone who are comfortable with playing against them?

I'm trying to figure out what to do against them dueling a guild friend and such, but we just can't figure out what should be done.


Regards Aranthar

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Really depends on your cooldowns and your spec. Carnage use gore like a mofo and all your defensive cooldowns, defensive roll is really important for all specs.

Anni keep the bleeds on, then force choke to make him take them. Don't use unleash even though you really want too and focus on interupts. They aren't overly complicated classes, they don't have tricks unless they pull you into a vat of acid (in case I hope your undying rage and force camo are both up) then they shouldn't be able to do anything to you.

Anni bleeds, undying rage, rakata med pack, berserk, bleeds bleeds bleeds while you get healed healed. As carnage just gore and pray you can dps him down faster then he can you. Use force camo as an interupt if he trys to get off a cast, aoe mezz interupt, disruption, and force choke, we have soo many. And if you are still dying without giving a run for your money, check your gear, recurit gear is better than any modded purple orange crap. You need expertise at 1K for any pvp.


And if you are rage, your doing it wrong.


The only people you should really have a issue with is snipers (if your force camo is down) and assassins/shadows. Obfuscate the sh*t outta both

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What I meant was more like what do you do against their burst. I have 1.1k expertise and they burst you down from 80% to 10% in one GCD, well ofc my friend is full WH with augments and I'm full BM. But I should still have a fairly good chance. Atleast that's what I got against all other classes.


I've been told that pwertechs got the best burst in the game but to go from 80% to 20% in one GCD in our guilds duel tournament isn't nice.


btw. I'm playing annihilation

Edited by simlan
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Just make sure you obsfucate right before the railshot. That more or less cripples their burst. Outside of that, it's a DPS race. You'll have a hard time as Annihilation, but as Carnage, if I nail the obsfucate you die.
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The problem with most classes, especially the powertech and sniper, they can burst hard but will be overheated to do anything after that. Force camo'ing just allows them time to dump heat, Obfuscate, and when you hit 50% drop undying rage and then rakata med pack. They will blow through their heat and then you can make a comeback. Same tactic as when you fighting an assassin/shadow. If you wait for less then 50% you will drop too quickly to get your undying rage off. Save your unleash for being able to break and hit undying.

Great thing about anni is you can live just due to your heals, don't be afraid to hit frenzy so you can berserk for healing.

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Just make sure you obsfucate right before the railshot. That more or less cripples their burst. Outside of that, it's a DPS race. You'll have a hard time as Annihilation, but as Carnage, if I nail the obsfucate you die.


This. Obfuscate gives them a 95% chance to miss rail shot if they have 100% accuracy (standard build) for 6 seconds (this is effectively -50% damage combined with their basic attack spam). Should be obfuscate, attack for a bit, when obfuscate wears off either choke + viscous (depending on their health) or cloak and another rotation. If you get below 30% camo and medpack or saber ward and then obviously you have undying rage if he's still alive when saber ward wears off.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Assuming Pyrotech:


Don't engage without your important cooldowns (Obfuscate and Undying Rage at the very least) if you're not getting the first couple of hits in before him. It's a DPS race, but generally the Marauder will win if we're talking about both parties having full cooldowns and no one got the first strike (with the exception of Rage spec).


Annihilation>Carnage>Rage in terms of best chance at killing them (full cooldowns). Carnage and Rage will kill them easier than Annihilation if they're missing Energy Shield and their stuns.

Edited by Swarna
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Personally I throw an obfuscate when I get a thermal det on me since that means railshot will be near. I also will pop Cloak of pain obviously at the start of the fight and possibly saberward in tandem with that depending on the PT since that lowers their initial burst to ~20% of my hp when I'm up against a good one and gives me about 12 seconds of free damage on them along with self heals as anni to basically completely mitigate them for a set duration. And then of course DoT stacks + force choke when I get damaged a bit more and want free heals / just want to mitigate their damage for 4 seconds or so. Without a majority of your cooldowns up though, you're probably dead. Edited by Giladd
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I'm having trouble facing pyrotech in pvp. anyone who are comfortable with playing against them?

I'm trying to figure out what to do against them dueling a guild friend and such, but we just can't figure out what should be done.


Regards Aranthar


A good Powertech is very hard to kill. Easily the toughest for me in the game. The real key is to survive their burst and this is done a few ways. Hopefully you Biochem, if not this wont work for you. When they take about 4k or so off you, pop your medpack. What happens is it heals that 4k, and adds 3500 to your HP pool so with some quick math it goes like this:



-4000 PT Damage

+4000~ Medpack

21500 HP

-3500 PT Damage


Med pack wears off, still sitting at 18000 HP.

You have now taken quite a bit of damage and he has nothing to show for it. You are still at full HP.


After this, you will have filled your Fury to 30, so now you use Deadly Saber and Rupture at the exact same time(Press both buttons at the same time, Deadly Saber is not on the global cooldown so it can be pressed in conjunction with any other ability) then pop berserk. You will now heal yourself for more than 7k HP over the next 10 seconds. If you still die after following this advice then it's not him being good, trust me. I consistantly take on my server's best PT's in full WH gear and live to talk about it 95% of the time. A bad, well geared PT is even easier and a bad PT with bad gear is...yea.


I hope this helps, if your not Biochem stop everything and make that happen.

Edited by Ballfro
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Standard damage rotation: Charge, Deadly, Battering, Rupture, Assault, Massacre. Start the fight with cloak of pain and obfuscate. As soon as your rotation is done, they've already missed 2 railshots and their heat is getting pretty high. Typically they use energy shield and start kiting you with rapid shots at this point. This will snare you. Use Force Cloak, get close and let your dots run out, allow as much time to fall off energy shield as possible, restart rotation, refresh dots. When dots are all up, force choke. When force choke ends, Massacre. If you don't win by about this point., you'll need to UR soon. When you UR, they will CC you most likely. You're both low, throw Ravage or VT if available.
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Provided equal gear and all CDs up Marauder wins by a landslide.


Without Saber Ward though Marauder usually limps away with ~10% hp.

Simple Rotation is


Charge > Saber Ward/Cloak of Pain/Frenzy/Deadly Saber > Obfuscate/Battering Assault > Rupture/Beserk > Assault > Annihilate > Force Choke



~6 seconds later he should be at <50% hp and you should be >90% hp right now.


At this point just just stick on him and do a normal dps rotation, and you will probably walk away with >50% hp. Without Saber Ward you will likely have to rely on Undying Rage, but you will likely come out the victor. You can add a few "tricks" to it, but those you will come up with on your own with more practice etc.

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