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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The reason people make premades


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So they don't have to spam PASS THE BALL to you, the dps merc running the ball with 6 people beating on him with tankasins jumping up and down in your cone of vision past the first flames 15m away.


So they don't have to find out enemy team is inc by seeing a node change possession, because you didn't bother to call inc before getting steamrolled.


So they don't have to ask you, the full tank spec PT in tank gear, to use guard.


So they don't have to tell you, the DPS PT to attack the marked healers.


So they don't have to lose possession of the ball in huttball after you get stunned on the flames trying to slowly walk it across without having a CC break up.


So they know at least a few people on their team will try to cap in novare coast mid battle, while you fruitlessly continue trying to clear the area by whittling down an enemy tank 50m from the node.


And most importantly: So they know there's a lesser chance of you actually being on their team.

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So they don't have to spam PASS THE BALL to you, the dps merc running the ball with 6 people beating on him with tankasins jumping up and down in your cone of vision past the first flames 15m away.


So they don't have to find out enemy team is inc by seeing a node change possession, because you didn't bother to call inc before getting steamrolled.


So they don't have to ask you, the full tank spec PT in tank gear, to use guard.


So they don't have to tell you, the DPS PT to attack the marked healers.


So they don't have to lose possession of the ball in huttball after you get stunned on the flames trying to slowly walk it across without having a CC break up.


So they know at least a few people on their team will try to cap in novare coast mid battle, while you fruitlessly continue trying to clear the area by whittling down an enemy tank 50m from the node.


And most importantly: So they know there's a lesser chance of you actually being on their team.


agree....the amout of people failing at pvp basics..like using the keyboard to turn...having S key binded(backpaddle)..understanding Los...and so on...is actualy insane in swtor..but i guess thats because the majority of people here actualy were sw fans that never played a mmo before.


outside of premades i can endure the pain for like...3 warzones...then i rage and afk a couple more and eventualy quit the game and go cuddle with my pillow

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agree....the amout of people failing at pvp basics..like using the keyboard to turn...having S key binded(backpaddle)..understanding Los...and so on...is actualy insane in swtor..but i guess thats because the majority of people here actualy were sw fans that never played a mmo before.


outside of premades i can endure the pain for like...3 warzones...then i rage and afk a couple more and eventualy quit the game and go cuddle with my pillow


People unbind their S key ?


Backpedaling is situational , but very effective.

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I mainly PuG and I rarely see these issues anymore in WZs. Of course, I do recognize most the players when we play, so sometimes it plays like a premade w/o Mumble.


On the other hand, it was pretty annoying the other day to have a player w/ 12k HPs and no Expertise complaining that the team wasn't up to his standards in the game we barely lost vs a Imp premade. Compare that to the fresh player w/ 13k in Recruit gear who solo guarded a node for most the game and called out Incs way in advance.


I have been invited to some of the better premades on our server, but I prefer the challenge of fitting in w/ different teams. I tried premades for a while, and it was kind of boring rolling PuGs. When rated comes out, and Premades are matched vs other premades, I may try them again.

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New one from a game just 20 minutes or so ago:


So they don't need to worry about you running the ball the wrong way in huttball...twice.



I don't know about that. I saw a member of a premade do that, although only once.

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backpaddeling is NEVER effective.


the only xception i ever seen in it is to be in the "dead zone" of a warrior charge...other then that..terrible


Shure like catching the ball from a crowd taking one-two steps back if you stumble too far into hazards making elistist feel like superior beings etc. :p

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backpaddeling is NEVER effective.


the only xception i ever seen in it is to be in the "dead zone" of a warrior charge...other then that..terrible


It's situational. Limiting yourself is never a good idea though.


Backpeddling to attack somone behind you instead of turning around is bad.


Backpedddling as a ranged trying to kite a melee is bad.


Having to unbind backpeddle so that you don't do these things is bad too.

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Totally agree. PUGs on my server were so bad I quit PVP for a few weeks at one point, even tried a few other servers. Ended up joining an awesome PVP guild and found PVP so much more fun in premades. And when my guildmates weren't on I also talked to some of the better PVPers on my side and sometimes run pre-mades with them and a few other PVP guilds. Good premades increase the fun you have in PVP drastically.


Of course, occasionally you do get a decent PUG team and that can be fun to. But PUGs can be extremely frustrating at times. Even going against PUGs sometimes and seeing the mistakes they make going against you, that shows you how bad it is even more.

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It's situational. Limiting yourself is never a good idea though.


Backpeddling to attack somone behind you instead of turning around is bad.


Backpedddling as a ranged trying to kite a melee is bad.


Having to unbind backpeddle so that you don't do these things is bad too.


sorry i got lost there( sleepy)

why is it bad to unbind it? because i knwo for a fact that is terrible to be used in pvp..after years of pvp i can come up with 1 example where it was handy...and that was at a specific time,it isnt anymore not even in the situation i named..so..as i see it..backpaddeling in pvp is ALLWAYS bad..terrible actualy

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sorry i got lost there( sleepy)

why is it bad to unbind it? because i knwo for a fact that is terrible to be used in pvp..after years of pvp i can come up with 1 example where it was handy...and that was at a specific time,it isnt anymore not even in the situation i named..so..as i see it..backpaddeling in pvp is ALLWAYS bad..terrible actualy

so you can strafe plus backpedal, having a slightly wider fov to whatever you're getting away from.


but of course, it's completely useless if all you do is to tunnel derp and hulk smash.

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suppose you are trying to pull someone in the fire in huttball, you walked a little to far into the fire and need to back up, but still are preparing to pull a guy, you turn around and try again? or do you backpeddle just slightly to position yourself better?


sorry but using it is bad, unbinding it is worse. It has the occasional use.

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so you can strafe plus backpedal, having a slightly wider fov to whatever you're getting away from.


but of course, it's completely useless if all you do is to tunnel derp and hulk smash.


dude...again...pvp basics..thast insanly wrong.....cba to explain...but u have way BETTER alternatives...like (1)tuning and with the mouse facing the camera back...(2)quick turning ur char sideways..Strafing in theoposite direction..and using the mouse to face the camera to whatever u want to look at...(3)and even run..jump..turn back and front before landing.


ANY of these as major advantages over backpadeling....backpadeling=50% speed...how in the world would that EVER be good to use in pvp..


if u dont keyboard turn and use ur mouse to move char+move camera...then u wont ever need to backpaddle and u will allways be at an advantage to someone who does

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dude...again...pvp basics..thast insanly wrong.....cba to explain...but u have way BETTER alternatives...like (1)tuning and with the mouse facing the camera back...(2)quick turning ur char sideways..Strafing in theoposite direction..and using the mouse to face the camera to whatever u want to look at...(3)and even run..jump..turn back and front before landing.


ANY of these as major advantages over backpadeling....backpadeling=50% speed...how in the world would that EVER be good to use in pvp..


if u dont keyboard turn and use ur mouse to move char+move camera...then u wont ever need to backpaddle and u will allways be at an advantage to someone who does

because some classes can still do stuff while walking away, and it needs them facing the target to do that stuff?

strafing + backpedalling is not 50% speed, simple trigonometry.

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If you are intelligent enough to understand why people wanna play in premades, you must understand why PUGs don't wanna play against them. PUGs should not be forced to play against premades, that's what kills pvp.


On most servers, as it is with the populations right now, this wouldn't work. PUGs, premades, or both could potentially never get a pop if there arent enough players in either category if you separate the two.

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backpeddling + anything is 50% less speed, its just game mechanics nothing to do with trig (not sure why you brought that up).

eh, walking diagonally is "slightly" faster than straight backwards, thought id just throw that one random.


on topic,

premades seems to have priority over pugs to get into a warzone. this becomes apparent on servers where there are only 9 or 10 people queuing at a time.

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On most servers, as it is with the populations right now, this wouldn't work. PUGs, premades, or both could potentially never get a pop if there arent enough players in either category if you separate the two.


Then premades have to abandon being premades.

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