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PvP Warzone's Hacked?


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So RECENT Warzone's might be hacked, or just down right unfair. I'm not sure so I asked some questions below. Please respond, thanks!


>> I'm a level 40 Jedi Consular with maxed Valor. I almost always get in the top 3 (of the Allies) and I think something's wrong... I'm saying this to prove that I'm not a Noob and that I play for hours straight. I have seen these things I speak of below over and over again...RECENTLY. I'm not saying this to seem haughty

I must have played 30 matches this week and maybe only won 5 ------------------------------



I've seen terminals accessed while completely invisible, on Novare Coast we barely ever get two turrets anymore I mean at all...and if we do it's for a sec that's it..... very strange (the other levels seem more balanced...i've played Novare and won 1 of 11), and lastly the empire get's Duantless ALL the time.


So here are my questions.

1. When Bioware says these teams are "evenly matched" that's a lie right?

2. Can these people really cheat or hack (besides speed hacking)?

3. Is my team using really crappy bots? Is the Empire using bots?

4. Is it that the Empire is just older players who are smarter, or cheat because they are smarter and older.

5. Lastly how come it seems like winning shifts right after an update?

6. There are times WHERE EVERY SINGLE EMPIRE player will get above EVERY SINGLE REPUBLIC player,

that to me is the biggest signs of cheating (and this happens without duantless too). What's up with that?

Wouldn't it be a bit mixed if these specific matches were fair?


Thanks for all your time! This is a great game! Not trying to complain just want to make things a bit better for all of us, and get some new players here (new players are very very discouraged when they lose for what me seems to be endlessly).

Edited by NoaFlux
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^ Seriously.


I've seen speed hacks, but I've never seen these invisible bomb-plants or any of the other crap people say.


HOWEVER, yesterday in a Huttball I watched my ball carrier, who was all alone and walking down the middle ramp to the enemy goal line, insta-explode with a blue-ish effect. He'd been holding the ball for approximately 10 seconds and around the time he just insta-popped was when the respawn door came down and some imps poured out, so I assumed some kind of hacked 30m spell got him.


Is there any legitimate way for him to go from 100 to dead instantly (literally instantly, not fast) and is there a ranged ability that creates a subtle blue effect on an enemy (it wasn't the grav round animation and it was Imp enemies anyway)?

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^ Seriously.


I've seen speed hacks, but I've never seen these invisible bomb-plants or any of the other crap people say.


HOWEVER, yesterday in a Huttball I watched my ball carrier, who was all alone and walking down the middle ramp to the enemy goal line, insta-explode with a blue-ish effect. He'd been holding the ball for approximately 10 seconds and around the time he just insta-popped was when the respawn door came down and some imps poured out, so I assumed some kind of hacked 30m spell got him.


Is there any legitimate way for him to go from 100 to dead instantly (literally instantly, not fast) and is there a ranged ability that creates a subtle blue effect on an enemy (it wasn't the grav round animation and it was Imp enemies anyway)?


Was this one of the few people still with the rakghoul plague? (Can't be spread anymore but you can still get insta killed from having it.)


I've seen the speed bug hack before. In a Civil War there was this republic character that was moving around super fast, said player was a trooper. Even when stunned, they would still run around all crazy. Everyone else was fine.


Seen the invisible bomb plant before on Voidstar only once. I was the only one guarding a door and was eyeing the door the whole time. Went from no bomb to bomb with no one else around.


The only real exploit I usually see is the wall run in Civil War.

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The one thing that I do key on is the 'capping while invisible'-- I know having one of my characters being a sentinel that quite often (as in probably once every 3-4 warzones) I will hit force camoflague and come out of it still entirely invisible except for my weapons being visible-- I would be curious to see how many of these 'invisible' hacks can be tied to similar such bugs (I can plant/cap a node so it definitely isn't treating me as invisble, don't think I've ever carried a huttball while bugged in such a fashion to see if that works).
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In novarre you have to watch the inside corners of the bunkers. A stealth class can go in, jump into one of the corners and cap while standing on the console across the back wall. Frequently look into the bunker while defending. If you see the bar moving, but no players capping, AoE the inside of the bunker.
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I've been speculating on the invisible planting/capping as I did see it first hand and in the voidstar I noticed a smuggler going to a unmanned door so me and another went to intercept, we were hitting him down when boom bomb was planted with nobody there.


Now I speculate 1 of 2 happened:

1. Oposing player got spawned on other side of door.

2. The smuggler was going to the door with a buddy and somehow cloaked him before we initiated combat on the smuggler but after the buddy had already started planting. Which if I understand the class and cloaking mechanic would also be a bug that is possibly repeatable(exploit).


Not completely sure as I don't record as I play to go back and review later to see if we missed something.

This is pure speculation as I really don't know. I did report the match to be safe as bioware can review the match logs and possibly identify and fix said bug or exploit

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Was this one of the few people still with the rakghoul plague? (Can't be spread anymore but you can still get insta killed from having it.)


I've seen the speed bug hack before. In a Civil War there was this republic character that was moving around super fast, said player was a trooper. Even when stunned, they would still run around all crazy. Everyone else was fine.


Seen the invisible bomb plant before on Voidstar only once. I was the only one guarding a door and was eyeing the door the whole time. Went from no bomb to bomb with no one else around.


The only real exploit I usually see is the wall run in Civil War.


No, the Plague is a big green gooey explosion. This was just kind of a blue glow effect and he collapsed. I really should start running Fraps on startup, you wouldn't believe the glitches I've had (in reference to someone else saying it's a bug). I've come out of a Warzone to find myself in space, in front of a red instance door with a frozen corpse collapsed in front of it. Floating in space. When I pressed W, I started falling straight down through the ship models for about 20 seconds and eventually ended up in the Gav Daragon on that little platform you have to kill yourself to get to for part of the +10 stats datacron.


I've also had a bug where I joined a Civil War RIGHT as it ended and found myself in a similar situation, floating up above and behind the Republic spawn ship. THAT I have screenshots of though because I knew not to try and move around; the background of the Alderaan WZ is actually beautiful and surprisingly detailed =]


So, I guess it could be a bug, but based on the various crazy bugs I've had, it resembled nothing I've seen before and they Imps had -just- poured out into range of a long-range ability. /shrug


But what do you mean the wall run? You can just jump up onto the wall if you're coming from either of the side turrets o.0 Not an exploit

Edited by Daiyukie
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I've been speculating on the invisible planting/capping as I did see it first hand and in the voidstar I noticed a smuggler going to a unmanned door so me and another went to intercept, we were hitting him down when boom bomb was planted with nobody there.


Now I speculate 1 of 2 happened:

1. Oposing player got spawned on other side of door.

2. The smuggler was going to the door with a buddy and somehow cloaked him before we initiated combat on the smuggler but after the buddy had already started planting. Which if I understand the class and cloaking mechanic would also be a bug that is possibly repeatable(exploit).


Not completely sure as I don't record as I play to go back and review later to see if we missed something.

This is pure speculation as I really don't know. I did report the match to be safe as bioware can review the match logs and possibly identify and fix said bug or exploit


I believe they fixed that issue, but it is possible that his friend was planting and the Scoundrel used the Smuggle ability which cloaks people within a short radius, yes. I think it lasts 10 seconds, but I don't use it very much at all so I could be wrong.

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The person who exploded may have had the bombs on hand from that Corellia quests and let the timer run out


Not familiar with that, I don't grind dailies. This was also in sub-50, level 42 Guardian. Corellia is 50s dailies yeah?

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Honestly I have never even seen a speed hack. I have just seen some things that looked fishy from time to time.


I was fighting a Sentinel once (I am a Mara so this is not hidden nerf sents plea) and I made it through "Force charge, deadly Saber, battering Assault, annihilate, and ravage, and then I died. HIs health never went down. And by that I don't mean he was back at full when I died, I mean it never went down at all. It was at the west bunker in Novare, and it was just the two of us. Even if there was a healer hidden that I couldn't see, presumably his health would have fluctuated. No bubble, nothing. But I have fought the same guy in other WZs and killed him (Not very often, he is actually very good), so I wrote it off to a very beneficial glitch.


Only other thing I see quite often, is targeting. Like I lose targeting on someone that hasn't vanished. I'm bashing away, and then all of a sudden I've lost target on the person I'm attacking, and I've targeted someone else. This I also wasn't sure about because having never played a tank class I don't know if any of their abilities can pull target away, plus given how much tab targetting sucks, it IS entirely possible I hit tab out of relfex. Nevertheless, this seems to happen A LOT.


The only thing these have in common, is that I see them the most against players from the same guild. But even that I try not to assign too much meaning, as I hate this guild. And I try to remember that just because I hate them doesn't mean they are cheating.


Curious if other people have notcied things like this though.

Edited by criminalheretic
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Honestly I have never even seen a speed hack. I have just seen some things that looked fishy from time to time.


I was fighting a Sentinel once (I am a Mara so this is not hidden nerf sents plea) and I made it through "Force charge, deadly Saber, battering Assault, annihilate, and ravage, and then I died. HIs health never went down. And by that I don't mean he was back at full when I died, I mean it never went down at all. It was at the west bunker in Novare, and it was just the two of us. Even if there was a healer hidden that I couldn't see, presumably his health would have fluctuated. No bubble, nothing. But I have fought the same guy in other WZs and killed him (Not very often, he is actually very good), so I wrote it off to a very beneficial glitch.


Only other thing I see quite often, is targeting. Like I lose targeting on someone that hasn't vanished. I'm bashing away, and then all of a sudden I've lost target on the person I'm attacking, and I've targeted someone else. This I also wasn't sure about because having never played a tank class I don't know if any of their abilities can pull target away, plus given how much tab targetting sucks, it IS entirely possible I hit tab out of relfex. Nevertheless, this seems to happen A LOT.


The only thing these have in common, is that I see them the most against players from the same guild. But even that I try not to assign too much meaning, as I hate this guild. And I try to remember that just because I hate them doesn't mean they are cheating.


Curious if other people have notcied things like this though.


I read your article and if I might this is the key "from the same guild". As the pop on our server has dropped these "glitches", "bugs" and other "weird" visual effects are now showing up often...always from the same team, same guild and same players..Never see it on my team, never see it on fleet, or in ops or flashpoints just warzones and always from a team that..tadah wins and wins usually non-stop..ive played for weeks and watched some of this "weird" behavior. In my case Ive seen it from mostly pubs but there have been a few Imp players Ive caught using the "force".


This noob...is a valour 74 warhero assassin..so nah Im not gonna believe this stuff about glitches anymore. Bioware has a issue and when ranked warzones come I believe the Sith is gonna hit the fan as the premade veteran teams are not gonna tolerate it much longer and Bioware is going to have to deal with it once and for all.

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Honestly I have never even seen a speed hack. I have just seen some things that looked fishy from time to time.


I was fighting a Sentinel once (I am a Mara so this is not hidden nerf sents plea) and I made it through "Force charge, deadly Saber, battering Assault, annihilate, and ravage, and then I died. HIs health never went down. And by that I don't mean he was back at full when I died, I mean it never went down at all. It was at the west bunker in Novare, and it was just the two of us. Even if there was a healer hidden that I couldn't see, presumably his health would have fluctuated. No bubble, nothing. But I have fought the same guy in other WZs and killed him (Not very often, he is actually very good), so I wrote it off to a very beneficial glitch.


Only other thing I see quite often, is targeting. Like I lose targeting on someone that hasn't vanished. I'm bashing away, and then all of a sudden I've lost target on the person I'm attacking, and I've targeted someone else. This I also wasn't sure about because having never played a tank class I don't know if any of their abilities can pull target away, plus given how much tab targetting sucks, it IS entirely possible I hit tab out of relfex. Nevertheless, this seems to happen A LOT.


The only thing these have in common, is that I see them the most against players from the same guild. But even that I try not to assign too much meaning, as I hate this guild. And I try to remember that just because I hate them doesn't mean they are cheating.


Curious if other people have notcied things like this though.


I've only seen one player on my server speed hacking and after reporting him 4 times I haven't seen him for the last week and a half. You can easily tell by how unnaturally they move around, but his speed would only last for his first life, oddly.


Anyway, the targeting thing has happened to me, but I don't know if it's a glitch or just laggy tab targeting or what. I can target someone, hit them with an ability, then go "why the **** aren't my other other abilities activating?" until I notice I don't have him targeted anymore for some reason. This only happens after a target switch, so I blame some kind of problem with tab targeting over any active action by other players.

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People think you are hacking when you have a ping of 4ms and are running circles around them, it's amuses me.


People dont cap doors while they are cloaked, you just were not paying attention.

Edited by Talarchy
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Most of the questions are noobish, I agree. However I have also seen an increase in hacks or things that were looking very very fishy. Apart from Speed-Hacks that are obvious I have seen the following (most only post 1.2):


People in huttball with the ball, in the attacking "pit" in front of the defenders' score-line, just running and warping in the wall and then suddenly scoring (I know this also happens if it's a juggernaut intercedes on a stealthed friendly player in the scoreline area but the ball carrier was not a juggernaut), I believe someone of that team actually has frapsed, no idea if it's been posted anywhere tho.


Same scenario as before, ball carrier was a sorcerer and he started jumping close to the wall (to get to the scoreline) and managed to get up and over the border and in the scoreline zone (and then sprinted to score, ofc). No idea how he did it, no players were in that zone when he jumped up (and sorcerers who can use extricate surely cannot stealth), it might be some sort of speed hack or lag hack. Last seen today ><


Stealth plants in Voidstar: simply you are watching the door, noone is there, bomb gets planted, you wonder *** is going on, go AOE close to the door, spot noone. If you are quick enough you can defuse, but if the other team has some brains or has players close you lose. I think this happens because players are occasionally spawned in the wrong place (or there is a glitch to run through walls?), but it has never happened to me and I have a rank 85, a rank 71 and a rank 65 characters.


Caps from outside the turrets in novare coast. You are inside the your turret, someone is magically capping, you doublecheck the turrets' corners, noone's there, you check outside, noone's there, you run behind the turret and someone is there with the capping animation and he just stole your turret. No idea how, camera distance and camera angle seem to not be enough to get it done (I tried, you get Cannot see target).

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I actually have seen the invisible/speed bomb planting in Voidstar for <50 WZ's. Could it have been that my connection wasnt fast enough with the server so that player may have seemed invisible and planted the bomb faster than normal? Perhaps, but I havent had connection issues/graphic lag at all really. So thats why im saying its a hack. Reading the OP comment of it just confirms its not just a one time issue.
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I actually have seen the invisible/speed bomb planting in Voidstar for <50 WZ's. Could it have been that my connection wasnt fast enough with the server so that player may have seemed invisible and planted the bomb faster than normal? Perhaps, but I havent had connection issues/graphic lag at all really. So thats why im saying its a hack. Reading the OP comment of it just confirms its not just a one time issue.


ya,that is the weired thing, i have a ping of 40 what should be very alright, but even then i have pretty odd experiences in the WZ.


so if there can be a invisible wall for a long time, long time in terms of placing a bomb, then it can absolutely lag.

now, it is not only 1 stream, infact it is multible data transfering from your client to the server and vice versa and some of these strings fail and need to be resend, over and over and over again, until there is another whatever ready.


the best explaination to this one real problem, SWTOR has, i read in that thread, i liked above.


i know there is hacks, dont missunderstand me here, but i really doubt, that all these "phenomens" pop up due to hacks.

instead they are by far better explainable using simple physics.

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I have seen ad felt 3 types of hacks.

1 the infamous speed hack aka moving almost 50% faster than it is possible for your class even with other classes speed buff applied. something like first fire hazard to end line in 3-4 secs (via low bridge).


2 invisibility capping or bomb planting im still not sure if my graphics were failing or not but couldn't target then in any way.


3 and most disturbing no global cool down. operatives and sorcs mainly that burst down me (a sniper) or even some tank friends of mine with extremly rapid rotations in 5 seconds with no gap in between skill activations...


BW please do something about hackers before 1.3. or you will face another PvP Waterloo, (class balances, ilum mega fail, crap team matcher) and seriously the community can not take another one and will go out in mass exodus and only pve will persist.

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I've seen the speed hacks, the "I can still stay invisible the entire time it takes to kill you, and not stop being invisible after you die!" hacks, the "hey I'm completely untargetable" hacks, and my fave the "I can cap a bunker all the way FROM THE SPAWN POINT! Don't believe me? Follow the beam!" hack.


I swear I've seen more hacking in SWTOR WZs than I ever did in all the years I played WoW.

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