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Which comapnions do you like/hate


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So as a bounty hunter my most hated companion would have to be skage. That dude is just annoying as hell.


I also have a love/hate relationship with blizz... He has some rocking animations but a jawa and a bounty hunter trekking together just doesnt make sense to me.


I also really dislike tharan on my consular... Hes just... Creepy with his hologram.


As a bh so far torian and mako are the only two i can put up with.

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My two highs are my BH and my Warrior. For my BH I like Torian and Mako the most. Its why she's light III right now :p . I didn't care for Gault at first as I had to go through hell hunting him on tattooine. And then When I recruited him he complained About my ship and suggested losing weapons for padded seats. But I warmed up after ue came up with ways to make more money. I haven't finished hoth to get Blizz yet though.


For my Warrior I like Jaessa the most, shes got my second highest affection, next to Quinn; but that's just cuz I use him more due to being my healer. I honestly really like Vettes personality. I haven't really gotten to know pierce or Broonmark yet though, tbh.

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I haven't even met half of the companions yet but of the ones I have I would say that the only companion I dislike right now is Broonmark. I just don't like the way he ticks and it doesn't help that since he doesn't speak basic it's difficult for me to connect with his personality on most levels. I like a lot of the companions I've met but the ones that stick out to me are Vette, Jaesa (dark side), Mako, Kaliyo, and Kira. I don't know what it is but the female characters just seem more entertaining with better overall personalities. It's not that I don't appreciate the male companions simply because they're not female. I just really have yet to meet any male companions that I want to pal around with.
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Currently gotta say my favorite is Jaesa (Dark Side). She is so evil and loves it when a slaughter a bunch of innocent people simply because they were in my way.


Second up is Vette. Such a smart ***.


Least favorite would have to be... well I dont really have a companion I dont like. Maybe the first trooper companion. (Forgot his name, the cathar dude)

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I have not had too many problems with any of the companions as far as feeling hate...until I played the consular.


Do not get me wrong, I love Theran Cedrax cause he's my healer and I'm a shadow, but he's the first companion that made me want to beg BW for a "Mute Companion" sound option in the game. The guy is unbelievably irritating. He's also poorly written.


For being a super genius, he's actually quite stupid when you see his logic play out as you level. And the fact that he hates any of the real mystic force/Jedi dialogue options sort of makes him feel like sand paper to the inside of your eyelid when you're actually trying to play a JEDI...rant off.


Elara Dorne has had a very interesting story so far and is really cool but telling me to "stand still" so she could heal me when I already am standing still is mildly silly...but I suppose I am nitpicking now.

Edited by Rezakh
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Kaliyo is easily the worst companion - she's a trashy tank and pretty skeevy in general, and yet you're stuck with her so long I guess I married her?


This game forces you to marry the ones you hate.


Actually, a worse companion is the Republic ship droid, which needs to be sent out the nearest airlock with that robotized Ronald McDonald voice. WAY more annoying than the Imperial ship droid, which is saying a lot.


The best companions are Quinn and Doc for the mirrored warrior/Knight classes - both because they're the best fit with those classes and because they're awesome.

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I really like Kira Carsen, she's so funny and sarcastic. I also think Qyzen-Fess deserves an honorable mention. He's quite the interesting one with his whole Scorekeeper thing.


And I really dislike Zenith and Sergeant Rusk. Mostly because they have ZERO personality and always act like they have a stick up their butts.

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Love: Quinn, by a landslide.

Hate: Quinn, by a landslide.


It's a long story. Sith Warrior Balmorra-to-endgame-length story.


Love runners-up: Lord Scourge, since I love how he's close to an equal for the Jedi Knight, and he really tries to challenge or force my Knight to think for himself.


Vector, a decent guy who would actually be a good friend. Love his humor, love everything about him.


Kaliyo, for being the psycho girlfriend I would never go near in real life. Her romance felt ridiculously real. In an unhealthy way :D


Hate runners-up: Corso Riggs. Once you [Flirt] you can never, never escape. -160 for still not wanting to have sex with you? Deal with it, brat.

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I've only played Republic side to mid-game (albeit with all the base classes) but there, T7 and Kira are by far my favorites. My only regret is that I can't have them both out at the same time and listen to them banter DAO-style.


On the Imperial side... Wow, it's usually love or hate with me.


Quinn I liked right up to near the end of the Warrior storyline. More than any other character, more than Kaliyo who I absolutely despise, Quinn is the reason you need to be able to kill your companions off. I would love to see a functionality in the future where you can have 6 of 8 possible companions, for example, giving you the option to dispose of two of them.


The Imperial Agent companions in general I dislike. They're all massive security risks. Unreliable mercenary chick known for burning her employers? Check. Part of a threat race hive mind, so any secrets your SECRET AGENT may come across instantly leave the Empire and belong to half a million Killiks? Check. Unruly droid able to hook into multiple networks and wants to kill you? Did Directive 7 not teach you ANYTHING? Check.


Khem Val and Broonmark I'm fans of. I like my Sith having their own personal monsters they can unleash on people they don't feel like bothering with. Dark Jaesa fits that role too, now that I think about it. She's the opposite of Khem Val in some ways - she's a monster in a pleasing package, whereas he looks like a monster but actually has a fairly developed warrior code - although neither is averse to eating someone.


Vette, Blizz, and Mako are just plain fun to talk to, and cute to boot - although not a sexy cute in Blizz's case, sorry little guy. The ladies still dig you, though, at least the ones in my guild do.


Gault and Skadge started off as companions I hated but they grew on me quite a bit.


Gault's hilarious, I love his anecdotes and his capers, but it took me about 10 levels after I got him to actually start talking to him because I resented being railroaded into taking him on as part of my crew so badly. Even though I like him a lot now, given the chance, my hunter would have shot him.


Skadge is in the same boat in that I hated how he was forced onto my ship. Even though he's a despicable sentient, I warmed up to him a little as a character when I stopped thinking of him as a friend/partner of my BH (like the rest of the crew) and more as a guy I keep around to soak blaster fire and get me cheap weapons and ammo from Black Sun.

Edited by Pendrych
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There's about 4 stories I haven't played through yet so I'm only going over the ones that I've encountered so far.



SI - Khem Val, he's my morose monster with a code of honour, which I adore. I didn't like him right off the bat but he grew on me as time went by. The fact that I get approval points for some of my crazier responses doesn't hurt either.


SW - Quinn but mostly because I have a huge thing for the dramatic "triumphant evil genius" entrances he gets to make during the class quests. The man needs more of those. Yes, he's still my favourite out of the entire lot of companions even after The Incident, if the kill option was still there, I wouldn't take it, so :p.


JC - Oddly enough, this one is Tharan Cedrax but mostly because he has Holiday with him. Personality wise though, there are times I wish I could just whap him upside the head each time he denies that the Force exists. Seriously buddy, I'm chucking rocks with my brain, what more proof do you need?


RT - My overall favourite would be Aric Jorgan followed closely by M1-4X. The entire companion story arc with Jorgan is like peeling back layers of this incredible hard-*** grumpy kitty but it turns out he's a bit of a softie underneath it all. For me, it felt like there was a great deal of character development that went into his story, especially for the FemTrooper romance arc. 4X is just 4X, he's just a crazy patriotic droid that follows you around.



SI - Ashara it's more of a game mechanics issue more than anything. My SI is female and thus presents aren't raising her affection much. Quick side note here, I haven't acquired Talos or Xelek yet so I really only have 3 companions on this character at the moment.


SW - Broonmark, he feels so one-dimensional and that's probably a result of acquiring him so late in the game.


JC - Grimlock, er.. I mean Qyzen Fess. Yes, he's kind of like Khem but just no where near as cool.


RT - Tanno Vik. Can I trade him for Fuse already?!

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Well I have a 50th level Sith Inquisitor (Light), 40th Trooper, 38th Smuggler, and a few other lower level characters.




Sith Inquisitor - Talos Drelek. Mostly because of his affable and cheerful personality and his quotes. "Talos Drelek, Imperial Reclamation Service at your service." and "Are we dead yet... oh my goodness, we won!"


Trooper - Honestly all of them I have met. Each one has aspects that are charming. Aric for his gruff but caring persona. Dorne for her idealism and her "flawless Brr-ritish accent". Forex for his daring adventures. Even Vik isnt too bad, for a profiteer.


Smuggler - I really have to go with Corso. I like that he is a great wingman, and his sense of honor and humor.




Sith Inquisitor - Khem Val! Seriously he is a total pain for a Light Side Sith. Let a scientist go and you lose nearly 200 affection with him. And seriously, stop saying you will try to eat me. Not flattering. I still couldnt let Zash win out though, Khem did take the hit for me...


Trooper - None really, but getting to Vik was annoying.


Smuggler - None that I dislike, but Bowdaar I found to be a little boring so far (I havent done all of his conversation so it might get better).

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Like - Talos Drellik (SI) - I needed him to identify tracks, and he completely won me over with, ''Ortolan. I'd know them if they were six days old and covered in jam.'' He just kept getting better from there. I so very much wish he were a romance option.


Dislike - SCORPIO (IA) - Seriously, I'd have yanked her memory core the FIRST time I kicked her shiny metal ***, and sealed it in a titanium box. Once I was sure there were no secrets on it I needed, I'd have disolved it in acid and dumped the acid canister in my star drive core. Metal cow needs to learn who's in charge on MY boat. :mad:

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Guss Tuno: One of the best companions evar! Funny, quirky backstory, Mon Calamari... "Nobody does it better than GUSS!"

Kaliyo: Just awesome. 'Nuff said.

Akaavi Spar: I like using her as a companion for mechanics reasons, and even though she doesn't fit with the smuggler story, she just has such a different outlook on life than him. Which I like in this case, for some reason.

M1-4X: Just... pure awesome. I wish I wasn't already a tank so I could have reason to use him.





Corso Riggs, for the most part. I can't believe he hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet. He tries to be old-fashioned in a way that's usually annoying instead of charming.

Aric Jorgan: Only because my vanguard is dark and he's always being do judgy! Just get that sour look off your face, man!

Edited by Stenrik
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Inquisitor - Andro: beats Khem Vhal by a nose due to legible dialogue at all times; no need to get translations.


Trooper - Forex and Aric Jorgan tied; Forex goes into battle more often simply because I wish to keep Number One and PC seperated for squad safety. Jorgan has notable VO; Forex dialogue gives me smiles.


BH Merc - Mako: well written, slow-paced romantic sidekick (chose not to spam Mission entries to advance more quickly), has some humerous lines, and holds her own in battle.




Inquisitor - Ashara: really should have left her for the Jedi to catch; whines as much as some Forumites.


Trooper - Vic; too rough around the edges, but is coming around with the unique Missions.


BH Merc - Gault - totally took me by surprise. Would prefer to have him hanging in the cargo bay as encased artwork.

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i love:








i don't like:


mako - super whiney

quinn - level warrior and see.

ashara - cant get points with her to save my life.

qyzen - see above.

jorgen - see above.



honorable mention:





people try use the spoiler option please.

Edited by vojinsa
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As far as character personalities go, Vette by a landslide. Her personality and wit are extremely entertaining and super funny. She's one of the reasons why I rolled a sith warrior to be honest.


The only other toon I have rolled is an Imperial Agent - I think a lot of people (myself included) don't like Kaliyo because you have to use her til Alderaan, but at the same time she's a really good tank when she is properly geared. The only other companions I have fooled around with for my agent are Vector and Ensign Temple. I actually really like Vector and had pretty much used him exclusively since I got him til the end of Voss, in part because of I was sick of Kaliyo, and as a healer, I burned through enemies much quicker. Plus I like the conversations with him and how considers himself a diplomat first and a joiner second.


I started using Ensign Temple once I got to Corellia, just to see how she does, and worked like a charm, sure her personality is a little to "cheery" and annoying, but she does some wicked damage towards the later levels (>45-50) and she can wear all your old gear.

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Interesting, I liked Kaliyo because she fit in with my Dark IA. Basically all of my choices earned affection with her. I used her through Hoth, when I got Temple then I tried different companions. I found that Lokin provided me with the most survivability and liked many of my darkside choices, plus he uses almost identical gear. I could take on, and survive, encounters that would drop Kaliyo even with me healing fulltime and doing nothing but keeping my dots up.
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Honestly I love Kira. She has that dry sense of humor I really appreciate and she's only slightly more entertaining than Vette (but not by much) so she keeps me entertained. However when it comes right down to a companion I want removed from my ship via the missile tube? Skadge. I loath him in ways that are the basis for war crimes in the Geneva Convention. I was mad I had to take him with me at the end of Belsavis. I wanted to actually put two in his head and leave him to die. Of course that whole quest there was upsetting. I wanted a better lightside choice for the guy I was hunting, Skadge was just the icing on the cake as I had to take the Corky version of the Michelin people with me wherever I go.
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So far I've finished IA, BH, and JK.


Favorite Companions:


T7 (I can't believe no one's mentioned him yet, he makes me smile every time I talk to him and is the only companion to ever make me feel bad for doing something wrong)





Companions I want to shoot into space:



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