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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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I am actually surprised by the support in this post. Was expecting most people to say no.


There may be

"a new hope" for this game in the end



It just means that people have finally moved on.


I won't be resubbing.

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Well, i am still playing, since early access, the game is brilliant, though i would have wished they did some things differently, like the group elements to be more what they said instead of the holy trinity that they game got, but thats jsut me.
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Im staying.


I have been playing since early access. I have only finished one storyline and i still have 7 to go, tho i have almost finished 3 others.


There is plenty to do in this game and its not any less than any other MMO i have played.


Although, I am begining to really want an arena type PVP option or similar.


Perhaps player vs player space dogfights.


So so so much potential. :D


This game rules.

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I could think of Valve, Rockstar Games, Ubisoft, Rocksteady Studios, Funcom, Naughty Dog, Bethesda Games... and a bunch of others who could come up with something more original.


Ugh, definitely not Funcom, Anarchy Online was among worst of the worst MMOs ever all the way until its 1st expansion, possibly the worst. None of the other companies you mentioned have good MMOs under their belt.


Honestly, there will not be a good Star Wars MMO until Blizzard gets the IP. Then it would prabobly have like 20-30 mil subs because they know how to make MMOs and its Star Wars.


As for my sub, I am unsubbing after the current billing cycle ends, so about a month and a half. Besides the obvious population problems I want to see fun and bugfree stuff to do for my 50s, not lowbie crap, but my 50s.

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Well, unlike you, I can commit to something. Have fun with either children in WoW, free and boring stuff in D3, Korean grindfest Tera, or nothing new GW2.


Now that sounds awfully mature of you. No one can sense some resenting hostility with this post at all. Your post literally permeates ignorance in it's purest form. Let me break it down for you. (which you will probably not be able to admit any of this)


First off your introduction statement completely attacks your target audience while you point out that you can actually commit to something. That is quite a bold statement for many reasons.

1) You do not know the level of commitment that the majority of the community has.

2) Completely ignoring the fact that some people will not pay for a service, product, or commodity that they aren't entirely satisfied with.

3) You made the mistake thinking that insulting unsubscribed players will make you any more justified or superior.


Then you proceed to insult the youth in world of warcraft. Stating that all players in WoW are children. Which can easily be seen as an invalid if not an unsound argument.


Completely missed the head of the nail and stubbing your own finger discounting the "free and boring" Diablo 3 player base and game. About 7 million people would probably disagree. Although I don't expect you to be informed that it is probably the most successfully sold game of this year!!!


Korean grind fest Tera..... Okay I will give you that. Tera sucks. End of story! lol


Now you are completely off your rocker stating that guild wars 2 is anything like its predecessor! If you don't take my word for it I have taken the liberty to post a couple of links to some articles from very reputable sources at the bottom of this post.

I doubt you will take the time to read this let alone the links I have taken the time to find for you, BUT HEY!

Perhaps some others might read them.


And before you guys think that I am just some guild wars 2 fanboi or a diablo 3 fanboi or a WoW fanboi......

I hate WoW, but I can admit that it is a major success! I am currently playing Diablo 3 and I am having quite a good time... guilty! I found Guild Wars 2 to be lacking in some areas, but over all it looks extremely fun!

I am currently subscribed to SWTOR and I am completely sure that they have not addressed my needs. I gave them a chance only to find that they really fell on their own sword.


I suppose this is were I am going to get banned for being to rude or something...... so I shall leave on a positive note. Do not forget to tip your waitress, ummm....... always look both ways before crossing the street and oh...... think before you post.


Diablo 3 MSNBC (probably a bunch of liars right? I mean why would a news company report anything about games!)

Guild Wars 2 "Guild Wars 2 Review (Be threatened!)"

The average player's age is 28

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Hmmm, you got a free month, used it up and will leave the game?

[Condescending Wonka] Oh? You rushed to the endgame to raid? How's that going for you again?


Resub? Pretty much definite.


I finally hit Legacy level 6 yesterday which means I am now officially a "Valued Player" as well but I am not in a rush and immensely enjoying the story lines and have a long way to go yet.


My tally so far (to reach Legecy Level 6 and finally become that valued player that BW wants to reward and retain)


Jedi Consular - Level 19

Commando - Level 30 (Completed Chapter 1)

Sith Inquisitor - Level 27

Jedi Knight - Level 29

Bounty Hunter - Level 26

Juggernaught - Level 12


I have a few years of play I think before I finish all the story lines, and I haven't even started the smuggler/imperial agent lines yet.

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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


NO i'm done

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not until transfers are available, no other reason, my server is dead, no community= no sub


Pretty much... and to be fair I didn't touch a single day of that free month would have rather given it to someone else.



Well, unlike you, I can commit to something. Have fun with either children in WoW, free and boring stuff in D3, Korean grindfest Tera, or nothing new GW2.


Commit to a bad service all you want pal.

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Even though this game is a maze of paradoxes just waiting to make u mad and punch your monitor.


I will probably resubscribe because I like star wars but bioware is on my Dev ****list ( I dont care that they dont use the same divisions to make games Im never buying a EA/bioware game again,until they get rid of the scumbag EA but bioware is not the same bioware that released the top sp games 10 years ago and this is a sp game with multiplayer enabled)

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Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


Yes, I'm having fun, why wouldn't I re-sub?


And no, this isn't a post by a newb who's still got that "new game smell" on him. I've been here since the beginning, and still think that the game is worth playing.

Edited by TheGreatEski
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My sub expires 6/18, and as of now, will not be renewed. Unless 1.3 has been implemented by then with server transfers/mergers and addresses other concerns, I won't be back unless they are.


My guild is gone. Most of the people I used to PvP with are gone. My friend's list has been empty for some time now. I love Star Wars, and that's kept me paying for the last couple months. I mean, it's only $15. I get my money's worth, and then some. But at some point, I have to cut off support to EA and BioWare for failing to meet expectations.

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Reason 1: A fantastic, active guild filled with interesting people. I <3 my friends.

Reason 2: Awesome warzones. Forget open world pvp, its been shown to come down to giant clumps of people standing around kill trading. Where is the fun in that? I want some game in my pvp tyvm.

Reason 3: So many choices of things to do. At end game, I can run flashpoints one day, an OP the next, space missions, pvp, dailies, or just sit around and pretend to drink hot chocolate with my buddies. (yes, its in the Lore. ROFL)


I'm semi-casual though so maybe those of you who have no life and can play 16 hours a day are already bored.

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Ok well My guild has been trying to make star wars work we all love the game we all love star wars but all the crap we have been through has left us with nothing now. The bugs the changes constantly 1.3 with transfers and having no new content means that the game should have gone live with everything in it that's up to 1.3. As a raiding guild we really enjoyed explosive conflict on hm but as of lately we haven't ran in two weeks and even the weeks leading up were just going for 45 -60 minutes to kill the first 3 on hm then calling it a week. With dead servers pvp changing all the time killing any sense of accomplishment. Every patch makes pvp gear easier to get and mean less so for anyone who took the time its a big screw you. The fact that the server population issues were there almost from the start meant they created way way to many servers out the gate and never addressed the issue till it was to late in fact as much as Bioware could for months they ignored it. Now my server which was once great sitting at 300- 400 people in the fleet at peak times I haven't seen above 15 any time I've logged on recently. The dev needed to listen to the community and they did but it was way to late this game that i waited 4 years to play is dead due to incompetence on Biowares behalf. All my real life friends even gave star wars a chance and loved it but riddled with problems in the game they have all quit as well. Well at least I have Diablo 3 for now!
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I dont really pay attention to my sub cost its only like 10 quid a month or something, im just playing and enjoying it. Yes id obviously like to see our server reach Standard traffic at most times of the day, but other people leaving isnt going to massivly effect my game play, we have our guild and can still PVE and enjoy the game even if every one else left.


Im in it for the long haul. Looking forward to 1 year in this game will be pretty polished and i will have a solid 4 odd characters at 50.

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I have not gotten any free month yet.

They constantly billed me until i canceled some days ago.


I resubbed another month and hated myself for that decision, almost 10 minutes later.

The last ressort is my middle finger.

Dont make me pull it !

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I dont really pay attention to my sub cost its only like 10 quid a month or something, im just playing and enjoying it. Yes id obviously like to see our server reach Standard traffic at most times of the day, but other people leaving isnt going to massivly effect my game play, we have our guild and can still PVE and enjoy the game even if every one else left.


Im in it for the long haul. Looking forward to 1 year in this game will be pretty polished and i will have a solid 4 odd characters at 50.


You should swap your last name with your first.....:D

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