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Give me 1 reason why we can't talk with other faction


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They don't want to limit smack talk between a few players engaged in a pvp battle. What they do want to limit is the faction versus faction cesspool that general chat would become. As someone pointed out, they tried letting both factions see each others' general chat and it didn't work out.
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From someone who did CSR work for a game in which it's allowed you'd be surprised by the amount of tickets for harassment. Since Bioware is a bit more professional than where I worked you just can't tell them to grow a pair or get a tissue either. Games with PvP get real competitive in regards to flavorful language lol.
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i just bought stuff from imperial fleet and sended it to my main on republic side per mail.

I made tons of credits that way. Buy cheap imperial, sell expensive republic, but both characters must be connected via legacy.


Wokrs since weeks, dont tell me you guys didnt know... or this wasnt intended.


I didn't know and am glad to find this out. I had tried this months ago and no go. This must be a legacy change.

I'll hop on when I get home from work and send some cash to my sith warrior as he desperately needs new gear.

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The old reason? to prevent cheating in PvP.


You can easily have a mole/spy using in-game system to cheat. BUT people will say "I have vent! I can use outside chat" true, but that takes MORE work to cheat in PvP than in-game which is easy to use :)


Other than that? create illusion that we are not suppose to talk in secret with other factions ;)


It was never about cheating, During beta and demos at shows. BW was seeing a terrible trend of one faction sayign things to the other that was scary and not what they wanted to see in the game. And from the interview I say the Dev said it had nothing to do with cursing, it was far far worse. That is why you can only /say to the other faction

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I know, we can talk with other faction via /say, but why can't we use /tell, mail etc? What's the point? We all talk basic (SW language)


I really don't see any point in this game.


Please tell me why?


From my understandiing prior to the game release they had allowed cross faction talk in tells and mail up until during a beta period when some people (i believe in pvp) would start sending people rude and hateful tells and mail due to defeating them.


This is the period I heard is when they removed the ability to cross faction talk in tells and in mail.



Though I would admit it would be nice to talk to your friends that are imperial. In SWG (please no flaming) we were able to send tells mail and even group (as long as the mission wasn't faction related or pvp) and do things together but at the moment this is not allowed.


I will admit that there may be problems cross faction with rude people but you can also find that in your own faction. That kind of behavior isn't always limited to cross faction. It can happen in your own factions. The behavior will always go back to the inividual.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Because WoW doesn't let you do it....nuff said ;)


They weren't the first (as is almost always the case). One of the most hardcore PvP games of all time, World War II Online, prevents cross faction communication. You might think it's in place to prevent Axis and Allied spies from exchanging info...nope, because that happens already.


What it prevents are the inevitable ******s from gloating over your dead corpse. It makes PvP so much more enjoyable to be rid of this juvenile display.

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but why? do they speak different languages?


It doens't matter. In this case gameplay trumps reality.

The game has two factions, competing against one another. Limiting the communication increases the seperation, 'them or us" feeling.


Note that in TOR you can use /say to communicate between factions. You can't do that in WOW (at least not when I last played it a few years ago).



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Unfortunately its all far too true how people behave under the veil of anonymity. As stated in Beta, we tried it and we found that we couldn't handle it.


I though would like to at least be able to add opposing factions to my friends list just to see if they are online or not. Then I could switch factions to play with my buds instead of both of us thinking the other is offline. With this game in particular, I'd rather not have extra chat programs running at the same time just to see who's online and who isn't.

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What's the point of this restriction?


You failed to answer my question. Under what circumstances would you mail or send tells to players on the opposing faction? I was sorta leading you with the question, but ultimately these types of restrictions are often times put in place to avoid players getting harassed, particularly after pvp encounters (whether it be open world or warzone style pvp). Though the way people interact with each other has changed dramatically over the years, Blizzards battle.net tags being the prime example. Essentially it's a recent development for mmo's that WoW put in place, Swtor picked up and carried on arbitrarily, and it just hasn't died yet.

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You failed to answer my question. Under what circumstances would you mail or send tells to players on the opposing faction? I was sorta leading you with the question, but ultimately these types of restrictions are often times put in place to avoid players getting harassed, particularly after pvp encounters (whether it be open world or warzone style pvp). Though the way people interact with each other has changed dramatically over the years, Blizzards battle.net tags being the prime example. Essentially it's a recent development for mmo's that WoW put in place, Swtor picked up and carried on arbitrarily, and it just hasn't died yet.


Harassment can be avoided with /ignore. Yes call me a carebear, but carebears are the reason we have this restriction in place. I'd like to have this restriction removed to be able to talk to other guild members on the opposite faction. That's just my 2 cents why I think it should be removed.

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Harassment can be avoided with /ignore. Yes call me a carebear, but carebears are the reason we have this restriction in place. I'd like to have this restriction removed to be able to talk to other guild members on the opposite faction. That's just my 2 cents why I think it should be removed.


I don't disagree. However, I'd rather they simply remove the restriction and suspend people for a day who don't understand that they can't spam folks or cuss them out. It's not my job to moderate people who have no social skills. I often times have my ignore list filled in games and have no desire to repeat the process here.

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Essentially it's a recent development for mmo's that WoW put in place, Swtor picked up and carried on arbitrarily, and it just hasn't died yet.


As with most things MMORPG, WoW didn't invent it, just most people think they did. :confused:

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I don't disagree. However, I'd rather they simply remove the restriction and suspend people for a day who don't understand that they can't spam folks or cuss them out. It's not my job to moderate people who have no social skills. I often times have my ignore list filled in games and have no desire to repeat the process here.


This one of the main reasons, verbal fights after PvP result in actions and inevitably CSR tickets out of all proportion to anything else.


It doesn't make as much sense in SWTOR as it has in other games for a few reasons (because SWTOR has more ways around it and less options for it), but it will still cut down on the CSR load significantly, as they found in Beta when they stopped it.

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. I'd like to have this restriction removed to be able to talk to other guild members on the opposite faction.



I actually think a better option would be X-faction guilds.


If you'd asked me before 1.2 about this I'd have been against it, but with the way legacy works and the way populations have gone and the fact that SWTOR has NO open world PvP or RvR........ well, I think SWTOR may as well have X-faction guilds.

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Because my subscription would have been terminated months ago if I had the ability to do more than harass Imps using /say. Plain and simple, harassment is the biggest reason why any MMO limits the players abilities to talk to the other faction. Anyone that thinks they did it just because WoW did it, is a fool.
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that restriction doesn't even make sense in wow anymore, they c&p'd it from daoc - the only mmo where it makes sense because there spies would be a serious problem in the realm war. nobody even really cares about warsong number 145 of the day or huttball #123 like the people cared about their relics in daoc. Edited by macumba
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I know, we can talk with other faction via /say, but why can't we use /tell, mail etc? What's the point? We all talk basic (SW language)


I really don't see any point in this game.


Please tell me why?


Because maybe if we start talking to the other factions/enemies we may end up finding eternal peace and the conflict would be over and then the game really would be boring. :eek:

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The old reason? to prevent cheating in PvP.


You can easily have a mole/spy using in-game system to cheat. BUT people will say "I have vent! I can use outside chat" true, but that takes MORE work to cheat in PvP than in-game which is easy to use :)


Other than that? create illusion that we are not suppose to talk in secret with other factions ;)


lol what pvp?

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I'll give you 3.


1. typically opposing sides don't look kindly on others talking to each other...smells of treason (lore/real world reason)


2. prevent cheating/spying in pvp


3. prevent players from being idiots to one-another with trash talking/insults.


really..why do you need to talk to the other side? if you have chars on each side you can mail between them with Legacy unlocked. if it's friends you have there's skype/vent/phones.


really the ONLY reason you would be worried about it is because you want to act like an idiot and trash-talk or insult other players..or cheat...otherwise there's NO REASON to allow it.


I can give more reasons if you like but you only asked for 1 and I gave you 3x that.

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ok, to address some of the responses:


"people would cheat" - that doesn't make any sense, you can use 3rd party communication to cheat (teamspeak etc.) it's faster and most people use it anyway


"people would trashtalk each other" - only encounter where this could happen is via Warzone matches, cos open world pvp is DEAD. And at least 50% of all warzones are same faction matches, where's trashtalking on daily bases

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