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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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would you say the same thing if there were a high enough population on your server that you could go to WZ, FP, HC at any time you want ,cos that is what will happen after merges and transfers, just be a bit patient pls, i play the same game and yes i see the problems everyone else talks about and i admit them, but imo this game is great it is fun to play and playing with a guild almost compensates me for the low pop.


Yes, I'd say the same thing because I CAN do all of those things. We had 68 people on Pub Fleet the other night...not bad for our lil PvP server (HoG).


And please, stop asking that I exhibit patience. That's all I have done with the game since release. When Bioware said they'd fix Ilum, I was patient. When they wouldn't allow us to beta test Ilum, I was patient. When they said they had the best PvP developers ever, I was patient. Whe they told Pubs that we'd catch up after 1.2's Valor debacle, I was patient. When the said they'd fix the Ilum credit exploit and 'punish' those involved, I was patient. When they said customization was coming, I was patient. When they told me ranked PvP WZ's were pulled, but coming before 1.3, I was patient. When they hinted at a space change MONTHS ago, I was patient. When they said on Jan 4th that I could emote on my vehicle (/wave), I was patient. When they told me how epic Legacy was going to be, I was patient. When they told me the sound issues with 1.2 was on my machine, I was patient. When they removed the ONLY sliver of Open World PvP with 1.2, I was patient......the only place with MORE patience is a hospital.


Time to move. Time to act. Time to TALK to us. Time to risk a little and tell us a date. Time to engage the community. Time to face the customers. Time to treat us like we **edit**ing matter!

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It always brings a smile to my lips when people so devoted to pointing out others' mistakes make so many themselves. There are three in your post; lets see if you can find them!


You typed 'lets see if you can find them!' when the correct thing to type would have been 'let's see if you can find them!'. That was hypocritical.

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Sorry - but 90% is an exaggeration. My server doesn't sniff the top 20 most populated, but it is by no means dead. Everyone comments on server status, but how many have seen anything beyond their own server? Many have, but many, many more just piggy back off of other people's threads and presume to know things as fact.


It's not an exaggeration, but it's a simple matter of what you consider dead.


For instance, I was playing on one of the biggest servers, and honestly? Even it felt dead. Auctions weren't selling, it took over half an hour (with me actively searching and sending tells) to fill out groups, 90% of my leveling was done alone, and I skipped nearly all heroics because no one ever wanted to do any. Most planets I ventured to past quesh had single digit populations.


These aren't signs of a thriving, successful MMORPG.

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meh, this game was fun but I find it hard to log in anymore. Before it was about the lack of players on my server, but now it's just the game. I've found it lacking in so many ways. I'm not comparing this to wow since i haven'y played it since 2007. This game is just boring anymore.


Same thing happened with Rift. Lots of box sells at the start and a steady decline of players there after. I wouldn't hesitate to say this game is barely over 500k subs now. Just a guess, not real data. To many people have left this game in this small amount of time to even remotely call it successful. The leveling part when I first went through it was the most appealing aspect of this game. Everything else is just 2nd tier MMO stuff.

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Some people are eternally positive, unfortunately they are also eternally ignorant.


if this wasnt a forum i would ask you to explain yourself but i wont to that now ofc if you have time and energy you are welcome, on the other hand please leave these great mediocre philosophical proverbs out of here, thx in advance

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This game has FAR more group content than Vanilla or BC gave us combined, so stuff your lies.
No it doesn't. You either have a terrible memory or you never played vanilla. Not only were there far more instances while you level up, but the majority of them had multiple paths that you could take at different levels. Instances covered every level. There were multiple instances for each level bracket as well. At level 40, you can do Scarlet Monestary. Or you can do Uldaman. Or Dire Maul. Or Scholomance. Or Razorfen Downs. or Maraudon.


If you're level 40 in TOR, you can do CWG or Foundry.


Or let's look at vanilla Raids. It started with just Onyxia and Molten Core. But MC in itself was essentially two raids as it was absolutely massive. They then added BWL, Zul Gurub, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and Naxxramas. Most of which were much, much more massive than any of TOR's.


Meanwhile, TOR is still sitting on its three operations after 6 months of release.


I'm really not sure you're smoking by thinking TOR has more group content than vanilla WOW, but it must be some good stuff.

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Kudos on the attempt at Areopagus! However, I'll have to disagree. The philosophers and listeners that frequented the Areopagus were well-known for their open-mindedness. That is definitely not the case here...


Thanks for the correction. I do "try" to be open minded but, I have to admit that I am very frustrated with EA/BW right now. Not so much my personal game play, I do just fine and play every day. I am worried that this game is going to go away and that EA/BW doesn't really seem to be speaking to us other than in platitudes.


I think that YOU do a better job than any of the "moderators" to engage we that post here and while I don't always agree with you I do read what you write. Kudos for that.

Edited by Urael
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I'm done wasting my time here... arguing about this isn't going to make the game any better, and the amount of effort it takes to open just one person's eyes is not worth the effort.


If you want to be close-minded and ignorant, and assume this game is perfectly successful and happy then I am glad for you. However, you will not be happy a few months from now if nothing is done, and this game continues to deteriorate rapidly.


If you want to play alone and ignore group content, this will be the best MMORPG you've ever played. Sadly, it needs much more than that to be successful as an MMORPG.


I want to see this game succeed. I really do. But continuing to waste my time posting in this thread is not going to make that happen.

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You will soon. And morale will start to increase, and along with that an influx of subs.


Here's why:


The original plan was to open a plethora of servers to make launch go smooth. Worked like a charm. Best launch in MMO history. The next step of that plan was to use the server transfer software BioWare had ready since beta to cull the servers back a few months later.


Enter the QA failure: An element of Legacy, probably a "last-minute addition" talked about in TOR's podcast, broke the server transfer software they were going to implement shortly after 1.2. BioWare is now left with a decision: completely pull 1.2 and all its content and Legacy to rework the issue and go ahead with transfers, or leave it as is, and scramble to rebuild the server transfer software.


Neither decision is a good one. They chose to leave 1.2 in and rebuild the server transfer software.


That left us with too many servers still open way past their intended life span. Which results in LOTS of players with decaying morales, which causes these low-morale players to have decreased tolerance of other bugs and annoying lack of desired features, leading to cancelled subs which further exacerbates the whole issue.


The resulting low morale is having very far-reaching effects into the rest of the game. For example, people are thinking there isn't any content, when TOR actually has more endgame content than even Rift did at 5 months old.


However, had they decided to pull 1.2 and go on with server transfers, the result would arguably not be much different than it is now.


I suspect that's why the QA department is experiencing a restructure.


A reasonable post, the part that leaves me slightly baffled though is; if they are just rebuilding the existing code to enable transfers to take place as they originally intended them to do.... Why for the love of all thats holy have they not sent a clear message to the whole community informing us exactly what the mechanics of the tranfers are going to be, which will be the detination servers, how exactly guilds will be able to transfer, how names will work etc etc. NOTE I DID NOT ASK FOR THEM TO SAY WHEN EXACTLY THE TRANSFERS WILL BE.


There are a lot of posts with legitimate concerns about the transfer system that it would seem following your logic they would be able to answer.



Note: I am not wearing a tinfoil hat here just genuinely confused as to why they are not telling the community this stuff

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They are boring. They really aren't getting better because there is no rich dialogue or story involved in them. Just a half-assed lame light/darkside choice somewhere inside.


Seriously, what is it about the rakghoul flashpoint that you like? The similarities to left for dead? There really isn't anything special or fun about them from what I've seen. If I wanted to play left for dead, I'd play left for dead. The references there give the flashpoint a small amount of flavor, but ultimately it is still a boring flashpoint.


Now you are welcome to disagree with me, but it doesn't change the fact that even if the endgame flashpoint were getting better, that from 15-49, pretty much every single flashpoint is miserably boring 1-2 hours grinds, the likes of which make you bored to death of the pointless grinding.


Bioware should play to their strengths -- rich stories and excellent dialogue. I'd rather have one amazing flashpoint than 20 half-assed boring ones. Quality over quantity.


Only played each Rakghoul one once, and to me, they were enjoyable. And Denova is not boring. It probably boils down the fact that we're part of different player bases - TBH, story takes a back-burner to me as long as the content/gameplay is solid. Denova bosses are fun and offer more of a challenge than the previous tier - works for me.

Edited by Typeslice
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Thanks for the correction. I do "try" to be open minded but, I have to admit that I am very frustrated with EA/BW right now. Not so much my personal game play, I do just fine and play every day. I am worried that this game is going to go away and that EA/BW doesn't really seem to be speaking to us other than in platitudes.


I think that YOU do a better job than any of the "moderators" to engage we that post here and while I don't always agree with you I do read what you write. Kudos for that.


Both of you are fine upstanding gentlemen!


Now help me find those three grammar errors.

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Prediction: The OP and his article will be torn a new one by a mixture of trolls, haters, and members of the entitlement generation.


Excellent article OP. TOR isn't dying, not by a long shot.


thank you this is exactly the kind of post my torn-apart heart requires on the internet forums:D

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It's not an exaggeration, but it's a simple matter of what you consider dead.


For instance, I was playing on one of the biggest servers, and honestly? Even it felt dead. Auctions weren't selling, it took over half an hour (with me actively searching and sending tells) to fill out groups, 90% of my leveling was done alone, and I skipped nearly all heroics because no one ever wanted to do any. Most planets I ventured to past quesh had single digit populations.


These aren't signs of a thriving, successful MMORPG.


To your own point - it's a simple matter of what you define as successful =)

Edited by Typeslice
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if this wasnt a forum i would ask you to explain yourself but i wont to that now ofc if you have time and energy you are welcome, on the other hand please leave these great mediocre philosophical proverbs out of here, thx in advance


Such a perfect example of my previous statement.


Your original statement is that "we gotta admit there are a lot of haters on the forums".


So, on the same token, I will say that we also have to admit there are a lot of fanboys on the forums, who will ignore all problems, call all complainers "haters" and defend a dying game to the last breath. The author of that article is one of those people.


So please, leave these great mediocre attempts at placating the masses through rampant fanboyism and ignorance of fact out of here, thanks!

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You will soon. And morale will start to increase, and along with that an influx of subs.


Here's why:


The original plan was to open a plethora of servers to make launch go smooth. Worked like a charm. Best launch in MMO history. The next step of that plan was to use the server transfer software BioWare had ready since beta to cull the servers back a few months later.


Enter the QA failure: An element of Legacy, probably a "last-minute addition" talked about in TOR's podcast, broke the server transfer software they were going to implement shortly after 1.2. BioWare is now left with a decision: completely pull 1.2 and all its content and Legacy to rework the issue and go ahead with transfers, or leave it as is, and scramble to rebuild the server transfer software.


Neither decision is a good one. They chose to leave 1.2 in and rebuild the server transfer software.


That left us with too many servers still open way past their intended life span. Which results in LOTS of players with decaying morales, which causes these low-morale players to have decreased tolerance of other bugs and annoying lack of desired features, leading to cancelled subs which further exacerbates the whole issue.


The resulting low morale is having very far-reaching effects into the rest of the game. For example, people are thinking there isn't any content, when TOR actually has more endgame content than even Rift did at 5 months old.


However, had they decided to pull 1.2 and go on with server transfers, the result would arguably not be much different than it is now.


I suspect that's why the QA department is experiencing a restructure.


If this is true, they should have done transfers first. The situation would be much different now. Nobody cares about the fluff called legacy. I would have rather waited for EC and Denova and get the population issue right first. Now, even PvP is affected, due to stupid needless legacy. Whoever made that decision should be this week's forgotten man.

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Time to move. Time to act.

They are. Maybe not at the Thee-content-patches-a-month-RIT-NOA! Speed that you want, but they are.


Time to TALK to us.

If I saw the toxic spew and lies that frequently fly around the GD I wouldn't want to talk to you guys either...


Time to risk a little and tell us a date.

If they set specific dates then if that date gets pushed by a weekend then the forums will fill to the brim with "Serious Discussion: TOR patch moved back three days. Are you staying subbed?" dribble. Best to be get a general time frame like "early summer" and when the patch arrives in early summer they have fulfilled their promise.


Time to engage the community. Time to face the customers. Time to treat us like we **edit**ing matter!

You do matter... you matter roughly $15 a month. That is $0.50 a day. I have taken a friend out for dinner before and spent more on his alcohol than what this game costs a month. If you paid them thousands of dollars a month then you can jump on a soapbox and demand restitution. Until then pipe down.

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No it doesn't. You either have a terrible memory or you never played vanilla. Not only were there far more instances while you level up, but the majority of them had multiple paths that you could take at different levels. Instances covered every level. There were multiple instances for each level bracket as well. At level 40, you can do Scarlet Monestary. Or you can do Uldaman. Or Dire Maul. Or Scholomance. Or Razorfen Downs. or Maraudon.


If you're level 40 in TOR, you can do CWG or Foundry.


Or let's look at vanilla Raids. It started with just Onyxia and Molten Core. But MC in itself was essentially two raids as it was absolutely massive. They then added BWL, Zul Gurub, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and Naxxramas. Most of which were much, much more massive than any of TOR's.


Meanwhile, TOR is still sitting on its three operations after 6 months of release.


I'm really not sure you're smoking by thinking TOR has more group content than vanilla WOW, but it must be some good stuff.


wrong, dire maul wasn't released as content. Maraudon didn't even come out till after the first month of release. battlegrounds were released the following year i beleive in early summer it's been a while.


You had just the same as swtor leveling dungeons etc. Comparing wow release to swtor release, swtor has much more. Comparing swtor release to wow today , swtor is lacking hard, and that is what should be compared not a new game to a game that came out on relese, but a new game with what's out there now.

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A reasonable post, the part that leaves me slightly baffled though is; if they are just rebuilding the existing code to enable transfers to take place as they originally intended them to do.... Why for the love of all thats holy have they not sent a clear message to the whole community informing us exactly what the mechanics of the tranfers are going to be, which will be the detination servers, how exactly guilds will be able to transfer, how names will work etc etc. NOTE I DID NOT ASK FOR THEM TO SAY WHEN EXACTLY THE TRANSFERS WILL BE.


There are a lot of posts with legitimate concerns about the transfer system that it would seem following your logic they would be able to answer.



Note: I am not wearing a tinfoil hat here just genuinely confused as to why they are not telling the community this stuff

community manager has just been fired so i hope thats an answer for you

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