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Stephen Reid Departs From SW:TOR (TOR-Talk Editorial)


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Talking about unsubbing with game time remaining, those trolls. At least that's what I got out of it


Hey if they are still paying they have the right to post.


I'm sorry, but if EA feels it is ok to still counting them as "Paying subscribers" on their reports, they should still be allowed on the forums.

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Hey if they are still paying they have the right to post.


I'm sorry, but if EA feels it is ok to still counting them as "Paying subscribers" on their reports, they should still be allowed on the forums.


They way I look at it, if you unsubscribe, you unsubscribe to the forums. Game time left over is only that, game time, not forum time

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Come to think of it, it's pretty pathetic we are not discussing with some community manager on the forum.

Sending out twitter messages is a lame approach to "manage a community".


Never even heard about this guy before he was fired.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Does no one consider the fact that perhaps any posts on these forums has to go through various channels of approval? We've seen time and again that any dev or CSM who posts here mentions the need to get things approved or not saying things they aren't allowed to say before posting.


SR used his twitter account because he could post things as he saw fit. He'd post things through twitter that wouldn't be here for 3-4 days. BW/EA seem to want info on these forums to be carefully fact-checked, etc. He could shoot from the hip a bit more on twitter, so he used it as best he could. Nothing he said ever led me to believe he was avoiding these forums, but that his hands were somewhat tied regarding what he could say here -- while he was free to post more easily through twitter.

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For those complaining about Facebook & Twitter, please come join the modern age. "Community", especially online community, must encompass these things. As the Community Manager, it was his job to ensure the entire online community was managed and leveraged; not just the official forums.


I would imagine SR used Twitter to post snippets he could, while he was awaiting internal approval for more info.


I don`t care about anyone except official posts within an official medium - in this case the game`s page / Forum.


I don`t "Facebook", nor do I "Tweet". My problem and nobody`s concern. But his job would be to share the same information to the official medium too.


Some might like online communities. I don`t like anything that hasn`t got a name and a face.

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They way I look at it, if you unsubscribe, you unsubscribe to the forums. Game time left over is only that, game time, not forum time


Well it doesn't work the way you look at it doesn't it.

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Come to think of it, it's pretty pathetic we are not discussing with some community manager on the forum.

Sending out twitter messages is a lame approach to "manage a community".


Never even heard about this guy before he was fired.


That tactic wasn't his call it wasn't Biowares call or EA's call (figure it out) In fact a lot of the things Bioware and EA are getting blamed for isn't their fault.


Some of the ex employees are opining up on places like Google and twitter now that they are gone, we as a community would do well to listen so we can at least yell at the right people.

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Stephen was a really great employee.


Punting him makes very little sense.


I agree, and again I don't believe this was Bioware or EA's call because surprise surprise there were layoffs at the other invested party as well.

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Bob S. > Man, that Peter Gibbons was a real straight shooter. All right, who's next on the list?


Bob P. > Um, Stephen Reid in Bioware. I'll call him in.


*Stephen Reid walks in*


Bob S. > I'm Bob Slydell and this is my associate, Bob Porter. Why don't you go ahead and grab a seat and join us for a minute?


Bob S. > You see, what we're actually trying to do here is, we're just, we're trying to get a feel for how people spend their day at work. So, if you would, would you walk us through a typical day for you?


Stephen R. > Oh, well I uh, use Twitter a lot...


Bob P. > Uh, hold up, what is Twitter?


Bob S. > Is Twitter a drug?


Stephen R. > Oh no, it's an online service. I post updates about the company and stuff, and other people can read them or ask me questions.


Bob P. > I uh, wow, I haven't used an internet in a while but Isn't that what forums are for?


Bob S. > I'm pretty sure that's what forums are for. So you just "twitter" all day? How much would you say you contribute to the bottom line for the company?


Stephen R. > Yeah, pretty much. Earl in marketing hooked me up with the job. It's been pretty fun. Um, man I don't know, I had a few of my friends subscribe to The Old Republic so that's, what, thirty bucks at least?


Bob S. > Well, I guess that about wraps it up here. On your way out, could have this "Earl in marketing" head in here for us? Thanks :)

Edited by discosoc
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Bob S. > Man, that Peter Gibbons was a real straight shooter. All right, who's next on the list?


Bob P. > Um, Stephen Reid in Bioware. I'll call him in.


*Stephen Reid walks in*


Bob S. > I'm Bob Slydell and this is my associate, Bob Porter. Why don't you go ahead and grab a seat and join us for a minute?


Bob S. > You see, what we're actually trying to do here is, we're just, we're trying to get a feel for how people spend their day at work. So, if you would, would you walk us through a typical day for you?


Stephen R. > Oh, well I uh, use Twitter a lot...


Bob P. > Uh, hold up, what is Twitter?


Bob S. > Is Twitter a drug?


Stephen R. > Oh no, it's an online service. I post updates about the company and stuff, and other people can read them or ask me questions.


Bob P. > I uh, wow, I haven't used an internet in a while but Isn't that what forums are for?


Bob S. > I'm pretty sure that's what forums are for. So you just "twitter" all day? How much would you say you contribute to the bottom line for the company?


Stephen R. > Yeah, pretty much. Earl in marketing hooked me up with the job. It's been pretty fun. Um, man I don't know, I had a few of my friends subscribe to The Old Republic so that's, what, thirty bucks at least?


Bob S. > Well, I guess that about wraps it up here. On your way out, could have this "Earl in marketing" head in here for us? Thanks :)

Upper management material ...
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Love him or hate him, he's the only one so far who has the nads to say he was let go, afaik.


I had no problem with SR, and I wish him the best. I agree that having to look outside the forums for info sucks, but I don't pretend to know the circumstances around those decisions to make a judgment.


But SR didn't make any of the decisions that has placed this game in the state it's in. I'm more interested in which, if any, of the decision makers were let go.


It's going to be interesting to see whether the game stays on course or if there's any significant change.

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Christ people, you all speculate that it had to do with him using twitter, get a grip. I am 100% sure it goes deeper then posting info just on twitter although I'm sure that didn't help but look at these forums and the shambles they are in, someone should have been fired for allowing the posts that got through to keep going.
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You know this reminds me a lot like Star Trek Online after 6 months and how fast that game flopped.


In 5 months we have heard that we lost 400k subs, Layoffs and Rockjaw our Senior Community Manager of SW:TOR gets let go. ALl these things also happend in other MMOs that where not doing so well. This is ALL very negitive stuff to hear about SWTOR!! It makes me think if I should stick with this game or not and I know A LOT of people feel the same way! We need GOOD news about this game!! Letting Rockjaw go was just another low blow.


Also this guy says it best....



i dunno. i would not be shocked if i learned there were others with a higher pay grade than him telling him where he could and could not post updates. stephen could have warned them this was a bad idea, but he was ignored. this IS possible.

i think the more pressing issues were that the game felt like a barren wasteland for a lot of people, there was pretty much zero world pvp to speak of, and no LFG system AT ALL from a PVE perspective at launch (sorry a /who dialogue box with a VERY small comment window doesnt count).

so yeah, bioware has a lot more stuff to fix than simply replacing mr. reid.


you also have to keep in mind the ME3 forums are a very similar environment, so i dont think stephen reid can be completely to blame when it comes to communication.

also, just look at how the ME3 ending debacle was handled by bioware. that should speak volumes as to how bioware handles criticism as a company (i.e. not very well..)

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*Insert Darth Vader "NOOOOOOOOO"* Seriously wth man :( D:


I remember going through the years of Friday updates and conventions videos and seeing Reid and daniel erickson and dallas dickenson and olhen, all of em. First dev team that I actually knew their names. You better not bring in dirty corperate suits BW D:

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Exactly. The same goes for Facebook. I come to these forums for news on this game. I should not have to go elsewhere for it.


For all his good intentions, Reid either forgot that, or never understood it to begn with.


I 3rd this sentiment or whatever it's up to now. Twitter and facebook connections to these games has NOTHING to do with keeping the customer informed and everything to do with revenue generated from advertisements lol.


It's just plain annoying.


Oh and stop with the LFG crap already. A LFG function isn't even in the top 20 reasons for why SWtOR is or could be headed to hard times. Just because you were used to forcing yourself onto unsuspecting victims in World of War**** doesn't mean the lack of that feature had any real effect on this game lol.

Edited by Criosdh
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Losing one's job is not a light matter. But if one is not able to carry out one's job description effectively, then. I'm sorry to say, he should be let go.


I've never met SR, and would not be able to identify him (nor anyone in Bioware or EA) in a crowd. I'm sure he is a nice person, as some posters here and on Twitter say he is.


However, if one of SR's tasks here was to supply answers to posted questions and problems, I must personally say he was not very good at doing this task. I posted many times in this forum asking BW to allow server transfers for Asian gamers not in Australia, NZ, Singapore or HK and not one of my posts got answered. I then posted about the dangers of ignoring the purchasing power of gamers from other Asian countries, as i know gamers from these countries do make up a fairly substantial chunk of SWTOR players. My posts on this also got ignored. No wonder 400,000 players unsubbed. I am pretty confident that quite a lot of these were from Asian countries that were not allowed to transfer to AsiaPac servers. Note that only very recent;y that we were allowed to transfer. And this was announced very vaguely and quietly in a sea of text by SR.


Sooooo....if his appointed tasks were to do the stuff I mentioned above, then I am sorry to say, it was inevitable that he was laid off.


And I hope his replacement does a better job.

Edited by Ratior
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