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Why don't you play all 8 class story lines?


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I don't play all the 8 classes, because even with my main I can't get things done at end-game. I'm in a Standard server, in a big and relatively active guild, and I can't proceed in the end-game because people just don't want to do end-game Flashpoints so I could finish them and proceed to the Operations. And if I can't do these things with my main, why should I try to bring forth alts?


Another things are the Datacrons. Some of them just are so hard that the very idea of doing them with alts irritates me. Hours of misery.


So, I've abandoned my alts and do dailies with my main and hunt for pieces of lore now and then.

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It seems a lot of people started one character, played that character until they had full end game PVP/PVE gear and then just consider the game to be over. Like they had done everything the game had to offer. Personally, my highest level character is only level 44 because I constantly switch around between the 8 class stories. They're all very interesting to me. I can't help myself.


Is it just that the other 7 don't appeal to you? Or are you maybe stuck in the old MMO "my character is me" frame of mind? Again, I'm not trying to say you're wrong for your play style, I'm just curious as to what makes you not want to experience the other stories in the game as well.


Heck, to me, thanks to the different animations for mirror classes + light and darkside, I have 16 characters total, one of every AC in the game with one of each class being LD and one being DS. I'll eventually experience each story twice, though each one will be through a different perspective thanks to the LS/DS system. I did the same thing in KOTOR 1 and 2.


My biggest problem is sticking with one story at a time... at this rate, the LFG tool will be out before I ever even experience end game (though I am trying my best to finish up my Vanguard).


I will. then there will come the transfer and I will be forced to pay 8 transfer fees which is absurd. I'm sticking to one character until BW clears this out, which will never happen until 1.3 arrives.

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The class story lines are fun to do, each one is different.


It's the other "generic" planet quests that get old after the first few times.

And you have to do about 6 "generic" quests for each class story quest or you fall behind in levels.


How many times have I done the Czerka lab quests on Tatooine?

Too many. :)

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There's really not much difference between the story lines. Worse the planet quest lines are all static. By the time you're 15 you've saved a planet and millions of people. Rinse repeat until you're 50. Unfortunately nobody but you and a handful of npcs know. Also every planet you visit you save that planet from some nefarious plot using a planetary weapon/ancient relic of mass destruction. Really the amount of ultra-destructive super-weapons that exist in this universe is mindblowing. How is the empire/republic/pirates/unknown secrect club able to afford building all these? And how is the galaxy still intact?


Point is you could only save the galaxy from imminent destruction so many times before it gets stale.

Edited by Teenki
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After the first 50 I struggled to go through the leveling again, I found it boring. Sure the story line was good but other then that its a mind numbing run here run there now run back to here now run back to there ok now back to here. Thats just a painful way of questing its like your crossing each zone 20 times running back and forth to do quests and tbh I don't want to expierence that again.


Now if the quests had you progress to different areas on the planet and not require you to run back and forth so much I would probably be more inclined to level alts.

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The class story lines are not worth $15 a month and the rest of the game is just OK. D3 is now taking up the time I use to spend in SWTOR, but I did finish 2 of the 8. The smuggler and trooper stories were neat, but not engaging enough to warrant playing through the game a third time to see a new class arc.
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I almost finished 2, started with a sorc then did an Operative. Sorc story was decent, Operative seems better although still at level 43. I also tried to roll Republic and just hated it.


With my OP I could basically stay levelled with 2 space missions, few PVPs and a couple of quests each planet if I had enough rested XP up to about 28. After that it became very grindy.


I only rolled on Republic as I couldnt stand having to go back to Dromund Kaas, that planet I really, really hate it.


Why not just join up the speeders? There is so much dead time in this game it is almost criminal, loading screen after loading screen, oribital stations, pointless run here > talk to one guy > run all the way back. OMG they have a communication device, I use it SOMETIMES, why do I need to go back to my ship now for a holocall? And THEN come all the way back to where I am!!!


I'd actually like to play them all. The problem with the damn legacy system is that everything costs too much. I've put a lot of hours in (a fraction of some I'm sure) and I'm legacy level 23 or something - I ought to damn well get rocket boots for free on that! 2m credits? Seriously I'm going to grind 250 or so dailies or WZs or whatever for rocket boots? Nah, I'll pass.

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It seems a lot of people started one character, played that character until they had full end game PVP/PVE gear and then just consider the game to be over. Like they had done everything the game had to offer. Personally, my highest level character is only level 44 because I constantly switch around between the 8 class stories. They're all very interesting to me. I can't help myself.


Is it just that the other 7 don't appeal to you? Or are you maybe stuck in the old MMO "my character is me" frame of mind? Again, I'm not trying to say you're wrong for your play style, I'm just curious as to what makes you not want to experience the other stories in the game as well.


Heck, to me, thanks to the different animations for mirror classes + light and darkside, I have 16 characters total, one of every AC in the game with one of each class being LD and one being DS. I'll eventually experience each story twice, though each one will be through a different perspective thanks to the LS/DS system. I did the same thing in KOTOR 1 and 2.


My biggest problem is sticking with one story at a time... at this rate, the LFG tool will be out before I ever even experience end game (though I am trying my best to finish up my Vanguard).


for what? Lvl up 2,5 characters. Deadly bored by questing and storyline.

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I've played Smuggler, Jedi knight and Sith sorcerer till the very end of story and then I quit the game. The reason does not lay with quality of the quests or the storyline whatsoever. Even though the storyline is brilliant (imho), I still cannot go over the same basic quests over and over again. Edited by vsaenostock
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I am one of those that has made alts for all classes, and in both male/female versions to not miss out on a good VA. Jennifer Hale, in Mass Effect, showed me that sometimes it is worth playing thru as the opposite sex.



So I put all 8 Imperial characters on one server, and all 8 Republic on another. I have gotten all 16 off the starter planet now, and hope I dont have to go back to remake these chars due to Legacy.

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I've played Smuggler, Jedi knight and Sith sorcerer till the very end of story and then I quit the game. The reason does not lay with quality of the quests or the storyline whatsoever. Even though the storyline is brilliant (imho), I still cannot go over the same basic quests over and over again.


Yes you can....you just think that you cant. ;)

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I am on my 3rd class story. Not sure if I will finish it by the time my sub ends but I will try--if I can tempt myself to log in. I love the class stories, I love the companion system. The problem for me is seeing the same content on all three characters. I can do it once, even twice. The third time around just is getting a tad bit old. We will have seen/played all the classes on the Imperial side. I watched my husband whole class story of his Sith Warrior since we played together almost the whole time. I don't have any desire to play his class quite frankly.


My hubby and I were going do some Republic characters but I'm worried about burning out on the same old planets again. Since I'm feeling a bit of boredom with the game already, we decided to take a break and return to SWTOR at some future date when things are fresh. And they add more things that I really enjoy like hobby systems, achievements, etc.


One aside and I will be honest. I think that I'm more of a traditional fantasy gamer. I like my elves, I like my dwarves and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm also entralled with more modern environments like what I saw in TSW. Although I do like Star Wars, I think that I'm more at home in other enviroments. That is a big factor for me as well. Although I thought that the environments were well done, they just didn't engage me as much. I found al the factories started looking alike after awhile. That is just me though and not the fault of BioWare. In fact, I'm a bit spoiled by BioWare since they established a pretty good standard in storytelling although I'm finding the voice acting and stories in TSW really excellent too although my character can't talk back or make dialogue choices....sad face.

Edited by Florial
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Then, I'm sorry my friend, but this was not the game for you. /shrug


The problem for Bioware is that the game is not for way too many people.


Replaying an alt through a new story line would be great if you didn't have to churn through the same limited planet progression and through the same heroics/non-class quests. Sorry but 4 times through Taris would force me to commit suicide after the 3rd attempt...Balmorra? Yea, no chance in hell. Then its off to Nar' Shada 8 times? Did you seriously suggest that 8 times through 75% of identical content is a value add to my experience?


Sorry, no.

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The problem for Bioware is that the game is not for way too many people.


Replaying an alt through a new story line would be great if you didn't have to churn through the same limited planet progression and through the same heroics/non-class quests. Sorry but 4 times through Taris would force me to commit suicide after the 3rd attempt...Balmorra? Yea, no chance in hell. Then its off to Nar' Shada 8 times? Did you seriously suggest that 8 times through 75% of identical content is a value add to my experience?


Sorry, no.


I agree with you that redoing quests can be tedious at times, that aside, don't you find a bit of a challenge (and for me that equates to fun) learning how to play the other Classes/ACs? Learning the most efficient PVE and PVP rotations? Learning how to obtimise each class (there are differences)?

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I played 4 classes to 50.


Trooper (commando), 2x bounty hunters (I'm a masochist, 1 pt 1 merc) and a juggernaut.


To begin, they broke my favorite class (both the commando and merc), but the reason I don't play all 8 classes is because the *********** "main" story arc for each world is so repetitive, and the class story makes up so little of your questing experience, that it's insanely boring.

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The problem for Bioware is that the game is not for way too many people.


Replaying an alt through a new story line would be great if you didn't have to churn through the same limited planet progression and through the same heroics/non-class quests. Sorry but 4 times through Taris would force me to commit suicide after the 3rd attempt...Balmorra? Yea, no chance in hell. Then its off to Nar' Shada 8 times? Did you seriously suggest that 8 times through 75% of identical content is a value add to my experience?


Sorry, no.



Coupled with the fact that, after playing through three storylines, you realize that none of your decisions actually make any kind of impact on the world around you and the majority of the time don't even change the dialogue. When you see your character repeat the same rehashed answers over and over, you begin to realize how overrated the story in TOR really is.

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I agree with you that redoing quests can be tedious at times, that aside, don't you find a bit of a challenge (and for me that equates to fun) learning how to play the other Classes/ACs? Learning the most efficient PVE and PVP rotations? Learning how to obtimise each class (there are differences)?


it doesn't take very long to learn how to play a class.




Coupled with the fact that, after playing through three storylines, you realize that none of your decisions actually make any kind of impact on the world around you and the majority of the time don't even change the dialogue. When you see your character repeat the same rehashed answers over and over, you begin to realize how overrated the story in TOR really is.


yea. I was pretty disheartened when I finally realized my alts were saying the exact same things.

Edited by Vinak
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1) Jedi Consular

2) VERY Generic quests over and over and ... over.

3) Only class quests/animations has some sort of variety and there isn't even lots of class quests

4) What's the point paying for short and boring storylines every month that includes only a few class quests in each planet?

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Because I can't stand the Empire side. I've had Smug/Trooper/Consular to 40+ and currently working on a Knight. I've tried several times to play an Imp character but can't even make it past Dromund Kaas. I think it's the NPCs. Does every character on Empire side have to be a generally terrible person? And the few times I ran Black Talon people chose the DS options just to be evil even if they made no sense. Just not for me.
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I wish I could I really want to experience all the stories for myself more than once and I wish I could play my bounty hunter story again


but there is no way i am grinding 8+ characters through all those generic quests that don't tie in to the main character story or planet story. the ones that are the same quests over and over through the same enemies with the same pointless time sinks running back to the same areas. all the minor quests really make it hard to focus on and follow the story too, they should of went for quality not quantity and made the quest feel more like flash points. I just dont have the time to grind through mandatory generic content.


honestly I would play this game 50 times all the way through and experience every piece of dialog and story if:

- you got enough xp from class quests and main planet arc, other quests optional for rewards and minimal extra xp

- no cool down on quick travel

- turn in quest from your holo communicator

- exits at the end of "dungeon" type areas [like there is in flashpoints or just a exit back into open world]

- no restrictions on speeders anywhere

- usefull drops I hate how mmos seem to inflate the economies with useless items and you never get anything good it feels more like that in tor and everything I use is bought or crafted. loot drops aren't even gtn quality they just go straight to vendor for no credits.


- [and just for fun] no dragon age writers I am pointing my finger at you guys for some of the bad characters and dialog. for some reason some of the dialog and characters at quest hubs seem so "fantasy" and not like someone from the starwars universe. there needs to be a strong litmus test for writers knowledge of eu and starwars stories

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