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1.3 Legacy? No Legacy?


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Dear Entire SWTOR Player Community,


If you are disappointed by the 1.3 content video about Legacy, please chime in. I don't know or play with a SINGLE PLAYER who LOVES the legacy system. Legacy system is not game content even though it is advertised as such. The entire Legacy System could have been programmed and implemented by 1-2 programmers with 2-3 pots of coffee over a weekend. Legacy does not require Writers, Voice Actors, Artists, Animators, Play testers, or Game Balance experts. Legacy "content" is cheap to generate, and that is why they are shoving it down our throats.


I want to know if I am alone in my opinion of Legacy or not please let me know if you LOVE, LIKE, DESPISE, HATE, LOATHE, or JDGAF about Legacy...




Xvadrous, (Never Tell Me the Odds) [Ajunta Pall]


p.s. EDIT [Just wanted to say, I do like what Shadezilla mentioned about being able to send credits and items cross faction, and I do like that you can use the 4 primary buffs when you rez in Warzones if you've leveled one of each class to about 40ish)

Edited by NosferatX
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Legacy itself was a great idea for an mmo which encourages playing alts and experiencing single player storylines.


The problem is that almost everything that Legacy in it's current state offers is worthless to me as a player. It does not let me level faster, it does not grant me better skills (oh yes once every 15 mins I can force choke a guy, how great) and it does not enhance my overall gameplay experience - only good thing were the unlockable races so far.


Also everything costs a ****aton of money to unlock. Yes money is easy to get in the game, but it is not fun grinding the same, boring dailies to build your credits and then blow them all on some unlock which does nothing for your gameplay.

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Legacy itself was a great idea for an mmo which encourages playing alts and experiencing single player storylines.


The problem is that almost everything that Legacy in it's current state offers is worthless to me as a player. It does not let me level faster, it does not grant me better skills (oh yes once every 15 mins I can force choke a guy, how great) and it does not enhance my overall gameplay experience - only good thing were the unlockable races so far.


Also everything costs a ****aton of money to unlock. Yes money is easy to get in the game, but it is not fun grinding the same, boring dailies to build your credits and then blow them all on some unlock which does nothing for your gameplay.


This really sums up my feelings on Legacy as well the only redeeming feature for me was I made a pretty painless transition from playing on a very dead republic side to a not as dead but dying Empire side and thus kept me playing to this point.

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Legacy is like a Oh. that's kinda nifty.... It is NOT content.. It is NOT fixing any of the MANY issues with the game. It is not adding content its adding a money sink that is honestly fairly fail IMO.


I don't care if my toons are their sisters, brothers, best friends dog's uncles cousin. I want content, players and POPULATION.


We need server merges. We need class balance and we need Bioware to stop thinking they can string players along with this BS they are spinning. 400K cancellations should be sending them a message. Bioware your business plan of Fluff and hide is not working..

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This really sums up my feelings on Legacy as well the only redeeming feature for me was I made a pretty painless transition from playing on a very dead republic side to a not as dead but dying Empire side and thus kept me playing to this point.


So Shadezilla, lemme ask you for specifics, it seems like the Legacy System helped you out in some way, could you elaborate please because I just don't understand what you mean?!? How does grinding out several million credits make it easier for you to level your alts? Educate me.

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Meh, I like it. It is not amazing, but it's a fun side activity. I think to many people expected it to be the second coming of SWTOR, which was it's downfall. Instead, it's a way to personalize all your character's experiences with linked perks, whether it has a mechanical use or if it is solely vanity. It's cool if you see it as just another form of progression. Cooler than grinding reputation or renown.
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Sure, I could be wrong but before the Legacy system I don't think that I could mail things to the other faction. I could be wrong on that so by the time 1.2 hit I had taken some time away and played ME3 and was debating on leaving my JK to rot since I didn't have the time to put in for OP's and had to make a decision on if I would let my subscription go. Many people that I had played with had started to drop off and the only reason I had rolled Republic at all was to play with them, playing empire if only temporary gave me a new lease on life for the game and being able to move credits and use my crafting skills from the republic side to my advantage really sealed the deal I don't know if I'd want to start from nothing again.
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Legacy is great so far, except for a few things.


1. Sticky grenade is ... not very strong or good or cool for that matter. Flame thrower does roughly 3 times the damage over a few secs while sticky is subpar with a trick shot on my smuggler (TS actually does way more dmg with talents). Have not tested legacy project yet but i do not have high hopes for it (except that it looks cool, which sticky grenade does not).


2. inquisitor class emote, ocd tick with lightning is not cutting it.


3. Smuggler class emote, it's boring and something i'd not even do when completely alone on the entire fleet. It's just that bad, really.


4. Very expensive. I have bought most of the stuff while my guildmates have their legacy board practically untouched because they belong to that high percentage of players who have less than 800 000 credits.

I know that some players would scoff at the mere thought of it but i would not mind seeing other people paying less in the future. I could afford it and therefore i have enjoyed it, now let the rest do the same.


5. Legacy perks being unlocked for each character.


So far i am impressed and thrilled about what the future holds for this.

Edited by janne_josefsson
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I like it. I wish the cross class abilities were more useful/could be used more often, and to heck with balance. Any character can get them, so (IMO) not much balance really needed.


'Course, so far I only have legacy force sweep, which as an AoE, isn't particularly useful most times you'd want to use a heroic moment, so that could be coloring my opinions as to the utility. (I've also been starting a host of characters over the last few weeks now that legacy is out and don't want to hold offf for more char creation options, so haven't really been high enough level to GET the heroic moment..)

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being able to move credits and use my crafting skills from the republic side to my advantage really sealed the deal I don't know if I'd want to start from nothing again.


So Shadezilla if I understand you right...the most usefull part of the Legacy system was just being able to send credits and equipment from Imp to Republic and back and forth. I must agree, I think that is the most useful part of that update, and although it came at the same patch as the Legacy system I'm not sure if those changes are really a part of the "Legacy System". But I agree...that is a nice thing, if not a bit OOC, why would my Jedi Knight send a sweet lightsaber to a Sith Inquisitor?...doesn't make sense storywise, but hey I know what you mean.

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Dear Entire SWTOR Player Community,


If you are disappointed by the 1.3 content video about Legacy, please chime in. I don't know or play with a SINGLE PLAYER who LOVES the legacy system. Legacy system is not game content even though it is advertised as such. The entire Legacy System could have been programmed and implemented by 1-2 programmers with 2-3 pots of coffee over a weekend. Legacy does not require Writers, Voice Actors, Artists, Animators, Play testers, or Game Balance experts. Legacy "content" is cheap to generate, and that is why they are shoving it down our throats.


I want to know if I am alone in my opinion of Legacy or not please let me know if you LOVE, LIKE, DESPISE, HATE, LOATHE, or JDGAF about Legacy...




Xvadrous, (Never Tell Me the Odds) [Ajunta Pall]


Strange, everyone I know and play with loves the Legacy System including myself. It's an awesome feature for alt-oholics like us. :)

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I don't care for the Legacy system that we have after 1.2, but 1.3 will have some stuff that is worthwhile to me.


One thing I can't stand about Legacy is how it forces all of your characters to share the same last name. It doesn't make any sense to tie characters' last names into the Legacy system. Since all of my characters are different species, and I have no interest in playing "Star Wars Brady Bunch" with the ridiculous family tree gimmick, it effectively makes it so I can only have one character with a last name and the rest have to be a single-name character. This creates a disconnect with Star Wars IMO, because most Star Wars characters are identified with their first and last names (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Boba Fett, etc). It would have been dumb if Han Solo was just called "Han" or Boba Fett just called "Boba" in the movies, or if they were Han Solo, Boba Solo and Luke Solo... :rolleyes:


Most of the unlocks in 1.2 are kinda nifty things that wouldn't change the game much at all. They're just minor little conveniences. And they cost MILLIONS of credits. It's like spending a million dollars to learn about a shortcut to work that shaves 2 minutes off of your commute. Anyone spending millions of credits on those 1.2 Legacy unlocks, I've got a slightly used bridge I'd like to sell you...


1.3 will finally add something useful, however. From what I've gleaned off the recent video update, the XP boosts should add up to 20%-30% of bonus XP, and should cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 200,000 credits for each completed set of XP boosts. Even though it's per character, at least that's a manageable amount. And there are several other useful unlocks in there which will hopefully be reasonably priced, too.

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I like legacy, considering I'm on my 3rd character. I just don't like how expensive it is. I used my first million for the ship droid, but i cant justify the 600k for a 6 minute cool down on quick travel or 5mil for a personal GTN terminal. Really looking forward to the Exp gain in 1.3 though. Edited by DFSniper
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So Shadezilla if I understand you right...the most usefull part of the Legacy system was just being able to send credits and equipment from Imp to Republic and back and forth. I must agree, I think that is the most useful part of that update, and although it came at the same patch as the Legacy system I'm not sure if those changes are really a part of the "Legacy System". But I agree...that is a nice thing, if not a bit OOC, why would my Jedi Knight send a sweet lightsaber to a Sith Inquisitor?...doesn't make sense storywise, but hey I know what you mean.


Yeah that about sums it up... although as you said having my JK send stuff to my Sorc makes little sense It did save my interest in the game even if its only for another couple of months.

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I want to know if I am alone in my opinion of Legacy or not please let me know if you LOVE, LIKE, DESPISE, HATE, LOATHE, or JDGAF about Legacy...




Xvadrous, (Never Tell Me the Odds) [Ajunta Pall]



In the current implementation its a huge disappointment and waste of resources. I could care less for it.

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Legacy was a huge disappointment in 1.2, and it will only be slightly less of a disappointment come 1.3. Why? Because it's a thinly-veiled attempt to encourage alt-grinding--a mode of game play that's extremely unsettling in a game whose core feature is linear story progression. Edited by Dezzi
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I love the legacy system. So there.


I can't wait for 1.3 and the perks, where I can unlock the legacy of altruism for my main, and the warzone legacies for my alts, allowing me to level up through PvP and story mode.


What did you think the devs meant when they repeatedly said "content light, feature heavy"?


1.3 is a quality of life patch for the Legacy system, plus LFG, plus server transfers, plus maybe ranked warzones. I'm most pleased with this. Plus, since 1.4 content is being developed concurrently, and is content heavy, feature light, it should come out fairly quickly after 1.3.

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I love the legacy system. So there.


I can't wait for 1.3 and the perks, where I can unlock the legacy of altruism for my main, and the warzone legacies for my alts, allowing me to level up through PvP and story mode.


What did you think the devs meant when they repeatedly said "content light, feature heavy"?


1.3 is a quality of life patch for the Legacy system, plus LFG, plus server transfers, plus maybe ranked warzones. I'm most pleased with this. Plus, since 1.4 content is being developed concurrently, and is content heavy, feature light, it should come out fairly quickly after 1.3.


It's content light and feature heavy if you're not a roleplayer. If you're a roleplayer... oh well, I guess.

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