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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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LOL, I know.


Listen certain posters will spin this (and anything regarding EA) as positive and what not.


The posts and updates should have been on forums.


Dev tracker makes sense I guess, but I stopped reading it long ago because it was just spin and fluff and no real content.

Facebook and Twitter should ONLY be reposting whats posted here on forums.


The idea that anyone would blame the players for not following FB and Twitter is laughable.

I have FB and I miss most TOR updates there because I have more interests then just TOR, so the stuff rolls by unseen as to many postings appearing.

I know MANY people that refuse to do FB for an assortment of reasons.


As for Twitter, dont have it, never will. I really dont care where most people I know or following having lunch or what they ate.


TOR Forums the official source and should be the first area new items posted to.


And in that regard Reid had failed abundantly.

I read a post other day that stated Reid had not even logged into forums for over 2 weeks.

I dont know if its true or not but I certainly didnt see any posting from him on forums.


I dont know about the rest of his job behind the scenes (and dont think anyone else does either, be they hater or fanboi), but for a community manager he was very absent with in the community.


Oh, look, another person who actually thinks it was up to Reid to post anything he wanted wherever he wanted whenever he wanted.


Stop deluding yourself. Reid did excellent with what he had to work with.

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Hehe, Its worse then you all think. Fanboi's are wrong.



Several Producers have hung up there hats in the last couple weeks, and then they had a layoff already nuking a lot of contractors, etc....Now they are losing CSR's and QA folks, as well as some dev's, and the next chop which will happen in about 2 months, will be a big gut into the dev staff.


SWTOR is losing subs and this is the standard EA method of trying to recover stock numbers, which never works, but they enjoy doing big purges none the less.


I give SWTOR 6 months and it will be running in admin mode with a skeleton crew keeping it afloat, just like WAR.


I'm always the guy that tells people like you that you are wrong but this time I cant argue with you. I hope things work out but it feels to be going the wrong way.


Big names have already left the game such as Drew Karshypin or however you spell it. He was key to the KOTOR story which is the reason a lot of people are playing this game right now. Now they are laying folk off, so soon after release.


Maybe I will just need to forgot TOR ever existed and keep my fond memories of KOTOR.

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I'm interested in where you found that information? Because to me it looks like you pulled it out of thin air to create a negative mood and stir.


Agree, I dont see this game self destructing with in 6 months and certainly dont see it falling to the depths SWG did in its first year of operation either.




They need to keep working on project as well cause we all know (even fanbois that refuse to admit it) there are some serious issues with game.


At worse I see game going Limited F2P after a year (like Rift did, first 20 levels f2p) if they dont fill in a number of holes in game.


But thats the worst I see happening in the first 12 months.


And yeah, this game, for all the negativity, has already passed SWGs self destruct time lime with less cancellations so even if it dd collapse now, it would be veiwed as #2 worst SWG mmo, not #1 as some claim.


This game could easily leave doors open now for 9 years now and just run out the time.

Being open doesnt mean your successful.

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Now that I've re-read the article from the OP, what concerns me most is the mention that some of the workers will stay with BW and work on other projects.


That means BW pulled good people from SWTOR, so hopes this is part of a true restructuring or reorganization seem dim to me.

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EA is the downfall of any company it touches.


EA, Sony, ect


seems big corperate companies and Computer games just really dont match up well.


I really beleive for the computer games you need the inventive mind sets of independant companies rather then the flow charted and scripted process of the corperate enviroment.


Think about it, I cant think of a single successful game developer that continued to put out same high level content after a takeover/buy out as what they did when a independant smaller developement studio.

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Agree, I dont see this game self destructing with in 6 months and certainly dont see it falling to the depths SWG did in its first year of operation either.




They need to keep working on project as well cause we all know (even fanbois that refuse to admit it) there are some serious issues with game.


At worse I see game going Limited F2P after a year (like Rift did, first 20 levels f2p) if they dont fill in a number of holes in game.


But thats the worst I see happening in the first 12 months.


And yeah, this game, for all the negativity, has already passed SWGs self destruct time lime with less cancellations so even if it dd collapse now, it would be veiwed as #2 worst SWG mmo, not #1 as some claim.


This game could easily leave doors open now for 9 years now and just run out the time.

Being open doesnt mean your successful.


As a SWG founder, you are simply wrong. SWG failed after CU(more than two years post launch), and had a huge upswing after JTLS. I do not see SWTOR getting that second wind in light of these lay offs.

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Very sad to hear they are reducing the size of the development team.


DCUO on line did this and see what state their game is in:(. I don't see how reducing their size of their development team will enable them to reach the goals for this game. EA has a huge history of ruining some of the biggest games out there. In the ign interview for 1.3 they said a lot more updates to come out this year, but with a reduce development team and the time frame they are releasing their updates I only see possible 3 more updates for the year, which would be 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5. I hope 1.4 and 1.5 are huge updates and we don't loose what little communication we are getting from BIOWARE on this game.


There has been no update on SWTOR Rockjaw Twitter Since the 19th. :( Sad to hear they are possible letting him go.

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Blizzard's firings are different. WoW will jump back up to 12+ mill with MoP. They made a business decision that is unfortunately made too often in our world. Those employees were tenured employees and the people who Blizz will hire in their place will be paid starting salaries.


Maybe for two months and then it will be back to business as usual if even that. WOW decline is from the reason as this game, low pop servers and an unwillingness to remedy the situation in the easiest method possible (server consolidation).

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Any fool could have looked at the design of this game and said, "Gee whats the only instant gratification we have in this game? Why shucks its that thar PVP que thingymabob." They were surprised that the PVP was so popular.
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It's down-sizing.


When you down-size, you don't lay off a bunch of people, then hire a bunch of other people.


You get rid of those jobs, as they are deemed unneeded.


Right now, outside of a few writers, this down-sizing seems to have hit the QA and Community related teams the most.

Edited by Azumio
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^^agree. I see it positive. Bring in some fresh developer blood


But they're not - and worse, they transferred a few good devs (who didn't get fired) to other projects in EA. That doesn't show a commitment to rework the game - that shows they're just cost-cutting and bringing development down in line with reduced revenue.

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call me crazy but i think this is JUST what was needed to get all the people in charge of this game back on track

personal opinion:


This is a money driven decision spearheaded by EA.

it is not signifying a directional change

there will be no new blood hires to fill the role.

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Who is going to be the NEW LEAD PVP DESIGNER. If Gabe is still with the company, he cant run all end game. Thats BS. I want to know who is in charge of the PVP of this game. Preferably someone with a sparkly title and a parking space all their own.
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Who is going to be the NEW LEAD PVP DESIGNER. If Gabe is still with the company, he cant run all end game. Thats BS. I want to know who is in charge of the PVP of this game. Preferably someone with a sparkly title and a parking space all their own.

This would be very good to know.

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If it means the forums won't be so hyper censored then good.


- P

i actually have a feeling this will bring about the Era of Allyson Berryman, who will smite us all with her [Carebear stare].


i still remember her reason for not wanting server forums - because they're afraid people will be mean to each other.

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But they're not - and worse, they transferred a few good devs (who didn't get fired) to other projects in EA. That doesn't show a commitment to rework the game - that shows they're just cost-cutting and bringing development down in line with reduced revenue.


Aww come on they would not endanger their game, not now, this must have been a strategic move to IMPROVE the team capabilities, not dumb the team down.

The game has some problems, they change some people in the team and hope for better outcome. Who on earth would fire the most capable ones? That wouldn´t make sense, right?

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