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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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That's what big corporations like EA do. Offer money to begin with....then they sack half the staff when the man at the top realizes his bonus this year might be a couple of million short.


Best way is to go indie and stay that way (Like CCP did). Even if it means your budget might be smaller to start with. You don't have some money grabbing fat-cats to pay off at the expense of the people who actually do the work.

Edited by NasherUK
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Stephen Reid was pretty active here to be honest, it was until lately he got quiet. In all fairness, it probably went something like this everyday at BioWare...


I actually feel bad for the man. He got screwed. Now if were gonna lay off some people lets talk pvp developers.... I been screaming for one of their heads since the Ilum 'we won't roll back' debacle.


Maybe so, and please don't think my frustration with him is anything personal...it isn't. But when people were posting on these forums last week about a SR tweet about 1.3 info "soon", I started looking for him, and then for confirmation that he was legit...but nowhere on THIS FORUM was there any way for me to possibly know about his personal twitter account.


I DO feel bad for him, hell, there's nobody I wanted to see leave, I wish today's announcement was that they were DOUBLING the staff...but I don't think he was representing the community as well as he could have. Being HERE, with US is what we needed. Addressing our concerns HERE would have calmed this community 100x's more than a secret tweet. And without being active HERE, how was he to know the community concerns?! Anyone can tweet, only customers can post.


As for PvP...yeah...another thread ;)

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My point exactly. SW:G was awesome right up until the NGE, but even Smed admitted that he NGE was a huge mistake.


I believe they didn't break as much with NGE as already was broken in the design concept of TOR, right from the start before the first line of code was even written.

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I believe they didn't break as much with NGE as already was broken in the design concept of TOR, right from the start before the first line of code was even written.


SWG was already dead by the time the NGE was released. It was the "combat upgrade" months before that which caused everyone to quit over night. But it was already in decline.


Though SWG always had broken mechanics and combat, it was never even close to being balanced and a lot of content didn't work properly. It was also VERY buggy and the animations were poorly done. TOR plays pretty well and they have done a really good job of balancing things compared to most MMOs.

Edited by NasherUK
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SWG was already dead by the time the NGE was released. It was the "combat upgrade" months before that which caused everyone to quit over night. But it was already in decline.


But SWG always had broken mechanics and combat, it was never even close to being balanced. It was also VERY buggy. TOR plays pretty well and they have done a really good job of balancing things compared to most MMOs.


TOR: Great combat, broken world, no space, broken immersion

SWG: Bad combat, Great world and immersion plus space


They just couldn't merge concepts, just like they can't merge servers

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Here is my dream scenerio:


New top leaders walk-in the office Monday morning....


New Leaders: W T F have you guys been doing for 6 months?!?!

Staff: Uh, well this rocket boo....(abrubtly cutoff)

New Leaders: Get the hell out of this office! The hell is the matter with you people!?!? Is this your first taste of what an MMO is?!?

Staff: We have voices that really immerse our players into a re....(cutoff again)

New Leaders: One more word out of you and youll be finding yourself a new job! ...How are the mergers coming along?!

Staff: Mergers? We dont believe that is the right course at this time, but in the future, we intend too...(not only cutoff, but grabbed from his shirt and dragged to a PC screen...opens up the server select page, and points his finger)

New Leaders: Look at that you moron.....what do you see?!?

Staff: I see....i see.....one heavy server, 5 standard, and like 150+ light servers?

New Leaders: Yes you are correct! Your fired! Do we have any other idiots in here?! Do you people have any clue what MMO gamers expect today?

Staff: We have never done an MMO...

New Leader: Exactly! I want all of you to stop what you are doing right now.....yes you too...stop it! Stop wasting your time with this crap! Your only goal right now is to get Server Mergers going, with Transfer Servers. Your going to get Warzone rankings up and running, your going to get cross server LFG tool out, your going to add Chat Bubbles, your going to add an optional server wide chat channel so people can continue talking to others anywhere, your going to stop wasting your time on Legacy because you people could not of made it any more boring, and your going to add more things for our dedicated level 50 players to do, and stop forcing them to keep making alts because your too damn lazy to make anything endgame worthwhile. Oh and dont be scared to start adding some sandbox elements into the game.

Staff: Uh....sandbox? What will they do with sand..?....

New Leaders: And your going to get this all done on the next update! And we better not see it drag on for months!

Staff: Sigh...

New Leaders: Also.....start talking to your playerbase on forums ALOT more! What are you vampires!?! Talk people! You have a brain and a mouth....T A L K!!!! Oh and if im still flying Starfox by the end of this year, and still be forced to stay in the Fleet.....you will not want to anticipate what will come upon you.

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electronic arts did this with earth and beyond too and it died in just two years. the thing is though is that earth and beyond was probably the best mmo of its time and i am not exaggerating it was truly revolutionary and amazing; but its a game you NEVER hear about. Edited by Heith
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Here is my dream scenerio:


New top leaders walk-in the office Monday morning....


New Leaders: W T F have you guys been doing for 6 months?!?!

Staff: Uh, well this rocket boo....(abrubtly cutoff)

New Leaders: Get the hell out of this office! The hell is the matter with you people!?!? Is this your first taste of what an MMO is?!?

Staff: We have voices that really immerse our players into a re....(cutoff again)

New Leaders: One more word out of you and youll be finding yourself a new job! ...How are the mergers coming along?!

Staff: Mergers? We dont believe that is the right course at this time, but in the future, we intend too...(not only cutoff, but grabbed from his shirt and dragged to a PC screen...opens up the server select page, and points his finger)

New Leaders: Look at that you moron.....what do you see?!?

Staff: I see....i see.....one heavy server, 5 standard, and like 150+ light servers?

New Leaders: Yes you are correct! Your fired! Do we have any other idiots in here?! Do you people have any clue what MMO gamers expect today?

Staff: We have never done an MMO...

New Leader: Exactly! I want all of you to stop what you are doing right now.....yes you too...stop it! Stop wasting your time with this crap! Your only goal right now is to get Server Mergers going, with Transfer Servers. Your going to get Warzone rankings up and running, your going to get cross server LFG tool out, your going to add Chat Bubbles, your going to add an optional server wide chat channel so people can continue talking to others anywhere, your going to stop wasting your time on Legacy because you people could not of made it any more boring, and your going to add more things for our dedicated level 50 players to do, and stop forcing them to keep making alts because your too damn lazy to make anything endgame worthwhile. Oh and dont be scared to start adding some sandbox elements into the game.

Staff: Uh....sandbox? What will they do with sand..?....

New Leaders: And your going to get this all done on the next update! And we better not see it drag on for months!

Staff: Sigh...

New Leaders: Also.....start talking to your playerbase on forums ALOT more! What are you vampires!?! Talk people! You have a brain and a mouth....T A L K!!!! Oh and if im still flying Starfox by the end of this year, and still be forced to stay in the Fleet.....you will not want to anticipate what will come upon you.


If only....

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Here is my dream scenerio:


New top leaders walk-in the office Monday morning....


New Leaders: W T F have you guys been doing for 6 months?!?!

Staff: Uh, well this rocket boo....(abrubtly cutoff)

New Leaders: Get the hell out of this office! The hell is the matter with you people!?!? Is this your first taste of what an MMO is?!?

Staff: We have voices that really immerse our players into a re....(cutoff again)

New Leaders: One more word out of you and youll be finding yourself a new job! ...How are the mergers coming along?!

Staff: Mergers? We dont believe that is the right course at this time, but in the future, we intend too...(not only cutoff, but grabbed from his shirt and dragged to a PC screen...opens up the server select page, and points his finger)

New Leaders: Look at that you moron.....what do you see?!?

Staff: I see....i see.....one heavy server, 5 standard, and like 150+ light servers?

New Leaders: Yes you are correct! Your fired! Do we have any other idiots in here?! Do you people have any clue what MMO gamers expect today?

Staff: We have never done an MMO...

New Leader: Exactly! I want all of you to stop what you are doing right now.....yes you too...stop it! Stop wasting your time with this crap! Your only goal right now is to get Server Mergers going, with Transfer Servers. Your going to get Warzone rankings up and running, your going to get cross server LFG tool out, your going to add Chat Bubbles, your going to add an optional server wide chat channel so people can continue talking to others anywhere, your going to stop wasting your time on Legacy because you people could not of made it any more boring, and your going to add more things for our dedicated level 50 players to do, and stop forcing them to keep making alts because your too damn lazy to make anything endgame worthwhile. Oh and dont be scared to start adding some sandbox elements into the game.

Staff: Uh....sandbox? What will they do with sand..?....

New Leaders: And your going to get this all done on the next update! And we better not see it drag on for months!

Staff: Sigh...

New Leaders: Also.....start talking to your playerbase on forums ALOT more! What are you vampires!?! Talk people! You have a brain and a mouth....T A L K!!!! Oh and if im still flying Starfox by the end of this year, and still be forced to stay in the Fleet.....you will not want to anticipate what will come upon you.


Mother effing THIS! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All day long ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Another sign that your MMO is failing is when the credit farmers mail SPAM stops, and it is not because BW got around to putting in a SPAM filter.


Wrong. SWG had credit farmers spamming for 8 years. Up until June 24th 2011 infact (the day SWG's end was announced). 8 years in which the population went from 400k to under 50k...and yet still the credit farmers were present.


If you were instead attempting humor then please ignore my post.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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What you said. Anyone know if Georg Zoeller is in or out? Just curious after how he handled the healer changes in the run up to 1.2. Clearly Bioware must now have the metrics, that they got the metrics that lead to 1.2 wrong. I mean what metric matters more than paying customers? The customer metrics clearly show they are doing it wrong.


No idea, but I honestly hope he's on his way out, same with Gabe. Georg is completely out of touch with the PVP community and common sense, when stubbornly insists on saying it's a great trade off for tank stats to only be effective against 2 of the 8 ACs in the game, despite community protests. This is a great example of why how BioWare only did what they wanted, they never engaged the community in extensive discussion on why they kept it the way they did nor did they allow the opportunity for general community feedback to influence designs.


Also in regards to metrics. Metrics isn't worth anything if the people reading the data are incapable of interpreting it properly. Take the active population decline for example. During the Guild Summit, BioWare Austin claimed that everything was ok because subscription levels hasn't dropped off, but concurrent activity has. Concurrent activity is people that are actively playing the game, which in terms influences other players enjoyment since that's what a MMO is all about. This was either a case of shameless positive spinning, inability to interpret crucial data properly, or both. However I honestly believe it was the former, instead of the latter two.



It's all of this that makes me shake my head when people are bashing EA for SWTOR's failure. I don't have much love for EA, myself, they really screwed up some of my favourite games too like BF3 not being moddable in order to shove DLCs down players throat.


However I'm a player who has played SWTOR since closed beta last year. I've seen how BioWare had used their time. I've seen how their tight lipped policy, and refusal to regularly engage the community niches in-depth discussion both during closed beta and release has come to bite them in their rear end. Lack of communication and hubris was what contributely mostly to SWTOR's current situation. SWTOR might have been released early, but I was in closed beta. Dialogue errors and game play bugs that persisted build after build after build all the way into release, and existing even now, are still here. Inane changes to things that were nearly universally praised as being popular were changed on a whim. Did you know that you could've literally modded ANY gear you wanted in the game, there were no "orange" gear. If you liked the look from your green gear, you could've kept it. Did you know there was the hoodless version of the Jedi Battlelord gear in closed beta that was inexplicably taken out 2 builds before release? I certainly don't believe EA forced BioWare to do all that. They did that themselves.


Heck, nearly a year (since I was championing for Jedi Guardian gear that didn't have hoods well in closed beta) after all is said and done, my Jedi Guardian is still forced to wear a hood! The technology is already there with the Twi'lek toggle toggle, but yet they claim otherwise. Why the heck am I still forced to wear a hood despite people begging for some variance? Why is BioWare saying, "Hey, we get that you don't like our designs, but we're still going to use the mistakes that we've built for the next few contents until we use them all up -AND THEN- get back on track"? Why didn't they say, "Ok, we get that you guys don't like it. We'll start making some new designs, yes it'll take more money, yes it'll take more development time, but we're going to show you we're not dragging our feet when it comes to improving ourselves"?



Did EA tell BioWare to drag their feet around, or not communicate with the community? I honestly don't think so. The only thing EA did was release SWTOR too early, but even then the development progress during closed beta was pathetically slow. Do I love EA? Hell no. Do I know that they've destroyed other games? Heck yes. Do I think they were the prime reasons why BioWare Austin dropped the ball on SWTOR? Absolutely not. I have eyes, I had the opportunity to have more perspective on their development cycle due to being in closed beta. SWTOR largely ended up in the state it is now because of BioWare Austin itself.

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Here is my dream scenerio:


New top leaders walk-in the office Monday morning....


New Leaders: W T F have you guys been doing for 6 months?!?!

Staff: Uh, well this rocket boo....(abrubtly cutoff)

New Leaders: Get the hell out of this office! The hell is the matter with you people!?!? Is this your first taste of what an MMO is?!?

Staff: We have voices that really immerse our players into a re....(cutoff again)

New Leaders: One more word out of you and youll be finding yourself a new job! ...How are the mergers coming along?!

Staff: Mergers? We dont believe that is the right course at this time, but in the future, we intend too...(not only cutoff, but grabbed from his shirt and dragged to a PC screen...opens up the server select page, and points his finger)

New Leaders: Look at that you moron.....what do you see?!?

Staff: I see....i see.....one heavy server, 5 standard, and like 150+ light servers?

New Leaders: Yes you are correct! Your fired! Do we have any other idiots in here?! Do you people have any clue what MMO gamers expect today?

Staff: We have never done an MMO...

New Leader: Exactly! I want all of you to stop what you are doing right now.....yes you too...stop it! Stop wasting your time with this crap! Your only goal right now is to get Server Mergers going, with Transfer Servers. Your going to get Warzone rankings up and running, your going to get cross server LFG tool out, your going to add Chat Bubbles, your going to add an optional server wide chat channel so people can continue talking to others anywhere, your going to stop wasting your time on Legacy because you people could not of made it any more boring, and your going to add more things for our dedicated level 50 players to do, and stop forcing them to keep making alts because your too damn lazy to make anything endgame worthwhile. Oh and dont be scared to start adding some sandbox elements into the game.

Staff: Uh....sandbox? What will they do with sand..?....

New Leaders: And your going to get this all done on the next update! And we better not see it drag on for months!

Staff: Sigh...

New Leaders: Also.....start talking to your playerbase on forums ALOT more! What are you vampires!?! Talk people! You have a brain and a mouth....T A L K!!!! Oh and if im still flying Starfox by the end of this year, and still be forced to stay in the Fleet.....you will not want to anticipate what will come upon you.


Someone make a comic of this and send it to every BW employee.

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Here is my dream scenerio:


New top leaders walk-in the office Monday morning....


New Leaders: W T F have you guys been doing for 6 months?!?!

Staff: Uh, well this rocket boo....(abrubtly cutoff)

New Leaders: Get the hell out of this office! The hell is the matter with you people!?!? Is this your first taste of what an MMO is?!?

Staff: We have voices that really immerse our players into a re....(cutoff again)

New Leaders: One more word out of you and youll be finding yourself a new job! ...How are the mergers coming along?!

Staff: Mergers? We dont believe that is the right course at this time, but in the future, we intend too...(not only cutoff, but grabbed from his shirt and dragged to a PC screen...opens up the server select page, and points his finger)

New Leaders: Look at that you moron.....what do you see?!?

Staff: I see....i see.....one heavy server, 5 standard, and like 150+ light servers?

New Leaders: Yes you are correct! Your fired! Do we have any other idiots in here?! Do you people have any clue what MMO gamers expect today?

Staff: We have never done an MMO...

New Leader: Exactly! I want all of you to stop what you are doing right now.....yes you too...stop it! Stop wasting your time with this crap! Your only goal right now is to get Server Mergers going, with Transfer Servers. Your going to get Warzone rankings up and running, your going to get cross server LFG tool out, your going to add Chat Bubbles, your going to add an optional server wide chat channel so people can continue talking to others anywhere, your going to stop wasting your time on Legacy because you people could not of made it any more boring, and your going to add more things for our dedicated level 50 players to do, and stop forcing them to keep making alts because your too damn lazy to make anything endgame worthwhile. Oh and dont be scared to start adding some sandbox elements into the game.

Staff: Uh....sandbox? What will they do with sand..?....

New Leaders: And your going to get this all done on the next update! And we better not see it drag on for months!

Staff: Sigh...

New Leaders: Also.....start talking to your playerbase on forums ALOT more! What are you vampires!?! Talk people! You have a brain and a mouth....T A L K!!!! Oh and if im still flying Starfox by the end of this year, and still be forced to stay in the Fleet.....you will not want to anticipate what will come upon you.


Marry me.

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Ah, so it's my fault for not having the ambition, desire or time to follow him to his personal twitter account, one not even linked in his sig mind you? I do keep current, but I'm not a big believer in social media. I LOVE digital communication and the speed with which information flows these days...but I have no desire to pretend I care what the **edit** Stephen ate for dinner or how many people he pwnd in battleship.


Dev tracker shows someone who was seldom here mate...spin it all you like, but I read the forums quite often and his name was new to me last week.




Mind you, I have absolutely no problem with information about this game being spread around via other outlets, but WE, the paying customers, deserve links and updates as well. We weren't getting them. We got twitter updates from his few followers here, and if you missed it, they didn't show up in Dev Tracker. WE are their best sales tool. WE know the people who have left our guilds. WE post places other than here. WE NEEDED to know.


To be honest, none us knew what his instructions were as SCM. For all we know, he could have been told to use all forms of social media/networking, as well as keep the forum as up-to-date, as possible. Again, just because you are not someone who follows these outlets, there are a lot of people do. He was very active on these forums until recently, and perhaps, since he was a senior staff member, he was told about these redundancies in advance, hence the quietening.


Personally, I have met Stephen Reid a few times, and he was very passionate about this game. It is a shame to see him go. It is astounding the tremendous amount of personal hatred towards these staff members (this isn't aimed at the quoted post, but just at the community as a whole). They are humans, with real lives, outside of this game's development. If you want to direct dislike or distaste towards the project, look to the management in charge, instead of blaming the people simply following orders. Attacking them on personal accounts is out of order.

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Here is my dream scenerio:


New top leaders walk-in the office Monday morning....


New Leaders: W T F have you guys been doing for 6 months?!?!

Staff: Uh, well this rocket boo....(abrubtly cutoff)

New Leaders: Get the hell out of this office! The hell is the matter with you people!?!? Is this your first taste of what an MMO is?!?

Staff: We have voices that really immerse our players into a re....(cutoff again)

New Leaders: One more word out of you and youll be finding yourself a new job! ...How are the mergers coming along?!

Staff: Mergers? We dont believe that is the right course at this time, but in the future, we intend too...(not only cutoff, but grabbed from his shirt and dragged to a PC screen...opens up the server select page, and points his finger)

New Leaders: Look at that you moron.....what do you see?!?

Staff: I see....i see.....one heavy server, 5 standard, and like 150+ light servers?

New Leaders: Yes you are correct! Your fired! Do we have any other idiots in here?! Do you people have any clue what MMO gamers expect today?

Staff: We have never done an MMO...

New Leader: Exactly! I want all of you to stop what you are doing right now.....yes you too...stop it! Stop wasting your time with this crap! Your only goal right now is to get Server Mergers going, with Transfer Servers. Your going to get Warzone rankings up and running, your going to get cross server LFG tool out, your going to add Chat Bubbles, your going to add an optional server wide chat channel so people can continue talking to others anywhere, your going to stop wasting your time on Legacy because you people could not of made it any more boring, and your going to add more things for our dedicated level 50 players to do, and stop forcing them to keep making alts because your too damn lazy to make anything endgame worthwhile. Oh and dont be scared to start adding some sandbox elements into the game.

Staff: Uh....sandbox? What will they do with sand..?....

New Leaders: And your going to get this all done on the next update! And we better not see it drag on for months!

Staff: Sigh...

New Leaders: Also.....start talking to your playerbase on forums ALOT more! What are you vampires!?! Talk people! You have a brain and a mouth....T A L K!!!! Oh and if im still flying Starfox by the end of this year, and still be forced to stay in the Fleet.....you will not want to anticipate what will come upon you.


LOL, would probably save the game. But will never happen.

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No idea, but I honestly hope he's on his way out, same with Gabe. Georg is completely out of touch with the PVP community and common sense, when stubbornly insists on saying it's a great trade off for tank stats to only be effective against 2 of the 8 ACs in the game, despite community protests. This is a great example of why how BioWare only did what they wanted, they never engaged the community in extensive discussion on why they kept it the way they did nor did they allow the opportunity for general community feedback to influence designs.


Also in regards to metrics. Metrics isn't worth anything if the people reading the data are incapable of interpreting it properly. Take the active population decline for example. During the Guild Summit, BioWare Austin claimed that everything was ok because subscription levels hasn't dropped off, but concurrent activity has. Concurrent activity is people that are actively playing the game, which in terms influences other players enjoyment since that's what a MMO is all about. This was either a case of shameless positive spinning, inability to interpret crucial data properly, or both. However I honestly believe it was the former, instead of the latter two.



It's all of this that makes me shake my head when people are bashing EA for SWTOR's failure. I don't have much love for EA, myself, they really screwed up some of my favourite games too like BF3 not being moddable in order to shove DLCs down players throat.


However I'm a player who has played SWTOR since closed beta last year. I've seen how BioWare had used their time. I've seen how their tight lipped policy, and refusal to regularly engage the community niches in-depth discussion both during closed beta and release has come to bite them in their rear end. Lack of communication and hubris was what contributely mostly to SWTOR's current situation. SWTOR might have been released early, but I was in closed beta. Dialogue errors and game play bugs that persisted build after build after build all the way into release, and existing even now, are still here. Inane changes to things that were nearly universally praised as being popular were changed on a whim. Did you know that you could've literally modded ANY gear you wanted in the game, there were no "orange" gear. If you liked the look from your green gear, you could've kept it. Did you know there was the hoodless version of the Jedi Battlelord gear in closed beta that was inexplicably taken out 2 builds before release? I certainly don't believe EA forced BioWare to do all that. They did that themselves.


Heck, nearly a year (since I was championing for Jedi Guardian gear that didn't have hoods well in closed beta) after all is said and done, my Jedi Guardian is still forced to wear a hood! The technology is already there with the Twi'lek toggle toggle, but yet they claim otherwise. Why the heck am I still forced to wear a hood despite people begging for some variance? Why is BioWare saying, "Hey, we get that you don't like our designs, but we're still going to use the mistakes that we've built for the next few contents until we use them all up -AND THEN- get back on track"? Why didn't they say, "Ok, we get that you guys don't like it. We'll start making some new designs, yes it'll take more money, yes it'll take more development time, but we're going to show you we're not dragging our feet when it comes to improving ourselves"?



Did EA tell BioWare to drag their feet around, or not communicate with the community? I honestly don't think so. The only thing EA did was release SWTOR too early, but even then the development progress during closed beta was pathetically slow. Do I love EA? Hell no. Do I know that they've destroyed other games? Heck yes. Do I think they were the prime reasons why BioWare Austin dropped the ball on SWTOR? Absolutely not. I have eyes, I had the opportunity to have more perspective on their development cycle due to being in closed beta. SWTOR largely ended up in the state it is now because of BioWare Austin itself.


This game had a lot of potential. It's a shame really.

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EA made a huge profit, now least money put in w/most profit coming out is the future of SWTOR. Maybe not the biggest MMO flop, but undeniably the most disappointing. I would like to think these people were let go to get some new faces in and resurrect this game from sinking, but I highly doubt this is the reason.
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electronic arts did this with earth and beyond too and it died in just two years. the thing is though is that earth and beyond was probably the best mmo of its time and i am not exaggerating it was truly revolutionary and amazing; but its a game you NEVER hear about.


EA also killed E&B? So let me get this straight, EA killed E&B and they killed WAR and now they are killing SWTOR? Any other MMO's EA has its hand in killing? I never played E&B but the other two have been two of my favorites MMO's (albeit without some issues). If EA was a person they and MMO's were peeps, I think we would have a serial killer on our hands.

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