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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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Im feeling like the days of Earth and Beyond......EA you are doing it again, omg, you are so horrible in mmos.


It's not like the days of E&B at all. With E&B there was no warning, no sign. In fact, by all accounts E&B was profitable. Just not profitable enough for EA. The ax to E&B was sudden and unexpected. I swore off EA after that...said I'd never buy another EA game....and then they had to go and buy my favorite RPG company....:mad:

Edited by Cerion
because i really know how to spell 'buy'.
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Wow....just when you thought it coudnt get any worse, we wake up to this news. SWTOR is in trouble, you can fabricate what you want, this game is sinking....fast.


Im feeling like the days of Earth and Beyond......EA you are doing it again, omg, you are so horrible in mmos.


Unless you work for Bioware, I don't think this is going to effect you the way you think it will.

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Maybe some folks. I not played wow in years, and I quit swg when the NGE rolloed out. I came to swtor hopeing it would be new and inovative. what I got was the NGE V2.0. Somehting I did not want, but that is what it is. The main problem is lack of content, where are the hundreds of planets and 10 years of content talked about durring beta, I don't see those.


So you expected SWG pre NGE... I'm not sure if you got the memo, but this isn't SWG 2.

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i debating to myself if i should stay or go as i am currently subbed but i am not going to dump cash into an mmo that may become an endless pit for cash with no return on investment(aka STO)im a lifer on that game and refuse to pay another dime until more real content is released and if something similar happens here ill go back to solely playing world of tanks and my world of planes CBT(both f2p games).i am a patient person,but much more news like this will cause me to unsub,not like many here would care as im stuck on 2 light servers already and im not a frequent poster on here.all im saying the moment i catch wind of a micro-transaction store (aka cryptic store)im gone.


edit: i will say tho it is a sad day when developers get fired with no explanation to the playerbase as to why the change was needed leaving us to speculate the reasoning for their demise.

Edited by Vgyer
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unless you spew vitriol eight to sixteen hours a day you are considered a Biodrone here.:rolleyes:


Unless you portray yourself as someone that has not a single complaint about the game, loves every moment they spend on it (yet still spend more time on the forums), and focus your efforts on dousing forum flames, you are considered a hater.


The door swings both ways around here, quite obviously.

Edited by Celebrus
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I hate this topic and forum post. I am sorry and sad to see bioware employees laid off and know they did a wonderful job and the best they could with what they had to work with


Often forum posters pretend as if they know what goes into a game development, quality insurance, and meeting deadlines and client expectations.


While I admit I was displeased with the performance of ilum on launch as well as with other minor bugs Bioware has responded to the majority of questions asked, fixed their bugs in a timely manor, and released a wonderful content update with 1.2 and the world event


I have faith in the future of this game even with the layoffs whoever they maybe. I wish for a day where the community could be a little more respectful and not be so harsh with their words just because they are hidden safely away behind a computer.


Regardless if you enjoy or detest this product the act of celebrating hard working men/woman being fired who most likely did their best is distasteful and childish.


Paying 15 dollars a month does not mean you are the god of all things right and good for game development. If you feel you have value input then supply it without degrading people who you don't even know or have a clue of what they do.

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With the great amount of discontent involving the future of the game. most notable of those being the inablity to merge servers/ transfers, one thing that rarely comes up is the amount of resources it will take to expand the game because of the voice acting.


That has to take a great amount of time and MONEY which is leaving out the fron door at an alarming rate because of the first problem. RIFT is happily getting my money again and my server actually has people on it.

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ok guys, we're only allowed to discuss what it means for content, not the 'business practices of the company'. That's from the note I got when they removed my post.


you'll get another not to discuss moderation :p

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Pretty much I have talked to people who have purchased three and four accounts that they use just to troll the forums, they hate EA and blame them for SWG shutting down. If former subscribers and those who have cancled were not allowed to post these forums would be a hell of a lot more constructive.


No one is saying that there isn't problems, but unless you spew vitriol eight to sixteen hours a day you are considered a Biodrone here.:rolleyes:


Anyone who thinks that EA caused SWG's shutdown is an idiot. It was Lucas Arts decision to only run one MMO not EAs. That's as stupid as blaming only SOE for NGE. Lucas Arts pushed for it. SOE was just doing what it had to do to keep the license. How come LA can do stuff and get others blamed for it? It must be a jedi talent.

Edited by JerokTalram
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Unless you work for Bioware, I don't think this is going to effect you the way you think it will.


Sure it will. The quality of the product will go down, not up.


I am sorry for those that got the pink slip and are now having to find work. It's unfortunate, but it happens. 6 months from now, we will be able to see the full picture. As much as I love this game, and as much as I want it to succeed, I honestly feel that after 1 year of life, this game will more than likely be Free to Play. I hate saying that, but things aren't looking good here.

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Anyone who thinks that EA caused SWG's shutdown is an idiot. It was Lucas Arts decision to only run one MMO not EAs. That's as stupid as blaming only SOE for NGE. Lucas Arts pushed for it. SOE was just doing what it had to do to keep the license. How come LA can do stuff and get others blamed for it? It must be a jedi talent.


Jedi Mind Trick....the Force is strong with this one.

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Anyone who thinks that EA caused SWG's shutdown is an idiot. It was Lucas Arts decision to only run one MMO not EAs. That's as stupid as blaming only SOE for NGE. Lucas Arts pushed for it. SOE was just doing what it had to do to keep the license. How come LA can do stuff and get others blamed for it? It must be a jedi talent.


I agree, but it doesn't deter the hate, we see it daily on this forum.

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Anyone who thinks that EA caused SWG's shutdown is an idiot. It was Lucas Arts decision to only run one MMO not EAs. That's as stupid as blaming only SOE for NGE. Lucas Arts pushed for it. SOE was just doing what it had to do to keep the license. How come LA can do stuff and get others blamed for it? It must be a jedi talent.


That and the fact that SWG had one of the smallest MMO subscriber bases around by the time it shut. I'm sure SOE didn't put up much of a fight.

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New closed sticky for this catagory even.




To be honest, I figured this would be happening. We see no names that are being replaced and I also expected that.


This is either for 1 of 2 reasons. They are downsizing (restructering) for a lesser amount of subs and income for this game, OR, they are chosing to go in another direction with the game and EA/BW felt that some of these guys would be a little too "set in their ways" and/or ridged in their thinking to follow the new direction.


If it is a downsizing, I see no good for this in TOR, it's dev dept, or the game as a whole. If it is a new direction, and to be honest I would think this is the case with the amount of investment put into this game, it could be the best thing that ever happened to TOR.


Ray and Greg, if your looking for replacements for some of your "SOE NGE" leads, may I suggest Raph Koster and Chris Klug. Both teach MMO development, both are very sucessful with direct followings of players/subscriptions, and both would be an extreme asset to your team and your game(s). To be honest, all you'd have to do is announce you are even in talks with these guys and I would resub on nothing but shear hope.


May I also suggest Tony "Teesquared" Tyson. He's already in Austin and as the last Producer of SWG, subs were actualy going up with the amount of development features he was including simply by listening to his playerbase and developing accordingly. When "T" got the producer job (doubled up on his existing workload) SOE had already cut the dev team basicly down to 2 as cost cutting measures so he was very limited in what he could do and when. But, I seen this guy on the forums at 11:00 pm countless times putting in the time to get done what he could. Hjal would be another one you could go after.



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If its just the programmers who caused all the bugs ever new patch then I have no issues with them firing them...


But to be fair every Design team lays people off after a lunch of a MMO.... If anything Bioware kept them around a lot longer then most MMO companies do...


I love seeing the fans come up with excuses for the obvious freefall...so entertaining.

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Man, it could turn out being a classic Catch-22. People leave the game to protest things they don't like and wait for fixes to be implemented. Lack of money causes layoffs of the dev team. Dev team can't produce content as quickly as before. More people get impatient and leave. Repeat.




People stay and wait for content and end up bored on a game they don't like.


I don't know if there's a way to win this one.

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One has to question what is really going when 1.3 million subscriptions isn't enough to avoid layoffs.
I dont think this game has no where near 1.3 million subs that's the issues, the 1.3 figure includes the free month for legacy level 50s and the 6 month subs.


Once the free month and 6 month subs end, the figure will be much lower imo


we will find out next quarter

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The staff most likely cut were those brought on for launch and after launch to simply get things going quickly. This happens with every game....kinda odd they bothered posting about it I guess they just wanted us to hear it from them first.


They have over a million customers still so I'm doubting the layoffs are of key staff. Even Blizz lays support staff off.

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I dont think this game has no where near 1.3 million subs that's the issues, the 1.3 figure includes the free month for legacy level 50s and the 6 month subs.


I think the number is much lower than 1.3 and we will find out next quarter


If it's the same or up folks will just claim they are lying if it's down there will be a celebration...wonderful community what?

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People cry, complain and unsub hoping that it will get them changes they want? They do. And this here is what they get instead. This certainly won't help any features get here faster or better.


Only way it could help players, is if those 'they bid farewell' were from CS. Getting unrelated reply for your ticket still counts as reply, ticket done, no reason for other CS bots to even look at it.

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If it's the same or up folks will just claim they are lying if it's down there will be a celebration...wonderful community what?


I think in general ppl are very upset in the way BW have handled and managed the game, thats why we see so many negative posts, and with EA being the publisher this adds tension also.

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