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Powertech is rediculously overpowered


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Well then teach us, oh master of PT/vanguard killing?


Having played every AC out there, right now the only class that has a chance against them are Tankassins. A Marauder/Sentinel might have a chance if they have all of their cooldowns available.


The rest of the classes - the only chance they have is to try to kill the PT/Vanguard while it's busy killing someone else.


Take your L2P and shove it up your ***.

Thats funny as my veng jugg can go toe to toe with my pt friend in equal gear it is a l2p issue theyre glass cannons.
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True im not soling, as my initial post was saying im talking about team x team. The root of the problem is:


In an "equal" team x team enviroment, I (the same player) with LESS GEAR and LESS EFFORT can perform more significantly than I (same player, lol) with MORE GEAR and MORE EFFORT just because i swtiched characters.


You got it now?


Dont take it wrong im not a NURF PYRO MARAUDERS RAWR guy. I just wished that they designed the game so that i would perform better on my healer, which in the character i put more gear and effrort into.


I love my assault vanguard, i have a blast playing it and i would be very pissed if they nurf it. I just wish i could say the same thing about my sage.


I disagree that healers perform "poorly". I would not replace our healer with a 3rd or 4th DPS when forming a warzone group. You cannot hold an objective without a healer. Having two healers makes any but the strongest assaults against a point pointless. When the people on your team are assisting your healing with their own CC, Defensive Cooldowns and damage mitigating abilities healers are far from ineffective. Your higher degree of success on the Vanguard only speaks to the low degree of teamwork your groups are demonstrating while you are on your healer. Successfully healing bad DPSers does not result in success.


Do you got it?

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I disagree that healers perform "poorly". I would not replace our healer with a 3rd or 4th DPS when forming a warzone group. You cannot hold an objective without a healer. Having two healers makes any but the strongest assaults against a point pointless. When the people on your team are assisting your healing with their own CC, Defensive Cooldowns and damage mitigating abilities healers are far from ineffective. Your higher degree of success on the Vanguard only speaks to the low degree of teamwork your groups are demonstrating while you are on your healer. Successfully healing bad DPSers does not result in success.


Do you got it?


You got a point, maybe my "sucess" with my dps is the result of lack of teamplay from my teamates.


Even thought, i am playing with roughly the same teammates and rouglhy the same opposition (my server is dead so we always pvp agains the same imp premade).


So, if you say its my team mates fault and i agree with you on that why im less dependant of my team when im rolling DPS? Isnt that the definition of a underpowered class? A weakling that needs a full setup to work as intended?


Why my sucky teammates cant suport me correctly as a healer and they can do it when im dpsing? So it is "easier" to support dpsers? Isnt that the definition of underpowered x overpowered?

Edited by Laforet
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I created a new powertech toon baecause it were only two advanced classes i didn't play powertech and operative. I have an experience playing others 6 classes. Actually i don't have a main, grinding best equipment on one class seems boring to me i like have all classes available to play warzones with each of them depending at my desire.


I reched only level 17 on my powertech and getting 300k+ damage done in several matches. No one other class can do that in 10-49 bracket. This is the class currently do the best damage at low levels. It has huge strong points others classes don't have.


First it's damage, all pyrotech damage is elemental + railshot all this completly ignore armor.


It has perfect mobility you can run in circle strafing around any melee kiting them to the death easly. All pyrotech attack are instant cast on the move and ranged also they automatically apply slow on the target.


Powertech is not kitable by long ranged classes because it has harpoon to pull targets, and again ranged slow from 30 meters with no cd. Also powetech can do descent damage from 30 meters and enormous damage from 10 meters.


This class has self healing, if you specced into it your critical hits reduce cooldown of your self healing.


All 40+ maras, operatives and juggers are easy to kill 1v1 just have 17 level powertech.

All ranged except snipers can be killed without problems being 20 levels higher. Only snipers 10 levels higher are tough, but same level snipers is not the problem.


I've watched quite a few players break 350k damage during a WZ in the 10-49 range. Mostly marauders/sentinels and snipers/gunslingers.


Keep in mind that warzones are not won by how much damage you can do or by how many people you kill. Now if your objective score was 12k+ while doing 300k+ damage and maintaining a sheild on a healer, then yes I'd say you were OP.


As far as overall damage being done, some classes are front loaded at lower levels with the abilities that are a primary source of their damage. Other classes don't begin to shine until they are 31+ because that's the earliest that they can get some of their best abilities.


When I hit level 10 and picked gunslinger for my AC I queued for a warzone immediately and I was #1 overall for damage done, and not far behind with objective points. Keep in mind some warzones are more suited for damage then others, so in some of them you will see those ridiculous numbers while others not so much.


IMHO damage done sheild not even show up at the end of a WZ, it causes to many people to "pad the meters".

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Lol balance is fine in this game. Mercs/ sorcs/ and conceal op need just a smidgen of love while Mara needs a smidgen of defensive nerf.


PT is balanced by their lack of great defense cool downs. Agents get 100% dodge white dmg, assassin 100% yellow, and Mara 99% everything.


BH if focused dies very fast.


How is that justified when DPS assassins, DPS Mercs and DPS Sorcs all do less damage but die a lot faster than powertechs?

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How is that justified when DPS assassins, DPS Mercs and DPS Sorcs all do less damage but die a lot faster than powertechs?


It is justified like this:


DPS assassins have stealth mechanics for entering combat on their terms and can exit combat when so desired either through speed or vanish. DPS sins are capable of equal burst, though they wear weaker armor.


DPS Mercs have the exact same survivability cooldown and the exact same armor as a DPS powertech, they also have cleanse and can heal, though the PT can taunt. DPS mercs are a ranged class that will cause problems when left alone. What most mercs come to find out is that they are rarely left alone.


DPS Sorcs have a mixture of the exit strategy of the assassins and the healing/cleansing of the merc. They are in the same boat as the merc, being a ranged DPS class.

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How is that justified when DPS assassins, DPS Mercs and DPS Sorcs all do less damage but die a lot faster than powertechs?


DPS assassins and Mercs are both underpowered PVP classes at the moment, specifically mercenaries because of their lack of survivability and little-to-no kiting capabilities due to their extreme reliance on casted abilities. DPS sorcs can perform just fine with a competent player, yes I've seen it, no I'm not going to tell you how to play your class, yes you should do more research.


Under level 25 powertechs are so far from overpowered its hilarious. If they're honestly leaving you alive long enough to spread your DoT's for that 300k damage (yes, that is the only way you're getting 300k damage under level 25) then expect big numbers but little impact. Also expect that if you're solo-focusing healers. Damage numbers are meaningless, and powertechs are VERY squishy compared to the other Melee DPS (other than DPS specced sins, which I said, are underpowered).


Total damage does not an overpowered class make. A DoT based class can break 1mil damage in a long long game with good healers if they spread the DoT's around and make use of AOE, but will have little-to-no kills.

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Lol balance is fine in this game. Mercs/ sorcs/ and conceal op need just a smidgen of love while Mara needs a smidgen of defensive nerf.


PT is balanced by their lack of great defense cool downs. Agents get 100% dodge white dmg, assassin 100% yellow, and Mara 99% everything.


BH if focused dies very fast.


This. ^


Powertechs are good at catching unsuspecting pugs with thier pants down and making them remember it. But just target mark them like you would a healer and say "kill the bursty spec PT on sight" in chat. If he isnt running a guard and healer (Which 98% of them arent because they think the class is godmode) They will swiftly die 10-15 times in the warzone. Melee put pressure on them, they have no knock backs, they have little in terms of space creation.

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Lol balance is fine in this game. Mercs/ sorcs/ and conceal op need just a smidgen of love while Mara needs a smidgen of defensive nerf.


PT is balanced by their lack of great defense cool downs. Agents get 100% dodge white dmg, assassin 100% yellow, and Mara 99% everything.


BH if focused dies very fast.


Agent dodge has been broken for quite a while.


Agents is 3 seconds and broken

Assassins is 50% ranged and melee defense for 12 seconds not damage reduction

Marauders is 99% everything while sacrificing 50% of their health for 5 seconds, which is stackable with other defensive cool downs.

Powertech reduces damage by 25% for 12 seconds


Powertech defensive cool down is hands down better then agents and assassins.

Edited by Phlem
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Agent dodge has been broken for quite a while.


Agents is 3 seconds and broken

Assassins is 50% ranged and melee defense for 12 seconds not damage reduction

Marauders is 99% everything while sacrificing 50% of their health for 5 seconds, which is stackable with other defensive cool downs.

Powertech reduces damage by 25% for 12 seconds


Powertech defensive cool down is hands down better then agents and assassins.


well you are leaving out hte fact that assassins have 2 other defensive cooldowns. Powertechs have 1 total.

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well you are leaving out hte fact that assassins have 2 other defensive cooldowns. Powertechs have 1 total.


and the fact that agents have stealth mechanics and stuns tied to their openers as well as more CC with longer durations and less resolve fill on some of them.

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I created a new powertech toon baecause it were only two advanced classes i didn't play powertech and operative. I have an experience playing others 6 classes. Actually i don't have a main, grinding best equipment on one class seems boring to me i like have all classes available to play warzones with each of them depending at my desire.


I reched only level 17 on my powertech and getting 300k+ damage done in several matches. No one other class can do that in 10-49 bracket. This is the class currently do the best damage at low levels. It has huge strong points others classes don't have.


First it's damage, all pyrotech damage is elemental + railshot all this completly ignore armor.


It has perfect mobility you can run in circle strafing around any melee kiting them to the death easly. All pyrotech attack are instant cast on the move and ranged also they automatically apply slow on the target.


Powertech is not kitable by long ranged classes because it has harpoon to pull targets, and again ranged slow from 30 meters with no cd. Also powetech can do descent damage from 30 meters and enormous damage from 10 meters.


This class has self healing, if you specced into it your critical hits reduce cooldown of your self healing.


All 40+ maras, operatives and juggers are easy to kill 1v1 just have 17 level powertech.

All ranged except snipers can be killed without problems being 20 levels higher. Only snipers 10 levels higher are tough, but same level snipers is not the problem.


Yea, You don't get GRAPPLE until level 22...


Kolto Overload is a 3 min. CD you get at level 32…


Yea… I’m calling BS on this. PT can be bursty, no one is denying that fact. They also have VERY few defensive CDs and someone that knows how a PT operates can counter them using a number of tactics; one of them being learn to CC or LoS once they see Explosive fuel pop up.


This all comes down to people not understanding the class mechanics of their enemy… and either you went against a group of players that does not understand the strengths and weaknesses of your class as well as their own, or your team had healers and members that filled complimentary roles you were incapable of being peripherally aware of.


I am thinking it was a combination of the two.

Edited by Creedys
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Powertech is not kitable by long ranged classes because it has harpoon to pull targets, and again ranged slow from 30 meters with no cd. Also powetech can do descent damage from 30 meters and enormous damage from 10 meters.


1st of all.. you said that you're 17... we get harpoon at 22... of course that HARPOON is the skill name for vanguard not powertech...


2nd... you need to put an SS with your 300k+ dmg in match, cuz I'm at 50 and just long fights to do that...


to kill marauders 40+ you need a lot of effort... an average/good mara can always put down a powertech/vanguard... also is always not so simple to put down a good juggernaut/guardian.

Edited by masterbason
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This. ^


Powertechs are good at catching unsuspecting pugs with thier pants down and making them remember it. But just target mark them like you would a healer and say "kill the bursty spec PT on sight" in chat. If he isnt running a guard and healer (Which 98% of them arent because they think the class is godmode) They will swiftly die 10-15 times in the warzone. Melee put pressure on them, they have no knock backs, they have little in terms of space creation.


Exactly. You can get lucky if no one focuses a Powertech / Vanguard. But any Shock Spec Assassin can ruin your day fast and anyone who can kite you. Any good kiter will do it at around the 10m range where Grapple / Harpoon wont hit. This guy just got lucky in a match and thinks the class is OP. I can lay waste to more people than he can on a Sniper / Gunslinger who is left alone since I can keep stuff rooted and slowed for a lot longer than a BH/Trooper can.

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PTs occupy a niche where they're not powerful enough to be killed first but strong enough to not just keel over when anyone looks at them funny. They don't really get focused because there are weaker classes to kill first, and their lack of escape means you don't have to worry about not being able to chase one down later. Usually you first pick off any easy kill classes (and PTs are still much harder to kill than say, a Sorc), and after that you have to start workin gon the powerhouse classes that have great escape abilities because you can't ignore them forever.


PTs are essentially the strongest class in the game that you can still take a gamble on leaving them alive. Thus in a game where all the stronger classes do get killed/neutralized immediately, you'll often see PT come in at top.

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Dear forum posters,


Quick question, for anyone participating in this thread:


Why are we taking the opinion of a level 17 seriously again?






Ya we all just got trolled

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Dear forum posters,


Quick question, for anyone participating in this thread:

Why are we taking the opinion of a level 17 seriously again?





But, he is so credible !


I mean, just the other day I rolled a level 1 Inquisitor, who has all BattleMaster pieces and just 2 War hero (weapon and chest), and queued up my 8-man group (we got voidstar) and a PT totally pwned all of us.

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I have no problem killing Powertechs / Vangaurds on my 43 Smuggler, yes they can hit hard and the good ones are really, really tough to take down, but I spam cleanse myself and their damage is not nearly as scary, but not every class has a cleanse :p


Oh and the other day when bored, I took my level 10 Operative into a warzone, got top damage, top KB's (10 I think) for zero deaths, that does not mean Operatives are OP, it means the people I was playing against were bad....

Edited by Archaar
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