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No Ranked Warzones or X-Server in Patch 1.3


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I'm pretty sure the Devs stated that Ranked WZs and Transfers would be in before 1.3 unless something has changed.


They did say that they would "hopefully" be in before 1.3.


But I wonder if they've kinda given up on PvP since they made that statement. Hardly any mention of PvP at all lately, compared to the huge amount of hype it received at the guild summet, ect.

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why would this game want a group finder, the pve is horrendous ?


Ranked pvp could have brought some life into this game, but alas bioware really has no clue about their current audience.


With this news, I'm sure many people will unsub.

Edited by Orangerascal
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evyones talking about server transfers helping pvp well it will in lets say 50% of server but probably less. the low populated servers people will probably move sice it takes 3-4 hrs to get into 1 but for the people that don't want to pay more cash to move to a server just for pvp and is in a server with bad pvp already there screwed. they need to do something more then just server transfers to up the pvp.
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They stated that when the ability to queue an 8 man ops group they will be in there own bracket.


They have also said that if those premades are queued for a certain amount of time then they will pop against the general population so that they arent stuck in queue limbo. Personally as someone who Queues either by myself or with one other person, I dont want to go up against an 8 man premade, the 4 man groups are bad enough.

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Bioware is obviously not putting resources in the pvp department like they said they would.


Not sure if that's the case...I just think that PvP won't ever really be anywhere near as big a priority for BW b/c they always envisioned this as a story-driven PvE game with no real PvP component. The game client & combat system are designe dwith PvE in mind--not PvP--so there's only so much they can do.


They're throwing together a lot of mechanics the client isn't designed to handle from scratch. It sucks for us, and it's something they should've foreseen years ago, but we just have to deal with it now (or get out and play a game built from the ground up for PvP).

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This is the announcement that needs to be made...(not an official BW announcement, but should be)


"We are announcing a update for PVP that we are extremely excited about. Our PVP community has been waiting to long for an update to their branch of the game and we are happy to finally deliver. Here is what is involved."


1-Ranked Warzone- Able to que with up to 8 friends and find out how good you really are.

2-Addiding in 3 new warzones (prefer more than 3) so our pvp player base has some new content to play

3-Cross server wz ques. Play with others from other servers, make new friends... and enemies. No long que times

4-(this one is optional but would be very beneficial) announcing a pvp world event that will take place randomly within the next couple months. (similar to the rakghoul event but pvp oriented.


If that is released as an announcement SOON then BW may be able to retain some players. The are two goals BW should have right now. How to keep the players they have and how to bring in new or returning players. This might help to do that. Do not stop here either BW, go that extra mile. Bring PVP to this game, open world pvp and warzones in an update of god-like proportions.


Naturally if they would merge servers first then do the transfers all aspects of the game would increase since then we would have people to do ANYTHING with.


Could not agree more. Sincerely hope this is what Bioware is working on, if it is not, it should be and needs to be.

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Based on the information that was provided in that interview, and the either delusional views BW has or lies they chose that make them seem delusional, I have cancelled my subcription today.


The game is fun to play, but what's the point if you can't play it!? I'm not sure why BW isn't taking the server population issues more seriously. However, their inattention to this problem has lost them yet another subscription. The only way I would come back now, even if they fixed the population problems, is if the game went free 2 play. :(

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Could not agree more. Sincerely hope this is what Bioware is working on, if it is not, it should be and needs to be.


Thanks. I personally think a world event like the rakghoul plague would do wonders. But in the current state that would do nothing for the longevity of the game. They need to do something fast.

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If they don't implement SOME kind of pvp revival in 1.3, the pvp community will just completely flat out quit. Most of us on my server finished our war hero sets long ago - seems ironic after the devs stated that 'hopefully this breather will give people time to start building their war hero sets and to test their rosters.'


After more than a month of waiting, I for one have had enough. There is no endgame content apart from PvP, and even this has become mindless grinding and boredom for even the most hardcore. Don't even get me started on PvE, my guild cleared EC HM in two nights - the 'raids' are a *********** joke and flashpoints are facerolled by people in all greens. For a game that is centered around story - there is no story at endgame. THIS IS SUCH A FAIL.

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The ign 'special info' about 1.3 is again a slap in the face. All we got was again the same things we know and a image of the group finder. I dont think 1.3 is anywhere near ready for the ptr even. We are a week away from june. Memorial day is a holiday so we know no works getting done this week. So at best well see patch notes the first maybe second week of june. Then maybe a ptr by mide june if we are lucky. If the test it for a month and we know thats not enough time so really maybe 6 weeks of ptr at best were looking at mid july or beginning of august for group finder and some augment kits. Forget about 1.3 that means 1.4 wont be around until christmas at best so no new pve or pvp content an no ranked warzones until then? Thats almost 7 or 8 months of no new content even the hardest core player and the wives ofbioware devs wont stick around that long playing the game. I mean even as a developer how can they seriously say they play the game i mean whats left to do? Refarm raids and wait for non existing pvp ques? Thats just disgusting.


Bioware has not communiated at all with the players. Not only that but they slap us in the face and instead of telling us directly make us go to ign to get the sites view count up to repeat whats been said 100 times.


Whats going on with this company? I mean we need server mergers, xross realm, ranked warzones months ago and right now were looking at early summer meaning mid summer to get a group finder? For what? There wont be groups because there wont be players by then not becaue thre isnt group finder. End of june were getting gw2 and even if i dont play it atleast 30 to 40 percent of current swtor players will and then MoP will be here by fall aswell and who knows how many will go to it. This game and the direction of the developrs and EA may have less then 200k subs before the end of the year and i dont know if the game already isnt below 500k subs. I mean take away trial weekend accounts and free 30 day subs and whats really left of actual people logging in to play even 3 times a week? Maybe 100k maybe. I mean there are only 2 servers that in any other triple A mmo wouldnt have been shut down or merged or had free transfers to another realm already done.

Edited by Masturomenos
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If they are, they need to communicate to the community what's being worked on with ETAs.


The reason they dont give you ETA's is because when they do and they dont meet them, people ***** and whine about it. Perfect example is Ranked Warzones not coming out with 1.2 like was originally stated. Its a lose/lose for them and for us either way they do it.


I do agree that BW has always said from the beginning that the story based game play was always the bread and butter of the game, the problem with that is that its just too damn short. There should be no reason people have more then 3 level 50 toons this fast. People are just tearing through the story, get to end game where its the same grind and have nothing to do. Legacy does nothing but make this process EVEN FASTER. Its really mind boggling. Thats why they need to focus on PVP in the short term more IMO, it can be much more dynamic then running the same operations or flash points every week if done right and I would think it would be easier to implement then adding a ton of story, voice dialog and cut scenes. They can save that for bigger patches later. If we had a bigger, dynamic PVP they could buy themselves so much more time for adding other content.

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The reason they dont give you ETA's is because when they do and they dont meet them, people ***** and whine about it. Perfect example is Ranked Warzones not coming out with 1.2 like was originally stated. Its a lose/lose for them and for us either way they do it.


I do agree that BW has always said from the beginning that the story based game play was always the bread and butter of the game, the problem with that is that its just too damn short. There should be no reason people have more then 3 level 50 toons this fast. People are just tearing through the story, get to end game where its the same grind and have nothing to do. Legacy does nothing but make this process EVEN FASTER. Its really mind boggling. Thats why they need to focus on PVP in the short term more IMO, it can be much more dynamic then running the same operations or flash points every week if done right and I would think it would be easier to implement then adding a ton of story, voice dialog and cut scenes. They can save that for bigger patches later. If we had a bigger, dynamic PVP they could buy themselves so much more time for adding other content.


ETAs aren't necessary, but we've had NO communication about what's going on with PvP development since Ranked WZs were pulled out of 1.2

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Problem is when they don't give ETAs, they take it too far and insinuate they aren't even working on whatever the feature is (which they very well might not be).


They'll say things like "Nothing is off the table" and "It is being considered" as though it's some idea they maybe might get to in the future if they feel like it.


I want to hear things like "As we speak, we are working on implementing cross server warzones. As we get closer to release of this feature we will have more information". No ETA, but at least it's definitely coming. That's the kind of statement that would give people some confidence they are listening to and addressing community issues.

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Some of us don't want the cross server queues. I would rather that they try to save open world pvp then waste time on the stupid warzones we've already played 1000 times each. Personally I am tired of the warzones and brats from other servers aren't going to help with that.
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The reason they dont give you ETA's is because when they do and they dont meet them, people ***** and whine about it. Perfect example is Ranked Warzones not coming out with 1.2 like was originally stated. Its a lose/lose for them and for us either way they do it.


I do agree that BW has always said from the beginning that the story based game play was always the bread and butter of the game, the problem with that is that its just too damn short. There should be no reason people have more then 3 level 50 toons this fast. People are just tearing through the story, get to end game where its the same grind and have nothing to do. Legacy does nothing but make this process EVEN FASTER. Its really mind boggling. Thats why they need to focus on PVP in the short term more IMO, it can be much more dynamic then running the same operations or flash points every week if done right and I would think it would be easier to implement then adding a ton of story, voice dialog and cut scenes. They can save that for bigger patches later. If we had a bigger, dynamic PVP they could buy themselves so much more time for adding other content.



Look thats a good soundingidea and all but at this point were not years in and have a trust built up between dev and player. They could always under promise and over deliver. Instead of saying early summer for 1.3 and then it bein mid or late summer and peple complaining they could have said expect 1.3 in august and wed have a month set when we expect it then they could debut it in june/july and the players would have said wow what a great dev team we got it early.


#1 rule of sales under promise and over deliver. Right now we are being over promied and under delivered.


If i say im giving u a $1000 dollars and i give u $2000 ur even happier but if i say im giving u $2000 and only give u $1000 u would say well i appreciate the $1k but i made plans as if u were giving me $2k.


Bioware is tryin to act like their blizzard circa 2005 and theyre egos are making promies they cant deliver on. Even blizzard knos thats not the way to do it anymore. We should have on a daily basis a dev response to one aspect of the game.


Monday comment on gear

Tuesday comment on classes

Wednesday comment on augments

Thursday comment on raiding

So on and so on. Not like they have to tell us every aspect or answer every question but show that they listen and read forums. The illussion of them making us feel like we are being listened to is btter then what is going on now and us thinking no one is even at work t bioware.


Its a brand new game that disappointed over a million people already and right now even us hardcore fans are on our limit of what we are willing to take and how much we are willing to be disappointed. There is nothing not one aspect of the game bringing more people to it. Bioware cant retain customers or entince new ones to buy the game. Players are just unhappy even the ones defending bioware are running out of reasons atleast 2 months ago for every 5 md comments there was 1 or 2 happy comments. Since then you may have one happy cutomer responding for every 50 threads that r not happy with the game.


Players are trying to give bioware money but bioware is not giving us anything back and they r not even willing to mae it look like they want us to pay them not only the devs but from the top of EA executives down to the forum moderators.

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The reason they dont give you ETA's is because when they do and they dont meet them, people ***** and whine about it. Perfect example is Ranked Warzones not coming out with 1.2 like was originally stated. Its a lose/lose for them and for us either way they do it.


ETA stands for ESTIMATED time of arrival. Usually, that means it's not a 100% sure thing. People got pissed that Ranked WZ's were pulled from 1.2 because it was advertised that 1.2 patch will CERTAINLY include ranked wz's and 8 man queues, etc.

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ETA stands for ESTIMATED time of arrival. Usually, that means it's not a 100% sure thing. People got pissed that Ranked WZ's were pulled from 1.2 because it was advertised that 1.2 patch will CERTAINLY include ranked wz's and 8 man queues, etc.


Yup and people dont also realize silence stands for nothing is happening. The worst part is during development and up until launch and even a month into launch the devs were always speaking with the community. The devs dont need to tell us details but it be nice to know they are alive. I mean what do they do when they get home? Never talk to their wife or kids until their family has packed their bags and arewalking out the front door? Even that is more then hey do now. Its like the wife left them and 1 of their 3 kids went with her now the devs have 2 kids left at home and are going to wait till thy are about to leave before saing hey i have just been busy trying to make the family work. Because thats whats happening in game.


The devs the moment subs even dropped from 1.7 to 1.6 million should have come on the forums and fought to keep the other players subbed. We now are down to really 600k subs and 600k free month accunts and the devs didnt even try to keep whats left together all weve gotten is a video on a site not even the forums with a creepy looking and really overwhelmed head of developmnt saying we got nothing but a Lfg tool and some unexplained transfers coming and then again saying comming soon new content maybe before 2013. Common i mean whos enjoyng this? Who even beleives them anymore?


This is one of the saddest moments in mmo history happening right before our eyes. A great franchise a great development team and a horrbly run EA that after going from 1.7 to 1.2 (yea maybe if u choose to beleive tht) subs that they wanna focus on the sims and that we will get more focus the tiger woods golf a game that takes pics of already existing golf courses and makes them digital just going from the most anticipated game in the last 5 years to the biggest fail in the history of gaming.


We are seriously looking at what may be the greatest falure since video games were made decades ago. Not because of the product but because of the way the product has been manahged and how little the company cares about the people playing and paying them.


I really felt after the EA interview that they have already wrote off the game as a loss and that we would of had the same result if swtor was never even a monthly sub but a one time pay game that never inriduced anything more then what it launched with. I mean does no one remeber what was said months ago by the devs about maing sure we got what we wanted because we paid monthly and bioware wasnt going to be the company that charged monthly and then didnt deliver content at a fast pace? I mean people said wow is what swtor is trying to be better then when really trion is what they cant even do better then.


Just a all around failure up until now. 2012 gaves us what? 1.2 a new wz and a OP that still doesnt have a NM mode. 1.3 will be nothing but a lfg and augments and were lucky to even know whats in 1.4 this year nonthless even see it bfore the game goes f2p.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Playing fresh faces and 1-2 minute queues would add quite a bit to this game. I'm not sure anything else could help the PvP community more.


Couldn't agree more. People should just shut up about ranked WZs until after 1.3.

Screw Ranked WZs, 80% of the servers have difficulties getting 16 ppl on to have 1 damn pvp match. Don't get me wrong, I too want to be able to queue with 7 other friends, but first things first. We'll see how many servers will be "alive", how the pvp goes, then we can Q_Q about ranked WZs.


Plus, we'd need x-server queues enabled before ranked WZs are implemented anyways. I'm 100% sure that the 2 won't be implemented simultaneously.


Let's just see if we can actually do some pvp.


On my server (Tott Doneeta - EU) I can do the damn pvp daily q every 2-3 days because we don't have 12-16 ppl online on both sides total! I feel there are many ppl in a similar situation. So, there is no point in yelling "This game's dead w/o Ranked WZs" all the time.


This is what matters : We should be able to actually have PvP matches on every server there is -that means some servers will have to die off-, X-server matches and Ranked WZs come next.

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