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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will You Trust Bioware Again?


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I think you missed the nuance. Everything you've said I would agree with, but this is an MMO. An MMO is unique in that you take a GAMBLE that there will be end-game content that will prove your time investment worthwhile. It is like making a real life investment decision in a company. You do it based on track-record and the promises made. There is no way to know what an MMO will look like 1 year from launch b/c it is a constantly evolving process, but we hope and expect good to come out of it.


And yes, you can get burned. Which is why I asked, will we ever trust Bioware again?


For me there is no "trust" with Bioware. They have a product, that I find entertainment value with. That relationship will end the moment I think my entertainment value is less than the subscription price. Just like any other MMO I've played.

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Didn't bother to read the post, as I figure it's more of the same tripe being spewed on this forum.


I have no reason not to trust Bioware. They delivered the game they promised, and I've been having a blast with it. However, I will admit that I couldn't care less about PvP and I'm not an endgame-focused player.

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Short answer: No.


Long answer: See my post in the Unsubscriber's thread. BioWare and EA have lost my consumer confidence and any money I'd have spent on them in the future. As others have noted, DA2, ME3, and this... 'release' have all soured me on what used to be one of my absolute favorite studios.


On the plus side, they managed to stick more for another three months of fees before handing me 30 days free, so I'll be around for another three months or so to let them know exactly how much I won't be paying them, and why. 90 days of "exit surveying." They're gonna love it, I'm sure.

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They didnt stuff this game up. A few bugs here and ther but nothing 'gamebreaking' as people complain about. Game breaking is not being able to access the servers for days on end. That is the only thing in an mmo that i would call gamebreaking.


People are just too impatient and whine too much.

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I think you completely missed the point. Casual players outnumber hardcore players by a considerable amount, and if they added higher tiered gear/content everytime that the hardcore players ran out of things to accomplish then the casual players would never be able to compete and would dwindle away as would the profits.


Yes because it's working SO well at the moment. The game is doing fantastic and the servers are bustling with people. The amount of serious raiding guilds in this game is staggering and the GTN is full of stuff and the economy is doing great.


Get your head out of the sand and wake up.

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I think you completely missed the point. Casual players outnumber hardcore players by a considerable amount, and if they added higher tiered gear/content everytime that the hardcore players ran out of things to accomplish then the casual players would never be able to compete and would dwindle away as would the profits.


Since when do casuals want to compete with hardcore players.

The issue is that there are no epic raids. There are three mini raids with a wopping total of 14 bosses spread over 2 tiers which everyone and their granny can complete. Sorry but 14 bosses is what 1 operation should have and it should be a challenge to clear it before it resets.

Edited by Xrayll
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Nope, but I made that choice before TOR,


I saw the writting on the wall with ME2 and the shameful way they handled the outpouring of negative postings on their site during first 2-3 weeks of ME2 release.


I said long ago TOR would be the last EAoware product I purchase and have stayed true to that.


They are dead to me with single player games since the buy out.


As for TOR, long as Im posting here it means im still playing and still holding out hope for some key fixes.


When I finally do stop playing, ill stop posting and that will be the end with me and EAoware.


Problem is, for all its faults I still think TOR better then what Tera and GW2 and other Pay to Win games coming out offer up.


So TOR series my last products ill purchase from EAoware.


But I havent given up hope just yet on TOR.

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DA2 + ME3 + SWTOR = 3 back to back disappointments. It's a shame - I've been playing Bioware games since BG came out for the PC in ye olden days, but after three consecutive subpar games...my solid support for Bioware has considerably eroded. While I can't say that I'll never buy a Bioware game again, I know this much - I'll never pre-order one again. Or, for that matter, buy one before it has been out for at least a month or so and I can get feedback on it. So, no, I can't say that I will trust Bioware again, not unless it does a serious turnaround. But with EA at the helm, I doubt that's possible.


Haha, the new Big 3 for Bioware and I feel the same way. That, and we're not a very high priority for EA which might be more of the problem. It's very possible that the SWTOR team just doesn't have the capacity to tackle these issues in a timely manner.


If D3 did this to SWTOR, then god help them when GW2 comes out. Having been a huge fan of Bioware, to me it's obvious that their partnership with EA just isn't working. I'm not going to say I'm never buying a BW game again, but honestly, ME3 really made me angry. Can they fix all of this? Sure. But will they do that before GW2 shows up? I'm not so sure. For now I plan to sub, but if I get into GW2 and I'm having fun, I'll probably drop SWTOR until something interesting is released for this game.

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Well... yes. I'm still having fun with the game and I believe they'll add more cool stuff. By now, there's more to do in game than what I can actually do with the time I have to play. But that's just me. The only thing I don't like, not only about this game but WoW as well, is the daily stuff you must do to get gear for the next level of content. I don't like the "factory job" feeling it provides.
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BioWare lost my trust with Dragon Age 2. that game was an abortion and obvious rushed cash-in. Ruined the entire series.


there's a lot wrong with SWTOR but, imo, still worth playing.


I have yet to play ME3 but, again, after DA2 I will NEVER blindly buy a BioWare game again.

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This game is a disappointment. Even to date the Devs still blow a lot of sunshine and false promises (like the monthly new content etc..) it would be nice if TOR was as good as they make it sound. After hearing what BW says than looking at the actual product I can say with confidence from my experience that BW tell straight up lies to make money.
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Trust is simple. MMOs are really like a relationship. I will spend my time and energy getting to know you, and believe that it will payoff in the future (mariage, maybe a little you know what after a date). That is trust.


We just kind of feel like we entered a relationship where the other party was never that serious to begin with. Looking back, what was the point of all that grinding and running the same 4 WZs hundreds of times? We were hoping (and trusting) that Bioware would keep the game alive and deliver us with content and features that would allow us to leverage our time committed. They have yet to make good on our faith. We still sit here, waiting in this abusive relationship believing that the game will change, will get better, despite all our friends and family telling us to move on and find someone else and better.


And before you say "a game is not a relationship," ya right. An MMO is a serious time commitment. Anyone who is over level 50 and still playing has probably spent over 10 days playing the game since launch. That's 240 hours at least, which we will NEVER get back. 240 hours which we could have spent doing other things, things more enjoyable than grinding for gear in the hopes of having some benefit at the end, which we trusted Bioware to deliver. Where is that benefit?


The million dollar question is, would you date someone who failed to deliver on "you know what" after 6 months of being in a relationship? And if you breakup, would you simply say, "well at least I got to know her! It was fun going on dates with her!" Ya right. You would probably be angry and kicking yourself for having wasted your time and having missed out on other opportunities.


Relationships, like games (although I object to this analogy) never pay off in that sense. There is no endgame. When your relationship ends or your gaming ends you dont look back thinking: well that was a waste of time (I certainly hope not anyway). You continue the 'relationship' while it is fun and worthwhile. At any moment where you are playing a game or are in a relationship that does not make you happy....get out of it! This is where the analogy ends for me though, because a game is in no way as committed as a relationship. Im quite curious how you would translate 'you know what' to a game...


A game is in essence a total waste of time with no payback or whatsoever. There is only the instant gratification of having fun. You should not play a game you dont like because you think in the long run it will become fun...or wait for changes that will make the game fun for that matter. There is plenty of other games to try out and (unlike many relationships) you can come back whenever you want.


BW will never make this game bad on purpose or anger you on purpose because that will go at the cost of job satisfaction and $. That you can trust. BW cannot break up with you. Nor would they want to because it costs them money. Atmost they can make a promise on the website and not keep it. Yes, that would make me trust them less, but would not affect my playing the game (unless it would mean the game is no longer fun). Nor would it affect me playing another BW game because in the end...they want my $ and that is why i trust them to make good games.

Edited by Gokkus
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Nope! I was bummed for a while since Bioware of the past made 3 of my top 5 games of all time but such as life.

Its just an EA brand name now. After DA2 I should have known better, they got me with ToR cause I am a Star Wars fan and after what they did to this IP and what i have seen about ME3 I am done with them.

I still play this game a little bit but for the most part its the Star Wars IP that keeps me here and hoping we see a miracle, or a drama.. its all the same and worth the price of admission till a game that wasn't designed by demographics comes out .

Edited by Razot
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for me BW have still a couple months,


after that time, we will see what they do, but atm, they are of course on my list of


*DO NOT BUY* , until i see what they do with SWTOR in the future 2/3 months, i hope they get out of that list...


P.S, hey let a man dream OKAY!

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Hmmm this is a tough one to answer.


I was thinking at one stage that Bioware were the last Bastion for games and RPGs especially. Then came Dragon Age 2. Do I really have to say anything after that? That game was so poor I wanted my money back. Then came this game, which I actually kinda like. Then came Mass effect 3, yikes.


Well, There are a number of things I need to take into account. I am going to keep paying my subscription to this game simply because they have an Australian server, and I want to support companies that are doing this. I think they need to stop reintroducing really annoying bugs though, or even that will be sorely tested.


I won't just be racing out and buying their games any more when a big title comes along. I will be waiting a couple of months and carefully researching it before I spend my money on their products. Hope you at Bioware are reading this!


EA sucks, that is all.

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Nope. They are worse than SOE with their BS and lies.


SWTOR Collectors Edition - unique vendor - just ONE item, an over priced Speeder. The Security key vendor has better items and you can download that free


Culling rated warzones at the last minute when they knew FULL well it wasnt going to make the update.


Lots of 'mis communications' regarding patch notes and what was actually fixed.


Daniel Erickson talking out of his rear end about the drop in server numbers.


My first and last Bioware game.

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It's now been 6 months


12/21-1/21 1 month

1/21-2/21 2 months

2/21-3/21 3 months

3/21-4/21 4 months

4/21-5/21 5 months


While most of your diatribe was accurate, your math is off. And I'm not trying to say that it's any better to be in this state in 5 months time either, but if you're gonna gripe do it right and don't embellish anything.

Edited by mokkh
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