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The Dark Side is taking over SWTOR!!


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Remember the Star Wars movies? They were all about the greater good and standing up to evil! Luke and Obi-Wan were good guys!!!!! Now in SWTOR it seems 7/8's of the community (including BioWare/LucasArts/etc.) support the Sith and the Empire. Most people go dark, evil, corrupt. Why?


First just look at the Collector's Edition.

- On the front of the box is Darth Malgus, Satele is ON THE SIDE. On the cover of the game (CE) is an Imp symbol. Inside the box is a statue of DARTH MALGUS.

Then they come out with a contest to win a life-size statue of DARTH MALGUS.

There is a Flashpoint for both Factions about DARTH MALGUS.

Guess who's in all the trailers for SWTOR? darth malgus.


Next lets look at the game.

-Most players are Imperial

-PVP is imbalanced because everyone is Imperial. > This is huge. I play PVP and it doesn't matter how good your team is, if your on the republic, 19/20 times you'll lose. This is for lvl 50 PVP on my server. In lvl 10-49 PVP it's more random (which is better then being severely under powered).

-Way easier to play an Imp, it seems like the gameplay is more flowing and epic

-Way more Dark Side gear on pickups (it seems)

-Imperial Fleet seems way more glamorous and easy to use/accessible.

-Korriban can be conquered in 2 hours where it takes a day to beat Tython.


EDIT/UPDATE: -The Legacy Heroic Moment Powers are way cooler for the imps: Flamethrower, Lightning, etc. VS. Project, Dirty Kick, etc.

-Dark Side effects but no Light Side effects


This gives me the suspicion that all the developers are playing imps, and want to be "bad-@**". Star Wars is a world where good conquers, so it makes me frustrated when the imps seem dauntless.


In general it seems like SWTOR was meant for an imperial and someone on the dark side.

I have grown on it and I'm pretty used to it. I myself only have 2 evil characters but have 10 good characters. I am pretty much all light side.


At the very least I would like a greater effort put in to balancing the factions.


Questions: Why is Star Wars The Old Republic a dark game?

Does anyone else notice this?


P.S. GIVE US A MODEL OF SATELE (or Master Zallow, just like the Bounty Hunter and Darth Malgus models.)


EDIT/UPDATE: I believe there are all kinds of people, and so they should balance Good/Evil. Coming out with better Dark Side stuff makes it less enjoyable for Light Side people. Just like if there was more Light Side Stuff then the Dark Side people would have less fun.

Edited by Hawk_IV
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Remember the Star Wars movies? They were all about the greater good and standing up to evil! Luke and Obi-Wan were good guys!!!!! Now in SWTOR it seems 7/8's of the community (including BioWare/LucasArts/etc.) support the Sith and the Empire. Most people go dark, evil, corrupt. Why?


First just look at the Collector's Edition.

- On the front of the box is Darth Malgus, Satele is ON THE SIDE. On the cover of the game (CE) is an Imp symbol. Inside the box is a statue of DARTH MALGUS.

Then they come out with a contest to win a life-size statue of DARTH MALGUS.

There is a Flashpoint for both Factions about DARTH MALGUS.

Guess who's in all the trailers for SWTOR? darth malgus.


Next lets look at the game.

-Most players are Imperial

-PVP is imbalanced because everyone is Imperial. > This is huge. I play PVP and it doesn't matter how good your team is, if your on the republic, 19/20 times you'll lose. This is for lvl 50 PVP on my server. In lvl 10-49 PVP it's more random (which is better then being severely under powered).

-Way easier to play an Imp, it seems like the gameplay is more flowing and epic

-Way more Dark Side gear on pickups (it seems)

-Imperial Fleet seems way more glamorous and easy to use/accessible.

-Korriban can be conquered in 2 hours where it takes a day to beat Tython.


This gives me the suspicion that all the developers are playing imps, and want to be "bad-@**". Star Wars is a world where good conquers, so it makes me frustrated when the imps seem dauntless.


In general it seems like SWTOR was meant for an imperial and someone on the dark side.

I have grown on it and I'm pretty used to it. I myself only have 2 evil characters but have 10 good characters. I am pretty much all light side.


At the very least I would like a greater effort put in to balancing the factions.


Questions: Why is Star Wars The Old Republic a dark game?

Does anyone else notice this?


P.S. GIVE US A MODEL OF SATELE (or Master Zallow, just like the Bounty Hunter and Darth Malgus models.)


People are going dark side, because in real life, we can't smash someone's head in for talking back. Here we can. I find it very gratifying. When I've decided I'm OK with going to jail for manslaughter, then I'll do it in real life. But until then, this will have to do.


Despite the fairy tales you've had shoved down your throat as a child, most people want to be bad, not do-gooders.

Edited by rbkrbk
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On my server there seems to be the same number (on fleet anyway) of Imp and Rep


However, I have noticed (up to level 32 anyway) the Imp side seems to be a lot better developed on tattooine, balmorra and alderaan, and certainly the zones appeared to look a lot better - I will have to wait and see for the higher planets

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I switched to Imperial at launch, as I pref the Inquisitor storyline to that of the Jedi C seen during beta testing. And I am also fond of the Bounty Hunter story now, once I was able to get past the Great Hunt hook; like the Missions, but dislike the idea of a competition.


That said, I have also enjoyed the Trooper story, and believe the short while playing a Jedi Knight appears to offer the most epic origin of the lot. It is simply too bad that I also play melee characters so poorly; will likely be unable to see it to completion. But the Light Side offers some great stuff, too!

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People are going dark side, because in real life, we can't smash someone's head in for talking back. Here we can. I find it very gratifying. When I've decided I'm OK with going to jail for manslaughter, then I'll do it in real life. But until then, this will have to do.


Despite the fairy tales you've had shoved down your throat as a child, most people want to be bad, not do-gooders.


Are we gonna start talking about Hobbes and Locke now? Are people essentially good or evil? HA! Both sides could be argued. What I'm saying is Star Wars is based on GOOD ideals and resistance to evil, so why is that changing? And if it should change it should be BALANCED and not one sided. If you want an evil game to smack people around, there are plenty of other games out there just for that, but a Star Wars MMO shouldn't be one of them. Force Unleashed was good for that

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I actually chose imp assuming that it would of been the lesser chosen choice as I am always in favour of the underdog. Wish I went pub.


The "underdog" is always the "good" and not the other way around. It has always been easier to choose evil. That is the story behind Star Wars.

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Are we gonna start talking about Hobbes and Locke now? Are people essentially good or evil? HA! Both sides could be argued. What I'm saying is Star Wars is based on GOOD ideals and resistance to evil, so why is that changing? And if it should change it should be BALANCED and not one sided. If you want an evil game to smack people around, there are plenty of other games out there just for that, but a Star Wars MMO shouldn't be one of them. Force Unleashed was good for that


You can't "balance" something like that, unless you make the good guys look like jerks. We want to be able to do whatever the **** we want to people we consider idiots. That makes us look like a-holes to others. If they made that the Republic way, then there would be no difference.


I understand what you're saying, but what you're saying has no foundation. Most of it is conjecture and anecdotal, like how it's easier to play Imperial, or that there are more dark side drops, or how the Imperial fleet is more glamorous. These are not facts. Then you make assumptions like people play Imperial because the bad guys look cooler in the trailers, or because (since you seem to assume we're 12 year olds and make our decisions based on what is on the box's cover) there's a bigger picture of the bad guy on the front of the box. This is post hoc by the way, and you can't possibly know that's the reason. Satele, I would say, makes a much better impression in the "Hope" trailer. Not to mention, when you pick up the game, you will spend about a 1000x as much time looking at the loading screen compared to your box, on which, you will see a JEDI wielding a blue lightsaber in the front.


So there.

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The bias in design is most evident when you get off the starter planet to fleet.

The Imp side is clean and modern, with open outer vendor bays. The four sections are color coordinated with a different theme for each. The colors are blue, and purple with white lighting and red accents. The holo trees are a nice touch.

In contrast Republic fleet is a mess. The entire place is pee yellow with poo brown walls and a bunch of random colors thrown in. The outer bays are closed off and everything feels cluttered and random.

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Now in SWTOR it seems 7/8's of the community (including BioWare/LucasArts/etc.) support the Sith and the Empire. Most people go dark, evil, corrupt. Why?


I think it might be a reflection of a much darker mood among the general public than you'd have seen three decades ago. The level of cynicism about government and the economy are striking if you compare polls then and now.


Believe it or not, there was a time when people foolishly trusted their government and believed things always get better with each new generation.


LOL, the fools. Only power brings progress, which is why the Sith are triumphing. That, and, well, the Republic is run by fools, imbeciles and hypocrites.


I'll put it to you this way: which do YOU think is more likely to exist - let alone triumph in a war? An aggressive, interstellar empire with a largely homogeneous culture run by a strong, authoritarian clique, which keeps thousands of star systems in line with military force, the secret police and fear?


Or a peaceful, wildly diverse, democratic republic of thousands of worlds, all with different cultures, run by a complex interaction between corrupt corporations, local political dynasties, a weak military, an elite army of pacifists, and rainbow/moonbeam power?

Edited by jgelling
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People are going dark side, because in real life, we can't smash someone's head in for talking back. Here we can. I find it very gratifying. When I've decided I'm OK with going to jail for manslaughter, then I'll do it in real life. But until then, this will have to do.


Despite the fairy tales you've had shoved down your throat as a child, most people want to be bad, not do-gooders.

So deep down in side your really a evil person and only keeps in line due to fear of consequences?


What you say may hold allot of truth now that think about it, most people in this World are greedy evil people deep down inside and only hide that fact for there own personal gain, in this World there are very few true self-righteous people most are self-centered & and controlled by there greedy emotions, Swtor and many games become a outlet for a evil persons deep down motives to show.

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-Way easier to play an Imp, it seems like the gameplay is more flowing and epic

-Korriban can be conquered in 2 hours where it takes a day to beat Tython.

At the very least I would like a greater effort put in to balancing the factions.


May I just throw in this one comment - Regarding your complaint that the imperials seem easier.


In Almost every RPG that holds light and dark choices, Mass effect for example, Evil had the easier time. They took the simple and easy option, got the credits then and their.

Where as light, would go out of their way to do something for someone.


Now Im not sure in what way you found it easier, But you played LightSide knowing exactly that, That it wouldnt be as easy or as rewarding as the dark side.

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Now Im not sure in what way you found it easier, But you played LightSide knowing exactly that, That it wouldnt be as easy or as rewarding as the dark side.


True, but I don't think anyone took the light side expecting the storylines to be pretty bad by comparison (he talks about the gameplay being more flowing and epic, which is a function of the story as well).


If it was the same writing team for Republic and Imperial in this game, they really phoned it in from the Cliche Hotline for the Republic storylines. The consular story alone is so bad it drags the entire Republic down a little bit in my estimation :)


It's alright, no one wants to be a pebble thrower in an epic game anyway.

Edited by jgelling
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Imperial side is easy mode. Planetary areas for imps are more compact. You should try leveling an imperial and see how fast it flies by. And dark decisions make things go quicker. Usually dark decisions have a repercussion, but apparently that is impossible in a bioware game. Seriously they must have had a brain fart because all of the other games had consequences to being bad i.e. dead crewmates, bad relationships, or losing companions. Edited by ChickenWangs
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Totally agree with OP.

You also forget to mention the life size malgus statue we could won several weeks ago. Or the legacy skills (orbital bombardment vs dirty trick ? Project vs lightning storm ? come on...).

Also, the DS corruption, while there is no visible effect from LS.



Everything is made for the Empire side in the game.

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Totally agree with OP.

You also forget to mention the life size malgus statue we could won several weeks ago. Or the legacy skills (orbital bombardment vs dirty trick ? Project vs lightning storm ? come on...).

Also, the DS corruption, while there is no visible effect from LS.


Yes I should Edit that in. This strengthens my suspicions that the devs play dark characters and promote imps. Thanks :)

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I wanted to spend most time on Republic and play Imps on occasion and I ended spending my time as Imps.


I think there's 2 main reasons for me.

The first is I don't really like how the Republic stories start. None of them really hooked me so my highest character on republic side is 35.

The trooper and smuggler are nice stories but imo, for what I have seen, they don't match my ideas of thoses archetypes.

The jedi knight story seems just a story about a peacekeeper but I don't see the specifics of the Star Wars themes.

The only one I kinda liked is the consular because it's a bit about the Force but even then, not enough to level to 50 until now.


The second reason is the first companions, Khem is better than Qyzen and the girls Vette, Mako and Kaliyo easily outmatch T3, Corso and Aric.


That said I'm not dark side, I can't.

My lvl50 Operative and Assassin are light from the start.

The BH I'm currently leveling went to 3500 DS but for me, it doesn't feel good instead it feels dirty so I started to go back to the light side with that character.

I planned to level a DS Marauder after but I'm not sure she will be DS at 50. Shocking Vette and be an evil, corrupted Sith Warrior may sound fun at start but once 13-14, I feel like a jerk for keeping her collar, shocking her each time she says something or looking down almost everyone my character meets.

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You can't "balance" something like that, unless you make the good guys look like jerks. We want to be able to do whatever the **** we want to people we consider idiots. That makes us look like a-holes to others. If they made that the Republic way, then there would be no difference.


I understand what you're saying, but what you're saying has no foundation. Most of it is conjecture and anecdotal, like how it's easier to play Imperial, or that there are more dark side drops, or how the Imperial fleet is more glamorous. These are not facts. Then you make assumptions like people play Imperial because the bad guys look cooler in the trailers, or because (since you seem to assume we're 12 year olds and make our decisions based on what is on the box's cover) there's a bigger picture of the bad guy on the front of the box. This is post hoc by the way, and you can't possibly know that's the reason. Satele, I would say, makes a much better impression in the "Hope" trailer. Not to mention, when you pick up the game, you will spend about a 1000x as much time looking at the loading screen compared to your box, on which, you will see a JEDI wielding a blue lightsaber in the front.


So there.


I'm not saying "change the values of the Republic/Jedi", I'm saying have more Light Side content and presence, have more heroes. I'm tired of constantly seeing more SWTOR Villains/Dark Side everywhere.


And no, maybe I have opinions in there too, but is there something wrong with opinion? I think it's a pretty good and strong opinion, I mean just look yourself.

> Is there a model of a hero? There are two villain models and a life-size statue of a VILLAIN.

> Coruscant - Grey desolate city, gangs making messes, a bit of red carpet.

> Dromuund Kaas - Wide wilderness with all kinds of monsters/enemies. Big Statues.

The cities on Dromuund Kaas pretty much sum up the best of Coruscant.

>Crazy looking Sorcerers with bewildering lightning effects that look extraordinary.

>Jedi Sages with brown robes throwing rocks and a little light.


What I'm trying to say is that the makers of this game are spending a considerably greater effort into the Evil of SWTOR and not balancing the effort with the Good of SWTOR

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The "underdog" is always the "good" and not the other way around. It has always been easier to choose evil. That is the story behind Star Wars.


I was referring to faction population, I assumed most people would have chosen republic.

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I was referring to faction population, I assumed most people would have chosen republic.


Odd. You can't have been on the forums pre launch then, because EVERYONE around here knew imps were 1. Favoured (bias) 2. Were going to be overpopulated.


Open beta +feedback+guilds assigned on the websitie made this common knowledge, of course, not bashing on you just saying that there was never any question about it.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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I'm sorry but I don't really see it.. on my server (The Red Eclipse) Imp/republic are more or less balanced.

After playing a few Imperials to 50 I'm now levling a JK (40 atm) and imho it's pretty much the same, apart from the fleet being somewhat more drab.. and playing a light side Sith or BH makes for a more interesting storyline, again imho.. As for the dark side corruption, how would the light side affect your character? I for one can't imagine anything that wouldn't look kind of silly..

Edited by Lundli
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I'm sorry but I don't really see it.. on my server (The Red Eclipse) Imp/republic are more or less balanced.

After playing a few Imperials to 50 I'm now levling a JK (40 atm) and imho it's pretty much the same, apart from the fleet being somewhat more drab.. and playing a light side Sith or BH makes for a more interesting storyline, again imho.. As for the dark side corruption, how would the light side affect your character? I for one can't imagine anything that wouldn't look kind of silly..


Optional "pulsating eyes", telekineticly inspired like disturbance. Some kind of glow that comes and goes like the consulars meditation etc. A lot of ideas would be awesome without being silly.


Your server is then the exception to the rule. There are servers where rep are overpopulated compared to imps, but the general outline of this game is that the republic faction has got fuc*ed.



Gameplay balance.

Illum catastrophy 1.01.

War hero grind impossible for reps on low pop servers -> rated wz that are coming will be won by useless trash imps that got ahead casue reps couldnt.

Zones, leveling, companions. --> Marauders get their healing companion as their first whereas sentinels gets theirs at 34-36.


List goes on, not bashing down on any imp in this thread but face it, republic players are working harder to get less than you have to.

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