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Everything posted by xshadey

  1. I'm sure some people will use it for that, but my thinking was for certain armors and weapons that look cool that I might want. Also helps players when they search their opponents gear and can see where they can improve.
  2. Character Armory. Aion does it, WoW does it, hell even the new game "The Secret World" does it at launch... http://chronicle.thesecretworld.com/character/Rodriguez
  3. I been a big defender of this game from the beginning to my Guildies. But since decking my character out with full augments and the new relics, I just can't stand PvPing anymore... It seems everyone (Even tanks) are doing much more damage, most of the ranked games I've played in the minimum damage is over 200k... Highest is usually 600k+ My opinion is they need to do a big nerf on stats again. Just a side-note. Has anyone else been hearing people stacking Power in the 1000 range?
  4. Bioware have a very good system against spammers and such. I've played this game since release and have never seen a gold seller in general chat, and can count on one hand how many in-game mails I've received advertising gold. Well done bioware.
  5. The current build on PTS will "NOT" be the same as they put on live, they will be putting the fixes they have been working on since the last patch to PTS(13th) in the live build. So shut the 1234 up and wait until they release it on Tuesday and then complain(You know you will, even if it fixed every bug in the game).
  6. Sounds like a fun event. I was thinking of a way to record who wins and I thought maybe at the middle checkpoint(s) you had a guy flagged as PvP and you have to punch him, which would record in the combat log. Or if you didn't want people to get of the bikes, you could get a few people to cast AOE on the finish line and who ever gets hit first would win.
  7. So, its fine to use that excuse when it helps the nay sayers, but when we use it to defend this game not having 6years of extra content its wrong? GG. Most retarded forum users in the world. The reason the forum posts get 10k views and 20 unique user posts is because of this retarded crap. Good bye, stupid forum users. -end
  8. Yup pretty much this. So many things have changed. Lets just take it one step at a time. Please actually let it go live before people "unsub"...
  9. Oh yeah, your right. It does look crap
  10. I just took these from the live server. The feature is in the game, it just seems to only work when I wear this head piece. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-ccQnhH4lylWTNReHdYWV9NVEE https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-ccQnhH4lylWEREeHZhSzdZRTA
  11. Same as if the character is in your guild or friends list, should automatically come up when you start typing.
  12. xshadey


    I've come to the conclusion that the game is really balanced(some exceptions) but the real imbalance comes in when multiple (2+) of the same class/build are doing the same thing(ball carry,focus target, chain stun, cross heal ect ect). Be it 2 Shadow tanks, 2 Op healers, 2 Sents, 2 Snipers, ect ect... I do agree with biochem still being OP when I pop Relic + Adrenal = almost 900 power. Mind you, this is all my personal opinion and is no way fact.
  13. "Walks to clothes closet, please insert $176,596 credits for YOUR pair of new pants" 1.3 = "Walks to clothes closet, please insert $123,617 credits for YOUR pair of new pants" :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  14. I hate using Twitter/Facebook! Is there any plans for a Google+ page?
  15. I agree completely... And to make things worse, everyone one the repub side seems to go DARK SIDE aswel... lol..
  16. Problem is its a PODCAST... with no video.. at-least log into the game as GM's, go up to the VIP and record while people are around and maybe let people ask questions live. This would bring some good lol's and bring a bit more community interaction.
  17. No idea how it helps but it does for me and a few of my friends, it seems to stop the game hanging so much and just loads faster, use it or not, your choice
  18. I have an SSD and my load times where terrible but this fixed the load times for me and a few of my friends. I found it on these forums, but I can't find the link again, so I will just post it here. Hope it helps some people. Just a simple bat file that I launch the game with, you might need to edit the file if you didn't install the game in the default location. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-ccQnhH4lylYllHSWM0emhtRkE Or use the code below to make your own bat file.
  19. Holy batman! This is so awesome, thank you! Works perfect as far as I can tell. My training dummy on my ship is very useful now!
  20. The Harbinger, signed up for transfer within a couple of minutes.
  21. I don't have full WH only have WH weapon and rest is BM. And I don't que with them on purpose I que solo and get put in with them a few times. Its not my choice to play an easymode WZ, I'd actually like a challenge...
  22. This is out of control, pre-mades on my server are going insane, finish games in 2-5mins get 140comms for no work at all. They already have full new tier 2 PvP set with augments and new weapon... GG And before you say I'm lying I know this as fact because its on my side(republic) I get qued with them sometimes and we just face-roll the other team it is no fun at all... This is a match I just played.. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-ccQnhH4lylUDZEcUFwMzBuM2M
  23. There already is an iphone/android app, it currently only has the function of being a "Security key" but, the dev's have said they will update it with new features. One feature that has been said, is the ability to send your companions out via the app, but the dev's have said that this app is a very low priority atm and will be explored at a later date. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ea.SWTORSK_na&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5lYS5TV1RPUlNLX25hIl0.
  24. Makes sense to have an in-game mail sent to every character as the start of the event(Same message as the voiced kiosk on the fleet) I'd hope that the government of this day would send a text message to every mobile on the planet if there was a zombie apocalypse
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