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Turn off camera smart pivot


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It is completely beyond my understanding why this was not even included in the launch version when people already complained for months in the beta forums.


Just one of many things beyond my understanding when it comes to the design decisions in this game but one of the more unexplainable ones for sure.

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Bioware/ea stop being *********** ******* and put the option into the game.

I know it will take about 6 minutes of coding so get off your lazy asses and do it.


Thanks bros


LOL. Love the post and I agree. It is pure laziness on their part. And it's even worse they didn't do this in BETA or even before. I mean, I am positive that many BETA testers told them of this issue and here it remains.


Like you said, it's got to be an easy fix, but they wont do it.



they have no idea where the smart-pivot code is in the engine they didn't build themselves.


give them time, they will find it eventually.


LOL. This too. So sad, but true.

Edited by Thiussat
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they have no idea where the smart-pivot code is in the engine they didn't build themselves.


give them time, they will find it eventually.


I fear the reality of the matter is so much closer to this than any of us would dare to joke about :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was also very surprised to find this couldn't be turned off, even in PvE when travelling around I like to take in the vistas from different angles not snap back.


Nonethless as a pvper moreso this is very annoying, and makes pvp like mariokart , or butt ball.


You can make all the voice overs you want (and this is from a Bioware Baldurs Gate fan through all the rest) people eventually get bored of this and the WZ intros, however this camera is basic game play please fix.

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etc etc. This is one of those interface BASICS that make my brain hurt when I try to think about how the game got all the way through alpha and beta without getting addressed. PLEASE fix this. Then maybe Huttball will be glorious as it was meant to be. I mean, YOU CAN'T THROW THE BALL WHILE MOVING?? REALLY? Cmon.

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It is not a wow thing. jeez


The damned camera follows you and turns onto your butt when you move.Maybe some of us want to see more then our butt when we move, and want to be able to see behind or to the side as we run.


this is actually already possible. use left mouse button while running ;)

or right mouse button together with strafing.


i have no issues seeing what is behind me etc.


though, this of course does not mean that for some of your the mentioned feature would be useful. it does no harm to others so it would be a nice addition, though one i don't care for.


edit: but i think this is such a low priority feature, especially considering that you actually could see evrything using the available options that i would not expect it coming soon.


edit: also i assume the number of players wanting this is quite low, thus it never got on the todo list for the release.

Edited by me_unknown
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Ill sign on to this.


I cant even start to explain how many times in Huttball i have wanted to punch my monitor becouse of this.

Trying to pass the ball to the right, while running an other direction, automaticly turns your camera away and makes you loose your target.


But also the problem with camera zooming in everytime your camera is getting blocked.

It makes me having to scroll the camera out every 15 to 30 seconds in Hutball.

Edited by Harryshort
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this is actually already possible. use left mouse button while running ;)


Too bad when left clicking to rotate the camera to see the two republic players on your butt you can't in the meantime use your mouse to select one of them as target to fire off an ability.


Anyway people's hitbox are so effing small it's like hitting the target in robbin hood from 1mile away.


Best bet is to right click turn in a sec and tab praying to get the good target at the same time.


or right click+ strafing.



Anyway, the camera taking 5 WHOLE SEC TO ZOOM OUT when you get obstacles out of your butt is way worse for me as a melee, especially in narrow corners or in voidstar doors for eg :mad:

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Too bad when left clicking to rotate the camera to see the two republic players on your butt you can't in the meantime use your mouse to select one of them as target to fire off an ability.


i can, using strafe walking, jumping etc. i can use my mouse to place/target every thing everywhere while i run in any other direction.


but this is not my point. i agree it will be easier with the demanded feature. and i agree it would be wellcome and there is no reason to not add it.


so i sustain your wishes. but it is a very low priority feature compared to what work overall there still is to do. even though this feature can be implemented pretty fast.


i do not want to say your wishes are stupid or useless etc. no. but i want to say you you can work around it, it is not ideal but you can. and it has a low priority on the "fixing list".


edit: p.s. you know you can set a hotkey to target the one in the middle of your screen? maybe this should replace your usual tab targeting.

Edited by me_unknown
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edit: p.s. you know you can set a hotkey to target the one in the middle of your screen? maybe this should replace your usual tab targeting.

Huh there is a keybind for targeting the middle one person in a group in front of me ? Nice.


I usually stick it with TAB targetting, but sometimes it's a mess :D

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I totaly agree with this Camera auto pivoting bak issue. Bioware you guys need to fix this ASAP, since i've been leveling its been endurable but barely, if I wasn't a Star Wars fan i'd be unsubscribing because of this. It feels like I don't have control of my character and very hard to pvp or anything that requires me moving foward while clicking behind of me for what ever reason need be. Small issue that we should have feedback and timeline at least. If not you will loose alot of players on this issue, good luck hope you guys get with the program soon.
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