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Jedi romance...well poop


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So, I play a female Chiss Jedi Knight. And I finally got Doc and he reminds me, healing wise, of Quinn. That man rocks with the heals, let me tell you.


So, I'm the type who likes to have all her girls married because of Legacy and because in my head they all have babies and still save the galaxy from baddies (yes, even my imperial girls cause that's how they roll).


I just found out she gets Dark Side points every time she tells Doc 'why yes, I would like to fade to black now. Let's go practice making babies!'


Funny thing is, she's almost 100% light side, with a few dark side bits thrown in since her parents are Imperial (mom is an agent, dad is Vector). It sucks because whenever Doc flirts with her, she flirts just as hard, maybe even harder back. She can't help it, she finds Doc irresistible, and normally this wouldn't be an issue, but it seems Jedi Knights (haven't gone past 14 on my Consular yet) get dark side points, not for flirting, but for basically wanting to get some.


You know what? She'll just have to run flashpoints for a while, because she loves her some Doc. Damn, she finds him downright fine and scrummy. *facepalm*


Oh, Melony, you are a bad girl. Just LOOK at what she's done!


Edited by Eanelinea
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Of course you are getting dark side points, Jedi are space monks. They are supposed to be selfless therefore can't have romantic attachments or families. Jedi train very hard to keep their emotions from clouding their judgement, do you think that's possible when the life you may need to risk for the greater good is your baby daddy?
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Of course you are getting dark side points, Jedi are space monks. They are supposed to be selfless therefore can't have romantic attachments or families. Jedi train very hard to keep their emotions from clouding their judgement, do you think that's possible when the life you may need to risk for the greater good is your baby daddy?


Haha! Yes, he's her baby daddy. I know, but it still sucks somewhat. She's like 'pfft, I don't care, oh Dooooc! Momma wants some sexy fun times!' =D

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Of course you are getting dark side points, Jedi are space monks. They are supposed to be selfless therefore can't have romantic attachments or families. Jedi train very hard to keep their emotions from clouding their judgement, do you think that's possible when the life you may need to risk for the greater good is your baby daddy?


And yet male JK and JC can romance with no DS points(maybe female JC as well). Doc is just a scumbag so getting close to him makes you in tune with the DS. :p(totally a joke)

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Either way, even Grand Master Satille Shan has DS points from having a secret child. Rebel, keep going through the LS, take the DS points, and eventually the DS points will be removed. That's how I wished I rolled with Kira, if I even knew how to start the romance at chapter 3 interlude.
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And yet male JK and JC can romance with no DS points(maybe female JC as well). Doc is just a scumbag so getting close to him makes you in tune with the DS. :p(totally a joke)


Friend of mine has a JC and she has romanced Iresso with no dark points.

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It's just Doc and if you screw up Kira on the Knights, that give you DS points. The JC ones are neutral.

I think with the JC it's because they're supposedly more "grey" they can get away with it, that and if I recall correctly the JC romances don't start with "lets just fade to black" right away. Granted I the play through my husband did and the one I finished was back in January/February so my memory might be a bit hazy.

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Either way, even Grand Master Satille Shan has DS points from having a secret child. Rebel, keep going through the LS, take the DS points, and eventually the DS points will be removed. That's how I wished I rolled with Kira, if I even knew how to start the romance at chapter 3 interlude.


Yep. Satele is a Jedi M**F. :D

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  • 10 months later...

Only in the land of Lukas does a normal, mature, adult relationship lead to moral and spiritual degredation. Only there does loving someone and creating a new life mean you've started down the path to slavering murderous psychopath.




The Jedi "solution" to the problem of emotions and the Force is just the other side of the same false dichotomy as the Sith "solution". It's like two children standing by the ocean -- one reacts to the danger by steadfastly refusing to go near the water, while the other throws himself in and tries to drag as many others down as possible before drowning. Neither one ever bothers to simply learn to swim.

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Of course you are getting dark side points, Jedi are space monks. They are supposed to be selfless therefore can't have romantic attachments or families. Jedi train very hard to keep their emotions from clouding their judgement, do you think that's possible when the life you may need to risk for the greater good is your baby daddy?


Jedi can get married have families but it has to be approved by the council first and in the New Jedi Order, Luke allowed the Jedi to get married.

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Of course you are getting dark side points, Jedi are space monks. They are supposed to be selfless therefore can't have romantic attachments or families. Jedi train very hard to keep their emotions from clouding their judgement, do you think that's possible when the life you may need to risk for the greater good is your baby daddy?


Jedi can get married have families but it has to be approved by the council first and in the New Jedi Order, Luke allowed the Jedi to get married.

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Jedi can get married have families but it has to be approved by the council first and in the New Jedi Order, Luke allowed the Jedi to get married.


I'm sorry... since when did the New Order effect the Old Order? :p This is several thousand years prior to Luke. :rolleyes:

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Only in the land of Lukas does a normal, mature, adult relationship lead to moral and spiritual degredation.


Actually, it's also true with the priesthoods of several real world religions.


The baseline explanation of how the Force works is that the Jedi use it through cool, unemotional contemplation, and the Sith use it through an emotional lashing out. It is logically inconsistent to suppose one could be in love, and yet emotionally unattached, as those are opposite states of being. One could imagine a relationship in which love and attachment are not involved, and the Jedi engages in purely recreational or procreative intercourse without any attachment to their partner, but that's not a romantic story. The Jedi, as a spiritual order, are not capable of a normal, mature, adult relationship in keeping with their religious prohibitions. They can break some of those religious prohibitions, but one shouldn't be surprised that doing so earns a few demerits in the point system whose sole purpose is to reflect adherence to that standard.


As a Jedi, an emotionally engaging adult relationship is forbidden, hence points. Bioware has been sloppy in their assignment of points, often conflating 'dark side' with being evil or randomly antagonistic, and 'light side' as being good, but in that particular, I can't fault them. The Jedi swore fealty to a code of conduct (whether rational or not), and romantic involvement is a breach of that oath.

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As a Jedi, an emotionally engaging adult relationship is forbidden, hence points. Bioware has been sloppy in their assignment of points, often conflating 'dark side' with being evil or randomly antagonistic, and 'light side' as being good, but in that particular, I can't fault them. The Jedi swore fealty to a code of conduct (whether rational or not), and romantic involvement is a breach of that oath.


That would make some sense, if my SW didn't get DS points for killing Baras. :p Which not only kept in line with Sith training, but basically killed a traitor to the Emporer. :p


BW just made some of the worst choices for throwing out some of their DS/LS points. This is likely due to wanting to get more DS/LS point options out there.


I'd like to say my Jedi didn't so much swear fealty to a code, but that the Jedi Order is the only group out there besides Sith that's an option for a force sensetive to learn to control their abilities.


"Oh hey! Look at this! I'm a major user of the force!"


"Come with us! You must now become a Jedi or you're screwed!"


That rule really only makes sense for force sensitives who aren't powerful with the force, and have more of a choice on it. Powerful force users (as the JK and JC storyline says they are) would very likely need the training more, if people didn't want them just going nuts when they didn't get their way.

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Yeah, I definitely say I understand how a romance can lead someone down the dark side, and shame on BW for not making it consistent.


But I'm not so sure I understand why force users are usually portrayed in such a polarized fashion. They're either extreme light, extreme dark, or on their way to becoming one of those.

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At worst, a Jedi romance is "dark side." At best, its "grey." The thing about going grey as a character of the light is that it would require moving toward the dark. If you're far down the path of light, then dark side points are dragging you back toward the middle, into that grey zone.


Speaking of which, we're still waiting on BioWare to make grey Jedis an actual thing in the game.

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I don't quite understand this either. My consular romanced Iresso with no dark side implications, yet romancing Doc with my knight brought up DS points just about every interaction! What's the deal? Is Doc that much of a rake or something? :rolleyes: Seriously, how is getting involved with Doc different from Iresso? You can start sleeping with Doc pretty early on...is that the issue? The implications of that feel very punitive and controlling towards female knights. The code says nothing about getting physical with someone, only "getting attached." Doc is all about not getting attached! As far as my knight was concerned, she was doing nothing wrong by having regular dalliances with him as long as the relationship stayed physical only. She only started to express some concern when they stated getting, well, "attached." But my consular could express left and right how much Iresso meant to her during various interactions with him without any negative implications.


I wonder sometimes if the stories had different writers who weren't communicating with each other about following consistent rules.

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now, i'm not sure if my character was just making excuses or what. but during my flirting with lieutenant iresso, she said that romance is tolerated if it's a high ranking jedi. i don't think there's really any jedi stronger than the consular and knight, so you're not breaking any jedi rules imo. also, having sexy times with iresso has gotten me 0 dark side points.
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