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What is the purpose of a shadow in Huttball


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I have a level 50 Shadow and all they can really do in Huttball is stun them over the fire or try to rush the ball nothing big like a Knight or Sage but what is the purpose of a Shadow in Huttball?
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Are you kidding?

Shadow is arguably the strongest class in huttball.

Use knockback to knock people out of useful places.

Use yank to progress the ball or pull the enemy ball carrier into fire/off ramps.

Run the ball with force speed.

Stun enemies in obstacles.

Guard the friendly carrier/healers.

Use stealth to get ahead to receive passes.

Kill people.


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I'm asked all the time to go in with premades on my assassin. They love me in huttball. Force sprint across the acid at the start and you can get the ball most of the time. Pass it back to your teammates and prosper!


If you're tank spec and have force pull, the chances of their team scoring is slim to none as long as their resolve isn't full.


Sprint is amazing to jump over the fires near the enemy goal and score.


I love shadows/assassins in huttball as long as they're on my team :p

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Not to mention Force Shroud (not sure of the equivalent name for shadows) that makes you immune to Force and tech attacks for 12 seconds, this makes you unstoppable as well as damn near impossible to stop/pull as you're carrying the ball for long enough to get past at least 1 trap and pass the ball. Also, if your tank spec, assassins are very good for controlling mid when you're getting ready to pick up the reset.


I have a 50 sith assassin and every team I run with asks me to get the ball first.

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Tanking shadow is the king of harassment. Also the best defensive player.


You can stun, knock down, slow, pull, speed, backstab and call mean names. You're not as multi-level mobile as a Guardian is but getting to the ball FIRST, carrying it the majority of the way and passing it to someone who can finish the job? You'll find no better.

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A defensively-geared Kinetic Shadow in Huttball is an absolute nightmare.


Either run the ball from the middle or stay near the enemy goal line and allow your team to throw it to you from the pit. Score repeatedly thanks to Force Speed and Resilience (makes you immune to almost all CC).


Win the game. Be the hero. Sleep with the opposing team's cheerleaders.

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A defensively-geared Kinetic Shadow in Huttball is an absolute nightmare.


Either run the ball from the middle or stay near the enemy goal line and allow your team to throw it to you from the pit. Score repeatedly thanks to Force Speed and Resilience (makes you immune to almost all CC).


Win the game. Be the hero. Sleep with the opposing team's cheerleaders.


This guy gets it.

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I have both a shadow and a rank 90 juggernaut. Lets just say that my Shadow will be my main from now on. It blows a juggernaut out of the water in Huttball.


I can travel up to either platforms unmolested. I can aoe knockback the opposition. I can pull them down or in to fire. I can stealth to their goal line.


If i get the ball on either top platforms i am virtually GUARANTEED to score it. Deflection, force shroud and force speed = GUARANTEED scoring while running trough the fire.


You must be trollin' son.

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Are you kidding?

Shadow is arguably the strongest class in huttball.

Use knockback to knock people out of useful places.

Use yank to progress the ball or pull the enemy ball carrier into fire/off ramps.

Run the ball with force speed.

Stun enemies in obstacles.

Guard the friendly carrier/healers.

Use stealth to get ahead to receive passes.

Kill people.



*Guarding - if your a tank spec Shadow

*Pull - if your a tank spec shadow


We have different specialised tree's like all other classes. Two of those you mentioned refer to our kinetic tree and combat technique, if its active.


More over what is the roll of an Infiltrator shadow ?


* Attack and take down ball carrier

* stealth to enemy goal line and wait for ball pass

*Interrupt passes - use knock back for example if they are on a platform

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I have a level 50 Shadow and all they can really do in Huttball is stun them over the fire or try to rush the ball nothing big like a Knight or Sage but what is the purpose of a Shadow in Huttball?


You are kidding me. Shadow is by far the best class for hutball. Tank specced shadow is be best ball carrier.

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I have a level 50 Shadow and all they can really do in Huttball is stun them over the fire or try to rush the ball nothing big like a Knight or Sage but what is the purpose of a Shadow in Huttball?


ummm come again?

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Not to mention Force Shroud (not sure of the equivalent name for shadows) that makes you immune to Force and tech attacks for 12 seconds, this makes you unstoppable as well as damn near impossible to stop/pull as you're carrying the ball for long enough to get past at least 1 trap and pass the ball. Also, if your tank spec, assassins are very good for controlling mid when you're getting ready to pick up the reset.


I have a 50 sith assassin and every team I run with asks me to get the ball first.


Now I know you don't have an assassin as no 'sin would claim force shroud to last 12 seconds and if you do have a 'sin and think that's the case re-roll please.

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Shadows can run over the fire pits without taking damage, stealth for ninja passes, pull people into fires if you're that spec, knock people off ledges, and guard the ball carrier. They're very good ball carriers, just not as good as Guardians and Vanguards because of their leaps, but the leaps can be negated if there's nobody ahead of you. Edited by ComeAndSee
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More over what is the roll of an Infiltrator shadow ?


Whoa.. Wait a minute. These guys actually exist?


If you are not a tank shadow what are you? a waste of a spot on the team :) Just kidding. Seriously though, I thought no one plays infiltration anymore?

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I'm thinking some people get the Shadow confused with the Sage.


Shadow gets pull, but can't use it on friendly targets only enemies. Sage gets the pull that works on friendlies. Our resilience only lasts 3 seconds, 5 is spec for it.


So, i'd say SOMEONE does not have an assassin. Even if you don't know the republic names for the skills, you should surely know what they do?


My main is a lvl 50 Shadow. Kinetic spec, with a few points in Balance. 31 / 0 / 10


In Huttball, it depends on the team composition, but there are two roles you generally fall into.


1) Ball recovery.


You spend your time glued to the ball carrier. Either stunning, slowing or pulling them backwards...all while dwindling their life down. You have plenty of CC effects, including knocbacks and slows that help stop or slow the progress of the ball carrier. It's not so much your job to kill them outright, but more to allow time for your team to get there to do that.


Timing your CC effects to stop them at key times so that you don't fill the resolve bar too quickly, or at the wrong time. Watch for enemies who might pull them away from your or heal them up. The Shadow can disrupt an organized ball carrier group with ease in most cases. Stealth into the group, AOE knockback. Stun a healer who's still close, slow the carrier. If someone jumps away or gets pulled away, you pull them back or force speed to their new location and stun them again.


You buy time for your team to arrive. A couple of smart Shadows working together can make it nearly impossible for a team to move the ball.


Role #2 , Ball Carrier/Carrier Support


These go hand in hand, because in most matches you won't be able to pick up the ball and score with it all on your own. But the Shadow has plenty of things they can use to get the ball over the line.


In most cases, I prefer carrier support. Shadows have some nice survival tricks, but focus fire isn't something they are gonna survive long.


As a ball carrier or even carrier support, your AOE knockback comes in handy again. Use it to knock people away from the carrier, or yourself. Especially handy on the ramps over the pit because most classes can't get back to you with a long walk.


With Force Speed you can blast through traps and get away from groups of enemies who are surrounding you. Make sure you use Resilience first or you may end up wasting that Force Speed.


Shadows can guard. Even if you aren't a Kinetic spec Shadow, you can still guard. Just use Combat Technique, and turn it on the ball carrier. Taking half their damage is going to help, no matter what your spec is.


You can use your Force Pull to help the Ball carrier, but not by pulling him forward. Only Sages can do that. Instead, you pull enemies away from him. Especially useful if you can't get close to him to guard or use Force Wave (aoe knockback). You might be surprised how often pulling just one enemy away gives enough room to score where they would have been stopped otherwise.


And, walking with the ball carrier, you can work in tandem. You get caught behind a fire trap, you blast across it with Force Speed and catch a pass. Moving the ball around is one of the keys to winning most Huttball matches. Especically if you can pass it to a place that isn't going to be easy for the enemy to rush to. Throwing over traps or up to a higher ramp makes it hard for the enemy to follow in many cases.


Warrior/Knights can of course leap to the target, and Consular/Inquisitors can speed over traps. But going from 3 enemies on you two 1 is a good thing.


If you do have to carry the ball, you have plenty to aid in this. As Kinetic you have Kinetic Ward to help shield some damage. You have Force Wave to keep enemies away. You have Force Speed to get across the map. You can use Force Pull to clear an enemy so you can pass the ball. You have Deflection to help avoid some damage. Resilience as well. As a Kinetic Spec you have Force Slow and Slow Time to hinder pursuers.


The biggest people have with Huttball is they don't realize that killing the enemy isn't the goal. Sure, a dead enemy does nothing while respawing, but in many cases killing an enemy is bad for you. When they respawn, they will always be in front of the ball carrier. It's always better to stop them or keep them away from the ball carrier than to just kill them and move on.


I have seen teams who just destroyed the enemy, but never scored because those enemies were all now in front of the ball carrier. Nothing like coming into the home stretch and suddenly the whole team is on top of you because the gate opened.


The Shadow has plenty of tools to allow you to stop or hinder the enemy without killing them. And in Huttball that is often priceless.


The teams that lose Huttball matches are usually the ones who spend their time killing. The ones who get on the ball and stay on the ball win. Sure, it can bring a smirk to your face when you pull someone into the fire and they die, but did that really help your team?


Warzones all require teamwork above all else. The lone hero isn't going to help his team much. Sure, it's nice to put up big numbers at the end, but your 600k damage is pointless if your team lost because you weren't doing what was best for the team.


I often get MVP votes in Huttball, even though I usually get mid to low ranking on the team. Because people who understand the game know that the things I did in the game didn't get me kills or heals. I didn't have 200k damage. But it was the things I did that allowed them to score, or that kept the enemy from scoring.


I will gladly leave with 50k damage, 5 kills and 10 deaths. Because I also have 100k protection and I was crucial in stopping the enemy from scoring and getting our guys across the line. And in the end, the team realizes how much my Shadow contributed to a win...even though I barely "hurt" the other team.


But yeah...I guess the Shadow really has no place in Huttball.

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