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  1. Not atm, servers are down I might put a short video together about my gear for those that are interested. Hopefully soon. - Doc
  2. 12 Endurance / 18 Willpower all the way. - Doc
  3. My first post 1.3 Darkness video is uploading now. Honestly I dont feel much of a difference with the nerfs, and I still think the spec is very viable in PVP. Personally I'd steer clear of using a survivor set, it seems to me that the loss of healing would hurt more to someone trying to be more tanky. In DPS gear things seem fine, and with the new augment slots / augs, I'm hitting much harder then I did yesterday. - Doc youtube.com/murdocpvp
  4. They usually open with the thermal detonator and time the first rail shot for around when that explodes (3 seconds). Pop your force shroud early (like first few seconds) to clear dots and take railshot out of the equasion for them. Once shroud is down throw in your stuns to slow their damage. That should give you a big enough lead to finish them off, unless you're massively undergeared. Doc
  5. I mainly keep dark ward around for the rare times when I tank in PVE, or if I get bored and decide to run with a shield generator and try and be tanky (which I almost never do). I end up triggering it from time to time even with a focus on during those "oh ****" moments, and yes I know it does nothing for me with the focus. As for hollow I love that talent. The healing from overcharge saber along with my medpack have saved me more times then I can remember. The only other place I would consider putting those 2 talent points would be in thrashing blades, but I don't use thrash often enough to really get the benefit from it. Regarding torment vs duplicity... My playstyle tends to focus on charging and spending harness darkness charges. I delegate most if not all of my force towards shocks, wither, and ultimately force lightning. The decreased force requirements of shock make it an easy enough choice in that regard. Also, I just don't have the spare force to maul with. If I had an extra 25 force I'd spend it on more shocks, withers, or maybe a thrash. Just my thoughts but your playstyle could differ from mine. - Doc
  6. Murdocs

    Master Strike

    Dodging ravage / master strike with force speed.... - Doc
  7. Impossible. Fire traps aren't a force or tech attack, and isn't effected by Force Shroud.
  8. Got some new videos up, another dual POV some great warzone battles. Feel free to take a look! YouTube.com/MurdocPVP - Doc
  9. Got some new videos up, another dual POV some great warzone battles. Feel free to take a look! YouTube.com/MurdocPVP - Doc
  10. Actually sir I've found whirlwind capping so much better then trying to "just kill" the defenders. Killing someone in a fight isn't the problem, it's the reinforcements coming from the other door in Voidstar or the speeder in Civil War that makes it difficult. Since it seems that you're rendering an opinion of this being gimmicky without even trying it yourself, maybe you should be more open minded. - Doc
  11. What I do for solo caps (plants on Voidstar or turrets in Civil War) is mind trap first and start the plant to bait a cc break. After that I whirlwind and immediately start the plant again. It's literally impossible to stop at that point. I know what you're all thinking, "I'd just spam an attack or aoe or instant or whatever" but because of the way the client works it's not possible. Whirlwind works much better then mind trap because you don't lose any time coming out of stealth before the plant, it's instant. Try it for yourselves. Here's a video demonstrating. Notice he was literally right next to me and spamming instants and couldn't get the interrupt in time. Good luck and happy planting. - Doc
  12. New videos are up. Check out the dual POV video for something a bit different. - Doc
  13. New videos are up. Check out the dual POV video for something a bit different. - Doc
  14. With the Empire normally outnumbering the Republic on most servers, are there any thoughts on faction changes? It seems that if the legacy systems allows Sith to be Jedi it could be possible that an assassin could decide to leave the empire for the republic (and become a shadow instead). - Doc
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