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Wheres all the excitement gone?


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Swtor is dying.


The population is suffocating, and the developers couldn't care less.

That just about sums it up folks.

Now watch out, them mods like to close down threads due to "thread is getting off track.". I don't know whether to be annoyed at them or appreciative.

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In what regards exactly? the only game id released that was a true flop was RAGE, majority of the time Raven Software makes the games that people think are id (Quake 4, Wolfentein (the newest), Hexen, Heretic) or Splash Damage (The Enemy Territory Series)... id's engines have been masterwork, and their inhouse games (RAGE excluded) have been well received... not to mention that they have run one of the biggest gaming conventions for the past decade (Quakecon).


Also, Valve's Gabe Newell has even stated that Valve wouldn't exist if not for id Software. Quote is as follows:







I was unaware, good to know, thanks for the info.



I had a long response typed up, but thinking about it further you're correct about id.


My beef with that company and it's games are more about my personal preferences as far as the direction I wish the company had taken, over actual quality. I can't think of any bad games they've produced. Games I didn't like? Yeah, but I don't have to like a game to make an objective judgment as to whether it's good or not.


Damn it, now I have to find a whole new topic to argue about.

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Yeah. This game is dead. And anyone who goes " OH NO BUT THERES SO AND SO STILL PLAYING THIS GAME SO ITS NOT DEAD COS IM A KNOW IT ALL" you are ridiculous. I am talking of course metaphorically Edited by Noviru
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Too many issues with the game, poor communication from the community team, and the all around deafening silence from Bioware has killed any excitement for SWTOR.


Best summary yet.


The silence from the developers is like a cancer in every community I've ever been a part of in MMOs. A LITTLE bit of communication and "yeah, we hear you" goes a long way. Bioware's communication is as much of a mess as their game right now - people need to follow them on twitter, facebook, youtube, MMO sites and here to hopefully get an idea of what's going on, heck, until the site revamp, patch notes weren't even linked. Disarray, disorganization and sloppy is all I can think of to describe how they have been as an MMO developer.

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Here it is honestly you want to no why swtor is failing all you need to know is watch the stock report




this is incredible how much there stock has dropped in the last 3 month or even better yet check out the drop from the time swtor was released.

No money = no swtor


Yeah. This game is dead. And anyone who goes " OH NO BUT THERES SO AND SO STILL PLAYING THIS GAME SO ITS NOT DEAD COS IM A KNOW IT ALL" you are ridiculous. I am talking of course metaphorically


Hey, this looks similar, with a lower point too... amazing...



Granted it appears to be on the rise, but, how does Blizzard/Activision keep their servers up with such a low stock... it's curious.

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Too many issues with the game, poor communication from the community team, and the all around deafening silence from Bioware has killed any excitement for SWTOR.


mediocre pvp,**** balance.pretty much is what killed the excitement for me in this game


for being the best pvp team,mythic hasnt really shown that there even worthy of being called a decent pvp team

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ROFL blizzard actually splits there stocks to keep the share price low thats what all the D's indicate LMAO

Just look at blizzards 10year or even better ALL time track record they make money hand over fist


EA/bioware has never ever split cuz they cant get there stock high enough LMAO

Edited by Brasen
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True.... I'm so sick of this holy trinity, linear quest trail gaming that WoW made popular it makes me what to toss chunks... I was hoping for some originality, and got nothing..


Perfectly stated. I think I'm done with MMO's for a bit. I can't understand how I possibly EJOYED WoW for all that time. It's like chewing aluminum foil now.

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I know. Im saying that this game is pretty much dead in the news....nothing special about it is being shown


What is more important, the game is dead in the news?




The game is dead?


Both would be true statements.

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True.... I'm so sick of this holy trinity, linear quest trail gaming that WoW made popular it makes me what to toss chunks... I was hoping for some originality, and got nothing..


Perfectly stated. I think I'm done with MMO's for a bit. I can't understand how I possibly EJOYED WoW for all that time. It's like chewing aluminum foil now.


Yep. I nearly got fed up by MMOs in general. Thanks to TSW, I changed my mind, that´s what I call innovation in design. It´s a lot but definitely no WoW clone

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Yep. I nearly got fed up by MMOs in general. Thanks to TSW, I changed my mind, that´s what I call innovation in design. It´s a lot but definitely no WoW clone


I'd still be interested int TSW if they didn't resort to doing tab-targetting... it was a much better idea as a free aim game

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mediocre pvp,**** balance.pretty much is what killed the excitement for me in this game


for being the best pvp team,mythic hasnt really shown that there even worthy of being called a decent pvp team


same here

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Blizzard has always had their act together. I've played their games since the first Warcraft, and while no company is perfect there is almost no game company that can compete with them, release for release, in terms of overall quality.


I feel obligated to share this:


Error 37!

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The game was covered pretty extensively in various media when 1.2 was released. It will be covered again when 1.3 is out, probably to a lesser extent. Releases, expansions, and financial reports are the big game news-makers it seems. What new news is there to cover right now?
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It doesn't, though.


It only has release-day connectivity issues.


Try really hard to remember back to release WEEK of SWTOR.


Give D3 a few days, and it will be fine.


I gave TOR 5 months of beta and 6 more months of live. We're approaching a year of my life that they've ignored 99% of my bug reports, and progressively broken more and more of the things that I really do find game-breaking for me.

Edited by EJedi
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It doesn't, though.


It only has release-day connectivity issues.


Try really hard to remember back to release WEEK of SWTOR.


Give D3 a few days, and it will be fine.

Actually I remember back to release year of WoW. A game that launches perfectly is a simple game that has little or no substance to it.


[edit] D3 is only multiplayer so it should release with less grief than an MMO.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Actually I remember back to release year of WoW. A game that launches perfectly is a simple game that has little or no substance to it.


WoW had a luxury that SWTOR doesn't have.


WoW didn't have to compete with WoW at release.

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