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Everything posted by Atifex

  1. I'd still be interested int TSW if they didn't resort to doing tab-targetting... it was a much better idea as a free aim game
  2. Notice that Activisions stock was **** until it merged... good stuff.
  3. Hey, this looks similar, with a lower point too... amazing... https://www.google.com/finance?q=NASDAQ%3AATVI# Granted it appears to be on the rise, but, how does Blizzard/Activision keep their servers up with such a low stock... it's curious.
  4. never got to finish it, since i was borrowing from a friend, i'll have to pick it up again
  5. QFT ... the man is a god damn genius... i mean, he does build rockets for fun... just saying, lol
  6. In what regards exactly? the only game id released that was a true flop was RAGE, majority of the time Raven Software makes the games that people think are id (Quake 4, Wolfentein (the newest), Hexen, Heretic) or Splash Damage (The Enemy Territory Series)... id's engines have been masterwork, and their inhouse games (RAGE excluded) have been well received... not to mention that they have run one of the biggest gaming conventions for the past decade (Quakecon). Also, Valve's Gabe Newell has even stated that Valve wouldn't exist if not for id Software. Quote is as follows: I was unaware, good to know, thanks for the info.
  7. I think my only concern for Elder Scrolls Online comes from how Bethesda builds their own engine (accompanied by the Havok Physics Engine) for their games... and I'm sure you all remember the no ladder "issue" in Oblivion... My biggest hope for future Elder Scrolls titles is that they make use of John Carmack, since id Software is now a part of Zenimax. If they do, it's pretty much guaranteed that the engine side of things would be solid.
  8. I think you read too much into what people are saying, I'm not defending SWTOR at all, it has issues, they are known... if you practice some comprehension then you'd see that all I did was poke at the dumb **** slung around these forums... But if that's what you want, I can gladly play your devil's advocate: APB is on it's second release, and during it's first, it didn't have transfers... shocking! Also add in that transfer a character in a game like APB is infinitely easier than a game like SWTOR. APB = no crafting, legacy, or 1000s upon 1000s of items to decern during a transfer. SWTOR does, much like most MMOs of it's type, thereby making your point moot, since it's not even a reasonable comparison. The rest of what you said is agreeable, I too enjoy it, but can see it's lackings... It needs work, there's no doubt, it will be done as you've also pointed out, but I think you should be more cautious about the conclusions you jump to so readily. There are several that compete with them, however they don't necessarily make the same genres of games as Blizzard. Valve and id Software just to name 2.
  9. Did you see that SWTOR's fee is also TBA!!!! OMG I WONDER HOW MUCH IT WILL BE!!! (looks legit for realz) WoW = Blizzard's first MMO... SWTOR = Bioware's first MMO... and the trend is similar all the time, you act like one company is going to pay close attention and learn from another, but that doesn't happen... it's like asking the USA's healthcare system to learn from Canada's. Except for they have on titles prior to WoW, so good luck with that Let's not forget all the subs that WoW lost during it's Vanilla stages, or any MMO for that matter within it's first year... This is MMO Business as usual, and if any of you'd take the time to research that rather than spout your bias like it's fact, then you'd know.
  10. The Secret World was interesting until they removed the aiming aspect from the game, and reverted back to tab targetting... It's not a game that should have tab targetting, since it was originally pulling away from the traditional MMO
  11. Which is still subjective, there's way worse PvP in MMO titles, and if you're anything of a veteran MMO player, you'd know that. I won't refute that there are problems, there are certainly issues, which is to be suspected, since perfecting PvP is a time-consuming effort... Though the mentioned bugs are some that will hopefully be fixed sooner than later, and are independent of the class balance issues... fortunately if they fix the one's you spoke of, they won't need several balancing tweaks to accomodate the class imbalance complaints that every MMO suffers, when in the same stages of development.
  12. While I won't deter your opinion, nor will I dispute it, I do want to point out this: If you haven't play any other MMO than your view may be a bit skewed, and therby may not be able to see the MMO the same way as most others, not that it's a bad thing, but you must understand that people who have played an exuberant amount of MMOs, such as myself, tend to compare their currrent MMO with those of their past, in which case a lot of people feel certain entitlements and needs have to be met (which are typically absurd). That being said, I'm glad you enjoy it, I do too... but saying that I must disclose, that when comparing this game to others, I compare based on the time frame, such as, I do not, and will not compare SWTOR's 4 months with WoW's 7 years, because that's a ridiculous comparison... However, I would compare SWTOR's 4 months, to where WoW was at 4 months, because Bioware and Blizzard share a common release... SWTOR is Bioware's 1st MMO, just like WoW was Blizzard's.... Now, I've played many another MMO other than those 2 mentioned... but in order for most to understand my stance, it's easier to relate to WoW, than it is to Realm Online or UO... since those are so extremely dated.
  13. Honestly, that's a matter of personal opinion, where as you find it not awesome, I do... and while I respect your opinion, I don't agree with it. But, let's not split hairs... There were promises made pre-release that were not held up, 1 example was the legacy system that was partially implemented with 1.2... Whereas with player housing, not so sure, not even sure that I've seen many "complaints" that it isn't in game... and in some respects it is a "by the number" rpg, to refute that is to just be blind or ignorant to the the features in the game, primarily the character info screen.
  14. Since everything that is Star Wars is processed with a fine-toothed comb by Lucas Arts, it's no wonder, apparently everything has to be Cannon to be part of the Star Wars universe, as per research that I've done... if I could remember the sources I'd post them... Wookiepedia is a great resource in itself...
  15. ^ this, I'm not mad about it, changes will be made, and the system will be enhanced, so is the life of an mmo, and i'm cool with that.
  16. Personal conjecture and subjective ideology
  17. Going to try this out over the next couple days, see how it goes.
  18. Having not played a twi'lek i haven't seen this myself, but do you mean this kind of thing? http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/138.jpg http://www.worldsaga.net/images/twilekhelmet.jpg Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=245990 Or the removal of hoods due to it? ( as i've just read up on it)
  19. Weekly maintenance and steady updates... OH WAIT! that's already happening... I honestly am pleased with the game, and having been through a lot of MMO releases, I'm cool with bidding my time, reporting issues that I find in the appropriate manner, and waiting for the patches and updates as they roll out... EDIT: I would like to add, that I would like to see things like cross-server PvP and server merges, but I'd rather the majority of bugs and issues that there are now get fixed first before big item things are added.
  20. ^ This Best to read everything before hitting "Accept" or "Ok" on something.
  21. I'm curious as to where he was saying or pointing to being entitled to it at all... If anything, he was just pointing out that it was possibly a cool idea, and that the inclusion of space pvp would be a nice feature, where as, I don't disagree... but if they don't include such a feature, it's not game breaking, or going to cause myself to unsub, i dig this game and what it has to offer... Telling someone who isn't acting entitled that they are entitled, is just as bad as the people who feel entitled frothing at the mouth about how entitled they are. Sounds like your generation (which I sadly think I may be a part of) needs a lesson in tact, comprehension, and literacy.
  22. what bothers me is that you clearly can't read... My sister pays for her own account, i pay for my gf's becuase she's my gf, lol
  23. So, my 2 cents, as useless as they are.... I bought the CE, I've paid for every month to play, and have played... My sister also bought the CE. has paid for every month, and between full time work and school plays less than casually... Also, bought the digital deluxe edition for my gf, and have been paying for hers, and she plays regularly... Now, for this, i have to point out that i put my main on hold while leveling with my gf and my sister, until they are able to be within leveling range of my main, which is fine, since it gives me the oppurtunity to play other classes... With all that said... I DON'T CARE ABOUT 30 FREE DAYS... they gave 30 free days to the lvl 50s, cool, good for them... Am I less loyal than the 50s? hell no! but I know that, and that suffices me. So what if they said "for being loyal have 30 days", that doesn't make me not loyal to the game and/or the company, all it does is make the people with negative attitudes that require something to complain about complain... Honestly, I'm absolutely dismayed that some of you are so insecure that you need loyalty validation from a company. Makes me think that you call your cell phone carriers and ask for hugs.
  24. I thoroughly enjoy every moment I play of this game, buying the CE, I think, was one of the best things I could have done... But it's not for everyone, and I know a few people who don't play it... some people are just jaded or spoiled (from WoW or any other MMO), so it is what it is...
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