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Just brought my first 100% speeder


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Read the item descriptions carefully. You are way less likely to get dismounted being hit while riding a tier 3 bike than a tier 2 one and that moreso than a tier 1 bike. Having to fight off the guys that dismounted you (or ride all the way around them to begin with) all of the time slows you down a lot ;)


Of course, don't feel like you have to spend your money all at once. If you are poorly geared or failed to have enough money to buy all your level 50 skills, those are certainly a higher priority.


This. With level 3 speeder you can go almost anywhere without being stopped by annoying lower level mobs. Even same level mobs can be avoided easily. The difference this makes in speed is certainly worth it.

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I feel like i walk faster. 100% 200% 300% or dont bother. What a waste of credits. I certainly wont be getting the level 50 one. Very disappointed.


You are of course, free to walk. The Alderaanian Environmental Front will thank you.

Edited by Kthx
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I feel like i walk faster. 100% 200% 300% or dont bother. What a waste of credits. I certainly wont be getting the level 50 one. Very disappointed.


They need to rename them slower bikes not speeder bikes.


Where did you 'bring' it to?

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I feel like i walk faster. 100% 200% 300% or dont bother. What a waste of credits. I certainly wont be getting the level 50 one. Very disappointed.


They need to rename them slower bikes not speeder bikes.



The % difference is disappointing. I only bought the 100% because I wanted to ride bikes. Does the 110% allow you to ride the big hover cars? Or just make you go 10% faster? If it's the latter, I'll save the credits.



Also, I don't think it should be 100, 200, 300. I think 100, 125, 150 would be good with future expansions upping it from there.

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Their reason is because that is how mounts work in WOW. This game is basically WOW.


They even call your inventory window "your bags" in the tooltips because in WOW it is actually bags.


No, ground mounts in WoW actually go slower at both the lowest level and highest level. If you are upset by how "slow" they go, maybe suggest increasing the base run speed as everything scales off of that.

Edited by terminova
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So you want to get from point Y to point Z the fastest way you can. Driving through the bad guys while they shoot at you and you ignore them is a lot faster. Or you can get the cheap speeder and go around them or get off everytime someone shoots you and fight them, then get back on and say to yourself "man that faster speeder is a rip-off".
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You'll bounce off shots with the L1 speeder as well, don't sweat it.


Bought it ONCE, after 3 50's and several 30-40's, then moved servers, never buying it again. With some common sense you'll never get knocked off your lvl25 unless you fly right into a group of 50's.


Let's not forget even if you do get knocked off, you'll be so far ahead that running 10 more meters the mob disengage anyway.



That's not even counting if you're suicide traveling like you should be anyway IF saving time is that important to you.

Edited by Maxil
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With some common sense you'll never get knocked off your lvl25 unless you fly right into a group of 50's.




I bought it so I could drive through a group of 50's. See driving through things instead of trying to go around makes the mount significantly faster in practice.

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I bought it so I could drive through a group of 50's. See driving through things instead of trying to go around makes the mount significantly faster in practice.


I wonder how many would complain if they made the speeders faster, but removed the shielding....

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I wonder how many would complain if they made the speeders faster, but removed the shielding....


I would prefer what we have now than that change. I have always thought the most annoying thing about MMOs is when your top level and a level 10 knocks you off your mount. Having that small shield is a great thing IMO. It is great for places like Illum where you have to basically run up a narrow path filled with bad guys and you can just run right through all of them.


I really don't understand the need to go much faster though. There are so many taxis and quick travels on pretty small planets I just don't understand how far you really need to go.

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anyone know the reason that BIOWARE dont give us a higher speed speeder ? i mean a snippet / post from developer explaninig why there's no lv50 200% speeder ?


The reason they're not higher speed is because of LOD issues that nearly every MMO has. If you go too fast, the world can't load into your view fast enough. Some taxis can go faster because their routes are designed to hide the background loading that occurs. Every time you fly through a tunnel on Coruscant, the game is secretly loading the next section into memory so when you appear through the other side it seems as though the world was already there.


And by the way, that is why all MMOs have speed restrictions of some sort. Or, like City of Heroes with its superpower speed, you have really tiny zones, low detailed environments, and low polycounts that allow the area to load completely into memory.

Edited by Cerion
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While I agree it would be great to go "super fast", I'm also a realist in knowing that speeding up a speeder in this game to 300% speed would destroy the first M in MMO. Sometimes people forget that it doesn't just mean population size, it also stands for the content, size of areas, etc.


I'd rather not move at 'breakneck' speeds simply because there's transit points for that. You have a quick travel option (which, after legacy unlocks is 24 minutes cool down).


My advice: If you don't have the time to invest into an MMO, or the travelling involved with it, the grinding, the questing, the leveling itself and most importantly the realization that these things are all a continuing factor even after you've pushed "end game" and 'beaten the game'; an MMO might not be for you.


Travel speeds are set, not only for technical smoothing on your machine, but also to give a feel of vast area.


As it was pointed out several times, the top ranks of speeder training and speeders reduces the knockdown of attacks.


Realistic: Just because you took an advanced driving class and are qualified to handle a beast of a machine; traded in your Supra for a Ferrari doesn't mean that Ferrari is going to go 300% faster than that Supra. Look at record speeds. You're a better driver now, you handle that new machine much better than you would have before, therefore you're able to handle these hazards a bit better in the road.


Does it seem slow from the beginning on a speeder? Yes, but because of the vastness of the worlds. Try walking those distances sometime without a speeder. Makes you appreciate them in the first place.

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Mounts are unusually lame in this game.



+90%... I guess is fine. It's still REALLY slow, especially for a speeder. Then the increments up to 100 and 110% is just absurd.


I really, seriously, feel like the first mount should be +100%, second like +150% and third +200%. Possibly more! (comparable to WoW flying mounts perhaps!)

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anyone know the reason that BIOWARE dont give us a higher speed speeder ? i mean a snippet / post from developer explaninig why there's no lv50 200% speeder ?


Might be a graphics rendering limitation. When you are zipping through on really fast speeder, depending on your draw distance settings, the engine needs to be constantly render new environment. The faster you speed through, the quicker the engine needs to be in constantly rendering stuff. Their graphics engine probably cant handle the high speeds.

Edited by Muskaan
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Mounts are unusually lame in this game.



+90%... I guess is fine. It's still REALLY slow, especially for a speeder. Then the increments up to 100 and 110% is just absurd.


I really, seriously, feel like the first mount should be +100%, second like +150% and third +200%. Possibly more! (comparable to WoW flying mounts perhaps!)



I vanilla wow, the mount speeds were 60% and 100% and you didn't get the 40% until level 40. In SWTOR, you get a 30% boost at level 1, 90% at level 25, 100% at level 40 and then 110% at level 50. Not to mention, in WOW, no one could normally afford the mounts just from leveling up alone. It was a huge gold grind just to be able to afford the mount. In TOR, you easily have enough to buy each new mount speed by the time it's available. This game's travel is MUCH better than WOWs was.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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I vanilla wow, the mount speeds were 60% and 100% and you didn't get the 40% until level 40. In SWTOR, you get a 30% boost at level 1, 90% at level 25, 100% at level 40 and then 110% at level 50. Not to mention, in WOW, no one could normally afford the mounts just from leveling up alone. It was a huge gold grind just to be able to afford the mount. In TOR, you easily have enough to buy each new mount speed by the time it's available. This game's travel is MUCH better than WOWs was.


Once again, nobody really cares what WoW's was back in 1984. They only care about what WoW's is right now. Both games cost $15 sub per month.

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I'm certain they will never change this as with a few other issues similar to this that really annoy me.


Reason.. Too many fan boi's! There are sooo many fan boi's out there trying to stand up for BW, And they all seem to troll the forum ready to defend their honor.

I am still playing this game and while for the time being I am enjoying it, I feel that they missed the mark in realistic Starwars universe.

Speeders are way too slow! and I for one don't care that the world is smallish, I still want to zoom around on my speeder that should go 200mph rather than 20!

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I never even considered purchasing the level 50 speeder. The first speeder should be at level 10, then there should be others at 10 level intervals - and they all need to be significantly faster than they are now.


Look for this common sense change in update 1.flopped: We Went Free to Play


Someone sounds like a trust fund baby that has had everything handed to them


you sure want everything easier for your own benefit.

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Once again, nobody really cares what WoW's was back in 1984. They only care about what WoW's is right now. Both games cost $15 sub per month.


And frankly nobody cares for your unrealistic expectations. WoW has had years of development plus 7 years of live updates. It would be impossible to cram that many years of development and content into the short span of SWTOR lifetime. Now one can certainly rage on about such a foolish desire, but that person would simply look naive at best, and outright stupid at worst.

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Once again, nobody really cares what WoW's was back in 1984. They only care about what WoW's is right now. Both games cost $15 sub per month.



Then let them go play WOW?


The point is progression. Wow progressed into what it is today. Yet with this game, people expect it to match WOW right down to the letter. You're not playing an 8 year old MMO. You're playing a 6 month old MMO. If you want an 8 year old MMO (and all of the progression/expansions that have came with it), there is one out there for you.

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