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Everything posted by ratty

  1. I love the advice from the team telling us to hurry up and buy buy buy before the deadline. Like every player is made of money and have jobs in real life where they earn millions to be able to fund this habit. Guess what? 1) I don't have enough real money at my disposal to be able to spend in such a fashion. 2) I don't earn enough in-game credits due to real life and being more casual in my play style. Due to these two reasons BW is discriminating against people like myself who do want the stuff but are not in a position to be able to acquire everything by the deadline they set. This only further encourages me to cancel my subscription and quit the game. I am struggling to see reasons to play the game when BW keep taking all the fun and enjoyment out of it again and again and offer little incentive to make me want to keep spending my money.
  2. Pre-ordered CE, got early access and been subbed since with some varying length breaks along the way. I'm still enjoying the game even with all the problems this game has had. Then again I feel the game was released far too early but that was the decision they made and this is where we are today. Things may have been different if the game had been launched December 2012 instead of 2011. What annoys me most right now is the lack of focus on looking after loyal subscribers due to the recent emphasis on getting people to spend money on Cartel Coins and focus on the Cartel Market while subscribers don't seem to be getting enough Cartel Coins per month to be able to buy much of anything on the Cartel Market. In the end, this deprives the loyal subscribers from being able to access things simply because they want to pay their sub fee and have access to all the features the game has to offer but not always being able to gain access to those features because of the new SWTOR game experience. Also, with all the stuff coming out on the Cartel Market but not much appearing at the special vendors seems to also suggest that the focus is on the Cartel Market. Fine, if that's what the devs want then they can continue on with this and see what happens with the game and the loyal subscribers. The other issue I have is that I am a casual gamer and only have so much time to dedicate to this game. However, I also want to be able to have the opportunity to complete my codex and participate in everything the game has to offer so that I am still able to complete things even if it's at a slower pace. This issue ties in to events more than anything because where others have had the time to be able to dedicate to such events, others haven't necessarily been in a position to dedicate such time to be able to participate in such events and gain the rewards whatever they are including having been able to complete elements of the game because they have had the time. If I don't have the time and miss out on events, I'll always feel like I'm missing out on things simply because I don't have the time even though I want to be able to participate in these things, get the rewards and complete content in game. I hope the devs take this in to consideration a bit more for the casual players who do actually want to complete content and gain the rewards from participating in these events because if I keep missing out on them due to not having the time then it'll only frustrate me further and maybe one day the frustration will reach a point where I just give up on the game completely and then they've lost a loyal subscriber who hasn't unsubscribed at all since launch. However, what the devs do is up to them and all they can do is make their own decisions and whatever the consequences will be will be. For now I'm continuing to stick with the game because I still have a lot to do since I've only completed the SI and SW stories.
  3. I don't know if this is the place to post this. Does anyone know if it's possible to get the Gannifari pet in any other way in the game besides having been eligible for Server Transfers? Just wondering if there is a way to get the Gannifari pet for all my characters, including those that weren't eligible due to the specified closing date of character transfers. So, for new characters created after the closing date for receiving these free items dueto the server transfers there must surely be a way of getting them, especially with the recent extra character slots we've now been given.
  4. Just to say that there was confusion on my part. I wasn't trying to have a go at people who ended up with both CE and DDE versions of the game. I was under the impression that people who had DDE versions and upgraded to CE were getting a further bonus above and beyond what you would receive for each individual version. DDE version = 250 CCs. Fine. CE version = 1000 CCs. Fine. DDE + CE = 1250 CCs. Fine. As I said, based on what I was reading I was under the impression that people who upgraded were getting an extra 250 CCs above 1250 CCS giving a total of 1500 CCs. I was mistaken and I should have looked in to the details properly before making my comment.
  5. This post sums it up. It's great because it's Star Wars. It has potential for so much more because it is Star Wars.
  6. Same thing here. I got shunned by Vette for suggesting that I should be able to have multiple women partners. If only Vette were a bit more open minded but one day I'm sure she'll come around. After all, it's not like she has anyone else. I'll make her mine eventually.
  7. So, you've always wondered why in the Sith Empire you don't see many restaurants running "All you can eat" offers? Well, now you know why. After Baras sent a few restaurants in to bankruptcy it became obvious that this gimmick would never work. One restaurant owner tried to ban Baras at one point for eating too much on the offer but Baras ate him. Also, you've heard of a Barometer right? I wonder if they're telling the truth about what it's really supposed to be a measurement of.
  8. I certainly understand the sentiment of the OP. I'm a subber and feel that everything in game should be accessible without needing to pay more than the subscription. If the current subscriptions aren't enough then I would also be one of the people prepared to pay an increased subscription fee. How this content is made accessible doesn't really matter just as long as it is accessible without needing to fork out extra real money in a transaction outside my standard subscription fee. Right now what I do know is that as a subber I get a monthly income of Cartel Coins, which makes things in the shop accessible. What I don't know is the price of things that will be available in the shop. If I'm only earning a certain amount of Cartel Coins a month and in order to get something I want I need to wait an entire year then that will only encourage me to see this F2P model, not as encouraging F2Pers to subscribe, but to encourage subbers to become F2Pers because a sub will not be worth anything if elements of the game that should be accessible aren't. All I can say is that when the F2P happens and I don't get the experience I feel I deserve as a subber then I will unsub and move on because subbing is the only way I will pay to play.
  9. So, why is there so much variance. I'm a CE owner subbed since launch. I pre-ordered the game and got in to early access. Yet I only have 2650 CCs while others who are in the same position as me have 2700 CCs. Clearly the sums aren't adding up somewhere. Also, why is it that DD edition owners had the opportunity to get an extra 250 CC for upgrading to a CE edition. Surely this must mean that a CE edition is actually worth 1250 CCs. Who came up with this system of calculating who gets how many CCs because it seems a bit of a shambles.
  10. I will freely admit that I have similar issues. The other day I spent ages hanging around trying to find a group to do a heroic mission with. When I do find myself as part of a group doing a mission, once it's over everyone just disbands. If I was aksed to help somebody out and was able to help them then I would but I get a bit fed up at times of spending ages trying to find a group to do a mission. Being the very relaxed casual player who doesn't play on a regular basis, I play when I am able to so when it could be days until I'm next on and I've just spent hours achieving nothing but standing still occasionally posting to general chat and the odd whisper to people who are nearby and can help it all just gets annoying and I just find myself soloing through my story quests. I'm hoping to come across a guild of like minded players at some point in game but so far nothing yet. Good luck to the both of us.
  11. *looks surprised* *looks around seeing if anyone else takes notice of the comment* /whispers "Who told you I was a Lord?" /end whispers /posh english accent "I'm sorry. Just your every day run of the mill nobody here. No need to take any notice of me." /end posh english accent
  12. Agreed. I was expecting side missions at times when all of a sudden, it's like you feel like you missed something important. Even if you weren't involved, a cut scene would be cool to show you what happened, which would be cool for DS Jaesa. As for all companions being affected by your choices, I completely agree. It shouldn't be a case of "Oh, their personality is this and you have to deal with it." As part of my personal story I want to be able to influence all of my companions. If I'm playing LS and have DS companions then I'd like to have more discussions with them about DS/LS matters and get them to see things from my character perspective. Same the other way around. Why? Because they're my companions, they hang around with me all the time out of choice yet they never want to listen to me. I can make Ashara kill many people out and about but back on ship it's like it never happened. It just feels wrong. I actually wanted my Assassin to corrupt Ashara and marry her but that didn't happen. I want to see my character influencing things around them. Hopefully this will improve in future.
  13. Considering the F2P model and the statement saying subscribers will not have to pay more I feel that they will bend the rule and use other MMO games to justify charging extra for an expansion. Then it all comes down to cost and content. Will the content you get justify the cost? I don't know but if they keep annoying their subscribers the subscribers will leave and no more steady cash flow from subscribers, meaning a complete reliance on F2P players leading on to P2W in order to bring in the needed income. We'll have to wait and see what happens. It's one of the moments that could change the game for the better and bring in more subscribers or it will lead to the destruction of the game.
  14. I sometimes wish I could come in to the office and do that, especially to the managers. Would be a nice way to vent and maybe teach them a thing or two about how to treat their employees or face the consequences......
  15. I hope there will be more story content, including companion story content, advancing relationships, affecting alignments and just doing what needs to be done to destroy the enemy. I'm progressing through various stories right now but with my only lvl 50 assassin I hope for the opportunity to continue the story doing what Darths do and maybe more opportunity to participate in the Dark Council and make decisions that affect the Empire.
  16. I agree. I didn't dislike the SI story but instead of being the spider in charge of the web you were the fly stuck in it struggling to get out.
  17. *Walks through the door* *Puts up a Bounty Poster for someone wearing a red coat and with spiky blonde hair wielding a lightsaber* *Gets a drink and sits down at a table* /posh english accent "Good day old chaps. Lovely weather we're having." /end posh english accent
  18. I agree and hope to see more development of such things in the future. Will it actually happen and in a reasonable time frame to satisfy all the players who really enjoy these elements of the game? Who knows. We'll just have to wait and see what the future brings.
  19. I haven't experienced the LS version of Jaesa. What I do know is that my Marauder is a psychotic DS Sith who wants to kill and destroy everything on his path to power and dominance. He can't stand LS Sith and would see them all dead. Therefore, DS Jaesa fits perfectly. He is loyal to the Empire and his comrades though so there is a sense of honour there. Once Vette pledged herself to staying with my Marauder he removed the shock collar seeing it as the best way to gain her trust in order to manipulate and use her. Then she rejected my Marauder when he wanted both Vette and Jaesa as his partners. At least he still has Jaesa and in time believes he can work on Vette to change her mind, especially since she's committed to staying by his side. So, I like DS JAesa because the personality fits the personality of my Marauder.
  20. Having read all the stuff about the game going F2P and EA/Bioware not making enough money from current subscribers it led me to think this. I certainly don't know what the consequences of such a decision would be or how it would influence players. But what if EA/Bioware revised the subscription fees and charged more? I'm not going to suggest a cost but I am merely posing that if money is an issue then a potential option is also to adjust the charges for subscription fees. Just like F2P people will get restrictions while subscribers will get access to all currently available content. Would you be prepared to pay more in subscription fees if it would make a difference to getting the content many of us are looking for in game? Would you be prepared to pay more in subscription fees if it guaranteed you access to everything without the need to pay for extras (even if those extras are just cosmetic/vanity)? I would be prepared to pay more if it was guaranteed that content would become more quickly available or that it definitely guaranteed that I would have access to everything without having to pay any extras. What I like about subscription fees is the one off monthly charge and it's so easy to deal with and budget for. Any other in game transactions using real money may quickly get out of hand, especially if you really want things on offer but aren't prepared to pay above and beyond the subscription fee already being paid. To me this seems like it could be discussed as part of a potential range of options in achieving some higher levels of revenue in order to help with the development of a game that has a lot of potential. Just my thoughts and was curious about what others thought.
  21. Star Wras, Bioware, the story experience, the companions, KOTOR influences....... Because it's also an MMO it just gives me the opportunity to be able to share the experience with others and play with others in the game too, which only adds to the game.
  22. I'm against Pay to Win. I am an adult working full time and don't have as much time as others do to play this game but the thought of Pay to Win just doesn't work for me. Paying my sub fee to play is one thing but being able to pay to win is just wrong in my book. In the SW universe, do they wake up one day, spend money and suddenly become the Emperor. Do they hold auctions about who will end up being the most powerful force user in the universe... Pay to Win just doesn't fit in with how I conceptualise the game and setting. I want to play the game and, like others, work for the benefits. I may not be the best player but I still want to play when I can and put in the effort myself because to me that is far more rewarding because you've actually earned it through playing rather than simply paid for it. If EA/BW move away from what they are currently doing with F2P and move F2P towards a P2W model just for the sake of milking the consumer then that proves that the experience of the game will no longer be worth playing.
  23. In the end this game was released earlier than it should have been with a lack of content, features and obviously some bugs that hadn't been resolved. Why do I like this game? 1) Star Wars 2) Story 2 Simple reasons but before people start getting the wrong impression, when I say Star Wars I am referring to multiple aspects of what should be expected within a Star Wars game. I played Guild Wars, I eventually got bored because once I had completed the original content the underlying setting itself just wasn't enough to make me want to keep playing. I played City of Heroes / Villains, it was a fun concept being able to play as a villain. Due to financial issues at the time I had to unsub and after a while I found other things to occupy me and never really thought about the game again. There was a lot that could have been done with that game and I found some good people to play with who I played with regularly, which helped make the game more of an enjoyable experience. It was fun RPing a villain who at one point managed to corrupt another player who was playing a hero. These games have a good basis because there is lots of appeal for wanting to play heroes or villains. SW:TOR is the third MMORPG I have ended up playing. The SW setting is a great setting to use. Yes, I intended to get around to trying out SWG but by the time I was able to get around to it based on everything I was reading about the game it seemed like the game was dying so I didn't bother. Then I finally found out this game was coming out and pre-ordered my copy of the game. I am a very casual player and don't always have a lot of time to play. I hit level 50 with my Sith Assassin, became a Darth and moved on to an alt to enjoy the next story experience. Now before I get told that I'm talking a lot about story here, I chose a PvP server. Why? Because what is SW without PvP? Ok, I'm a noob to PvP and gear grinding. I still have things to work out with crafting. So what? I can learn and when I have the time I will get around to experiencing all the things this game has to offer. I want to eventually get involved in these elements because SW is about these elements. I eventually want to feel like I am part of a complete SW experience. The SW brand is a core reason for me buying this game, the story was also an element I was looking forward to: to live through my own SW saga by playing the game was just extremely appealing. I do want to get involved with other aspects of the game but not always having as much time as others can lead to problems, especially when you need a group of people to accomplish things (and I have had a lot of difficulty at times finding people to group with). I want to see future content for expanded stories, more options and freedoms within stories to make them more individual and customisable, I want more companion content with alignment shifts and personality changes and more interaction options and even developing companion stories further (such as finally making Ashara reject the Jedi ways). I want to see more open world space scenes with travelling on ships freely, ship PvP combat, bombarding planets. This game has so much potential to engage and immerse players because it is SW but because the dev team lost control at the very start of releasing the game without enough content besides going through a set story many people lost interest. One day when I have gotten through all the stories I want to take part in other aspects to feel part of a SW universe so I hope there is focus on improving multiple elements of this game, including story and PvP elements so that I can feel like I'm part of a SW universe and experience the things I would expect from a SW game. So far I have been enjoying the game, I still have a lot to learn and I hope this game does improve in every way to make a more immersive SW experience where you actually feel like your character matters in this universe, that what they do matters and can have an amount of influence on other aspects of the game. If there is too much focus on one aspect then there will be moans from whoever doesn't get what they want. Do I want a good story and some extra story content? I would love it. Is it the most important thing to focus on right now? Maybe or maybe not because there are many things the devs need to focus on right now. I just see a lot of potential for this game and hope that this game develops and has a healthy future ahead of it.
  24. I don't have all the details of what is or isn't going to happen. However, disregarding specifics and focusing on the sentiment of this I will simply say that if there's anything I can't have access to without paying above my subscription then this subscriber will be unsubbing. I enjoy the game (yes there are problems and I hope they get fixed) but the moment I get the impression that subscribers mean nothing to the devs I will be unsubbing. I refuse to be part of a game where in order to play I have to constantly pay for every tiny little bit of content. A simple monthly fee that gives me everything I expect to have in game works for me but if the devs feel that they can get more money by treating their sub base this way then they will have to deal with the consequences of such a decision.
  25. Definitely. Although a DS Ashara like DS Jaesa could be a bit too extreme. Also, I'd like the opportunity of being able to turn her in steps rather than the Jaesa version of suddenly appearing on your ship having suddenly fully converted to DS in the extreme. All I want is for her to realise she's no longer Jedi, for her to abandon such loyalties and ideology towards the Jedi who no longer want anything to do with her and for her to pledge her loyalty to my SI. She already follows him about everywhere murdering people, she has much blood on her hands yet she still claims to consider herself a Jedi. She needs to wake up to her new life and realise that she has embraced a pth that is not Jedi. After getting her to max affection and doing all the companion quests I felt the ending wasn't right so I definitely want to see some changes should they develop her story further. Even in the cut scene at the end of the SI story Ashara is one of the people kneeling before you but her behaviour and attitude just don't seem to properly reflect her new life being by the side of the SI. EDIT: I suppose what I am getting at is my SW is rather unrestrained and psychotic so DS Jaesa really fits well. For my SI I'm still playing DS but he's supposed to be more cunning and restrained. They're both DS but the SW is more action orientated with chaos and destruction much like DS Jaesa whereas my SI is more thought, planning, cunning, playing the games and killing people when they need to be killed more than just simply psychotically charging at all enemies in a rage. I want a DS Ashara to be more reflective of a SI personality instead of a psychotic, raging, wants to kill and destroy everything DS JAesa where Jaesa actually fits quite well with my SW personality.
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