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Stick with it!


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All I hear latley is complaint after complaint "this is broken, this is garbage, my servers dead!"

You cannot honestly expect BW to keep everyone content this early into the game?

Yes the game has its flaws but ive seen much worse so here I am asking those who are still here to stick with it, pay your subs enjoy what content there is in hopes we can keep this game alive and not have another "Warhammer Online" The more people who jump ship means the more people will follow!


Stick with the game and it can only get better.

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Have fun paying to play a watered down broken game where all they want you to do is roll more alts for the awesome legacy perks! The game is already on life support, it's only a matter of time. I've played F2P mmo's that were more fun with only spending 20 dollars for 6 month of awesome pvp griefing and better end game than here. Hell the forums are more fun than the game since i stopped playing over a month ago.
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I agree with you, at least in theory I do. But it's getting awfully lonely out there. My guild, the people I've played MMOs with for the last 6 years, has mostly drifted off to other things while they wait for the next game (probably Guild Wars 2). We used to have 12 players online during a busy night, now we're down to 3 or 4. I still enjoy the game, but I miss playing with my friends. Edited by signahead
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It's not up to players to stick with a game in order to see fixes.

It's up to the the game to implement fixes to keep players around.


Server population, lack of game features, breaking of previously unbroken elements, lack of fix for other broken elements and so on - all will directly influence the entertainment value, even for the people who like the game, to the degree where they'd rather spend time and money on something else - for a while or permanently.

It's not up to these people to 'stick it out'. It's the other way around.


So while the game does not look to do a Warhammer Online dive - it is being hit now that subscriptions are running out and not being renewed. Casual player claims aside and despite lofty statements about how many the game needs to 'break even', the game still need a healthy population or otherwise even those that like it will move on simply due to the game being empty and content being impossible to do.

Edited by xandax
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It can only get better because it has hit ROCK BOTTOM. The only direction to go would be up. God help the Devs if they go sideways. You can kiss this game goodbye if they keep their current pigheaded ways up.


There is a REASON people complain about the game.


You can stick your fingers in your ears and go "la-la-la I can't hear you" all you like, but the game has BIG problems.

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Mate, most of the servers are empty and it does NOT feel like an MMORPG.


A server merge is CRUCIAL and Bioware is ignoring the facts and you come here and tell us "OMG STOP WHINING THEY CANT DO EVERYTHING AT THE SAME TIME".


Mate, they can't even do one thing properly.

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Every patch is a failure if you are hoping it's going to be a miracle that saves the game for you... If you don't like the game now, chances are you won't like the game 6 months from now, hint hint.
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All I hear latley is complaint after complaint "this is broken, this is garbage, my servers dead!"

You cannot honestly expect BW to keep everyone content this early into the game?

Yes the game has its flaws but ive seen much worse so here I am asking those who are still here to stick with it, pay your subs enjoy what content there is in hopes we can keep this game alive and not have another "Warhammer Online" The more people who jump ship means the more people will follow!


Stick with the game and it can only get better.


You do know we all pay $14.99 a month right? You do know that there exists alternative means of spending that $14.99 and the leisure time we have right?

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All I hear latley is complaint after complaint "this is broken, this is garbage, my servers dead!"

You cannot honestly expect BW to keep everyone content this early into the game?




Actually yes I can, thats why we pay a monthly sub.


The people that hurt this game are the ones like you that offer up excuses for what should have no excuse.


Stop trying to blame the players and hold the company taking all our money accountable!


EAoware should do better faster because they charge for this game.

If this was Beta, wouldnt hear a negative peep outta me and many others.

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1.3 million subs and the games on life support Haha that was the funniest thing I heard all weekend!


You keep telling yourself that. After the free month is over (which EA included in the 1.3 million sub) and people leave to play other games that are out in the next few months, this game will lose a few more hundred thousand subs. Then 1.3 comes out with more useless legacy content and more bugs and more people leave.


But what do I know, you got 1.3 million subs right now and server population is growing! Have fun paying to play a watered down broken and unbalance single player game.

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Pretty soon it will be 500 k then what will you say omg this game is on life support lol.


That would be more credible if it weren't almost 5 months after launch, which is plenty of time for people to decide if they're sick of the game or not. Show me another MMO with 1.3 million subscribers almost 5 months after launch. Go ahead, take your time.


Saying that this game is on life support is implying that it can die. Let me enlighten you to a fact of life: Star Wars doesn't die.


Feel free to think otherwise, but you're wrong. ;)

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That would be more credible if it weren't almost 5 months after launch, which is plenty of time for people to decide if they're sick of the game or not. Show me another MMO with 1.3 million subscribers almost 5 months after launch. Go ahead, take your time.


Saying that this game is on life support is implying that it can die. Let me enlighten you to a fact of life: Star Wars doesn't die.


Feel free to think otherwise, but you're wrong. ;)


You should talk to my buddy SWG. Haven't seen him for awhile though:rolleyes:

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That would be more credible if it weren't almost 5 months after launch, which is plenty of time for people to decide if they're sick of the game or not. Show me another MMO with 1.3 million subscribers almost 5 months after launch. Go ahead, take your time.


Saying that this game is on life support is implying that it can die. Let me enlighten you to a fact of life: Star Wars doesn't die.


Feel free to think otherwise, but you're wrong. ;)

Time will tell. I think this game is dead...

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Love the game, leveling my 5th char to 50 at the moment and am very impressed with the pace BW keeps pumping out new content (in comparison to the 6 year experience from the game that shall never be named).


Can't wait until FP finder tool and XP boost goes live.


Nothing short of a global class war will keep me from this game.

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That would be more credible if it weren't almost 5 months after launch, which is plenty of time for people to decide if they're sick of the game or not. Show me another MMO with 1.3 million subscribers almost 5 months after launch. Go ahead, take your time.


Saying that this game is on life support is implying that it can die. Let me enlighten you to a fact of life: Star Wars doesn't die.


Feel free to think otherwise, but you're wrong. ;)

Oh it's gonna die it totally sucks how can it live.

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That would be more credible if it weren't almost 5 months after launch, which is plenty of time for people to decide if they're sick of the game or not. Show me another MMO with 1.3 million subscribers almost 5 months after launch. Go ahead, take your time.


Saying that this game is on life support is implying that it can die. Let me enlighten you to a fact of life: Star Wars doesn't die.


Feel free to think otherwise, but you're wrong. ;)


I don't know why you quote me on that I agree with you. As for the other poster who commented about swg it went 7 years so your point is invalid.

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All I hear latley is complaint after complaint "this is broken, this is garbage, my servers dead!"

You cannot honestly expect BW to keep everyone content this early into the game?

Yes the game has its flaws but ive seen much worse so here I am asking those who are still here to stick with it, pay your subs enjoy what content there is in hopes we can keep this game alive and not have another "Warhammer Online" The more people who jump ship means the more people will follow!


Stick with the game and it can only get better.

How about you pay our subs while we wait. They should have launched when there was still stimulus bail-out money available

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The game has a few bugs but its still more fun than wotlk and cata together.


Personally a game should be fun and aslong its fun, who cares about a few empty server - after all its the players fault that they went there on release. Those who didnt want to sit in a queue at release made the mistake, experienced players knew that going to the servers with queue was key.

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You should talk to my buddy SWG. Haven't seen him for awhile though:rolleyes:


You mean the game that turned into an abysmal mess that people still continued to pay to play (because it's Star Wars) enough to the point where it was able to be continued until forced to do otherwise by LucasArts themselves?


So, no, SWG didn't die. SWG was intentionally put to sleep. FOR ANOTHER STAR WARS GAME. :rolleyes:

Edited by Lazirus-
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I don't know why you quote me on that I agree with you. As for the other poster who commented about swg it went 7 years so your point is invalid.


I didn't quote you, brother. My reply was directed towards arcdaemon. :)

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