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Scoundrel vs Operative: "Cool factor"/Animations


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Hey guys,


I am just wondering what peoples opinions are about the scoundrel vs the operative in both animations as well as "coolness factor".


I played at launch but due to school I had to take a few months off. Anyway, I re-subbed when 1.2 came out and found my server totally dead so I decided to re-roll on a more populated server. I previously played Empire side and decided to go republic with my re-rolls to avoid doing the same story lines all over again. I decided to play a scoundrel because I really loved how the operative looked, felt, and played. I'm now closing in on 30 on my scoundrel(scrapper) and I have to say I'm starting to feel bored with the aesthetics of it. I like the play style, but the story kinda sucks, the punching and kicking animations seem clumsy, and I'm not very impressed with how the scoundrel gear looks. It feels sorta like I'm a street urchin/thug running around punching people. I guess that's what BW was going for but I would love to see more scattergun action and less flying fist action.


I mean the Operative has the Vibroblade and they use it for most of their abilites, why not do that for the scoundrel? I'm just not attached to my scoundrel at all because I don't enjoy the aesthetics of it nor the animations. Anyone out there have similar feelings for the scoundrel vs operative? Also, What would you do differently for animations/aesthetics of the scoundrel?


I would like the see the scattergun more. I would like to use it more during abilities but I would also like to see it on my character. Perhaps, slung across my back.

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My only 2 characters so far are a lvl 50 Operative and a lvl 31 Scoundrel. I enjoy playing them both but definately like my Operative best. I am a healer and i enjoy healing with all my droids and just find the healing spells alot more fun to use. My Scoundrel is a healer aswell but alot of the healing animations are quite dry in comparison. I do like the animation for emergency medpac though, its quite funny :p


The whole Imperial Agent storyline is pretty much A1 so its very hard to beat that with any class in the game. I do like the whole Scoundrel cowboy image, my Wookie companion and my Millennium Falcon ship but overall the Smuggler is not as appealing to me as the Imperial Agent :o

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The animations for the Operative are tons better.


Also, the Imperial Agent storyline is considered to be one of the best if not THE best in the game. It's really good from start to finish, and the Agent gets some GREAT companion characters.


I hate to say it given how underpopulated the Republic is on most servers, but if you want to play this archetype your best bet is an Agent. The really sad part is that I'm a Republic player.

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I planned to make a scoundrel, because using a scattergun sounded like fun. Then I saw they barely use it, and just punch people to death. It sound stupid. Don't know why they didn't keep the scattergun for all the special skills, just like the operative use a knife, and don't start to punch a guy with his fists.
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My main is a lvl 50 scoundrel and I really enjoy playing it pvp-wise. To punch a sith lord in the face and taking a big percentage of his health is satisfying. I tried playing an operative but re-rolled due to the countless hours of hearing the knife sound effect.
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Hitting sith Lord in the balls is even better.


I agree that knifing has better feel to it, though. You kinda feel kinetic force behind animation when agent does it, and you treat your knife as another weapon, while scattergun as... well.. a gimmick. It's not about overall style, it's animation issue.


As for aesthetics, people seem to forgot, or never knew, how cool cowboys are. Watch some classics like Good Bad & Ugly, and play scoundrel/gunslinger with Morricone music on. :cool:

Edited by Shadenuat
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Gotta put my vote in for the scoundrel, though I've played both to an extent.


Operative knifing is just boring to me. Maybe it's because so many games have the "rogue" archetype that does the same old slice-em-up from behind.


I just think the whole point-blank shotgun is hilarious and badarse, as well as the nutkick and punching. I agree with the poster above that it's very satisfying punching a sith lord for significant dmg, not to mention kicking him in the junk. It's fresher and more fun. Makes me feel like the Chuck Norris of meme lore, since I can do these amazing feats without the assistance of a glowstick.


Pre-1.2 I might've recommended operative just because of how frustrating the dirty kick root was, but that's fixed now!


(And use, the operative story IS good, but that's what I have a sniper for. But you're just asking about animations so story isn't an issue here.)

Edited by Stenrik
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  • 2 years later...

Not to intentionally Necro this post but


I had to vote because the Operative was the sole reason I started playing and also just recently came back to play SWTOR.


While I hear back and forth about the sound effects you can pretend you haven't heard them both, there's a post about the "overused knife sound" but its all been used before. It's not new.


Overall I don't like cowboy movies so I'm likely partial to the Operative but that certainly isn't the only reason.

I love the knife sound, I love the story line (by far the best one of all classes), I love the realism of the class (why the hell would you punch someone when you can shoot them with your gun and why the #$%* do you think it would do more damage to punch someone rather than using a gun? For real?

In many games (MANY MANY games) knife attacks generally do more damage (and are cool) because they would penetrate armor (plate armor in old world MMO's they could slip between the plating and deal more damage than say a hammer IRL so in the game they do that too... since when is it as damaging for a scrawny cowboy to deal as much or more damage with his fist to a heavily armored powertech than with his gun?


Anyways besides the realism factor I love the cloaking factor of the Op, the clothing line, the knife sounds, the story, the ship... pretty much the entire genre the class has to offer... super secret agent's rule.

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I vote scoundrel.


It's understandable that punching isn't the optimal method for taking down 2 story robots but I'm looking for some spiked gauntlets to spice it up. Then again just saying you punched it to death is pretty bad ***; like chuck Norris.


They've added another scatter gun ability to scrappers so there's more of that in your gameplay.


I dress more like republic SIS than cowboy. I dunt like the hats. More of a tactical goggles kind of guy.


Not to mention everyone has a hard on for operatives and playing scoundrel puts you as one of the least represented classes in the game.

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You can keep all of the knives and the fancy healing animations, but absolutely nothing in this game beats the sound/feeling of popping out of stealth with a shotgun to the back of the head. Absolutely nothing!


Not to mention the "Scoundrel Shocker" is the best combo in this game bar none, and we also get the best title as well *Immune to Prosecution*.


Top that, Mr I'm-really-an-Imperial-Lackey.

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If you want cool animations, then nothing beats concealment operstive animations IMO. So smooth and deadly. Veiled strike has an awesome animation.


If you want a more "rough and fun" animation style then scoundrel takes the blue ribbon. I love their animations. A lot of people don't like punching, but I wouldn't trade sucker punch for the world. It's awesome punching a Sith Lord for 9k. Shooting someone in the back with a shotgun is also awesome. How much more overkill can you get (in a good way)? Sneak up behind someone and shoot them in the back with a shotgun. Sure stabbing them in the back with s knife would get the job done, but shooting them in the back with a shotgun sends a "I'm not going to bs around....I'm getting the job done!" message.


Dirty kick is also one of the most infuriating, and thus best, stun animations in the game. Oh your a big bad powertech with all that heavy armor? Still can't handle a kick in the nuts apparently. Also bashing someone in the face with the butt of your shotgun has a certain "tough guy" appeal. They both laugh at their opponents, but the laughing fits better with scoundrel.


Operative = cool, calculating, smooth

Scoundrel = tough guy feel

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You can keep all of the knives and the fancy healing animations, but absolutely nothing in this game beats the sound/feeling of popping out of stealth with a shotgun to the back of the head. Absolutely nothing!


Not to mention the "Scoundrel Shocker" is the best combo in this game bar none, and we also get the best title as well *Immune to Prosecution*.


Top that, Mr I'm-really-an-Imperial-Lackey.


What's the scoundrel shocker. And what's this immune from prosecution title? Where do you get it?

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What's the scoundrel shocker. And what's this immune from prosecution title? Where do you get it?


Err, don't look up "the shocker" if you don't know what it is, lol. The Scoundrel shocker is Dirty Kick followed by Backblast, with both performed from behind. As for the title, you earn it on Rishi for completing your Class quest there.

Edited by DeLaaNie
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I prefer the Scoundrel, just because it has some variety. kick, pistol whip, shotgun blast, etc. The IA is just knives, knives, and more knives.


Me too. I love having more than one animation for each attack skill, compare to the constant use of a knife on the Operative. Thing is though, I wouldn't mind having one knife skill, as I don't see how a Scoundrel would have all of that equipment and no knife on her.


The one thing I can't stand is using a remote for every healing ability. That is just beyond crazy seeing as that I am a Scoundrel I would have access to any equipment in the galaxy granted I can steal/scam/con/buy/win it, etc.

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In many games (MANY MANY games) knife attacks generally do more damage (and are cool) because they would penetrate armor (plate armor in old world MMO's they could slip between the plating and deal more damage than say a hammer IRL so in the game they do that too


Oh yeah because a knife could totally penetrate a material thats resistant to lightsabers. (not saying every armor in this game is lightsaber resistant but Bounty hunters are implied to have gotten armor made from Mandalorian iron.

Edited by Faardor
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Personally, I have to go with the operative.


Everything about it comes off as planned and practiced to perfection.


the way the stance changes before stabs, that switch from slice into rifle-butt back into firing stance.


It's also a lot more cohesive. I know some people are giving the class crap for using their knife too much, but I think the smuggler needs more shotgun. "I have this bad-*** scattergun, and I'm going to use it for all of two moves in my entire arsenal."

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I like operative better for healing animations because scoundrels literally have the same animation for every healing ability except emergency medpac on themselves and kolto waves.


For scrapper/concealment, I prefer scoundrel for the same reason, reversed. Operative is knife knife knife, there's some diversity with scrapper.

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Well, thyen I would add, I loved the sucker punch him in the face. It is very distinguishable. Its good, along with the giggle being back, yesss. Sound wise, the scoundrel is awesome.


After I completed the Scoundrel to 50 (then the max level), I re-rolled a Sniper also to 50. I liked both stories. I was mad when suddenly (spoiler alert) my Kaliyo was imprisoned. Anyways, yes the Agent story is great, but watching your boss put down by a sith, and agents without a name, being totally unimportant, sith is everything made me feel bad.

Compare this to the Smuggler, they don't care about Jedi or Sith, pfft. Smugglers do what they like best, explore the galaxy and make a ton of money. They bow to no-one.

Companion wise, Smuggler beats the ImpAgents easily.

Do you really like an insect-companion, and a female droid companion?


However, yes, the story of ImpAgent has a lot more depth, intrigue. Its clear they put a lot of effort in him.

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Scoundrel is too much comic relief, it just doesn't mesh with the entire universe around you, much less at high level. IMO, thematically, punching some seperatists or random nar shaddaa thugs you face at low level is fine, but against the "epicified" threats we face at high level it looks ridiculously out of place.


I for one would totally love to buy a "cosmetic pack" that lets you change your own animations. It could even come with a toggle that makes them revert to default on others in pvp if that was a concern. But I doubt changes like that are low hanging fruit enough to be in the cards at this time.

Edited by Korevas
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