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patch 1.3, savior or RIP?


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Now they hype the crap out of GW2 and ES:O and TSW and Tera. And from what I've heard, some people love these games from the beta, others not so much. Such is life, and the same applies for Swtor.


Agree that hype can lead to disappointment, but some games live up to the hype and some don't. ESO, GW2 and Tera can hype as much as they want, I don't care for the next "medieval fantasy grindy theme park cookie cutter MMO".


TSW is the only one which deserves the hype, completely new MMO concept and the beta rocks, this is what I expected from TOR and Bioware.


1.3 won't be the savior patch, but a fat 2.0 expansion eventually brings back subs in a large scale.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I think Patch 1.3 will just be what it is, not a savior, not the coming of the apocolypse,and certainly isnt going to be the exact replica of end game and 7 years of much needed paint jobs Blizzards applied to WoW.

Those who had High expectations that they were going to get their WoW fix in 1.2 are going to be dissapointed with 1.3, because what they want is WoW.

The lucky ones are those who never were "stuck" in Wow to begin with,or those who are able to get "unstuck", leave Wow and grow with something new.

The rest are stuck in Wow and require an exact updated replica of wow that contains all the friends they are stuck with in wow to be satisfied.......which continues the Saga of dissapointment in every thing thats released thats not WoW.

Edited by CygnusMX
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I wish they would add additional leveling content - by that I mean more than just the linear pathway of planets that we're presented with. I would like the opportunity to go to various different planets at the same level, for a different experience each time. The thing that killed the game for me was the fact that I had to do essentially the same little story each and every time I wanted to create someone new, aside from the single quest line for each class on the planets. So once I got a level fifty on both sides of the conflict, I knew it was essentially going to be the exact same thing if I wanted to re-roll again.


Exactly!!! This game is just INSANELY boring if you roll a new character, sure you have your main story line which is different if you chose a new class but thats it. Period! ALL of the other quests are the same, to make it even worse is that they are voice acted, and played out...Which was freaking awesome the VERY first time I played these quests. But OMG is it just soooo BORING the next time you do it.


Each planet is chunked up by Level and Class and honestly it ruins the game. It feels so linear, which is fine for my first character, I was totally digging the story line, which read like a novel. Was awesome! But now with Legacy which encourages alternate characters, I think this game is going to bore the living daylights outta me...

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What exactly do people want to read on this RIP threads?

Sure. One day after 1.3 there will be mass cancellations, then the lights go out, all servers go down, EA is no more, Bw team moves under a rusty bridge, then the zombie apocalypse starts....culminating on 12.21.2012, the end of all days.


There you got it, my prediction!

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bioware have already said that 1.3 is going to be feature heavy but light on content in order to get it out faster which includes the addition of LFG tool and server transfers which are the two highest priority's at the moment.
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The thing is they are not focusing on the right things in 1.3. What good is a server looking for group tool? You have 10 people on the fleet. Maybe 20 other 50's are doing dailies on various planets. Chances are you probably won't get anything to pop. Even if you do that is minutes to hours of waiting. They are ignoring the fact that there are way to many low pop servers in the game.

This game is already R.I.P due to Diablo 3, unless they really make some remarkable changes in 1.3. I am very upset with this game. You have to make alts to really do anything entertaining; even after that it still gets boring. What good is releasing new content when you can't even experience it. Pvp is dead on most severs, and is broken and repetitive to begin with. Flashpoints are fun first time through. The only reason most people even touch this game anymore is because of Ops. R.I.P Swtor you were fun for a couple months.

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1.2 was BW's chance to keep this thing going and they blew it. Just killing time until D3 takes another chunk out of it and then GW2 puts the final nail in the coffin. So much potential, yet so much fail.

I find it hilarious that people keep saying GW2 is going to kill SWTOR. GW2 has had, I believe, ONE beta weekend so far and the game still doesn't have a release date. At this point I would be surprised to see GW2 come out by the end of the year.

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well 1.3 can't be that great. they are not advertising it they way they did 1.2. also they are already starting to hint about 1.4 and 1.3 doesn't seem to be coming till server transfers are ready
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1.3 will do nothing for server population unless they wake up and do the right things.

But i gues s that wont happend as they are the one ones who cant transfear players

and have cross server play.And legacy updates is just a tiny money sink 90% of the player base

cant afford.

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1.3 is gunna SAVE IT! While all the tweens are off playing Diablo 3 and GW 2, I'll be adding augment slots to the same armor I've been wearing for the past 4 months.


THIS IS EXACTLY what the game needed!!! Augment slots!!! SWEET UPDATE!

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D3 and GW2 might lower the subscription base for sure, but GW2 isn't coming for months.


SWTOR still has a good future a head of it if Bioware doesn't screw it up.


First, GW2 may be out as soon as July, which is not that far off and certainly no later than September. Just from experience in the first weekend beta it is the first title, in a long time, that has a chance to grab number two very, very quickly.


Second, I'll be honest here, Patch 1.2 did more harm than good for this game. People were very excited for 1.2 before it was released. Then it released and (1) Ranked PvP warzones were pulled at the last second (literally), (2) the outrageous pricing on legacy stuff (including daily grinds for L14 gear) had people laughing at how obvious it was that the stuff was priced to create artificial grinds to hold sub numbers (especially when they commented in the guild summit how many players had less than 500k credits), (3) the Lost Island Hard Mode and Explosvie Conflict Normal Modes are way OVER-TUNED for the rewards, and (4) the major changes to the classes so soon after launch enfuritated a lot of players (especially healers).


So that leads to the OP, no one I know is holding any hopes that 1.3 is going to do anything for this game. Heck, most are wondering when they are going to fix the biggest selling point of this game - the sound on the voice overs. Pretty hard to get people excitied when the main selling point has been broken since the 1.2 patch.


I believe the people that have already unsubbed have done so and over the next two quarters we'll see the real numbers of players left.

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What exactly do people want to read on this RIP threads?

Sure. One day after 1.3 there will be mass cancellations, then the lights go out, all servers go down, EA is no more, Bw team moves under a rusty bridge, then the zombie apocalypse starts....culminating on 12.21.2012, the end of all days.


There you got it, my prediction!


Is it really so far outside your realm of understanding that this game is currently flopping very rapidly?




That is all you're doing.


You're no better than any of these kids screaming about this game dying, if anything, you're worse.


Server merges by august, f2p by december. Thats my prediction.

Edited by Celebrus
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I find it hilarious that people keep saying GW2 is going to kill SWTOR. GW2 has had, I believe, ONE beta weekend so far and the game still doesn't have a release date. At this point I would be surprised to see GW2 come out by the end of the year.


Not saying I agree or disagree with this statement but I do want to point out that everyone who was in the first beta "pre-purchased" the game and there were a TON of players in the beta. In addition, the feedback just from the first beta has set the industry abuzz. GW2 is also already very polished and except for a few bugs and performance issues is actually pretty close to ready to launch now. Based on several MMO betas I have been in and considering state of the game versus usual release dates I'd be willing to bet it will be a June or July release.

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With the exception of WoW, which is staggering in its refusal to die, MMOs virtually all peak at launch and atrophe thereafter. It was the hope that Star Wars would give TOR some staying power, and it still might. Even with only 100,000 subscribers an MMO will turn a very healthy profit monthly. Its just a matter of paying off the development costs before the base decays too much.


This is a good game, but its hard to get geeked up about when there aren't enough players to do anything with. I don't expect 1.3 to be a savior, but its not a death knell either.

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another 50/50 question, 1.3 hard to say atm since no really exciting information about this patch is out. maybe ranked warzones maybe not... only time will tell if this makes or breaks the game.
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