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How long will you wait?


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they wasted to much time on voice acting,which by this point is just a spacebar exercise. less voices...more content please.


I postulate that without the voice-acted story arcs, sales would not have been anywhere near the 2.4 million that they have achieved.

Edited by Kthx
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My guild has agreed to move to another server and when server transfers come along, we will transfer our 50's over. Now we are on The Fatman and doing fine for now, leveling up new toons.



By the way, need to change my sig.



Edited by DarkLots
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Sorry, not going to happen. One of the major selling points of this game is the tremendous voice acting. If you don't like it, then perhaps there are some other MMOs you should look into?


im fine with the class quests being fully voiced,but every mundane quest giver is a bit much...they could have cut that out and focused on more content. once you have a lvl 50,you can spacebar 75% of the game on your alts, because youve already seen it. id rather have more content,and i suspect alot of other people would also.

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I postulate that without the voice-acted story arcs, sales would not have been anywhere near the 2.4 million that they have achieved.


starwars is the reason people bought the game,not the voice acting.

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I can fully agree with the OP on this. While my server, Canderous Ordo, aint teeming with players it's far from a ghost town but the folks on servers where it's to all intents and purposes dead are frustrated and deserve some solid info on server merges/transfers. Vague responses from Bio like "soon" or "early summer" dont cut it if Bio wants to keep those subscriptions active.


Expecting paying customers to re-sub based on definate maybes is rediculous. If I was playing on a dead server and had nothing solid from Bio about transfers/merges by the 19th of this month I'd cancel my subscription.

Edited by ReddNekk
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Quote: Originally Posted by Galbatorrix

Well, then it's a good thing server transfers and a LFG tool is on the way then, right? It looks like Bioware is listening.


yeah i cant wait for the day server transfers come and i log into my server and see no one there cuz there all clogging up the fatman server


server transfers are going to be a trainwreck in sw tor

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My servers are awesome. The only thing I really want is the LFG feature and I've got plenty to do until it hits. I'll be playing this for quite some time.



Also, you do realize that there's nothing wrong with taking a break, right? If the current setup isn't doing it for you and you're no longer having fun, why not quit for a few months and come back when the features you want are in place?



Also, as far as BW giving you a reason to stay... well, they already told you that transfers and LFG was coming. If that's not enough for you, there's really nothing else they can do. Or do you really want them to slop in some features that aren't ready, likely breaking the game?


Which server is that? We keep on hearing of the mystical "fine server" where everyone gets a group every time they ask on chat, they get into a hard mode flash point within minutes, the queues for PvP are below a minute, guilds are recruting, operations every evening and so on :)

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This is an attitude you see more and more with people that started playing MMOs with WoW and made the progression to whatever was supposed to be the next big MMO. In the old days there were very few MMOs and they all took years to get anywhere in so people got used to playing on the same server grinding away for the joy of the game. People built communities because that was where every planned on staying. These games didn't have 1/100th of the features of todays MMOs and with things like losing gear if you get killed, or losing XP if you get killed and having to retrieve your body today's whiny MMO generation would all quit within a week looking for a new game to fix their void.


Truth is if your looking for your joy in an MMO based on features, patches and what the newest trend in gaming is then you will never be happy and you will always be moving from game to game to game. People demanded EZ mode MMOs so now they are all EZ mode, people demanded fast leveling so now people are at max level within a week of an MMO launching, people demand demand demand then they get mad that everything they demanded made the genre pretty weak. Instead of getting back to actual gaming people look to blame developers for everything.


At the end of the day the old MMOs were 100X harder, took 100X longer, had none of the features and a lot of things in them to make them a real pain to play and everyone that played them LOVED them to death. In 2012 we have whiny kids demanding EZ mode MMOs that you can see all the content in a month then rush to forums to cry that they are bored or that there is no one to play with. Well at the end of the day when you make demands on a company or you will quit (essentially exactly what the OP is saying) you end up with games with empty servers a six months after they launch because you and people like you demanded it.


Very true this...

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Quote: Originally Posted by kitsinni

This is an attitude you see more and more with people that started playing MMOs with WoW and made the progression to whatever was supposed to be the next big MMO. In the old days there were very few MMOs and they all took years to get anywhere in so people got used to playing on the same server grinding away for the joy of the game. People built communities because that was where every planned on staying. These games didn't have 1/100th of the features of todays MMOs and with things like losing gear if you get killed, or losing XP if you get killed and having to retrieve your body today's whiny MMO generation would all quit within a week looking for a new game to fix their void.


Truth is if your looking for your joy in an MMO based on features, patches and what the newest trend in gaming is then you will never be happy and you will always be moving from game to game to game. People demanded EZ mode MMOs so now they are all EZ mode, people demanded fast leveling so now people are at max level within a week of an MMO launching, people demand demand demand then they get mad that everything they demanded made the genre pretty weak. Instead of getting back to actual gaming people look to blame developers for everything.


At the end of the day the old MMOs were 100X harder, took 100X longer, had none of the features and a lot of things in them to make them a real pain to play and everyone that played them LOVED them to death. In 2012 we have whiny kids demanding EZ mode MMOs that you can see all the content in a month then rush to forums to cry that they are bored or that there is no one to play with. Well at the end of the day when you make demands on a company or you will quit (essentially exactly what the OP is saying) you end up with games with empty servers a six months after they launch because you and people like you demanded it.

Very true this...



I agree with all the above, however if this is correct then the devs would have known about it also and have been prepared for t.

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I'm running out of time myself. Early summer is not an acceptable response. We need an exact date.


I don't think they need a date. Early summer should suffice. If they give a date and can't get it out by then, then they look bad. I personally also gets my hopes up, get my characters prepared, and then have to fix everything afterwards until I have to do it again. Just sit tight. It's coming and it's coming soon.


How long will I wait? I'd say that I'd start getting upset at the end of July. Otherwise, I've got other things to worry about and I'll be playing regardless.

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Which server is that? We keep on hearing of the mystical "fine server" where everyone gets a group every time they ask on chat, they get into a hard mode flash point within minutes, the queues for PvP are below a minute, guilds are recruting, operations every evening and so on :)


People's standards are different. I enjoy my server. I think it's decently populated and getting a group for most things isn't that bad of a chore. Generally, there are good things on the GTN and Warzone queues are quite good.


The odds of any server outside of one that is constantly full having instant groups, instant Warzones, and millions of guilds recruiting are horrendous. You don't always need a gazillion people for a good server.

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People's standards are different. I enjoy my server. I think it's decently populated and getting a group for most things isn't that bad of a chore. Generally, there are good things on the GTN and Warzone queues are quite good.


The odds of any server outside of one that is constantly full having instant groups, instant Warzones, and millions of guilds recruiting are horrendous. You don't always need a gazillion people for a good server.


It Is down to expectations, what is an acceptable time to wait for a WZ pop for example. Personally I'd be miffed at much over 5 mins , because I have an expectation of how long it should take to get a random group of 16 people together in an MMorpg, especially if I only have an hour or so to play.

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Op... Reroll a new toon on a bigger server... Play that until transfers. Then transfer your other toons. Bam multiple 50s, different classes and still having fun. Thats what i am doing, and glad i did. Went from a consular to a bh and the game has never beem better.
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My guild has agreed to move to another server and when server transfers come along, we will transfer our 50's over. Now we are on The Fatman and doing fine for now, leveling up new toons.



By the way, need to change my sig.






and thats your idea of handling the problems with this game ?

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Op... Reroll a new toon on a bigger server... Play that until transfers. Then transfer your other toons. Bam multiple 50s, different classes and still having fun. Thats what i am doing, and glad i did. Went from a consular to a bh and the game has never beem better.


I have three 50s now, 2 of them very well geared in pve and pvp. I am leveling another toon. But, this is not the answer to the problem. This is me, the customer, trying to solve the problem of keeping myself busy doing something I hate which is constant leveling in the same areas, just to try to stay interested until the devs fix the problem. It's up to the business to fix the problem if they want to keep customers; not the customers job in order to have the privilage of paying the company to use their product.

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Well, then it's a good thing server transfers and a LFG tool is on the way then, right? It looks like Bioware is listening.

They're coming "this summer", or "soon". That's 6 months too late for some people. Server transfers aren't a horribly complicated feature to implement, and they should have been available very quickly after launch. LFG is obviously more complicated to implement, but that should have been in 1.0 or 1.1. It's like they're expecting people to love the story lines and (lacking) end-game content so much that they can ignore the rest of the game features for now.

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I have three 50s now, 2 of them very well geared in pve and pvp. I am leveling another toon. But, this is not the answer to the problem. This is me, the customer, trying to solve the problem of keeping myself busy doing something I hate which is constant leveling in the same areas, just to try to stay interested until the devs fix the problem. It's up to the business to fix the problem if they want to keep customers; not the customers job in order to have the privilage of paying the company to use their product.


I agree 150%. Practically being forced to level new toons on different, more active servers just so you have a reason to log into the game is ridiculous.

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It Is down to expectations, what is an acceptable time to wait for a WZ pop for example. Personally I'd be miffed at much over 5 mins , because I have an expectation of how long it should take to get a random group of 16 people together in an MMorpg, especially if I only have an hour or so to play.

I was waiting about 30 minutes for my first WZ yesterday, and about 45 minutes for the second. That is horrible. No excuses, that's just bad.

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I will unsub just before the free month runs out in June, maybe it will give me time to check 1.3 and hopefully some server transfers. Between the 15th and up until I unsub or 1.3 hits I will play D3. If 1.3 doesnt hit before my free month runs out I might not come back at all.


This game promised epic world pvp, it failed to deliver, GW 2 is coming soon and it has the type of w-pvp I'm looking for. Its gotten good reviews and it seems great for a f2p MMO so far. Maps seem to have a nice size, classes seem interesting and races are all looking unique from eachother. Plus the races include the two races I aways enjoy in MMOs, northmen and little people, plus their elf type race looks interesting aswell as the feline beastmen.


Even if its not better and just turns out to be equally as good as wow or tor I will play it. It will be f2p, so why not stick with it if its as fun as wow or tor which has a monthly fee?


D3 probably wont have an issue keeping me hooked for a while, even if its not an MMO. It has 5 classes and 60 levels on each to enjoy. I leveled 5 50s in this game and enjoyed it all. Its just being 50 that is boring, especially with the decreasing server pops.

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this is an attitude you see more and more with people that started playing mmos with wow and made the progression to whatever was supposed to be the next big mmo. In the old days there were very few mmos and they all took years to get anywhere in so people got used to playing on the same server grinding away for the joy of the game. People built communities because that was where every planned on staying. These games didn't have 1/100th of the features of todays mmos and with things like losing gear if you get killed, or losing xp if you get killed and having to retrieve your body today's whiny mmo generation would all quit within a week looking for a new game to fix their void.


Truth is if your looking for your joy in an mmo based on features, patches and what the newest trend in gaming is then you will never be happy and you will always be moving from game to game to game. People demanded ez mode mmos so now they are all ez mode, people demanded fast leveling so now people are at max level within a week of an mmo launching, people demand demand demand then they get mad that everything they demanded made the genre pretty weak. Instead of getting back to actual gaming people look to blame developers for everything.


At the end of the day the old mmos were 100x harder, took 100x longer, had none of the features and a lot of things in them to make them a real pain to play and everyone that played them loved them to death. In 2012 we have whiny kids demanding ez mode mmos that you can see all the content in a month then rush to forums to cry that they are bored or that there is no one to play with. Well at the end of the day when you make demands on a company or you will quit (essentially exactly what the op is saying) you end up with games with empty servers a six months after they launch because you and people like you demanded it.





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This is an attitude you see more and more with people that started playing MMOs with WoW and made the progression to whatever was supposed to be the next big MMO. In the old days there were very few MMOs and they all took years to get anywhere in so people got used to playing on the same server grinding away for the joy of the game. People built communities because that was where every planned on staying. These games didn't have 1/100th of the features of todays MMOs and with things like losing gear if you get killed, or losing XP if you get killed and having to retrieve your body today's whiny MMO generation would all quit within a week looking for a new game to fix their void.


Truth is if your looking for your joy in an MMO based on features, patches and what the newest trend in gaming is then you will never be happy and you will always be moving from game to game to game. People demanded EZ mode MMOs so now they are all EZ mode, people demanded fast leveling so now people are at max level within a week of an MMO launching, people demand demand demand then they get mad that everything they demanded made the genre pretty weak. Instead of getting back to actual gaming people look to blame developers for everything.


At the end of the day the old MMOs were 100X harder, took 100X longer, had none of the features and a lot of things in them to make them a real pain to play and everyone that played them LOVED them to death. In 2012 we have whiny kids demanding EZ mode MMOs that you can see all the content in a month then rush to forums to cry that they are bored or that there is no one to play with. Well at the end of the day when you make demands on a company or you will quit (essentially exactly what the OP is saying) you end up with games with empty servers a six months after they launch because you and people like you demanded it.


Great Post as I have had the same thoughts about the "MMO babies" for years. It's Ironic that everything they wanted in terms of "easymode", no death penalties, etc etc...are the ones that are complaining again and quitting. So I am so happy to say this, "careful what you wish for." I will play this game until the servers shut off forever and that should be for years to come. Also, I never understood for years why anyone would want to rush to lev 50 in a week

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