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How long will you wait?


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Sheer boredom - I've rerolled about 10 times already and I literally cannot stomach doing the first 5 planets AGAIN.... besides, there is so much more wrong than just lack of population, that's just the biggest slap in your face.




Its not our fault this game is mediocre and everyone left.

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I have already stopped waiting, only 90 days left on my Sub and i haven't logged in for over a month, the game lost me when after raiding 4 times i had my raid gear, and then again when 1.2 killed my Sorc for PvP. the First blow was tho when i got my Op to max Crafting and found out you could buy better barrels than i could make for less than 1 days Daily tokens.........


I will probly come back and try it again when an expansion hits like i did with WoW until then they get nothing from me.

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People keep making the claim that free subs count as subs .. where are you getting that info from?


If you purchase the game, part of the cost includes 30 days of play time. It's not like the game costs $59.95, and the subscription is $0. Therefore this situation should clearly count.


If you download a game for free and it includes some free play time, say a trial or up to Level 20, then no revenue accrues, and it should not count.


This is pretty much the de facto industry standard. You may not like it, but it is the norm.

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I am wondering if and this is an assumption on my part. If they decided to have a large enough bank of servers to take in the opening influx of players. ( I remember a co-worker telling me of the 50 minute wait times for logging on)... so after six months, they are going to start shifting players around on servers after the newness wears off and there is a better understanding of the player population.


And I agree with the op statement "How long will you wait"..that question has to be answered by each player as to what amount of leeway they give them.

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Not waiting longer. Sub runs out tonight. Game is decent...but has some things that I dislike. For example the companion system. I dont like to play dressups .... I want to play my character.


Since I can't see me ever leveling another toon because of companins... I quit here.

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Here for the long haul, i still plan on getting one of every class to 50, and I am still having fun in the game. Server has decent population, and once transfers come into play things will begin to improve more.

Might take a break for a short time for D3, no interest in Tera, and I never really got into the first Guild Wars, so i'm not sure about that one.

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What's the big deal. There are FOUR new MMOs on start besides TOR. I'll play the one which is *not* set in the medieval past (wink wink) until TOR rises up from decent to fantastic. Might take a year or so, but sooner or later I'll get another sub... e.g. when planets get more of an open world feel and space exploration will be added.
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I will wait till may 22 thats when my sub runs out. And i will be gone untill bioware wakes up and either learns how to do thier jobs or hires people that knows what the hell they are doing. And dosnt take 3 or more months to implement what should of taken no more than a month tops.
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I didn't wait. I re-rolled to a more populated server back at the beginning of March.


Best thing I ever did! Had loads of fun since with a full server. 214 people on the fleet just now when I logged off at around 10:30pm.


Character transfers will be ready when they're ready. They are expediting the process as much as possible without harming development progress.

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No, They are not. People want sever merges.


What people want isn't always in line with reality. The people who are screaming "SERVER MERGERS NOW!" aren't the ones that will have to answer all the customer support calls when people call up to complain that they've lost their character names due to being forced onto a particular server during a merger process.


These are also selfish players, who have no problem with inconveniencing hundreds if not thousands of other players on their server just so THEIR playing experience can be rehabilitated. These are some of the worst players in the game, IMHO.


The decision to merge servers on a game like this that just launched is a lot more complicated than just catering to what YOU want.


That said, the process they are developing now seems like a great compromise. Instead of merging servers by force, they are specifying some migration paths which players on low-pop servers can utilize to CHOOSE to transfer to a series of more populated servers, without the chaos of everyone trying to pick "the next big server" on their own. It makes perfect sense to me to set up these early migration paths, let all of the characters transfer that want to transfer, then see what happens with the rest of the server list. Then those that had their own ideas on where they wanted to go could pay to transfer their other characters.


Remember, re-rolling on a new server costs nothing, and involves no wait period. If you're tired of waiting for transfers, you can enjoy the game on a more populated server NOW, then transfer your other characters over when the time comes that transfers are made available, including the transfer of your new re-roll character that you used to enjoy the higher population server in the mean time.

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I re-rolled on the most populated server this week, and have no problem going through one or two storylines while I wait to bring my Jedi over. A lot will probably depend on how much GW2 or Diablo 3 appeal to me though. The timing is bad for Bioware to have big population drops and issues with some real heavy hitting competition coming out in the coming weeks.
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I will wait as long as it takes. I don't mind if I have to transfer or if my server is merged. But I'll be damned, DAMNED, if I lose my Legacy because ******s wanted Bioware to rush and they didn't dot their I's and cross their T's. My Legacy means more to me than playing with some Joe Schmuckitelly who was too impatient to wait for Bioware to be 100% sure that the mergers/transfers go smoothly.


I am rank 28 on my Legacy. I will happily live on a server that contains only me, myself and I before I move a muscle. My demand is keeping my legacy in tact. Meaning if I get to transfer for free, all 8 of my toons AND my legacy come with me. Or else it's worthless for me to go anywhere.


My first MMO was EQ where you lost experience, not spending money to fix armor, but lost EXPERIENCE every time you died. Where you had to RUN to get your corpse back, butt naked and HOPED you could find a cleric with 96% rez to get the majority of your health back.


TOR may have bugs, but my server isn't too bad and most times I can find a group. But then, I'm mature enough to be patient and don't expect Bioware to jump to my beck and call just because I pay a whole whopping $15 a month. I spend more than that a DAY on cigarettes and soda.

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I'm not waiting ... I'm playing. Everything else from here on is merely evolution. My greatest anticipation is the rated PvP system. I'm enjoying Huttball right now so I can hang for the PvP stuff that was supposed to be in 1.2 when it comes out. That is about all I am "waiting" for, but it isn't affecting my progression - and I have a 50 on each side. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Im done waiting and no longer log in the game.


I wanted transfers/merges since February and i was waiting since then then finally 2 weeks ago i was like to hell with this and quit.


And i probably wont be back with D3 in 5 days and GW2 soon to follow.

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Personally, I'd rather wait until after they have reliable automated character transfers between servers before they try and do server merges. I would think that one of those would be needed for the other. Since the pacific transfers were all done manual and took a week or so, it would likely take them until Summer to complete a full merge of 25% of the servers... so if they wait until they have the other done first, it'll be more reliable and faster. Just saying...


Also, for all the people who think that the programmers just wave their wands and magic code appears, it doesn't. It takes time, requires multiple departments working together, and most importantly planning and preparation.

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I will wait as long as it takes. I don't mind if I have to transfer or if my server is merged. But I'll be damned, DAMNED, if I lose my Legacy because ******s wanted Bioware to rush and they didn't dot their I's and cross their T's. My Legacy means more to me than playing with some Joe Schmuckitelly who was too impatient to wait for Bioware to be 100% sure that the mergers/transfers go smoothly.


I am rank 28 on my Legacy. I will happily live on a server that contains only me, myself and I before I move a muscle. My demand is keeping my legacy in tact. Meaning if I get to transfer for free, all 8 of my toons AND my legacy come with me. Or else it's worthless for me to go anywhere.


My first MMO was EQ where you lost experience, not spending money to fix armor, but lost EXPERIENCE every time you died. Where you had to RUN to get your corpse back, butt naked and HOPED you could find a cleric with 96% rez to get the majority of your health back.


TOR may have bugs, but my server isn't too bad and most times I can find a group. But then, I'm mature enough to be patient and don't expect Bioware to jump to my beck and call just because I pay a whole whopping $15 a month. I spend more than that a DAY on cigarettes and soda.


I disagree personaly they could stick my legacy up thier noses and spit it out thier rear end if it would get me a transfer .The legacy fluff isnt all that important to me. But i do not want to reroll and have to relevel reoutfit my toons or redo all my crafting and such thats maxed out now.

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Personally, I'd rather wait until after they have reliable automated character transfers between servers before they try and do server merges. I would think that one of those would be needed for the other. Since the pacific transfers were all done manual and took a week or so, it would likely take them until Summer to complete a full merge of 25% of the servers... so if they wait until they have the other done first, it'll be more reliable and faster. Just saying...


Also, for all the people who think that the programmers just wave their wands and magic code appears, it doesn't. It takes time, requires multiple departments working together, and most importantly planning and preparation.


Yes it takes time no it dosnt take compentent developers 3 or more months to implement a transfer system. If it does its because they want it to.

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Yes it takes time no it dosnt take compentent developers 3 or more months to implement a transfer system. If it does its because they want it to.


Yo Dawg, you should have signed up to work at BioWare and help out with your awesome database skills.

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I think most people are upset because this didn't just happen, its not we all logged in today to a dead server, the servers have been dying for a while now. I remember the first month of the launch there were tons of posts asking for them to make transfers happen and that we would need it.


They didn't listen, they invested time elsewhere and that elsewhere wans't pvp which is where everyone wanted it. Nope instead that is awol just like transfers while we got this bad joke called legacy.



FAIL, I might even remove the game from my pc now that I think of it, because I don't want to associate myself with such utter failure.

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