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This is killing Star Wars


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I feel it is not the community in general that is at fault, it is a combination of many things for example:


Downtime: Both expected and unexpected because the devs released a patch which broke the game mechanic, then have to release another patch to fix that patch.


Server Stability: Why did The Harbinger go offline when all other servers were fine? Don't you guys have RAID (this is my overly simplified look at it without knowing the details over what transpired today). But really guys, in this day and age the sever status should not even hiccup with the tech available.


Lore: There is very little Star Wars going on here. This could be ANY game with a SW skin tossed over it, the race selection and the locales are about all there is here that is Star Wars.


Space Combat: It is on RAILS, yes no joke, this was more an a seemingly afterthought of "feature" tossed in last minute just so the publisher can say Yes there is space combat, and checked it off the to do list.


Load Times: I click map, select a planet and go to, LOAD, I run to exit ship and LOAD, many instances LOAD LOAD LOAD. Seriously guys, you should have looked at the original Dungeon Siege to see how it would be handled properly.


Overall, I have enjoyed the game over the past month that I have owned it when I could play, but the server downtimes, technical instability of the patches, then more patches to fix THOSE patches just sour the outlook.


The player base I have found quite friendly, yes you will encounter immature people, but this is true in ANY life experience not just games. Overall I was hoping to have liked it much better but no dice. If they had released and given us an MMO version Knights of The Old Republic, then this game would have been RED HOT, and I feel the player-base as whole would have been happier. It seems a strong combination of many aspects about this game that has caused me to reconsider.


My expectations were misplaced, my hopes were a tad too high, and overall, as satisfying as SOME of the gameplay may be, it does not (in my mind) justify calling this Star Wars The Old Republic.

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Narrowed your post down for you some.


Thank you, but you missed this: If they had released and given us an MMO version Knights of The Old Republic, then this game would have been RED HOT, and I feel the player-base as whole would have been happier.

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Thank you, but you missed this: If they had released and given us an MMO version Knights of The Old Republic, then this game would have been RED HOT, and I feel the player-base as whole would have been happier.


i woudlnt have been happier with a kotor mmo..nor would i have been happier with a crappy rehash of swg...


i like this game, the bugs are not as game breaking as people make them out to be, i will wait for the server issues to get worked out and i will be happy...the other poster was right,, your expectations were to high, you have buyers remorse becuase you bought something new and shiney,,,and it wasnt new enough or shiney enough for you..


hate to say, its a common feeling people have, but its a common feeling people have. you hype the game up to much no matter what it will fail.. gw2 is going to have the same problem so i would wager to an extent will diablo 3

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Thank you, but you missed this: If they had released and given us an MMO version Knights of The Old Republic, then this game would have been RED HOT, and I feel the player-base as whole would have been happier.


I'm not sure you know what an MMO is. It is a massively multiplayer online game. In the case of SWTOR it is a MMORPG massively multiplayer online role playing game.


What is necessary to qualify as an MMO you ask? The world must be persistant, it must support a lot of player on a single shard, and the ability for those players to form some sort of team to accomplish quests/missions. An MMORPG generally needs some sort of central storyline too, which this also provides.


Anything else... PVP, Crafting, Raiding, etc... are features which a game can have or not have. City of Heroes is an MMO and it started it's life without PVP, Crafting or Raiding. These were added in later issues of the game.

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What is it that leads people to believe they are experts in the field of game development, to the degree they will actually post solutions, based on the fact that they played a video game.


What I see here is yet another nit-picking post about items so minor as to not even raise an eyebrow, except in curiosity that something as silly as load times would be so detrimental that one would quit the game. How odd the world must be to those that would look at a million dollar gift and stress because it was delievered in a brown bag rather then black....


I wish him well in his pursuit of that perfection he seeks. ;p

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I feel it is not the community in general that is at fault, it is a combination of many things for example:


Downtime: Both expected and unexpected because the devs released a patch which broke the game mechanic, then have to release another patch to fix that patch.


Server Stability: Why did The Harbinger go offline when all other servers were fine? Don't you guys have RAID (this is my overly simplified look at it without knowing the details over what transpired today). But really guys, in this day and age the sever status should not even hiccup with the tech available.


Lore: There is very little Star Wars going on here. This could be ANY game with a SW skin tossed over it, the race selection and the locales are about all there is here that is Star Wars.


Space Combat: It is on RAILS, yes no joke, this was more an a seemingly afterthought of "feature" tossed in last minute just so the publisher can say Yes there is space combat, and checked it off the to do list.


Load Times: I click map, select a planet and go to, LOAD, I run to exit ship and LOAD, many instances LOAD LOAD LOAD. Seriously guys, you should have looked at the original Dungeon Siege to see how it would be handled properly.


Overall, I have enjoyed the game over the past month that I have owned it when I could play, but the server downtimes, technical instability of the patches, then more patches to fix THOSE patches just sour the outlook.


The player base I have found quite friendly, yes you will encounter immature people, but this is true in ANY life experience not just games. Overall I was hoping to have liked it much better but no dice. If they had released and given us an MMO version Knights of The Old Republic, then this game would have been RED HOT, and I feel the player-base as whole would have been happier. It seems a strong combination of many aspects about this game that has caused me to reconsider.


My expectations were misplaced, my hopes were a tad too high, and overall, as satisfying as SOME of the gameplay may be, it does not (in my mind) justify calling this Star Wars The Old Republic.


There are a lot of little things wrong, and some big things lacking.


Some things probably should have been recognised and avoided in early development (like multiple loading screens in a short journey).


They've fixed an awful lot since SWTOR went Live though........ just not enough to keep more than 1.3m out of the 2.4+m sales. :(

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I have experienced/agree with none of the OP remarks.. I do think however, that the community is getting slightly better at being less negative aka getting better at being a 'community', so maybe some of those 400,000 were carrying the hater flag (and good riddance).
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Someone on an internet forum complaining because the game isn't exactly who they wanted it ... shocking!


How about just leave then and Star Wars will be saved for you?


Maybe it is just me but I would prefer to be on a server with 3 people who like the game then 10,000 who just whine.

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I have experienced/agree with none of the OP remarks.. I do think however, that the community is getting slightly better at being less negative aka getting better at being a 'community', so maybe some of those 400,000 were carrying the hater flag (and good riddance).


If they could have launched at Live with the 1.2 build I think they'd have been a lot less.


It wouldn't fix some of the structual issue (no RvR, lack of sand box stuff etc.), but it would have helped with some of the early issues (travel, UI).


If they keep going with the current rate of developement (and fix some of the structual flaws ASAP) SWTOR is going to be great..... it's just a question of if they can do it fast enough.



If Warhammer Online had launched as 1.3.6 it would have many more servers than it does now, but 1.3.6 was far, far too late for it. :(

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I feel it is not the community in general that is at fault, it is a combination of many things for example:


Downtime: Both expected and unexpected because the devs released a patch which broke the game mechanic, then have to release another patch to fix that patch.


Server Stability: Why did The Harbinger go offline when all other servers were fine? Don't you guys have RAID (this is my overly simplified look at it without knowing the details over what transpired today). But really guys, in this day and age the sever status should not even hiccup with the tech available.


Lore: There is very little Star Wars going on here. This could be ANY game with a SW skin tossed over it, the race selection and the locales are about all there is here that is Star Wars.


Space Combat: It is on RAILS, yes no joke, this was more an a seemingly afterthought of "feature" tossed in last minute just so the publisher can say Yes there is space combat, and checked it off the to do list.


Load Times: I click map, select a planet and go to, LOAD, I run to exit ship and LOAD, many instances LOAD LOAD LOAD. Seriously guys, you should have looked at the original Dungeon Siege to see how it would be handled properly.


Overall, I have enjoyed the game over the past month that I have owned it when I could play, but the server downtimes, technical instability of the patches, then more patches to fix THOSE patches just sour the outlook.


The player base I have found quite friendly, yes you will encounter immature people, but this is true in ANY life experience not just games. Overall I was hoping to have liked it much better but no dice. If they had released and given us an MMO version Knights of The Old Republic, then this game would have been RED HOT, and I feel the player-base as whole would have been happier. It seems a strong combination of many aspects about this game that has caused me to reconsider.


My expectations were misplaced, my hopes were a tad too high, and overall, as satisfying as SOME of the gameplay may be, it does not (in my mind) justify calling this Star Wars The Old Republic.


Drones to the rescue! (Sorry OP, it seems you have awoken the Droneguard© and they will now swamp you with "Your fault" pointers and stalk you, reminding you that "You have hopes and dreams... DON'T!" and "Things will get better... We're not saying what year, but they will."). :o

Edited by Sporin
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Downtime is just a necessary evil. Really that doesn't bug me in the very least.


Only thing killing the game for me is lack of people to play with. If this thing had got a LFG tool within the first couple of months many wouldn't have left.


The bugs don't really even bug me that much. What bugs me is a Legacy system I'll never be able to afford and BW treating us like chumps. Grinding credits for a year to afford my Legacy perks isn't content.

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Drones to the rescue! (Sorry OP, it seems you have awoken the Droneguard© and they will now swamp you with "Your fault" pointers and stalk you, reminding you that "You have hopes and dreams... DON'T!" and "Things will get better... We're not saying what year, but they will."). :o


Don't misinform someone, things will not get better if you just wait. Things won't get better until the attitude changes. Pick a game you enjoy, ignore the rhetoric and the forums and play the genre that suits you best, if you have to rerell then do that or move to another game and stick with it, find people you like to play with and enjoy yourself. Unless you just really like going from MMO to MMO in hopes one will be "the one", which it will NEVER be. There will always be a game around the corner promising to be the solution, and if you think the representitives of the next game around the corner are not here right now on these forums trying to convince you that your dream game is just one MMO hop away you are being delusional.

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there will always be fans and the game won't just "die" (unless EA isn't happy with the numbers and cans it...and that depends on the deal they struck with LA anyway)


BioWare is truly showing they are MMO noobs....poor decisions..lackluster patches seemingly done by incompetent coders.


A lot of people ARE going to leave because of all the downtime...you consolidate patches UNLESS it's an EMERGENCY (which almost NONE of these "unscheduled" maintenances were)...people aren't going to put up with it but for so long.


EAWare needs to get their crap together..that's a FACT.

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I feel it is not the community in general that is at fault, it is a combination of many things for example:


Downtime: Both expected and unexpected because the devs released a patch which broke the game mechanic, then have to release another patch to fix that patch.


Server Stability: Why did The Harbinger go offline when all other servers were fine? Don't you guys have RAID (this is my overly simplified look at it without knowing the details over what transpired today). But really guys, in this day and age the sever status should not even hiccup with the tech available.


Lore: There is very little Star Wars going on here. This could be ANY game with a SW skin tossed over it, the race selection and the locales are about all there is here that is Star Wars.


Space Combat: It is on RAILS, yes no joke, this was more an a seemingly afterthought of "feature" tossed in last minute just so the publisher can say Yes there is space combat, and checked it off the to do list.


Load Times: I click map, select a planet and go to, LOAD, I run to exit ship and LOAD, many instances LOAD LOAD LOAD. Seriously guys, you should have looked at the original Dungeon Siege to see how it would be handled properly.


Overall, I have enjoyed the game over the past month that I have owned it when I could play, but the server downtimes, technical instability of the patches, then more patches to fix THOSE patches just sour the outlook.


The player base I have found quite friendly, yes you will encounter immature people, but this is true in ANY life experience not just games. Overall I was hoping to have liked it much better but no dice. If they had released and given us an MMO version Knights of The Old Republic, then this game would have been RED HOT, and I feel the player-base as whole would have been happier. It seems a strong combination of many aspects about this game that has caused me to reconsider.


My expectations were misplaced, my hopes were a tad too high, and overall, as satisfying as SOME of the gameplay may be, it does not (in my mind) justify calling this Star Wars The Old Republic.


Downtime: A fact of life for MMOs. Some have more, some have less. SWTOR is average.

Server Stability: If you have one server go offline on any given week, you're doing just fine. I understand if you're upset if your server goes offline, and I know it does suck when it happens to me. I've experienced far worse things in other MMOs. Generally the performance in SWTOR has been pretty good.

Lore: There's a lot of lore in game. I think you're probably just not looking for it.

Space Combat: A rail shooter is probably a better idea than free-form. It's easier to get into, easy to run through relatively quickly, and is a fun little minigame, which was pretty much all it was intended to be. If you don't like it, you can choose not to do it.

Load Times: are a total *****. Yes.

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Agree. This is all a matter of expectations. People hating this game are trying to justify just about anything because they think they didn't got what they thought they expected out of it.


Agreed, TOR is not what we had hoped for. Were did this inflated hype come from?

It could not have been our fault as we ONLY know what we Know about the game from BW and all they posted about it.

Hence, they "BW" gave us the hype, and so we took it at face value...... bad on us

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SWTOR is dying, 2 mill sold at launch, maybe 2.5. mill total by now, they're down to 1.3. mill (free month is included im sure) They've lost way too many, and Elder Scroll Online is coming in 2013 to give that last push. Edited by BlueFromMoon
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OP, you really couldn't post this in one of the hundreds of other threads saying the exact same thing?



As the great Master Tyler Durden tell us: "Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."


If you're not having a good time, then I wish you well in another game.

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What is it that leads people to believe they are experts in the field of game development, to the degree they will actually post solutions, based on the fact that they played a video game.


A wise man once said "Just because you've read a thousand books doesn't mean you're qualified to write one." It's the same for making games. :rolleyes:

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