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Which romance is best written?


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He even guest starred on Castle a few weeks back. Yes, they had a couple Firefly in-jokes in that episode. :D


I so, need to catch up on that show. Just saw the one with the 1940s theme. I love this show though. But romances umm.. yeah.. Quinn = weirdo... creepy looks good in uniform weirdo.... *sigh*

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Heh.. which is what makes the whole femTrooper and Jorgan romance so funny, HE used to be her superior. :D

Oh, I did love needling Jorgan about that every once in a while, since he was such a hard *** when you first meet him, that and when I played through the Ord Mantell, Jorgan was hit with the "shrunken kitty" bug.


Oh I love the power dynamic in the Trooper/Jorgan romance. So many possibilities. That I won't mention.

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I was angrier at them for hitting him after that statement than I was for anything else they and their whole stupid club did in the rest of the game. I didn't type a reaction, but man, I was not pleased.


yeah i didnt like that ether, i felt selfish for bringing him along for my agent's emotional support, but he took it well.

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darnit, im 24 on my f!trooper, and i have to do stuff in a lv 31 area on nar shadaa for kitty cat...tried to death streak it, but the computer wouldnt go for me.


...any pubs on giradaa wanna help a smurf out? >.>

names phix

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Darn it Crez you know I would be there in an instant to help you - if ONLY I was on that server. I did the same damn thing, I went there and got my arse kicked too. I knew I was too low to do it, but Jorgan - he pleaded with me! Begged. I can't resist him begging, so I tried. I failed.


Oookay so he didn't really beg. But I like to imagine he does. A lot. :p


Getting that quest so early and not being able to complete it yet is a big old tease. Bah.

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okay... i don't go that far ether XD

worst i did was on corellia

when i got the news i had to go get tortured and interrogated, i was all " well sh*t, i dont get payed enough for this... and he so warmly reassured my agent it would be ok, and he had her back. i literally /smile'd at him

It made sense in the context of what she and I had been discussing. I address asides at npcs fairly often, to be honest.

I took him with me for that, and when they took him away I flipped the hell out - the panic it caused made me physically ill. That scene was hard to deal with anyway, but Livia was doing ok and being all brave, but when they did that she couldn't talk fast enough.


I was very disappointed that he didn't have something nicer to say afterwards.


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It made sense in the context of what she and I had been discussing. I address asides at npcs fairly often, to be honest.

I took him with me for that, and when they took him away I flipped the hell out - the panic it caused made me physically ill. That scene was hard to deal with anyway, but Livia was doing ok and being all brave, but when they did that she couldn't talk fast enough.


I was very disappointed that he didn't have something nicer to say afterwards.


I didn't say anything myself.



I chose to fake passing out from the pain, even though we have a high tolerance for it. He gave me happy points for that.


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darnit, im 24 on my f!trooper, and i have to do stuff in a lv 31 area on nar shadaa for kitty cat...tried to death streak it, but the computer wouldnt go for me.


...any pubs on giradaa wanna help a smurf out? >.>

names phix


My schedule today is wacky, but keep an eye out for Nicolana or Rho. I'd be glad to help out if you and I are both online at once :)

Edited by bright_ephemera
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I didn't say anything myself.



I chose to fake passing out from the pain, even though we have a high tolerance for it. He gave me happy points for that.



Act 2 conditioned me too well :D When I saw "beat up everyone and go home," I thought "Hey, they would never let me do that. I'm going to see some kind of lame attempt and then they'll pummel me into jelly because that's how it works for the Agent. Now I'm curious how exactly they're going to screw me over, so...."


Imagine my surprise when "beat up everyone and go home" resulted in my beating up everyone and going home! :eek: I think I just wrecked the credibility of my "confession"....


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darnit, im 24 on my f!trooper, and i have to do stuff in a lv 31 area on nar shadaa for kitty cat...tried to death streak it, but the computer wouldnt go for me.


...any pubs on giradaa wanna help a smurf out? >.>

names phix


Tsk tsk Crez, this is what happens when you go affection crazy. Just ask all the Corso romancers who got a level 45 quest at level 32. :p


I would help, but I only have an Agent on Giradaa, whom I made for your Vector parties. When do the Vector parties happen?!

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Tsk tsk Crez, this is what happens when you go affection crazy. Just ask all the Corso romancers who got a level 45 quest at level 32. :p


I would help, but I only have an Agent on Giradaa, whom I made for your Vector parties. When do the Vector parties happen?!


lmao any time you see me on XD


and yes i had that problem with corso..luckally there was a lv 50 on balmorra at the time >:3

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lmao any time you see me on XD


and yes i had that problem with corso..luckally there was a lv 50 on balmorra at the time >:3


One of my guildmates helped me with that one, I think I was like, 32 or something ridiculous. Then my whole guild made fun of me. D:

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Tsk tsk Crez, this is what happens when you go affection crazy. Just ask all the Corso romancers who got a level 45 quest at level 32. :p


I would help, but I only have an Agent on Giradaa, whom I made for your Vector parties. When do the Vector parties happen?!


Yes....I was not impressed when I got a lvl 47 quest for Aric at lvl 36 or something! And it just sat in my quest log, taunting me.


And Vector parties? lol that is awesome! See I really did roll on the wrong server, didn't I. ;)

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My schedule today is wacky, but keep an eye out for Nicolana or Rho. I'd be glad to help out if you and I are both online at once :)


thanks a ton for helping, nice to see other people on the forums on my server ~

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  • 2 months later...

I've only got two characters in the lvl-50-range. The romance between my female JK and Doc was great, took some really unforeseen twists there that made very enjoyable. And the ending was really sweet =) Corso and my smuggler has also been rewarding and cute. Played it as those two being over the moon about each other so it fit very well and after more or less hunting Doc on the JK it was a nice change to have Corso being a bit more active.


I like that the romances have a very different feel to them, that it isn't just like replaying the same one. Next up is Malavi Quinn and my little SW, this ought to be fun.

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Well, I'm a female player and I think my Mako is smoking hot! I have had erotic dreams about her (I am obviously not 'straight') I hear you can have wedding in SWTOR now (I have can back after quitting 1 month after release), can they be female-female?


Not yet, but here's the thread discussing it.



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Out of teh ones I've done, I really love Torian. The entire time all he wants to do is impress you. He makes you food, takes you on a "date" (takes you to a shooting range to try and get your approval). At one point, Torian even asks if you're seeing anyone before he makes a move. I dunno, it kinda felt real to me, and I liked it :D


Here's a question for you all. I made a male Sith Warrior for Legacy purposes (I wanted a sister-brother thing). However, I'm having a hard time choosing who I want him to marry. I personally like Vette, but my siblings want me to marry Jaesa (I'm going 95% dark). For anyone who has done either romance, what do you think of it? I'm a female, so it's hard to choose for me. Thanks!

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Out of teh ones I've done, I really love Torian. The entire time all he wants to do is impress you. He makes you food, takes you on a "date" (takes you to a shooting range to try and get your approval). At one point, Torian even asks if you're seeing anyone before he makes a move. I dunno, it kinda felt real to me, and I liked it :D


Here's a question for you all. I made a male Sith Warrior for Legacy purposes (I wanted a sister-brother thing). However, I'm having a hard time choosing who I want him to marry. I personally like Vette, but my siblings want me to marry Jaesa (I'm going 95% dark). For anyone who has done either romance, what do you think of it? I'm a female, so it's hard to choose for me. Thanks!


Well, as a guy, I recommend Vette. Difference is I ran my SW 100% LS with no DS points whatsoever. Just for a change of pace. Vette's romance is sweet, old fashioned, and with a bit of a kinky side that I was left going :eek::D at. If you DON'T want to see it, don't click the spoiler. ;)



On the Wedding Night, Vette says "Oh, I found my old shock collar, come on" right before the FTB. Reminded me of Allison Hannigan's "And this one time at band camp" line from American Pie.


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Just remember folks, who want SGR's.....try not to get your hopes up too high because theres always the possibility that they won't do it for every companion they could...but they said it was going to be more for newer companions rather then old.


So...just trying to avoid QQing later, keep an open mind and don't get your hopes too high only for them to be dashed away later on.

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