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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If 1.3 comes without Ranked warzones expect another 400k unsub


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This is how im looking at it.... I agree with pure pvp players about wanting ranked.. and i agree with pve players about saying about waiting for a finished product.

But this is where im standing.. Pure pve players dont understand that us pvp'ers need this. Its our Arena's our Rated Bgs. But im all for waiting to have the finish product so i dont say **** this and quit. Im sick of having games like wow throw in an unfinished or ruff product and having it nurfed or buffed into the ground. Just wait guys itll be worth it

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i agree with the OP, but i can't see a 400k unsub fallout. however, there will certainly be a continued decline in population. i know for a fact that on my server, many returned prior to 1.2 to grind up coms for ranked warzones, and it was nice seeing old faces, many of which were great pvpers who understandably left. when it was announced 1 hour prior to deployment that they were not to be included, those old faces never returned.


with the lack of such sustainable influx of players, the queues on my server, along with many others, will just get longer and longer, and with no sight of ranked warzones on the known horizon, the waiting in-between warzones will get more painful and pointless. these people, including myself, will soon be added to the list of old faces on my dying server unless something is done to address this.


so you have a declining population that makes warzoning very painful, and zero incentive for more people to return or even join the game. it can only get worse unless something changes.

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Let me debunk this nonsense like I did in the other thread.


You're wrong about every point you made.


1. Voice chat isn't necessary. Good players know what to do without being told.

2. Premades are full of good players. Pugs aren't bad because they are random. They are bad because they have bad players. If I randomly got paired with members of my guild we would still own. You don't have 3 good players sitting around, and then one of them going "oh, lets pick up this bad scrub, don't worry, voice chat will make him good". No. This literally never happens. You sit around and everybody checks their friends list for a) the needed role b) quality. Occasionally you powerlevel(powergear?) somebody's alt, but that's about it.

3. Premades have better map control and cap nodes faster and generally suck less not because of voice chat, but because of a WILLINGNESS to cooperate. Pugs, for whatever reason, are full of players that have no concept of cooperation. You can tell them in chat to do something, providing the same communication as if you had them in voice chat, and they will just ignore you. Premade members probably won't.

4. Premades are better geared, because higher skill usually correlates to higher success rate, which results in more invites to premades, which results in more wins, more gear, and more wins.


As for queues, forget pug vs premade. It's a stupid distinction. Players that work together SHOULD win. Premades are literally players that are working together. Ranked matches are fine, there's no sense pairing goods against bads over and over, but it has nothing to do with premades.


Thats pretty much it. For me the bottom of the problem is not having a server merge and 8 man queues.

RWZs are also something I want just for the fact that for one to go into a RWZ needs to be properly geared, and to be properly geared you have to do a very decent number of wzs to get your BM gear so than you can grind your comms to get the WH geear. By doing all those WZs, its expected you learned what to do in each map and what role you play in a WZ. If the previous is confirmed than you're good to be part of a premade.

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I duno what that guy is talking about sure some of his points about voice chat is true some are totally of base. I bet you hands down a decent Team using Voice chat will STOMP a team not using voice chat.


Communication is key. You don't see military's running around with no communication because they are good.


Faster communication between members of the ops to need support in x area etc. If you have to type takes more time + you have to stop fighting to type it. While you could be in the middle of battle trying to hold them off.


So personally Communication via Voice chat is NEEDED no matter what, If hes a noob he still will react x10 faster then some noob without it.

Edited by Overlord-
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while i do think ranked warzones will be a good thing, i would prefer they are done right, rather than released early to appease a bunch of whiners.


i also highly doubt there are 400,000 subscribers hanging on just waiting to not get ranked warzones in 1.3 before they unsub.

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i agree with the OP, but i can't see a 400k unsub fallout. however, there will certainly be a continued decline in population. i know for a fact that on my server, many returned prior to 1.2 to grind up coms for ranked warzones, and it was nice seeing old faces, many of which were great pvpers who understandably left. when it was announced 1 hour prior to deployment that they were not to be included, those old faces never returned.


with the lack of such sustainable influx of players, the queues on my server, along with many others, will just get longer and longer, and with no sight of ranked warzones on the known horizon, the waiting in-between warzones will get more painful and pointless. these people, including myself, will soon be added to the list of old faces on my dying server unless something is done to address this.


so you have a declining population that makes warzoning very painful, and zero incentive for more people to return or even join the game. it can only get worse unless something changes.




How could you not expect a 400k drop? they lost 24% in 2 months WITH all there shiny new content AND everyone having a free month you can expect another 200-300k to drop when the free month is over just about everyone i know on my server is only playing cause they have free time then when people realize no rateds in 1.3 it will be the end legacy and group finder wont save this game.

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So much desire for a ranked warzone? Id much rather have real objective open world pvp that people want to be involved in. Assuming they can get more than a handful of people from lagging it out.



They have been quoted saying "we dont have the technology to make world pvp world"

so dont hold your breath

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Blah blah blah. OP, you don't speak for me. If you are so *********** unhappy, go do something else with your free time. You people will probably just hate the next game that comes out, too. You people are never happy. You people!


people have more than enough right to be mad and wanting to quit a game thats


poorly put together

poorly thaught out

poorly designed

poorly maintained

full of bugs and glitch's and exploits


and you wonder why people complain. if the next game people play are like this one then tbh they have the right to complain about that to.


swtor has so much potential but its just a complete utter mess

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  • 2 weeks later...
anyone claiming pvp to be the minority playstyle in this game is delusional.


the devs have stated multiple times that more than 50% of players have participated in warzones, while barely 35% of players have participated in operations.


this game has a strong PvP community, and bioware is realizing this. their design decisions do not reflect their desire to maintain the PvP community though.


if ranked warzones do not come out before 1.3, as we were told when they were scrapped from 1.2, the 25% sub drop this past billing cycle will be nothing


Eh, false logic much?

Ranked WZ is not that important - certainly not enough to skip playing this game.

It would be nice to have, and we will have it when it is good enough to be released (I guess when they have figured out how to make it span over multiple servers)


All we will lose will be a few like.... you. No loss.

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Anyone who was pissed off enough to quit over no rated warzones has already left the game probabley around 1.2, those who are still hanging around hoping 1.3 will have and will quit without. I don't really think it will be anywhere near as big of an impact this time around to what they have for subscription. Now if 1.3 doesn't have server transfers on the other hand, you probabley will see a big drop in subs again. I just don't think rated warzones are as big of a priority as it was pre 1.2, at least they wouldn't be if I was a dev.
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Anyone who was pissed off enough to quit over no rated warzones has already left the game probabley around 1.2, those who are still hanging around hoping 1.3 will have and will quit without. I don't really think it will be anywhere near as big of an impact this time around to what they have for subscription. Now if 1.3 doesn't have server transfers on the other hand, you probabley will see a big drop in subs again. I just don't think rated warzones are as big of a priority as it was pre 1.2, at least they wouldn't be if I was a dev.


You are bang on...not server transfers/merges....then game is over for many. This is not a 100K drop it is an 'everyone probably except for 20 out of 100 servers'. rated warzones on a low pop server creates a non-usable feature


I guess I am just a little confused with what BW is actually doing right now to keep people. The levelling curve was very fast in this game so now you have

1) re-run the same WZ's over and over - hey this could be fun but when you are on a low pop server, then 75% of the games are against and with the same people over and over....that gets stale very quickly. I love PvP but when our side is now playing in underwear and still winning againt the few times we get imps on the other side then there is little point to it (and frankly, I don't like playing rep against rep....I rolled rep to kill imps)

2) flashpoints and operations. Both very fun but honestly, the flashpoints don't serve any purpose once you've done them a few times for fun (no loot drop worth) and operations are limited in number - and for casual players, on low pop servers, they rarely can find people willing to make the time committment to do them with people they can't trust to play properly or stick around to complete (thankfully our guild has managed to keep 8 players doing an operation once a week)

3) running alts. While it may be interesting to see the class quest line play out for the alt, unfortunately, you've got the same meaningless grind for 90% of the way up


so I'm really confused on what there is to keep anyone right now - a MMO is about CONTENT and about MASSIVELY MULTI-PLAYER community......so content is a dead end right now and the multi-player doesn't exist on the low pop servers


IMHO BW made a huge mistake on creating a game that could be levelled into end game way to quickly for even casual gamers. I've played a lot of MMO's but this one seemed to get us into lvl 50 extremeley fast (and this is seriously just casual gaming a few times a week) just to end up looking around and saying 'now what'? - discovering the lvl 50 wz's, the gear grind, the ops/HM flashpoints - which was fine but that took just another 6-8 weeks to complete.


Now we have potentially months of waiting for 1.3 (not even on PTS yet) that will have no new content from what we can see....so the only thing that would keep us on is the 'chance' that we can get onto a heavy pop server and at least get some new PVP matches in with new people and then wait for ....... ?

Edited by peterjohndevries
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Title says it all, You have been ignoring PvP content and the players to long, We are paying customers which deserve our content aswell. stop ignoring us.


what makes you think there will be a 1.3? have you heard anything from BW? i think they gave up on this game and moved on

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Just ask yourself if you would like rated warzones with all the hacking of this game that goes on. Bioware has stated publicly that they are working on it. I would be very surprised if that isnt the reason rateds were shelved.
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30min queues on most servers for regular wz's, be fighting the same 8man premade each game and probs getting rolled or rolling, games in a shocking state population wise, server merges & transfers before they can even consider adding ranked warzones imo.


With the servers we got in europe we could easily have another 4-5 as populated as TOFN and thats all you need.

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This game will be F2P in less then 9 months. It will never gain back the amount of subs it had at launch. You delusional fanbois can keep your flashy game with no substance. Ooo we have voice overs and cool music haha!


And pigs can fly, WoW-obsessed freak. This game isn't ever going to go Free to Play, use your brain.

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What will make Rankd Warzones so much different/better than what we have now?


This^. Ranked warzones working will be contigent on the following:


1)Server merges AND crossqueuing being implements.


2)Serious policing and consequences for hacking pvp. They've taken some steps in the right direction. For example, you don't have scores of ppl within the forums or the WZ's themselves trying to tell you that a commando in acid healing himself over and over while stunned is just some latency and a pvp medpack and expect you to believe it. It's getting better and I don't see it as much, but at this stage a ranking won't mean the paper virtual crown you earn because of the rampant cheating.


I hope ranked WZ's come with 1.3, but a real open world experience outside the playpen confines of the self proclaimed pros is what's needed.

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I personally would rather see ranked warzones out here and now (on the PTS at least) than later. Good software is built with the users--not through waterfall development. Getting feedback early and often > getting feedback once the last line of code has been written.
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LOL you weren't part of the business model to begin with :rak_01:


Wait a sec who stil pves? U cant do FPs since there are no groups and most pvers skip them ntirely since pvp gear is better and easier to obtain. Plus unless u just started playing 2 weeks ago no self respcting raider or guild took more then 3 weeks to clear every raid and all modes. Anyon who can play blindfolded clears all raids and hardest modes in 4 hours. So what do you think people do the rest of the week waiting on reset? Thats right pvp.


The people who take raiding seriously left the game even before 1.1 came out because it was extremely easy and the hardest mechanics werent what bioware designed but the bugs they didnt fix. People who raid now and know how to play need all of a couple hours to do all content.


Bioware just released a statement a couple weeks ago saying how they are now turning resources to pvp because it is what the majority of players do with their time online. I would say and with confidence the best guilds on any server spend 90% of their time in pvp and 10% of their time clearing raids.


This game is really a pvp game now and you can simply read the forums. Even u who says pvp isnt a focus is in the pvp forum posting since theres nothing going on in the fp/ops forum other then bug reports.

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nah if anything they might lose...50K subs, sorry your a minority.


Why is a PvE only guy on the PvP forums? Look, a lot of people play SWTOR because the PvP is fun. I don't think it a supprise, that my server pretty much lost 90% of players due to the lack of rated warzones->less an less warzones going->no warzones going->quit.


Think us a minority or not, the game is dying...I mean, as long as the server has 8 players playing, you can PvE all day long but PvP is hmmm...

Edited by SneiK
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