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Dragon Age 3 Devs moved to SWTOR.

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Larger team = longer turn around time = Bioware doing the opposite of what this game needs!


Is that so? Guess it´s more a matter of organization, putting the new team to some underdeveloped areas of the game concept would rather result in a shorter turn around time?

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Is that so? Guess it´s more a matter of organization, putting the new team to some underdeveloped areas of the game concept would rather result in a shorter turn around time?


And yet... 1.3 and 1.4 are not out yet. Hmmm....


If this game were going in the right direction, we would have 1.5 out by now. This long turn around time will work for games like WOW that already have a complete list of features. For SWTOR, it's a nail in the coffin.

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Nice to see they get more crew to work with things. Will it change the game for the better? I doubt it.


They had PvP designers from DaoC/WaR, they failed doing anything properly. Seems like those devs didnt have the last say on how the PvP would be.


-8vs8 WZs, thats all we have.

-Ilum failed hard, biggest failure I've seen in MMO history, worse than arenas in WoW. WZs are 1 step above the arena crap pile.

-W-PvP or any chance of it is gone gone gone because worlds are so segregated its saddens me everytime I think about it and all the possibilites there could have been if it was done right.

-WZ objectives are the same old we see in WoW, boring after a few years in WoW, still as boring in this game even with the new skins. VS = SoTA lite without the fun, CW = EoTS/AB lite, Denova = Gilneas lite.

-Huttball is ok and pretty fun, because its a new concept.


This game would have needed WZs in the style of DoaC BGs and open PvP like DaoC frontiers. Oh that reminds me, I can soon get that in GW2, for free.

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Maybe the DA:2 guys can work on fixing TOR's gameplay issues at least, since apparently story isn't their strong suit.

If you think lowly of DA2's story, then you have absolutely no idea what quality storytelling entails. DA2 was as close to literary fiction as gaming has ever gotten: character-driven, huge focus on characterization, not very plot-focused, darker/more serious tone, slower paced, etc..


Everything else, including this game and every other BioWare game, is genre fiction. Genre fiction isn't bad in my opinion, but in the upper echelon of literary scholars, literary fiction (Hemingway, etc.) is "serious" fiction whereas genre fiction (Dan Brown, etc.) is "pop" fiction.

Edited by MaverickXIV
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If you think lowly of DA2's story, then you have absolutely no idea what quality storytelling entails. DA2 was as close to literary fiction as gaming has ever gotten: character-driven, huge focus on characterization, not very plot-focused, darker/more serious tone, slower paced, etc..


Everything else, including this game and every other BioWare game, is genre fiction. Genre fiction isn't bad in my opinion, but in the upper echelon of literary scholars, literary fiction (Hemingway, etc.) is "serious" fiction whereas genre fiction (Dan Brown, etc.) is "pop" fiction.


I guess it's all a matter of opinion, then.


I, personally, think DA2 was a huge step below DAO. The story in DAO was much more epic, with a lot more emphasis on the very history of the lore. Also, it's characters, while some were somewhat cookie-cutter, were nowhere near as cliche and boring as the ones in DA2 were. Also, I felt absolutely no conneciton to Hawke at all, unlike with my grey warden, who was extremely important to me throughout the entire story.



Also, the ending was a bit of a snoozefest. Unlike the ending in DAO. I mean, fighting a crazed and diluded templar commander posessed by evil is all fine and good. But fighting a huge dragon and it's immensely powerful demon hordes easily trumps it. I just hope DA3 is more like DAO and sees a return of the grewy warden.



As for the people who worked on DA2 working on swtor, let's pray they've learned how to make a story that isn't just halfway good since DA2.

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I guess it's all a matter of opinion, then.


I, personally, think DA2 was a huge step below DAO. The story in DAO was much more epic, with a lot more emphasis on the very history of the lore. Also, it's characters, while some were somewhat cookie-cutter, were nowhere near as cliche and boring as the ones in DA2 were. Also, I felt absolutely no conneciton to Hawke at all, unlike with my grey warden, who was extremely important to me throughout the entire story.



Also, the ending was a bit of a snoozefest. Unlike the ending in DAO. I mean, fighting a crazed and diluded templar commander posessed by evil is all fine and good. But fighting a huge dragon and it's immensely powerful demon hordes easily trumps it. I just hope DA3 is more like DAO and sees a return of the grewy warden.



As for the people who worked on DA2 working on swtor, let's pray they've learned how to make a story that isn't just halfway good since DA2.

Which is fine. You're a fan of genre fiction and the standard BioWare story (secret order, ancient evil, etc.). You like things "epic." You like plot-driven narratives. That's fine.


But, objectively, DA2 had elements of a style of storytelling that most literary scholars consider to be "better" fiction. Whether or not you agree with them is up to you (even I don't), but that feat in and of itself is a good direction for gaming.

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Nice to see they get more crew to work with things. Will it change the game for the better? I doubt it.


They had PvP designers from DaoC/WaR, they failed doing anything properly. Seems like those devs didnt have the last say on how the PvP would be.


-8vs8 WZs, thats all we have.

-Ilum failed hard, biggest failure I've seen in MMO history, worse than arenas in WoW. WZs are 1 step above the arena crap pile.

-W-PvP or any chance of it is gone gone gone because worlds are so segregated its saddens me everytime I think about it and all the possibilites there could have been if it was done right.

-WZ objectives are the same old we see in WoW, boring after a few years in WoW, still as boring in this game even with the new skins. VS = SoTA lite without the fun, CW = EoTS/AB lite, Denova = Gilneas lite.

-Huttball is ok and pretty fun, because its a new concept.


This game would have needed WZs in the style of DoaC BGs and open PvP like DaoC frontiers. Oh that reminds me, I can soon get that in GW2, for free.




I was expecting Ilum to be like one of the 3 part RvR basins from Warhammer Online. It would have been decent if it was, but it was just........ horrible. No thought to design of the nodes, how/what and why to capture or even the geography of the zone.


It felt like it was rushed in at the very last second without any real thought or play-testing. :(

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Which is fine. You're a fan of genre fiction and the standard BioWare story (secret order, ancient evil, etc.). You like things "epic." You like plot-driven narratives. That's fine.


But, objectively, DA2 had elements of a style of storytelling that most literary scholars consider to be "better" fiction. Whether or not you agree with them is up to you (even I don't), but that feat in and of itself is a good direction for gaming.


lol I guess I'm different from "literary scholars" as well,


Not that it matters to me. I like excitement in my stories. I like to be given the history of lore. i like conflict, chaos, and action. I'm sure a lot of litarary scholars would consider my tastes "pop". It's kind of how I like my books as well. Long, full of action, danger, romance, and chaotic epicness. I just don't read a book or play a game to go to sleep. I can always just go take a nap. lol


DA2 is just not my cup of tea. I don't like stories in which you see and hear a bunch of talking with no action at all, which was what most of DA2 seemed like to me. Heck, there was even a quest in the game in which

you had to set up one of your party members on a date with another character.

You have GOT to be kidding me, lol. Well, as I said before, DA2 seems to be an acquired taste.

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And yet... 1.3 and 1.4 are not out yet. Hmmm....


If this game were going in the right direction, we would have 1.5 out by now. This long turn around time will work for games like WOW that already have a complete list of features. For SWTOR, it's a nail in the coffin.


Sounds like you don't understand how hard developing new content for an MMO is, go do yourself a favour and see how much time it takes for other MMOs to develop content and get back to me.


TL;DR this game has one of the fastest development cycles out there.

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Sounds like you don't understand how hard developing new content for an MMO is, go do yourself a favour and see how much time it takes for other MMOs to develop content and get back to me.


TL;DR this game has one of the fastest development cycles out there.




8 major content updates in 12 months.


ToR has 1 in almost 6 months...

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One? someone needs to catch up since 1.1.


I said major content updates, not fluff and fixes that should have been in at launch. Even 1.2 could barely be considered "major".


You seem to defend the game a lot, why aren't you playing it?

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I said major content updates, not fluff and fixes that should have been in at launch. Even 1.2 could barely be considered "major".


You seem to defend the game a lot, why aren't you playing it?


Ah so you have a predisposition to:


1.Deciding what equates to 'major'.

2.What can be considered actual content.

3.Assuming things you don't actually know about.

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I said major content updates, not fluff and fixes that should have been in at launch. Even 1.2 could barely be considered "major".


You seem to defend the game a lot, why aren't you playing it?


Are you playing the game? Oh wait no. You rather ***** on the forums instead of playing that other game that shall not be mentioned.

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Sounds like you don't understand how hard developing new content for an MMO is, go do yourself a favour and see how much time it takes for other MMOs to develop content and get back to me.


TL;DR this game has one of the fastest development cycles out there.


You said this, did you not?


I gave you an example. Don't be so bumhurt.

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You said this, did you not?


I gave you an example. Don't be so bumhurt.

He will be defending SWTOR no matter what. Even though its a poor excuse for an MMO and there are free to play games that offer more features in some aspects.
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You said this, did you not?


I gave you an example. Don't be so bumhurt.


What I stated does not equate to a reason to make sweeping generalizations.


As a matter of fact you just look foolish at best.


I am not the one who seems to believe they have the right to decide what is:


B.)What counts as 'major'.


BioWare certainly thought it was worth labelling 1.1, Ima take their decisions.

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He will be defending SWTOR no matter what. Even though its a poor excuse for an MMO and there are free to play games that offer more features in some aspects.


Ah the assumptions, so many many assumptions.


But I'll just let you live in ignorance and watch.

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Ah the assumptions, so many many assumptions.


But I'll just let you live in ignorance and watch.

You will let me? Thank you, your grace. I feel honored to be spared by your hand.



Seriously though, take off your SWTOR glasses and at least try to be just a TINY bit objective in your posts. Because all I ever saw from your comments reeked of fanboyism. How can you call me ignorant, while the only thing you have done so far, revolves around making ridiculous statements that have no ground whatsoever? Not only this, but you refuse to present any form of constructive criticism. Anything you can't dispute, you ignore or deny without any arguments. So think before you bark.

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I was expecting Ilum to be like one of the 3 part RvR basins from Warhammer Online. It would have been decent if it was, but it was just........ horrible. No thought to design of the nodes, how/what and why to capture or even the geography of the zone.


It felt like it was rushed in at the very last second without any real thought or play-testing. :(


Thats something I've noticed for every planet beyond the first 2, they have all felt less and less tested.


The roumors spread by BW about Ilum and its epic w-pvp was one of the things that got me hyped about the game. I was hoping and imagining something DaoC epic. I guess I got fooled by a big marketing ploy.

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You will let me? Thank you, your grace. I feel honored to be spared by your hand.



Seriously though, take off your SWTOR glasses and at least try to be just a TINY bit objective in your posts. Because all I ever saw from your comments reeked of fanboyism. How can you call me ignorant, while the only thing you have done so far, revolves around making ridiculous statements that have no ground whatsoever? Not only this, but you refuse to present any form of constructive criticism. Anything you can't dispute, you ignore or deny without any arguments. So think before you bark.


I think this is a case of four words: Pot calling Kettle black.


If you actually knew what you were talking about you'd realise that maybe we don't all have to just jump on the hate bandwagon as soon as something goes wrong, but well maybe I am asking too much here.


And if you actually knew me, you'd know for a fact that I am far from 'happy' with plenty of things in and around this game, but I doubt you'd actually care because it doesn't further your attempts to discredit any word I say.

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I think this is a case of four words: Pot calling Kettle black.


If you actually knew what you were talking about you'd realise that maybe we don't all have to just jump on the hate bandwagon as soon as something goes wrong, but well maybe I am asking too much here.


And if you actually knew me, you'd know for a fact that I am far from 'happy' with plenty of things in and around this game, but I doubt you'd actually care because it doesn't further your attempts to discredit any word I say.


More like this is a case of you completely ignoring what he/she said and then taking sideways. There were plenty of moments for Bioware to turn this train around but 100 or even 1000 more developers can help make this game better if you fail to change many of the things people want that are absent or poorly implemented. However, you will probably futher ignore this comment continue your amusing fanboy comments. Hate to say but I have seen this movie before and it doesn't end well.

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More like this is a case of you completely ignoring what he/she said and then taking sideways. There were plenty of moments for Bioware to turn this train around but 100 or even 1000 more developers can help make this game better if you fail to change many of the things people want that are absent or poorly implemented. However, you will probably futher ignore this comment continue your amusing fanboy comments. Hate to say but I have seen this movie before and it doesn't end well.


Yes says our friendly resident flamer, nice.


Don't think I haven't seen you round making exactly these types of statements to anyone who doesn't agreee with your asinine blind hate before.

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