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Once u leave a MMO do u come back?


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I quit WoW 2x...went back once...probably never again. Community and game is an atrocity compared to it's glory days.


Quit STO 2x...went back once. May go back again. STO holds a warm place whenever they finish content. Still waiting for my refit Akira class before I return again.


TOR...going strong since beta. No desire to stop. There is no alternative for me and no better guild to ever be apart of.

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Been playing MMORPGs since 1999, once left never gone back.


To be fair this was primarily due to the fact that you could never 'catch back up' , future MMOs might solve that issue.

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I always keep my LOTRO client updated, even though I haven't logged in since started playing TOR. sometimes I just miss my little minstrel too much ;)


I'm always tempted to resubscribe to Final Fantasy XI and I will definitely give Final Fantasy XIV another go once 2.0 comes out.


apart from that, no, usually I don't go back to games. the thing is that often there is so much time between playing and thinking about playing again that I lost 'touch' with everything. people, the playstyle, and so on.



TOR is definitely in the list of 'comebacks' though, I already know that. but that's the future, I'm still enjoying myself :p

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I would say depends on why they quitet.

I for myself quitet GW 1 because it was boring, and quitet WOW because i played it straight for 2 years and was somekind of "bored out".

Returned to Cataclysm and then I got hyped for SWTOR and yes. Now I am here :-)


I would never go back to GW 1 because it was boring from the start.

I can see myself going back to WOW at some point when there are no alternatives that I like.


As for SWTOR, I like the setting, the graphics aren't that bad as most cry here but I am at a point that I reached with WOW after 1 1/2 years. Boredom!

Not because there is nothing to do (we just killed 1/4 EC Hardmode so there is something to do), but because there is almost nothing for ME to do.


3 days raiding and that's it.

I dont hate PVP but the latest changes... we all know them ;-)

I dont need things from Flashpoints or daylies and so on.


This game is very casualfriendly in terms that you dont have to grind, but thats the reason that we dont have timesinks. So we log in every now and then, do our raids and thats it.


Will I stay in TOR? Yes, for now.

When I leave will I come back? Probably not.

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I will not list a faction of MMOs played in the 16 they have been around.


-The Realm did return one time but played it 18 month and at the time a good MMO.

- EQOA played a few years on PS2. Returned a few times but next got better.

- FFXI returned to a few time but would not return now

- EQ2 it was ok till went F2P would not return now also

- COH/V would never return to. Over ran with gold sellers.

- GW return to a lot of times since it was totally free. But will return to its replacement GW2

- WoW returned to a lot of times but just play with free account for giggles.

- WAR was interesting left looked at it when turned F2P. They removed the guild seller filter when EA fired the

developers. It is also gold seller controlled and will not look at again.

- Aion enjoy but at the time my PC was too weak for it.

- Rift would not return since major changes are monthly and way too fast.

- And of all things enjoy Wizard101 and far from 40 years old. They say it is a kids game but it is not. It a innovative game that is turn based and powers are cards based.


I may look at Tera and Pirate101.

Looking forward to GW2.

Edited by Romiz
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Anarchy Online - never went back (NWB)

DAoC - gone back more times than i can recall, currently playing it AGAIN for my RVR fix, that no game has ever topped. more 300+ man keep sieges in games please !

Conan - NWB

Aion - NWB


EQ2 - went back once when they brought out the massive expansion

City of heroes/villains - play occasionally on F2P

Champs online - NWB

WAR - went back once

POTBS - went back once it was F2P, play very occasionally




Rift - NWB


currently betaing : secret world, firefall


i stick with PvE while its fun, so im ALT-ing in SWTOR atm

other than that i flit between pvp/rvr games, looking for something that really fits my style - i like to Healbot in large (ie 8 person) groups, not have to dps aswell. why i keep going back to DAoC ;)

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Quit WoW, never came back. Quit Age of Conan, never came back. Quit Warhammer Online, never came back. Quit DCUO, never came back. Quit Rift, never came back.


When I quit an MMO it is for good.

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you useally come back to remember the good times when you played it seriousley but rarely do you last more than two weeks before the stuff you left in the first place starts to annoy you again . plus you get a feeling of sadness when you relise the friends you had dont play anymore either and you quietly quit again
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If I leave an MMO, it's because the company has made it unplayable for the playstyle I enjoy. I never go back in this case. In a few other games, I've never really left for good, but simply play them less frequently.
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If I leave an MMO, it's because the company has made it unplayable for the playstyle I enjoy. I never go back in this case. In a few other games, I've never really left for good, but simply play them less frequently.


That is great reason people stop playing MMOs. Everyone has a type of playstyle and not all MMO fit. Worst thing that happens a MMO is perfectly you style. Then company listens to the forums too much and kills it.

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I have to say after 13+ years of MMo gameing, there is only a few games i went back to after i guit.

1. swg quit a few times came back, but when the NGE came that was it.

2. DAOC quit 2 times, went back until TOA came that was the AX for me

3.WOW quit that game probably 3-4 times always went back.

4.Warhammer never went back

5Aoc never will go back

6. Rift never go back

7. EQ1 and EQ 2 never go back

8.city of heroes never go back

9.And all the rest of the games like Darkfall ect, to lame to name

10 UO forgot that, tramel ruined that one forever.


So swg and WOW the only ones i ever went back 2.

Not really, no. Once i decide to stop, thats permanent.


The only one i can remember offhand going back to is EVE.


1. Anarchy Online (never)

2. EVE (went back 2 times, but "over" now).

3. WoW (quit just before WoTLK, never gone back)

4. AoC (never)

5. Warhammer (never)

6. Fallen Earth (never)

7. Rift (never)


And 8, ToR. Canceled sub several months ago, but still have almost 100 days left.. once those runs out, thats it for me.

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Yes and no...

If the game is not being developed at a speed I am comfortable with then I will leave and never come back.

If the game is being developed at a speed I am comfortable with, sure. I'll take a one or two month break then come back and see what has changed and do the new content*.


*: Full expansions are iffy. E.g., WoW: Cataclysm. Let a buddy buy it, tried it, and felt like I dodged a real bullet by not getting it.

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Actually I do go back from time to time to games I really liked. Not so much I took a break from the game but I quit then one day I'll sit there and think "I wonder what they've done with the game?" So I'll resub for a month and check it out. That's about as long as I resub for. Usually I'll get to playing for a while and just get tired of the game pretty quick again.
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Hell I still play Earth and Beyond. LOL Emulator of course.

STO - Lifetime Still Play

UO- Still Play

EQ Still Play

EQ2 Still Play

Planetside - Still Play

DCUO- Lifetime Still Play

Champions Online. - Lifetime Still Play

Galaxies - Pre CU til Sunset

Earth and Beyond - Closed Beta til Sunset

WOW - Left after 2 weeks Never looked back

EVE - Took a long hiatus but never unsubbed.

SWTOR - Remains to be seen.

Too many trials to list. It it had a trial i tried it. Not worth mentioning.

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I've only ever went back to WoW. I quit SWG, and never went back, and did the same with Rift.


I actually still have an active WoW account, and plan to login again soon one day. I've been missing it lately like I moved away from home, and need to pay a visit from time to time.

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I quit SWG once and returned, then quit for good after the NGE went live.

I quit WoW twice and returned, then quit for good when SWTOR was released. I doubt I'll ever return.


I also played EQ2 and GW for a while, but never returned, and I don't think I ever will.

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I have went back to a couple in my time. I went back to WoW after awhile and could not bring myself to play it. It just felt really out dated after playing LOTRO and the controls just felt really clunky. Speaking of LOTRO, I've went back to them after trying out other games, like City of Heroes and Champions Online and Warhammer Online. I have always been playing Guild Wars on and off.
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As a lifetime subscriber on Champions Online, I dabbled in for moments at a time there and levelled up quite a few characters, but ultimately as much as I enjoyed parts of the game, the monotony killed it for me. I will probably check it out for the Hallowe'en event though as a lot has changed recently and I'd like to see what it's like once it's been active long enough for most bugs to be squashed.


What I often find myself doing is playing a MMO game a lot and getting increasingly irked by the missing features until the point that I decide to take a rest from the game and play others for a while. This has the advantage of distracting my attention from the online game for a long enough period for bug fixes and new content to be added... usually.


I've not quite reached this point with SWTOR yet, but I may find myself getting worn out by the game's missing features and need to take a break of a few months or longer.

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