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Once u leave a MMO do u come back?


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I have to say after 13+ years of MMo gameing, there is only a few games i went back to after i guit.

1. swg quit a few times came back, but when the NGE came that was it.

2. DAOC quit 2 times, went back until TOA came that was the AX for me

3.WOW quit that game probably 3-4 times always went back.

4.Warhammer never went back

5Aoc never will go back

6. Rift never go back

7. EQ1 and EQ 2 never go back

8.city of heroes never go back

9.And all the rest of the games like Darkfall ect, to lame to name

10 UO forgot that, tramel ruined that one forever.


So swg and WOW the only ones i ever went back 2.

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I have to say after 13+ years of MMo gameing, there is only a few games i went back to after i guit.

1. swg quit a few times came back, but when the NGE came that was it.

2. DAOC quit 2 times, went back until TOA came that was the AX for me

3.WOW quit that game probably 3-4 times always went back.

4.Warhammer never went back

5Aoc never will go back

6. Rift never go back

7. EQ1 and EQ 2 never go back

8.city of heroes never go back

9.And all the rest of the games like Darkfall ect, to lame to name

10 UO forgot that, tramel ruined that one forever.


So swg and WOW the only ones i ever went back 2.

Maybe you should quit MMO's and try other games. You seem to be unable to stick to one so why not try a different genre?

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depends if I quit or i just take a break from the game.


WoW I quit but that was after playng it non stop for 2 years. I was completly burned out.


EQ2, LotrO, and others I come back to because I learned not to burn myself out. I play for a few months enjoy the game then when I get bored I stop playing. After a few more months I start playing again and see all the new stuff they added. Rinse Repeat.


The I sort of have come back to WoW in the sense I play the F2P WoW that is level 1-20. It's ok but I could never sub again to that game.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Gemstone IV yes, from time to time.

City of Heroes, yes, from time to time.

Dungeons & Dragons, yes, from time to time.

Lord of the Rings Online, yes often (am lifetime)

Star Wars Online, haven't left - if I did, would probably come back from time to time.

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I like to check in on stuff from time to time, it really depends on the game and developer handling of it.


It's been a loooong time since I revisited EQ1. Done with City of Heroes. Too dated.


I genuinely liked EQ2 but I couldn't get any of my RL friends to stick with it, they all felt it was too plain (which, in a strange way, I kind of liked) so I probably won't be back there any time soon. Same deal with Vanguard Online (which, after it's 'relaunch' way after its initial release, was actually a fun 'classic' MMO)


WoW I hated every time I tried it, and then invariably friends would talk me into trying it again, and I'd hate it and quit. Most recently though, I've been having a lot of fun with it. I guess it just took 6 years of improvement before the game finally "clicked" with me. The main thing keeping me there now, though, is just the feature set. I can get a similar (and fresher) gameplay experience elsewhere, but between community support, addons and mods, outside-of-game resources, in-game features and functionality like group finders, and a large community to play with and against any time of day, it's hard for me to muster up energy to relocate somewhere without all that fluff.


LOTRO and DDO I'm done and gone forever. Turbine's "free to play" policy removed content from the game that players purchased in expansions and their efforts to non-stop nickel-and-dime their playerbase to death disgust me.


TOR I've already quit once (after my initial free month wore off) because the game was released in a beta state. I came back to check out the free week, genuinely liked the improvements in 1.2 and liked the idea of 2 months for 7.50$ each, so I resubbed to finish up some class stories. Unless my dead-*** server gets merged or I can freely transfer somewhere with a higher population than the average PC First-Person Shooter server, I'll be gone again once my 'new' free 30 days runs out. I'll poke my head back in when / if meaningful, free mergers/transfers ever happen.

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City of Heroes - float in and out


Champions Online - lifetime membership (i know right lol) - never log in


Conan - went back once, found it hard to get back into, havent logged in since


Warhammer - took a break for about 4 months after launch went back and stayed until Carrie "who at all the pies" Gouskos ruined it, if they went back to 1.34 I would still be there.


Terra - finding it strange at the moment


Rift - didnt like the stylisation, left after a month, didnt go back


SWTOR - havent logged in for months, dont see the fundamentals changing so see no longevity in it.

Edited by Stalkobot
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I left Wow for about six months back in the previous expansion and played hard again for sometime but have left again as I started to loose the love for it again.


I must admit my interest in SWTOR is starting to fade, my GF complains about me being at the infernal PC far less than several months ago.


Community is what had be go back to WoW I had a good top 15 guild with people I enjoyed raiding with and its hard to start a new MMO and start most of that from scratch again. To find a group of people you enjoy spending that much time with on a regular basis is not easy and took me years in WoW. Which is what I have really been struggling with lately in SWTOR and likewise with Rift.


Most of my friends who left WoW for SWTOR have since gone back and like wise the ones that left WoW for Rift, and although I had no real plans to buy Mists of Pandaria I am finding the pull to buy it and head back to WoW not because it is a better game but because there is a community and a bond their that I am yet to replicate in any other MMO.


I logged onto WoW about 3 weeks ago for some reason or another still have a sub as my kid likes to play a bit, and when I logged on I had half a dozen whispers from people asking if I was back. Many of who advised me they would help run me through any content I needed to get back up to speed and raid ready. I can log on to SWTOR and play for 8 hours without speaking to a soul, not really BioWares fault but......its hard to get past.


So a better answer to the OP's question would be I don't feel a pull to go back to another MMO but I do feel a pull to return once again to many of my friends who haven't left. And although I must admit I am far less impressed with SWTOR than I had hopped if all my guildies and friends where here from WoW I would take a 6 month sub out in a heart beat.

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Maybe you should quit MMO's and try other games. You seem to be unable to stick to one so why not try a different genre?


Over 13 years? Ya i stick with the ones i like, i loved SWG and WOW and DAOC, those 3 are a total of 9 years, quiting because games go down is one thing, the point is those 3 games gave me more time and enjoyment than all the rest combinded.

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4 months into the most over hyped game since WOW, and WOW even though i will never ever play it again, is miles ahead of swotor, i wanted swotor to be the wow killer, the game i could spend 5 years plus playing, and not ever think of playing another MMO.


The mods and everyone else think im a hater, im not, i wanted this game to bet he end alll of mmos, the wow killer, im so sick of blizzard being the top dog, but for what ever any other any MMO brings, blizz keeps on hanging on and is better, they have the best DEVS by miles compared to this game.

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Maybe you should quit MMO's and try other games. You seem to be unable to stick to one so why not try a different genre?


Haha. No offense, but that kind of lacks perspective. We can put lists of games up here that date back to the mid 90's, each title representing years of gameplay and it'll still look like we're hopping around if we condense it into a paragraph.


If I play a game for a month or two, it usually falls into the "I tried it but didn't click" category. If I played it for years, I guess I'd view that as something of a dedicated time period.


The games falling into that category for me would be Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, and World of Warcraft. with the exception of the last six months or so, I've had a subscription to one or another concurrently since the Everquest launch, though never having an overlap in any of them. I've returned to all three on at least one occasion.


I've tried virtually every other MMO that has come out, even bringing characters to max level in most. In many cases, I've revisited many of them at a later time, almost invariably after they have become F2P or offered a free month to see their changes.


Does the subject relate to this game? I think so. Right now, I practically feel like I beta tested it. The game peters out promptly at level 50(yes, I realize that TECHNICALLY there is content, but many know what I am saying). So I've tried it, I rather like the overall "feel" of the game(unsurprising since I like the game it is cloned from), and if it shapes up I'll probably come back. If it winds up Free to Play(which it might if developers don't move very quickly), I'll almost certainly log in and see how the F2P is implemented.

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i've already resubbed this game twice.


and i'm a huge fan of it. just the content issue is bonkers to me plus i so badly just want to hit the LFG button and get an instance going. i'm very hopeful for 1.3 so i'll stay subbed. but if there's no LFG in that patch and i gotta wait for 1.4. yes i will unsub but i will resub when 1.4 hits.

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OU - Never came back

SWG - Never came back

WoW - Never came back

EQ1 EQ2 - Never went back.

Aion - Lawl! Never looked back!

Rift - Deleted all of my toons, never going back

SWTOR - The rotten PvP and server population issues will have me leaving soon. Never going to look back either...


Basically, once I move on, I don't look back at the past. I've moved several times in my life and I never visit the old places I lived either... just my nature.


To each his own.

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If I quit before getting to "endgame," then I'll usually go back at some point just to try again to finish what I started. If I get to endgame and then get annoyed, bored, or pissed off enough at something about the game to quit, then I will never return. You had your chance at that point, and you blew it; NO SUB FOR YOU.
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1-Everquest, played for 1 month never returned (requires to to be hardcore to play really)

2- World of Warcraft, played for nearly 2 years, played during Vanilla till just after Sunwell released in BC. Haven't been back since

3- LOTRO, played for 4 months right after getting done with WoW, never returned.

4- AoC - played for 1 month after it released, never returned.

5- Aion- played for 1 month after release, never returned.

6- Champions Online Played for 2 months, before free to play, never returned.

7- Warhammer Online played for 2 months after release, never returned.

8- Rift, played for 2 months after release never returned.

9- SWTOR, cancelled, have 70 days left, really can't see myself returning unless they make some major changes. Unless those changes are actually better then Guild Wars 2 is already, I highly doubt I would come back. But I would come back if Free to Play just to play the class story lines on a very casual basis.


Other then WoW, all these games had something about them that made it extremely hard to find people to do group content. I have heard Rift fixed that with the cross realm LFG, but even shortly after the game launched, it was like people completely ignored the very name of the game, Rifts, once they got past the level 5-20 area. To me that was the biggest reason to leave, Rifts was the biggest reason for me to joining the game, and nobody wanted to do them anymore. The only reason why I left WoW after 2 years was because I played the game for 2 years straight not playing anything else. All the other games were basically WoW in a different theme, and the few things that made those games different were either ignored, or there was something else that made the games population die off and made it hard to find groups for group content.


Note: Don't bother commenting on my opinion that Guild Wars 2 is the better game.


I know Guild Wars 1 isn't an MMO, but it can be considered close to one. I went back to that game more times then I can count in the last 7 years that game has been out. I would say that I have easily put 3.5 years out of the 7 years into that game. Which is probably why I see myself actually sticking with Guild Wars 2 for just as long if not longer, it really helps that Arenanet is really breaking the mold for MMOs with GW2.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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