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Population Estimates for the Top 20 US Servers


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The Fatman was full last night, with a minor, minor queue.


Fleet had 500 people in it, split between two instances. The max for one instance appears to be 300, but the server doesn't wait for cap to open a second instance.


Ilum had like 30 Imperials, and I actually saw several Republics out doing dailies as well. It was crazy.


I went on Dromund Kaas, and almost 200 people on planet. 200!

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UPDATED 6/13/2012


These numbers represent the average number of simultaneous concurrent logins over the past two weeks. This isn't the number of subscribers, or number of characters, it's an estimate of how many people are actually logged in at once. Transfer status is noted also (from xxx means the server is a destination server for server xxx, to xxx means that the server is an origin server that is being directed to the xxx server.)


Top 20 US Servers

The Fatman (PvP US East) Population ≈ 2316 From Hedarr Soongh

Jedi Covenant (PvE US East) Population ≈ 1657 From Keller's Void

Drooga's Pleasure Barge (PvE US West) Population ≈ 940 From Fa'athra

The Harbinger (PvE US West) Population ≈ 710 From Soresu

Canderous Ordo (PvE US East) Population ≈ 550 From The Courageous

The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 520 From Kath Hound

Lord Adraas (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 490

Jung Ma (RP PvP US East) Population ≈ 450 From Ven Zallow

Ajunta Pall (RP PvP US West) Population ≈ 400

The Swiftsure (PvP US West) Population ≈ 380

Sanctum of the Exalted (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 280

The Shadowlands (PvE US East) Population ≈ 280

Krayt Dragon (PvE US East) Population ≈ 260

Public Test (PvE US East) Population ≈ 250

Lord Ieldis (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 250 To Begeren Colony

Begeren Colony (RP PvE US West) Population ≈ 250 From Lord Ieldis

Mind Trick (PvE US East) Population ≈ 250

Anchorhead (PvP US East) Population ≈ 248

Anturi Reach (PvE US East) Population ≈ 248

Assassins of Sion (PvE US East) Population ≈ 248


Top 20 Worldwide Servers

The Fatman (PvP US East) Population ≈ 2316 From Hedarr Soongh

Jedi Covenant (PvE US East) Population ≈ 1657 From Keller's Void

Drooga's Pleasure Barge (PvE US West) Population ≈ 940 From Fa'athra

Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP EUR English) Population ≈ 810 From The Shadow Runner

The Harbinger (PvE US West) Population ≈ 710 From Soresu

The Red Eclipse (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 700 From Eye of Ashlanae

Gav Daragon (RP PvE APAC) Population ≈ 670

Dalborra (PvE APAC) Population ≈ 660

Master Dar'Nala (PvP APAC) Population ≈ 580

Dune Bantha (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 570

Canderous Ordo (PvE US East) Population ≈ 550 From The Courageous

The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 520 From Kath Hound

Lord Adraas (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 490

Huntmaster (RP PvP EUR French) Population ≈ 460

Jung Ma (RP PvP US East) Population ≈ 450 From Ven Zallow

Bacca's Blade (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 410

Vanjervalis Chain (RP PvE EUR German) Population ≈ 400 From Zayne Carrick

Ajunta Pall (RP PvP US West) Population ≈ 400

The Swiftsure (PvP US West) Population ≈ 380

Mantle of the Force (PvE EUR French) Population ≈ 370 From Phateem Halls of Knowledge





My guild, and the guildleaders on my server, have been wondering what is going to happen when server transfers go live. How many people are on which servers? Where are they likely to go? Are we likely to have an increase or decrease in population? Should we move someplace else? I started doing some math at this problem in order to try to get more information so we could plan accordingly.


As you may already know, http://www.torstatus.net codes server status as


1 = Light

2 = Standard

3 = Heavy

4 = Very Heavy

5 = Full


It then checks server status on all the servers every hour and records that number. It calculates the average of all of those hourly recordings for the last 14 days and reports than number as "ø". (http://www.torstatus.net/about)


This guy went and did a *lot* of work. Basically, he wrote a program to tell him when a server changed status, and then he went and /whoed the population of the server to see what actual population number is associated with what status.




He estimates, with plenty of variability in the data, that:


Light is up to about 500

Standard is up to about 1,500

Heavy is up to about 2,250-2,500(?) (Let's call this 2375 for now...)

Very Heavy is up to about 3,000

Full is greater than about 3,000


If you look at his data, you can see that sometimes a heavy server has 2000 people on it and sometimes it has 2500 people on it. Same kind of range (or more) for the other server statuses. Part of this is because people log on and log off while he's /who-ing the population, and part of this is because different servers might have different population levels and/or Bioware may alter those population levels. (So standard might be 1,500 on one server and 1,000 on a different server, or 1,500 today and 1,000 a month ago - we don't know.)


I think you can then use the two to estimate server population.


If ø is greater than 0, add the % ø is greater than 0 x 250 (where 250 is the average of 0 and the top end of the "light" status.)


So for Space Slug, where the ø is 0.99, you'd have (0.99 x 250) and come up with a theoretical average population of 248.


The low phi servers are the ones that this analysis is most uncertain for, I think. I'm using 250 as my value for light. That could be, in all reality, 4 lost people or 499 people who are logged in all the time. So if my estimate is 250, the likely range is from 0.10x to 2x that. I can't detect a population less than a phi of 1, so if a server is really deserted, I can't tell.


If ø is greater than 1, start with 250 plus the % ø is greater than 1 x 1000 (where 1000 is the average of the top end of light = 500, and the top end of standard = 1500).


So for my server, Sanctum of the Exalted, where the ø is 1.09, you'd add 250 plus (0.09 x 1000) and come up with a theoretical average population of 340.


If ø is greater than 2, then add 250 + 1000 + the % ø is greater than 2 x 1937.5 (where 1937.5 is the average of the top end of standard = 1500, and the average top end of heavy 2375).


So for The Fatman, where the ø is 2.47, you'd add 250 + 1000 + plus (0.48 x 1937.5) and come up with a theoretical average population of 2161.


Math is here - you're welcome to look at it yourself and see if you can find a better way to analyze this data. You'll also see tabs for previous analyses as well as summary tables for total and average populations by server type and region.



That means if you take the numbers from Torstatus representing the average population over the last two weeks for the top 20 US and worldwide servers you end up with the list above.


The catch here is realizing that this estimate is based on a 14 day average status, so that's dead slack times and peak times. The theoretical average population UNDERESTIMATES the peak population and OVERESTIMATES the off-peak population. It also doesn't get at subscriber numbers. For instance, a measurement at noon might only count the stay-at-home parents, a few folks taking a sick day, and some retired folks. A measurement at 3 in the morning might only count the people that work 2nd shift, and the real late night crowd. The average number of logins might be the same at the two measurement times, but it's two *completely different* groups of people, so it underestimates the number of subscribers by 50%. However, it still gives you an idea of how many people might be around to group with, PVP with, or buy auctions on the GTN.


Keep in mind this is the average number of people logged in - it's probable that not every player is logged in all the time. If you think that 50% of the population is logged in all the time, double this number for the number of subscribers. If you think that 10% of the population is logged in all the time, then multiple this number by 10x for the number of subscribers. If you think that 5% of the population is likely to be concurrently logged in, then you end up with about 1.3 million subscribers, more or less.


It's sort of like taking a picture of a stadium every day for a month and counting the number of people in the stadium. Some days it's just a cleaning crew. Some days it's a few people for practice. Some days it's packed full for the championship game. Maybe you have some people that are there for every game. Maybe some folks only come once or twice a season to watch their favorite out of town team. Maybe some folks only come to day games because they work third shift. You might know the average number of people in the stadium, but that's a small fraction of the total number of people who've been in the stadium. It's imperfect information, but it does allow you to compare stadiums so you can choose where to set up your beer stand.


As an example, I'm on Sanctum of the Exalted. I've been censusing our population by running /whos by level band in both factions for months. Link to data here. I've found out that there are about 600-1,000 people online during peak hours (I define peak as 17:00 to 00:00). Link to graph of population during peak hours here. That means that the ratio of peak population to average population is maybe between 1.8 to 2.9. I have no information if this ratio is valid for other servers.


So here are some summary statistics:

Total estimated worldwide average number of simultaneous concurrent logins of all servers (24 hr average over the last 2 weeks as of 6/13/2012).



This is the 2nd time since I've been tracking numbers that there has been an increase, and this is the largest increase thus far.




EUR English 45

EUR French 16

EUR German 29

US East 82

US West 42

Total 217



PvE 111

PvP 82

RP PvE 18

RP PvP 6

Total 217



There are actually 218 servers, but torstatus.net isn't reporting these servers:


The Jedi Tower (PvE German)


These servers have been very lightly populated in the past, and represent a small fraction of the population, so it does not change the final numbers by more than a few percent either way.



Sum Logins

APAC 1,910

EUR English 12,718

EUR French 4,458

EUR German 7,255

US East 24,875

US West 11,708

Total 62,923



Sum Logins

PvE 31,812

PvP 23,251

RP PvE 5,813

RP PvP 2,048

Total 62,923



Avg Logins

APAC 637

EUR English 283

EUR French 279

EUR German 250

US East 303

US West 279

Grand Avg 290



Avg Logins

PvE 287

PvP 284

RP PvE 323

RP PvP 341

Grand Avg 290



The only real way to get at these demographics is for BW to release their data, but I don't know if they are willing or able to do so. The next best way is go in and /who the server a bunch, but I don't have time for that. This analysis is a shortcut to get at that data without nearly as much work. I hope I've been clear where I'm making assumptions and what those assumptions are. If you've got a better analysis, or a way to refine some of these assumptions, I'd love to know about it.




You need to recheck your numbers because I know for a fact that Shii-cho should be in the top but we aren't listed

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And it would be so nice and orderly but for an RP-PVP on APAC and US West (sorry Ajunta).


This is so lame! My server which was relatively good population wise is now looking like it's going to be killed off. Forcing people from the west data center to the east should not be a viable option. We should be able to choose to stay in the west data center and go to a regular PvP server!

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You need to recheck your numbers because I know for a fact that Shii-cho should be in the top but we aren't listed




Shii-Cho has ben stuck on light status since the 2nd or 3rd week of may. It has a current phi value of 0.99.


In the immortal words of Monty Python's dead parrot sketch...


Mr. Praline: Look, matey, I know a dead [server] when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.


If you've got screenshots or survey information that say otherwise, I'd love to know. Maybe torstatus is reporting your population incorrectly.



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Need to update Ebon Hawk. It is now listed as a pure RP server; there's no second playstyle designation.


Um, sure. Can you be more exact as to where I've mislabled the Ebon Hawk? Is it in a post or in the spreadsheet?



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Need to update Ebon Hawk. It is now listed as a pure RP server; there's no second playstyle designation.


Where do you see that? I see the old designations (RP PvE and RP PvP) on the official server status page and torstatus.net.

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Need to update Ebon Hawk. It is now listed as a pure RP server; there's no second playstyle designation.


RP without a second designation means it's RP-PvE. RP and RP-PvE are interchangeable as the default rule set is assumed to be PvE.

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More info - Prophecy of the Five added as a US EST PVP destination server, brings us up to 25 servers...


APAC (no changes)

Dalborra PvE

Master Dar'Nala PvP

Gav Daragon RP PvE


EUR English

The Red Eclipse PvE

Tomb of Freedon Nadd PvP

The Progenitor RP PvE

Lord Calypho RP PvP (no changes)


EUR French

Mantle of the Force PvE

Darth Nihilus PvP

Battle Meditation RP PvE

Huntmaster RP PvP (no changes)


EUR German

The Jedi Tower PvE

Jar'Kai Sword PvP

Vanjervalis Chain RP PvE

Jen'jidai RP PvP (no changes)


US East

Canderous Ordo PvE

Jedi Covenant PvE

Prophecy of the Five PvP

The Fatman PvP

The Ebon Hawk RP PvE

Jung Ma RP PvP (includes US West RP PvP)


US West

Drooga's Pleasure Barge PvE

The Harbinger PvE

The Bastion PvP

Begeren Colony RP PvE



Ahto City (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Ajunta Pall (RP PvP-US West) To Jung Ma

Anchorhead (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Anturi Reach (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Assassins of Sion (PvE-US East) To Canderous Ordo

Atris (PvP-EUR French) To Darth Nihilus

Axial Park (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Bacca's Blade (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Bao-Dur (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Baron Deathmark (PvP-EUR French) To Darth Nihilus

Basilisk Droid (PvP-EUR English) LIKELY To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Battle Meditation (RP PvE-EUR French) From Kessel Run

Begeren Colony (RP PvE-US West) From Lord Ieldis, Vrook Lamar

Belgoth's Beacon (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Black Vulkars (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Bloodworthy (PvP-EUR English) LIKELY To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Blotus the Hutt (PvP-EUR German) To Jar'Kai Sword

Bondar Crystal (PvP-US East) To Prophecy of the Five

Brianna (PvP-EUR German) To Jar'Kai Sword

"Canderous Ordo (PvE-US East) From The Courageous, Krayiss Obelisk, Whitebeam Run, Kathol Rift, Master Dorak, The Corsair, Zez-Kai Ell, Assassins of Sion, Kaas City, The Constant,


Cassus Fett (RP PvE-EUR German) To Vanjervalis Chain

Cho Mai (PvP-US East) To The Fatman

Chuundar (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Colonel Tobin (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Corellian Run (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Crevasse City (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Dalborra (PvE-APAC) Unknown

Daragon Trail (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Dark Reaper (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Darth Andeddu (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

Darth Bandon (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Darth Malak (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Darth Nihilus (PvP-EUR French) From Mecrosa Order, Dol Grenn, Princess Galia, Atris, Baron Deathmark, Hrakert Rift, Star Map,

Darth Revan's Mask (PvP-EUR German) To Jar'Kai Sword

Darth Sion (PvE-US West) LIKELY To Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Harbinger

Darth Traya (PvP-EUR German) To Jar'Kai Sword

Darth Xedrix (PvE-US West) To Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Davik's Estate (PvP-US East) To Prophecy of the Five

Death Wind Corridor (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Dol Grenn (PvP-EUR French) To Darth Nihilus

Dreshdae Cantina (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Dreypa's Oubliette (PvE-EUR German) To The Jedi Tower

Drooga's Pleasure Barge (PvE-US West) From Fa'athra, Darth Xedrix, Perlemian Trade Route, Mask of Nihilus, Master Zhar Lestin, Lord Praven, Master Gnost-Dural,

Dune Bantha (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Dxun Battle Circle (PvE-EUR English) To The Red Eclipse

Eidolon Security (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Elysium (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Empress Teta (PvE-US West) To The Harbinger

Exar Kun (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

Exis Station (PvP-EUR German) To Jar'Kai Sword

Eye of Ashlanae (PvE-EUR English) To The Red Eclipse

Fa'athra (PvE-US West) To Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Firaxan Shark (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Firkrann Crystal (PvP-US East) To The Fatman

Flames of the Crucible (PvE-EUR English) To The Red Eclipse

Force Harvester (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

Fort Garnik (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Frostclaw (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Gardens of Talla (PvP-US East) To Prophecy of the Five

Gauntlet of Kressh (PvE-US West) To The Harbinger

Gav Daragon (RP PvE-APAC) Unknown

Giradda the Hutt (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Gnawer's Roost (PvP-EUR German) To Jar'Kai Sword

Goluud Corridor (PvE-EUR English) To The Red Eclipse

Grand Master Zym (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Handmaidens of Atris (PvE-EUR German) To The Jedi Tower

Hanharr (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Hedarr Soongh (PvP-US East) To The Fatman

Helm of Graush (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Hex Droid (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Hidden Beks (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Hrakert Rift (PvP-EUR French) To Darth Nihilus

Hssiss (PvE-EUR French) To Mantle of the Force

Huntmaster (RP PvP-EUR French) Unknown

Hydian Way (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Hyperspace Cannon (PvE-US West) LIKELY To Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Harbinger

ICE Breaker (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Infinite Empire (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Infinity Gate (PvP-US East) To Prophecy of the Five

Iron Citadel (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

"Jar'Kai Sword (PvP-EUR German) From The Restoration Zone, Gnawer's Roost, The Krath Enchanter, Loramarr, Pius Dea, Blotus the Hutt, Brianna, Darth Revan's Mask, Darth Traya, Exis Station,


"Jedi Covenant (PvE-US East) From Keller's Void, Sedyn Kyne, The Defenestrator, Keetael, Khoonda Militia, Axial Park, Fort Garnik, Hanharr, Ki-Ta Kren, Telos Restoration Project,


Jedi Tower (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

Jen'jidai (RP PvP-EUR German) Unknown

Jung Ma (RP PvP-US East) From Ven Zallow, Ajunta Pall

Juyo (PvE-US East) To Canderous Ordo

Kaas City (PvE-US East) To Canderous Ordo

Kaiburr Crystal (PvE-US West) To The Harbinger

Kai-kan (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Kath Hound (RP PvE-US East) To The Ebon Hawk

Kathol Rift (PvE-US East) To Canderous Ordo

Keetael (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Keller's Void (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Kellian Jarro (PvE-EUR English) To The Red Eclipse

Kessel Run (RP PvE-EUR French) To Battle Meditation

Khoonda Militia (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Kinrath Spider (PvP-US East) To The Fatman

Kissai Caste (PvE-EUR French) To Mantle of the Force

Ki-Ta Kren (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Krath (PvE-US West) To The Harbinger

Krayiss Obelisk (PvE-US East) To Canderous Ordo

Krayt Dragon (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Legions of Lettow (PvP-EUR English) LIKELY To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Lenico Gargantuan (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

Loramarr (PvP-EUR German) To Jar'Kai Sword

Lord Adraas (RP PvE-US East) To The Ebon Hawk

Lord Calypho (RP PvP-EUR English) Unknown

Lord Ieldis (RP PvE-US West) To Begeren Colony

Lord Praven (PvE-US West) To Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Ludo Kressh (PvE-EUR English) To The Red Eclipse

Luka Sene (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Mandalore the Indomitable (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Mantle of the Force (PvE-EUR French) From Phateem Halls of Knowledge, Kissai Caste, Vodo-Siosk Baas, Hssiss

Mask of Nihilus (PvE-US West) To Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Master Dar'Nala (PvP-APAC) Unknown

Master Dorak (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Master Gnost-Dural (PvE-US West) To Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Master Zhar Lestin (PvE-US West) LIKELY To Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Harbinger

Mecrosa Order (PvP-EUR French) To Darth Nihilus

Mind Trick (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Murakami Orchid (PvE-EUR German) To The Jedi Tower

Naddist Rebels (PvP-US East) To Prophecy of the Five

Nadd's Sarcophagus (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Namadii Corridor (PvE-US West) To The Harbinger

Nathema (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Nightmare Lands (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Niman (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Odacer-Faustin Academy (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

Opila Crystal (PvE-EUR German) To The Jedi Tower

Peragus Mining Facility (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Perlemian Trade Route (PvE-US West) To Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Phateem Halls of Knowledge (PvE-EUR French) To Mantle of the Force

Pius Dea (PvP-EUR German) To Jar'Kai Sword

Port Nowhere (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Princess Galia (PvP-EUR French) To Darth Nihilus

Prophecy of the Five (PvP-US East) From Bondar Crystak., Davik's Estate, Gardens of Talla, Infinity Gate, Naddist Rebels, Veela

Public Test (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Rakata Mind Prison (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Rogue Moon (PvE-EUR English) To The Red Eclipse

Rubat Crystal (RP PvE-US East) To The Ebon Hawk

Rwookrrorro (PvP-US East) To The Fatman

Saber of Exar Kun (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Sanctum of the Exalted (RP PvE-US East) To The Ebon Hawk

Scepter of Ragnos (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Sedyn Kyne (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Senator Contispex (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Shadow Hand (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Shadowtown (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Shaltin Tunnels (RP PvE-EUR English) To The Progenitor

Shien (RP PvE-US East) To The Ebon Hawk

Shii-Cho (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Sith Meditation Sphere (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Sith Triumvirate (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

Sith Wyrm (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Sith'ari (PvE-EUR English) LIKELY To Red Eclipse

Sluis Shipyards (PvE-EUR English) To The Red Eclipse

Soresu (PvE-US West) To The Harbinger

Space Slug (PvE-US West) LIKELY To Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Harbinger

Star Map (PvP-EUR French) To Darth Nihilus

Starstorm One (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Stereb Cities (PvE-EUR German) To The Jedi Tower

Supreme Commander Stantorrs (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

Sword of Ajunta Pall (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

T3-M4 (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

Tarro Blood (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

Tassaa Bareesh (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Telos Restoration Project (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

Terentatek (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Thana Vesh (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

The Arkanian Legacy (PvE-EUR English) To The Red Eclipse

The Bastion (PvP-US West) From Rakata Mind Prison, Nadd's Sarcophagus, The Crucible Pits, Black Vulkars, Daragon Trail, Dark Reaper, Infinite Empire, Mandalore the Indomitable, Shadowtown, The Maw, The Swiftsure, Warriors of the Shadow, Wound in the Force,

The Cinzia (PvE-EUR German) LIKELY To The Jedi Tower

The Constant (PvE-US East) To Canderous Ordo

The Corsair (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

The Courageous (PvE-US East) To Canderous Ordo

The Crucible Pits (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

The Deadweight (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

The Defenestrator (PvE-US East) To Jedi Covenant

The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE-US East) From Kath Hound, Sanctum of the Exalted, Shien, Lord Adraas, Rubat Crystal,

The Exile's Crystal (PvP-EUR English) LIKELY To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Fatman (PvP-US East) From Hedarr Soongh, Cho Mai, Rwookrrorro, Firkrann Crystal, Kinrath Spider, The Deadweight, Thendys Noori,

The Harbinger (PvE-US West) From Soresu, Empress Teta, Krath, Gauntlet of Kressh, Namadii Corridor, Kaiburr Crystal, Wall of Light,

The Jedi Tower (PvE-EUR German) From Stereb Cities, Dreypa's Oubliette, Handmaidens of Atris, Murakami Orchid, The Cinzia, Opila Crystal

The Jekk'Jekk Tarr (PvE-US West) LIKELY To Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Harbinger

The Krath Enchanter (PvP-EUR German) To Jar'Kai Sword

The Kumumgah (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Maw (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

The Progenitor (RP PvE-EUR English) From Shaltin Tunnels, Trask Ulgo,

The Ravager (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Razor (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

"The Red Eclipse (PvE-EUR English) From Eye of Ashlanae, Goluud Corridor, Ludo Kressh, Rogue Moon, Sluis Shipyards, Dxun Battle Circle, Flames of the Crucible, Kellian Jarro, The Arkanian Legacy,


The Restoration Zone (PvP-EUR German) To Jar’Kai Sword

The Shadow Runner (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

The Shadowlands (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant

The Swiftsure (PvP-US West) LIKELY To The Bastion

The Twin Spears (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Thendys Noori (PvP-US East) To The Fatman

Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP-EUR English) From The Shadow Runner, Senator Contispex, The Kumumgah, Kai-kan, Tassaa Bareesh, The Exile's Crystal, Ula Vii, Uthar Wynn, Ahto City, Chuundar, Hex Droid, Niman, Scepter of Ragnos, Starstorm One, The Ravager, Tott Doneeta, Trayus Academy,

Tott Doneeta (PvP-EUR English) LIKELY To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Trask Ulgo (RP PvE-EUR English) To The Progenitor

Trayus Academy (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Ula Vii (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Uthar Wynn (PvP-EUR English) To Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Vanjervalis Chain (RP PvE-EUR German) From Zayne Carrick, Cassus Fett

Veeboo Lunx (PvE-US West) LIKELY To Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Harbinger

Veela (PvP-US East) To Prophecy of the Five

Ven Zallow (RP PvP-US East) To Jung Ma

Vodo-Siosk Baas (PvE-EUR French) To Mantle of the Force

Vornskr (PvE-US West) LIKELY To Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Harbinger

Vrook Lamar (RP PvE-US West) To Begeren Colony

Vulkar Highway (PvP-US East) LIKELY To The Fatman or Prophecy of the Five

Wall of Light (PvE-US West) To The Harbinger

Warriors of the Shadow (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Whitebeam Run (PvE-US East) To Canderous Ordo

Wound in the Force (PvP-US West) To The Bastion

Zaalbar (PvE-US West) To The Harbinger

Zakkeg Beast (PvE-US West) LIKELY To Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Harbinger

Zayne Carrick (RP PvE-EUR German) To Vanjervalis Chain

Zez-Kai Ell (PvE-US East) To Canderous Ordo

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Krayt Dragon (PvE-US East) LIKELY To Canderous Ordo or Jedi Covenant


Krayt Dragon is the #4 PvE East server according to torstatus.net It's more likely that it will be a destination server near the end of the transfers than an origin. We have a very healthy population and had the max population increased a few months ago to accommodate people.

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So Im on Assasins of Sion, which I thought to be a dead server, is actually like the 10th most populated US server... Kinda makes me sad, if Im not on a dead server dead god is that a problem. Ive still yet to do a complete heroic, let alone an operation due to lack of population. And the server I can now transfer to, as of right now, has about double the population of my server... if that doesn't change rather soon, think Ill just stop my sub.
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Krayt Dragon is the #4 PvE East server according to torstatus.net It's more likely that it will be a destination server near the end of the transfers than an origin. We have a very healthy population and had the max population increased a few months ago to accommodate people.


Completely possible and probable. For instance, they just opened up Prophecy of the Five as a US EST PVP server to suppliment The Fatman.


Might be that they open up either Krayt Dragon or The Shadowlands if they need more room than just Jedi Covenant and Canderous Ordo.


That's what the devs were talking about when they said they'd monitor the population and server loads and react as needed in the process.



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So Im on Assasins of Sion, which I thought to be a dead server, is actually like the 10th most populated US server... Kinda makes me sad, if Im not on a dead server dead god is that a problem. Ive still yet to do a complete heroic, let alone an operation due to lack of population. And the server I can now transfer to, as of right now, has about double the population of my server... if that doesn't change rather soon, think Ill just stop my sub.


Canderous Ordo is the destination for: Assassins of Sion, Juyo, Kaas City, Kathol Rift, Krayiss Obelisk, Master Dorak, The Constant, The Corsair, The Courageous, Whitebeam Run, and Zez-Kai Ell. PVE US EST is the *largest* single group of people that play this game, about 21% of the population of concurrent logins. There are 22 servers left in your group (PvE US EST). It's possible that CO is going to get a lot busier as some of these servers are rolled in to yours. It might be the weekend before people can transfer over though.


You might start looking for a guild of like minded people on your server.




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Um, sure. Can you be more exact as to where I've mislabled the Ebon Hawk? Is it in a post or in the spreadsheet?



You listed Ebon Hawk as (RP-PvE) when it is now officially just (RP). It's there in your list.

Where do you see that? I see the old designations (RP PvE and RP PvP) on the official server status page and torstatus.net.

When you log into the game and browse the server selection screen, you'll see Ebon Hawk listed as just (RP).

RP without a second designation means it's RP-PvE. RP and RP-PvE are interchangeable as the default rule set is assumed to be PvE.

Except that, as I've stated, the designation was changed as of the transfers. Labels of (RP-PvE) and (RP-PVP) emphasize a particular roleplaying style. The label (RP) does not, making it clear that roleplayers can (and perhaps should) join Ebon Hawk regardless of their PvE or PvP proclivities.

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You listed Ebon Hawk as (RP-PvE) when it is now officially just (RP). It's there in your list.


When you log into the game and browse the server selection screen, you'll see Ebon Hawk listed as just (RP).


Except that, as I've stated, the designation was changed as of the transfers. Labels of (RP-PvE) and (RP-PVP) emphasize a particular roleplaying style. The label (RP) does not, making it clear that roleplayers can (and perhaps should) join Ebon Hawk regardless of their PvE or PvP proclivities.


Okay, cool. I see what you're saying now. Dezzi, you are 100% absolutely correct. Yes. In the official listing there is no RP-PvE server. There is only RP and RP-PvP on the login screen.


However, both the SWTOR server status page:



And the very unofficial torstatus page:



Refer to RP servers as RP-PvE servers. I realize that this does have the potential to be unclear and cause some confusion, and I apologize for that. I've chosen to use the "RP-PvE" designation (as misleading as it might be) rather than the "RP" designation so it's easier to see where I'm pulling my data from. It's an imperfect solution, I agree.


My guild just transferred to Ebon Hawk. Let me assure that our PvP corps is red to the elbows in blood. They are *loving* the PvP scene.



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There is now way that a full server is 3,000 people becuase if you do your math and look at How many servers there are and times that by your max number for a full server(which is 3,000+) that would equal=375,000 people and when the game first came out it had around 2 million subscribers there is no way. Edited by TexasJediKnight
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There is now way that a full server is 3,000 people becuase if you do your math and look at How many servers there are and times that by your max number for a full server(which is 3,000+) that would equal=375,000 people and when the game first came out it had around 2 million subscribers there is no way.


I suggest you read the original post, the 3000 population number is a factor of the number of subscribers. As an example Blizzard did a study that suggested that at any one time only 10% of subscribers were logged in.

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There is now way that a full server is 3,000 people becuase if you do your math and look at How many servers there are and times that by your max number for a full server(which is 3,000+) that would equal=375,000 people and when the game first came out it had around 2 million subscribers there is no way.


You're comparing apples to oranges. You're talking about SUBSCRIBERS. I'm talking about the NUMBER OF PEOPLE LOGGED IN AT ONCE ON AVERAGE. These are two completely different numbers.


For instance, if I say that there are 600 people, on average, logged into server X, in real life that might mean:


400 Stay at home parents login at noon and logout at 4.

600 School kids login at 4 and logout at 8.

800 Working people login at 8 and logout at 12 midnight.

800 College students login at 12 midnight and logout at 4.

600 Bartenders login at 4 and logout at 8.

400 3rd shift workers login at 8 and logout at 12 noon.


So that's 600 AVERAGE LOGINS but it's 3,600 SUBSCRIBERS.



Hope that clears things up.




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Spreadsheet updated with today's numbers.


Big jump in concurrent logins from Wednesday... we're up to 65,061. In all likelyhood, the numbers in the last 24 hours are *far* larger, but it's being diluted out in the 2 week average.


Here's some interesting data when the servers are analyzed by *transfer status*. Transfer status is either origin (outbound transfers occuring now), destination (inbound transfers occuring now), origin likely (no official word from BW, but the handwriting is on the wall, in my estimation), and unknown (APAC servers and European RP-PvP servers that are unlikely to have inbound or outbound transfers given what we know from BW at this time).



AVG LOGINS BY Transfer Status

Destination 688

Origin 250

Origin Likely 259

Unknown 483

Grand Avg 298


So it appears the destination servers are *definitely* busier! (And it sure feels that way in my anecdotal experience on the Ebon Hawk!)


Here's another interesting look at it.


Summed number of average logins by transfer status

Destination 13,764

Origin 37,803

Origin Likely 10,600

Unknown 2,895

Total 65,061


So that means there's still a *lot* of folks in the process of moving off of origin servers.


I can't *wait* to see Monday's numbers!




Edited by Scorpienne
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600 Bartenders login at 4 and logout at 8.


Most of the Bartenders I know get off work at 4am and go home to crash rather than game. That being said, I only know about 5 or so, so the other 595 might indeed be logging in to the game. :p


Thanks for all your work on this--the data are very interesting.

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Most of the Bartenders I know get off work at 4am and go home to crash rather than game. That being said, I only know about 5 or so, so the other 595 might indeed be logging in to the game. :p


Thanks for all your work on this--the data are very interesting.


My guild has a bartender that logged right into the game to PVP after his work was done. This was around 2am.

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