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what? Even during a weekday the majority of servers are Standard.


Right now:

55 Light

65 Standard

1 Heavy

1 Very Heavy

1 Full


I guess that is a majority...

Edited by Jaxarale
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Right now:

55 Light

65 Standard

1 Heavy

1 Very Heavy

1 Full


I guess that is a majority...


Uh... you are saying the same thing he is. That the majority of servers are standard even during the weekdays.

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Read the damned report, then get back with me. Why do people post without educating themselves on the subject first?


They're not worried because they ARE not only making they money back, but TOR is "very profitable". EA's words, not mine.




Really? what you expect a company to say? we forsee problems and lose their bonuses? lol

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Really? what you expect a company to say? we forsee problems and lose their bonuses? lol


They cannot lie to investors. If they are hurting financially, they have to report it. If they say TOR is maintaining profitability, then it is. You really think EA is going to risk the repercussions if they falsify information to their investors? That would be the end of the company.

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Quick name a single EA MMO that is succesful. Compared to WOW, thats what i thought.


Don't even compare it to that game which shall not be named. It needs to stand on its own legs which it currently isnt :(

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I'm really just this close to being done. Not just with TOR, with MMO's. I'm just sick and tired of em, really.


Sad that you feel that way, I felt that way recently until I realised it was SWTOR that was making me feel that way. Play a good single player game and recharge.

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Uh... you are saying the same thing he is. That the majority of servers are standard even during the weekdays.


I read that post (the one you quoted) as "Yes, technically I guess that statement was correct."


I also read that post as "Nearly half of the servers are dead, most of them are less than dead, and exactly one server (the very heavy one) is the only one likely at an acceptable population for a 'MMO' RPG."

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Quick name a single EA MMO that is succesful. Compared to WOW, thats what i thought.


Everyone knows WoW was a fluke, Blizzard has made the statement about it several times and that there's no way they could make another game that be as popular again.


No game is for everyone. There will be people that prefer the games like GW2 and Secret world. Personally have no interest in GW2 and I'll probably try Secret World, but I'm probably sticking with TOR longer than any other MMORPG I've played since EQ because of the story, which is what has been lacking for me in MMORPGs and why I haven't been able to stick with one since the novelty of them wore off.


As far as D3, it's a regular game, not an MMO, so I don't see why it's part of this conversation. You beat it and then go back to your MMO or play something else.

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Just keep in mind everyone that before TOR released, Eric Brown (CFO of EA) stated that even 500,000 subs is sustainable, with anything over 1 million very profitable.


Yes, taking a hit in subs this past quarter isn't great by any stretch of the imagination. But SWTOR is still very profitable for them, and as long as they maintain around the 1 million mark (which they are at 1.3mil right now) then there is nothing for concern.


IF by next quarter they dip below the 1mil mark, then there is a more obvious downward trend and cause for concern. Right now we have two reports since launch... First quarter reporting massive sales and subscriptions, and the second quarter with a lesser drop in numbers. There is NO trend right now until the third and fourth quarter reports. To speculate the game is dying is tinfoil hat territory, nothing more. Same goes for saying the game is a massive success. Right now it's maintaining profitability, and that is a good thing.


They have also mentioned that half of their current subs are paying subs (back at 1.7million) so we have 850k making money. Then if 400k leave its 450k left, then if you rule out some fudging and lying (to prop up shareholders hopes) I would say we are realistically looking at sub 400k active subscribers. The server numbers are showing this currently with most of them light / standard.


For those who say that the oceanic servers are doing well, just look at when they were launched in March, that puts them 3 months behind the rest of the drop off so I would expect to start to see those servers die off to the level of the other US and EU servers in another month or two.

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It's always a shame to see the hard work of thousands sabotaged by a few with limited vision, over-inflated egos and poor management skills. Lack of intelligence in regards to what is expected of an MMO is not only costing them money but has alienated long-term fans of the company on a grand scale. Something which will resonate for a very long time and many games to come.


It just goes to show that a chain really is only as strong as its weakest link. I can only hope for Bioware's sake that they have already fired the people that made the decisions that have cost us all so much.


I do commend the powers that be for seeing their failures and trying to correct them but it just took far, far too long to do so. In fact it still hasn't happened but we are assured that it "is happening."


I predict a major incentive based "Re-Launch" of this game in a few months when the features we have come to expect of an MMO have finally been included and server populations and limitations have been rectified.

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They have also mentioned that half of their current subs are paying subs (back at 1.7million) so we have 850k making money. Then if 400k leave its 450k left, then if you rule out some fudging and lying (to prop up shareholders hopes) I would say we are realistically looking at sub 400k active subscribers. The server numbers are showing this currently with most of them light / standard.


For those who say that the oceanic servers are doing well, just look at when they were launched in March, that puts them 3 months behind the rest of the drop off so I would expect to start to see those servers die off to the level of the other US and EU servers in another month or two.


???? What??? They NEVER said Half they said THE MAJORITY of the subscribers at the start of Feb. If you looked at their box sales the majority of them sold during the first week of release. So in NO WAY does that mean half of 1.7 million.


So by the time May rolled around and they said 1.3 million active subscribers you are actually looking at 1.3 million unless you honestly think they sold close to 3 million copies?

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When you bring the "Box Sales" mentality into the MMO market, it is always going to end in tears.


The subscription based MMO market requires an end product that generates continued long term subscription numbers, SWTOR does not do that, as a single player one time playthrough game it is fantastic, for many people it is simply a continuation of KOTOR, and for many people (me included) it simply feels like a single player game, this feeling simply cannot and never will generate long term subscription.


EA are, and always have been a Box Sales Company, they simply cannot move away from this culture, no matter how much they want to, or indeed need to, over the years they have continually used Hype and Marketing driven overinflated expectations to drive up Box Sales with little or no regard for the finished product.


EA have on many occasions forced through the early release of an unfinished product simply to coincide it's release date with the Christmas sales boom to increase Box Sales, SWTOR is simply yet another game to fall foul of this sales tactic, and it sure as hell won't be the last.


Now at this point you do have to wonder just how many times exactly we are all going to keep falling for this EA nonsense, and I include myself in that, I swore blind long ago never to buy another Game with EA on the box, but buy it I did, the lure of yet another KOTOR game, with the BIOWARE brand tempting me into yet another purchase, yet another Box Sale.


And here we have the reason for the Bioware purchase, simply purchased to be used as nothing more than a brand name with a good reputation to be plastered all over a Box, suckering yet more millions into a purchase of junk, forcing the reputation of a once well respected company into tatters, Bioware themselves were nothing more than a "Box Sale" to EA, how comical is that, something to be used and then thrown away.


EA have already moved on, only 5 months in and already EA want investors and shareholders to look at other products, desperately trying to move the focus away from SWTOR, desperate to hide the problem child in a dark and dusty attic, this is not how you treat a long term project, a long term game, an MMO with a large subscriber base, this is short term, it's the EA mantra -


"Box Sales ftw, long terms for losers"

"Box Sales ftw, long terms for losers"

"Box Sales ftw, long terms for losers"


Go on sing it folks, you might as well, because we all keep falling for it, and EA will keep doing it, because Box Sales are quick easy profit, and long term is hard work.


You can bury your head in the sand,


But the truth will still kick you in the ***.



Edited by Tsaritsin
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For me i wasted money buying this crap bloody **** game. Nothing works... PVE, PVP,, even damn simple Chat. and PM....


Why Nothing Works.. I Do NOT Care.


Anyways GW2 and Diablo3 is coming..


??? care to explain how nothing works not even chat? Because I just did several warzones tonight and several Hard Mode flashpoints as well as talked to people in chat and PMs all with out a single incident.

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It's always a shame to see the hard work of thousands sabotaged by a few with limited vision, over-inflated egos and poor management skills. Lack of intelligence in regards to what is expected of an MMO is not only costing them money but has alienated long-term fans of the company on a grand scale. Something which will resonate for a very long time and many games to come.


It just goes to show that a chain really is only as strong as its weakest link. I can only hope for Bioware's sake that they have already fired the people that made the decisions that have cost us all so much.


I do commend the powers that be for seeing their failures and trying to correct them but it just took far, far too long to do so. In fact it still hasn't happened but we are assured that it "is happening."


I predict a major incentive based "Re-Launch" of this game in a few months when the features we have come to expect of an MMO have finally been included and server populations and limitations have been rectified.

Yup that's very sad considering the potential of the game.


Have a look here: Behind the scenes of Star Wars: The Old Republic: throwing people at the problem


That being said, not sure about a relaunch but mostly expecting a F2P move around September.

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For me i wasted money buying this crap bloody **** game. Nothing works... PVE, PVP,, even damn simple Chat. and PM....


Why Nothing Works.. I Do NOT Care.


Anyways GW2 and Diablo3 is coming..


So strange. On my server the operations and WZs seem to work fine. I saw a boss bug once. Then we reset it and did it fine the second time. All my abilities seem to work. My game runs anywhere from 30-70 FPS. Maybe you should reinstall?

Edited by Arkerus
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if you quit over class balance in a MMO then you have never played a MMO. This is what happens every few months they try to rebalance the classes and some classes get buffs others get nerfs.


NO MMO IS EVER BALANCED. It is impossible.




EDIT: *** you played the game since launch and now because of a patch and class balance you WANT YOUR MONEY BACK??? What the hell is wrong wiith you??? Do you demand a refund for every game you play if there is something in it you don't like??


Sorry man but you are way off base here. People quit over poorly thought out balance patches all the time in MMOs. A company can adjust classes while still retaining the faith of the nerfed by implementing incremental changes. Completely gutting classes and changing play style completely in one go while simultaneous buffing up everyone damage in pvp is probably the worst possible way they could have handled things.

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