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Am I the only one who actually likes this game?


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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.

Honestly I wouldn't go by what happens in MMO forums. You rarely get people posting when they are enjoying a game (unless they have a question they need answered) as they are too busy playing it, unlike someone who has issues with the game and wont play it despite having a paid up account -- in their case they have too much time on their hands, a chip on their shoulder and access to the forums. So the only thing negative posts in forums indicate is that there is someone unhappy about something, they certainly don't show to us what ratio there is of unhappy to happy people and should never be used to gauge how a game is doing. Why? Because there is no way of knowing (by us at least) how many people who play the game actually participate in the forums -- so any data extrapolated from here is still, at best, guesswork.


To give you an example, even though it is anecdotal "evidence" at best, out of the 11 or so veteran MMO players I've known for years I am the only one who reads forums. None of them do (at least these days) because of the negativity that you typically find in MMO forums. Does that prove anything? Heck no, it's just an example but I'm sure they aren't alone in that.


Disclaimer: I know I'm answering questions you haven't asked but I thought I might as well put the response I've wanted to give to this sort of thing for some time now. Sorry, you're it. :D

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Decent MMORPG, nothing awesome. I think when people see Elder Scroll Online things change. Just that vast amount of Elder Scroll fans its going to be HUGE.


haha, you haven't been on the TES forums have you? TES fans are outraged by the proposed game thus far. It's possibly the most negatively received game announcement in history.


If you think anything is going to change with TESO, then you're deluding yourself just as so many deluded themselves with SWTOR and were disappointed.


For the record, I wasn't deluded with SWTOR. It is exactly what I expected, and wanted for the most part. Which is to say an excellent BW game with engaging story and fun combat. So, no OP, you're not the only one who likes the game. Far from it.

Edited by Cerion
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after the first 50 you hit..100% sure you think to yourself...damn im not going to read/listen to that dialog again on another toon. You start that second toon and the story is boring then you pound that space bar..3rd toon..space bar. so on and so on. Sure there is a story.. No one plays a mmo with pvp for the story.
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after the first 50 you hit..100% sure you think to yourself...damn im not going to read/listen to that dialog again on another toon. You start that second toon and the story is boring then you pound that space bar..3rd toon..space bar. so on and so on. Sure there is a story.. No one plays a mmo with pvp for the story.


Good thing I don't PvP then.


When I hit 50 after two months, I was excited to go back and play another story line through. I had trouble deciding which class to play because I wanted to experience them all. Picked a Sith Warrior to experience the Imperial story, just got him to 50 a week or so ago. Now I'm on a Smuggler for the more light-hearted content and different game play mechanics -- love cover and stealthing. I expect he'll be 50 somewhere around July. The old planetary quests seem fresh again, like watching some of the DVDs I own over and over again.

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I like the core gameplay, I just don't think it's the kind of game I'll be able to play for years on end. It's more like a single player game that I enjoy and will pick back up for a month every year or so.


That's hardly a good thing for an MMO.

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Decent MMORPG, nothing awesome. I think when people see Elder Scroll Online things change. Just that vast amount of Elder Scroll fans its going to be HUGE.


The Elder Scrolls fanbase isn't nearly as "vast" as you might think.


Also, the game is getting panned pretty heavily so far. It looks... very generic.

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Yeah, your role and the identical role of half a million other players. Story choices are an illusion.


You mean like the dozens upon dozens upon dozens upon a few skillion players in WoW that are exactly the same in every stat?

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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.

Yea but nothing ever changes. I kill Malgus in false emp and tomorrow I can do it again. I know it's an mmo and bla bla bla but with a game focusing on immersion and story they should have done something to atleast cloak the repetitiveness. The game is good. I enjoyed it but I don't log in anymore. I cancelled my sub. Thank you bioware for a good few months. But now... I'm moving on.

Edited by Zrinksy
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I like most of the content, the hard mode flash points are done well. The solo PVE is done well. The only thing I don't like are the light side/dark side decisions, it just seems utterly retarded to me try to qualify your character as light or dark. I have no idea how this concept made it into the finished product, it's juvenile and unrealistic.
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As someone who skipped launch after open beta but just recently bought the game I'm enjoying it a lot more now. The only problem is server pops. It's hard to get stuff done when there's <10 in a zone and most are just twinked alts speeding through uninterested in grouping. And a bare auction house missing tons of things other players should be providing and a lack of buyers for my own crafts that makes my only economy vendoring stuff or quests.


If it wasn't for way too many servers spread thin I'd be pretty much be totally happy with the game so far minus a bug or 2 and lots and lots and lots of running. I understand they're working on a xfer but they have given no real ETA and I can' imagine people who have been playing it for months already would be on their last strand of patience.

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I love the game. I can see myself playing for awhile. But I definatly sense the unease in the community.


Server population is such a blaring issue and Bioware has been totally incompetent in dealing with it. They have only recently acknowledged it, like it hurt their pride. And I am not satisfied that the transfers are going to solve the problems. The common sense solution is to merge the servers together. Which seems to be something Bioware does not want to commit to. Probably because it would be alot of work and cause all kinds of Legacy or whatever related issues.


But in the end, its their problem, not our problem. And they have to do what it necessary to solve it. Or me and many others will get tired of the MMORPG with no MMO.


I am looking forward to seeing what content gets released though, especially related to Space combat.

Edited by implementofwar
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i like the game , my only concern is that it could become a flash point tread mill instead of fleshing out the world and creating immersion , there are tons of ideas everywhere how to make this into a vibrant world to play in, they really should concentrate more on mini games and events , who wouldent enjoy a weekly pod racing championship for instance
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I do enjoy the game, or at least I did until I got to endgame. The stories were great, the setting is awesome and so is the soundtrack. It all felt a cut above the average mmo, then endgame happened.


Rank 50 hits you like a brick wall on this. There's no dungeon finder so it's such a bother to find groups and no dual spec so doing multiple activities is also annoying. People are losing their patience and as a result they're leaving or as I like to call it "Gb2/WoW"


I want to enjoy this game but BioWare are making it very difficult. I want to do the dungeons, I want to do the heroic quests, I want to do the Operations with friends and guild members but nobody plays anymore on my server. It's dead as a dodo and I'm losing interest aswell. The foundations for a good mmo are all here, there's plenty of content, the classes are interesting, there are incentives to play multiple classes and there is plenty of scope to expand.


The sad thing is, it's taking far too long to implement things that should have made it for release. Why isn't Dual spec included? Why isn't dungeon finder in the game? Why aren't pugs and premades seperated??? These aren't just luxuries, they're extremely important to help players enjoy this game. Now we have to wait for BioWare to play catch up and you can bet that they will always be two steps behind Blizzard.


In all honesty I'm getting sick of waiting and I know plenty more people feel the same way. Stop with the fluff like legacy and get the vital stuff like cross-server dungeons and PvP out already.


Bioware has said they are focusing on the quality of life features this year and then they will move onto the really cool and new stuff. Right now the story and the slow progression I am taking is keeping me interested, and I cannot relate to a dead server or no guild because I do not play on one. I am on no fatman, but it is a decent server and I have a good guild, which is what makes an MMO. I still have goals, I still want my rakata, black hole and campaign gear, I want to make a sith pureblood Jedi Knight, unlock all the other legacy stuff, particiipate in the bonus arcs and when they come, events. I feel there is alot to do in this game it's just not evolutionary and yes, it is more limited than WoW.

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Yeah, your role and the identical role of half a million other players. Story choices are an illusion.


I know that. It is suspension of disbelief and smoke and mirrors really. But to give that illusion that your fighting these battles with epic stories in the galaxy give a new dynamic between the player and the character. In this way, it is not just "I'm going to put gear on him and make him fight," it will be "I will put gear on him and make him fight as well as develop his personality"

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