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Anyone else came to the conclusion we just expected to much?


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Yes, I think it's clear that people expected far too much, and apparently seem to be expecting that much from every game that comes on the market.


No developer can deliver everything at launch. It's impossible. It's never going to be done. Time constraints are time constraints, and computer software development isn't a mechanical rote memory operation. It's a dynamic, free-flowing beast of a process that creates its own issues and snafus in its midst.


You know what I expected? I expected I wouldn't like this game. I expected it would fall far short of my expectations, and I was gladly mistaken. I expected that if I made it into the beta test, I'd grind up a few characters and get as far as I could get and then put the game away, not buy it, and not play it.


Wow did I miss the mark on that one. After the first open beta weekend, I was hooked. When I found out there was a second beta weekend, I was hooked even more. And I immediately began re-thinking my strategy of playing the beta and then not buying the game. I ended up pre-ordering in the beginning of December so I could at least try to get a few days in during early access. And finally got in on that Friday.


I've been here ever since except for a brief 5 day break to shift the billing date back in the month. Other than that, I expect to be here for a long time to come. I've only made it to 50 with one character, have another at 38, and have 6 more characters to fully play through at least, if not more.


I love this game. I'm thankful that BioWare built it, and that it has some people with good heart in the mix building it, and can't wait for what they come up with next.



I, personally, didn't think it was possible for an MMO to hook me this much. I am having a blast, and I've only got ONE CHARACTER! (I never play alts in MMOs) Almost everything abou tthe game is excellent, especially the story! I'm already storing away cash for when the expansion comes out.

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You would think most people having grown up in a capitalist society saturated with advertisements and hype would have inoculated them from fevered rants of disappointment when their product isn't all it was advertised to be.


I remember countless games which actually lived up to their hype. TOR, sadly, did not...

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but in the end the game is just missing too many features people expect from a next gen theme park MMO. If you're going to make a theme park MMO and expect it to be successful you have to out do WoW, you cant make an inferior product and hope that it finds a profitable niche.


First, what end game features would you like to see? Everybody keeps mentioning this end game, but never explain what they want it to be. Every end game I played in an MMO was no different - grind for gear (or titles).


Second, you don't need to out do WoW in order to be successful. You don't need to clone WoW to be successful. You don't need to be different than WoW to be succesful. You don't need to have more players than WoW to be successful. You just need to deliver a product that enough people like to play. SWTOR has done that. Sorry it couldn't be SWG for those fanbois, but I for one am glad it wasn't.



sneaky sneaky.


Sneaky? Really? Maybe it's just me, but if someone doesn't explicitly say that a feature is going to be in a game, I don't assume that it will be. Seems the problem to me is not BW but players assuming facts not in evidence.


I really didn't expect too much. I barely read about the game at all.

I love Star Wars, I love MMOs. No need to do any research on it, I was getting it....

It's a bad game. It was fun while leveling up. It would make a great single player game. As far as MMOs go, it's the worst I've ever played.

And I've played countless MMOs.


Well I guess it's your bad then. I don't buy any game nowadays unless I do my research on it and find out if it's a game I am going to enjoy. I hadn't planned on buying SWTOR, but I kept following reviews and playtest results during it's development and discovered that it was a game I had to try, and I was not disappointed.



Edited by BJWyler
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Yes, I think it's clear that people expected far too much, and apparently seem to be expecting that much from every game that comes on the market.


No developer can deliver everything at launch. It's impossible. It's never going to be done. Time constraints are time constraints, and computer software development isn't a mechanical rote memory operation. It's a dynamic, free-flowing beast of a process that creates its own issues and snafus in its midst.


You know what I expected? I expected I wouldn't like this game. I expected it would fall far short of my expectations, and I was gladly mistaken. I expected that if I made it into the beta test, I'd grind up a few characters and get as far as I could get and then put the game away, not buy it, and not play it.


Wow did I miss the mark on that one. After the first open beta weekend, I was hooked. When I found out there was a second beta weekend, I was hooked even more. And I immediately began re-thinking my strategy of playing the beta and then not buying the game. I ended up pre-ordering in the beginning of December so I could at least try to get a few days in during early access. And finally got in on that Friday.


I've been here ever since except for a brief 5 day break to shift the billing date back in the month. Other than that, I expect to be here for a long time to come. I've only made it to 50 with one character, have another at 38, and have 6 more characters to fully play through at least, if not more.


I love this game. I'm thankful that BioWare built it, and that it has some people with good heart in the mix building it, and can't wait for what they come up with next.


Maybe they expected so much because of the HUGE crazy hype train EA had going with this game, and all those promises that they took the MMO to the "Next level" when in reality its just an average MMO at best.

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Maybe they expected so much because of the HUGE crazy hype train EA had going with this game, and all those promises that they took the MMO to the "Next level" when in reality its just an average MMO at best.


Opinion. Not fact.

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I'm in the camp that this game could have been way better and more expansive if they had not spent so much time on the voice acting potion of the game. Voice overs are very expensive to put in a game and take a lot of development for the scale that they incorporated into the game. If they had focused more on varying features and toned down the voice acting to only the major story quests, the game could have been a lot different with the massive budget that it had.


I agree. I believe that Bio spent too much time on "story" and not enough on content.

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I for one expected much of this game and right now my satisfaction with it is dropping faster than a meteorite.

They said they spent 300m USD on it??? On what???


What I expected:

- large open world planets (SWG like) - FAIL


- player driven economy with 99% of the items created by players for players (thriving economy) - FAIL


- consistent PVP with warzones and large pvp areas - PARTIAL FAIL (WZs are ok). I expected to have objective based world PVP or instanced PVP 40 vs 40 players or more (WOW's AV, I remember my first AV win, played for 7 hours to achieve the goal, was criminally fun, kept you awake and aware, you were really fighting).


- consistent companion story lines, with quest/missions after each dialog - MOSTLY FAIL


NEVER but NEVER expected:


- patch 1.2 to be so crappy that out of a 105 man guild, only 5-10 still play this game. So yeah, my guild lost aprox. 90% of it's members within a few weeks as some moved to more populated servers while a lot stopped playing.


I am not against devs cloning aspects from other MMOs in order to make their own a good one. It's just that it feels like Bioware cloned mostly the crap or poorly implemented features that in other MMOs were so cool, and would be cool in SWTOR too if handled correctly..

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I dindt expect anything from this game other then a star wars game being MMO until i spent my first 20 minutes in the game and though,,,crap they copyed wow.


IMO they should not have released this game for another year. At the moment i feel like im paying to beta test their game. But i dont care anymore as im quiting it for good on may 15th for d3. At least i wont be paying anything after i buy the game.

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doubt it


you do know tho you`re just blindy defending them without any knowledge whatsoever right


Its always funny to see people that think that their opinion is THE opinion.

"You dont agree with me so you have no knowledge" Well it can go both ways.


"You do know tho you're just blindly attacking them without any knowledege whatsoever right?"

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Well I can honestly say that coming in from WoW I did not want it to be too different at first. And that's what I got. A sense for familiarity with a new skin. But as time dragged on I found myself disliking this game just like the last game I came from. Now I envy everyone for whom this is their first MMO. It is a very good game. But for me it's just more of the same. I have actually just cancelled my sub with 44 days left (weird). I'm sure this game will maintain subs to keep going. Strongly, I'd imagine. But I'm moving on.
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The only part of MMO that this game has is the O....


Aside from being online......well....


Basically a small handful of servers (only 2 I know in the US, Fatman and Harbinger) actually have good populations, the rest are slim to scarce to virtually none. I'm sick of rerolling trying to chase the peeps that are left seeing where they'll all end up.


Silly Bioware made a million and one US servers and basically atm ONLY one (Fatman) ever gets full from what I've seen.


So good job Bioware, you have one server that you can honestly say is bustling with activity.....it's sad.


They spend soooooo much time on their silly Legacy system (which is basically a gimmick to get peeps to keep rerolling on their dead servers) when instead they could have merged servers, implemented X server WZs, implemented X server LFG, givin' us transfers free or even paid to allow us to move our toons we worked so hard on, but no.....we get their Legacy....


Well, the only "Legacy" I see is a TON of wasted potential.

Edited by Belpheghor
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The only part of MMO that this game has is the O....


Aside from being online......well....


Basically a small handful of servers (only 2 I know in the US, Fatman and Harbinger) actually have good populations, the rest are slim to scarce to virtually none. I'm sick of rerolling trying to chase the peeps that are left seeing where they'll all end up.


Silly Bioware made a million and one US servers and basically atm ONLY one (Fatman) ever gets full from what I've seen.


So good job Bioware, you have one server that you can honestly say is bustling with activity.....it's sad.


They spend soooooo much time on their silly Legacy system (which is basically a gimmick to get peeps to keep rerolling on their dead servers) when instead they could have merged servers, implemented X server WZs, implemented X server LFG, givin' us transfers free or even paid to allow us to move our toons we worked so hard on, but no.....we get their Legacy....


Well, the only "Legacy" I see is a TON of wasted potential.


this post is all want to said,

BW knew it , they just don't want to solve it,

EA would rather to open other 3X server on new countries than solve the low population issue,


good for fatman and asia server players, u are the only left healthy servers in swtor.

Edited by oakamp
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this post is all want to said,

BW knew it , they just don't want to solve it,

EA would rather to open other 3X server on new countries than solve the low population issue,


good for fatman and asia server players, u are the only left healthy servers in swtor.


There are no new servers, the 'new' 38 countries were asked to roll on the EU servers. Not that it has made any difference to the declining population.

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Isn't that the point? We are here to express opinions?

Why get angry by another point of view, perception or opinion?


Right up until someone states something as if it's fact. You're free to have opinions, and post them to your heart's content. Just don't act all surprised when others don't share your opinion and refuse to acknowledge them as valid.

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If they keep delivering decent stuff at the rate they are (which is phenomenally fast - maybe even as fast as Rift which was the fastest I've seen) it will be a very good game. Unfortunately it's the time factor.




They are slow as ****, nothing compared to Rift.


1.2 was meant to be massive, it was a massive pile of ****.

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For me no, I never expect much these days, most companies for the most part suck these days, so never get your expections up.

Allot of people over hyped themselves, for some reason they think every new game is going to be some kind of next gen, game, and true next gen games will never happen, until we get some next gen programming and internet.. we will see the same thing happen with gw2 and diablow3, in fact any new game.


I followed the game from very early on, if you read the information that Bioware released slowly over the years and you did not let your imagination run wild, the game is pretty spot on to what the dev's said it would be, if any one thought different, no one to blame but themselves.. /shrug

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If you read the information that Bioware released slowly over the years and you did not let your imagination run wild, the game is pretty spot on to what the dev's said it would be, if any one thought different, no one to blame but themselves.. /shrug


Spot on.



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Everyone wants more. It's human nature. We push the companies to give us more for less. The bosses push the devs to give them more in less time. The devs push the coffee machine's buttons harder hoping to make it go faster.
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I don't believe you are the only one disppointed, look at the server populations.


My only real complaint would be the lack of this or that right out of the gate. The staples of an MMO. What is tiresome to me is when people defend SWTOR or any other new game for that matter, saying well this other game didn't have it until a year after launch or what have you. Look, imo, as games are launched and new ideas are put out there that become staples in mmo gaming, then any new games released should have those staples included at launch. There should be no defense on this subject whatsoever. I can go through a list of analogies such as cars, tvs, washers & dryers, computers, monitors, servers, mouses, keyboards, phones, etc. etc. All have progressed with technology and we won't accept anything less. How many people still use the brick cell phones? Anyone? The same standard should hold true for any new MMO, and imo, that is why people have been leaving, not the bugs, it's the lack of the basic MMO staples, well and poor communication from the SWTOR team. I hope they continue to fix and add at a fast pace (maybe pick up the pace a bit), but to me, this is just a single player RPG instead of an MMO, and that's how I play it now.


Oh and FYI, SWTOR has set a new standard for quests, voice acting and cutscenes; any new games from this point forward will be less than great without just as DAOC set the standard for pvp/rvr (I miss darkness falls), any games without 3 faction pvp is less than great, SWG/EVE set standard for crafting, any game without is less than great, EVE/STO has great space combat to pull ideas from, etc, etc.

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I didnt expect too much, i expected what they said i was going to get.


Nothing more. Nothing less.


The issue is what they said and what they delivered was not the same, hence many of the issues people have with the game. I also expected them to be faster to react to things considering the backing they have in a company like EA. How long does it take to sort out transfers, a proper LFG tool and combat logs? Seriously...



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I knew exactly what I was getting into. My fault was expecting there to be some MMO basics such as a LFG tool by this point.


Really at this point I figured they'd have advanced the game further in a different direction. With more focus on the casual player instead of falling into the same traps of every other MMO that failed. Where's our appearance tab, dual specs, hell just something for the casual player to do at 50.


All I see now is a lack of focus and definite lack of communication. BW seem so out of touch with what players want that I don't see them ever coming around until it's way too late.


They'll all have their emergency board meeting and try and throw bones to keep us all subbed. Free Tauntaun and 30 days if you JUST stay subbed, please please please! That's the future I am seeing right now. Slashed game prices and gimmicks just like Rift did to bandaid hemmoraging subs.

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I'm sure some people expected too much. I'm also fairly sure some people expected too little.


Personally, I didn't expect 7 or 8 years worth of content. What I did expect was for this game to have features that most (not even all) major and minor MMO's have had since the birth of the genre.


I know, "blah blah, you hate the game, you are unreasonable, blah blah whats important to you is not important to everyone, x feature is useless, blah blah"


When a person who has been playing MMO's for a long time purchases a new one, there is a certain number of things they look for or expect in the game. What these are are all different and vary from player to player. Some want a heavy PvP emphasis, or roleplaying ability, or a ton of PvE content, whatever. This is why some games appeal to them more then others - and yet when I look at TOR, I have a very hard time seeing how this MMO could appeal to anyone given the complete lack of emphasis on the MMO part of this game.


Now, it obviously appeals to some people, because I see a ton of people on this game praising it up and down, and really, that's a good thing. I'm sincerely happy that the money spent developing this project isn't completely wasted. I just think that the reason you see so many unhappy people is because this game doesn't appeal to a ton of different people on many different levels due to the missing features - missing features that the devs explicitly stated TOR would have.

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I personally was hoping for some of that SWG magic , even though I knew it wasn't going in that direction I was still hopefull .......I was wrong :( It has nothing in common with swg.


But I stuck with it anyway, and now im left thinking I just want 'better' even though I wouldn't know where to start on how to make it so :rolleyes:

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