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Powertechs need an urget nerf


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There is one in the pyrotech tree and another in the advanced prototype tree.


thank you sir :).... i dont have trouble with powertech because i can cleanse dots / evasion rail shot.. but ignoring that much armor is crazy O_o..

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thank you sir :).... i dont have trouble with powertech because i can cleanse dots / evasion rail shot.. but ignoring that much armor is crazy O_o..


It's okay, the damage for most other ACs bypass your armor completely.

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Post a combat log or it didn't happen.


So when I log on to my fresh 50 scrapper in level 40 PVP gear tonight, I will make a combat log of being hit by a WZ-Buffed and adrenal-ed war hero PT. I will post this log and everyone will agree that it's time to nerf powertech?


I sure hope not, but there will be people that will treat my data as evidence to prove their case.


I will also be able to post logs of my 15 expertise scrapper with his level 46 Blaster hitting the same PT for 500 with back blast, while he has his shield up.

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When you try to go toe-to-toe with a DPS class, i.e. Pyro/Vanguard or Marauder, they will melt your face. That's what they are supposed to do. They are a DPS class! (Big surprise!) Quit doing it wrong and learn to fight these classes properly. No Nerfs needed.
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powertechs/vanguards have got to be nerfed urgently



they are either full dps killing war hero geared players in 3 to 6 seconds depending how geared they are.




tank specced in dps gear which is basicly someone with the defense of a tank and the damage of a pure dps class.


Bolded for lulz.


You need to put down whatever you're toking on. Urgently.

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Its been marauders, powertechs and tankassins for a while now. No other classes come close to the holy trinity.


You must have not been here for the first 2 1/2 months then.


Sorc/Sage rage > any other class since release.

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You must have not been here for the first 2 1/2 months then.


Sorc/Sage rage > any other class since release.


That doesn't mean it was true.


Marauders, Tankasins, and Powertechs have been the "Big Three" since the Wither buff in, what, 1.1.5?. Sorcs were still pretty much free kills to most people who weren't busy whining about them before 1.2. They had a lot of CC, but they were never really all that powerful in terms of killing power. : )


(This is from a BM PT and Sorc prior to 1.1.5)

Edited by Varicite
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(i only read OP's post nothing more... yet) Ok i have a bone to pick with someone who says vanguard are so OP. Do i have a Vanguard: Yes. Is it my favorite class? no. Is he a WH etc? yes.


I have toyed around with nearly all the specs available for Vanguard/PT, I have every FULL BM set (except combat medic, just the offhand) . A vanguard IMO is not "Pure" DPS nor "pure" tank.


Taugrims ironfist is most likely what you refer to for the Tank/DPS combo. I am currently playing around with that spec and the truth is, you loose alot of health AKA survivability, gain a little burst (not much at all) you have a "potential" for sustained DPS (not very high) and you get beat down rather quickly because to get the DPS you have to forfeit ALOT of Mitigation (including gear).


The DPS specs are meh. Yes i can kill people, Yes i can hold my own longer then my GS friend. It stops there. The DPS is maybe above PAR to BAD players but its simply meh to good ones. Maybe a god amongst PT/vanguards can pull off 700k+ but i never will. Sents can, GS's can, Mercs can (same build, more damage (they sacrifice some survivability for more range, better DPS)).


I honestly Only do my daily on my Vanguard now, the class is a cool concept but simply can't put out what is desired for an 8man Q, it is certainly not OP when there are multiples, you lack true DPS.


Your complaint could be:

1. toward a vanguard who got luck, had a great team and healers to back him.

2. You are still in the Pre-50 bracket where Vanguards will annihilate due to assault specs advantages versus BAD players.

3. you need to find good players to Q with.


I play GREAT (usually) pre mades all day and I now volunteer to defend because I know my DPS is Subpar etc comparably speaking.

Edited by Krayshawn
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I agree with all the people saying that it is ridiculous to cry nerf whenever you got owned, but seriously. No player, no matter how good I've seen doing what a (average-good) Pyro/Assault Spec can do. Their burst is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous and the fact is they have no real 'downsides'. Decent CC (Grapple/Harpoon, by far one of the most devastating skills if used correctly in PvP) and while they do not excel in defensive abilities, they still have a couple and they benefit from the tanking tree that's partially woven in into the entire AC a bit.


For those having their doubts or haven't really faced a decent Pyro/Assault yet, here's your proof:




Please note that this is a compilation, meaning these insane numbers happened when his potential was pretty much maxed out. Nonetheless, there is no other class that can manage to do something similiar. And there is completely no factor that weighs up against this potential.


Your opinion may differ, but to me this is definetely unbalanced and this needs a nerf in some kind of way. Whether that would be their dps, survivability or overall utility is the same to me. They do have to lack something however to make up for this insane potential.

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they dont have to equip a sheild gen or need the use of the tank stats as they use the tank toggle which for powertechs/vanguards increases their armor by 60% and a damage reduction buff which is about 6% i beleive.


some do use the sheild gen with it as well.


Dude your seeing half of it. The energy management is HORRID when doing so, i only do so at desperate time when there are no tanks to guard the healer. You loose the main part of the Assault specs DPS when you do so.


BTW what class do you play?

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Eh just wish their damage was a little more predictable (ala marauder/jugg smash, operative burst, tankassin force lightning). Maybe I just don't know powertechs but isn't a random proc what allows them to take off 40-50% of your hp?


Every 6 seconds there SS/RP has a 60% chance to reresh HiB/RS and Ion/flame a 40%.

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In that case, I can hoonestly say I laughed out loud.


Unless you can actually come up with a proper argument, as is most of the time the entire point in a mature discussion any of your posts are completely invalid and you're only losing your own credibility by posting them.

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I agree with all the people saying that it is ridiculous to cry nerf whenever you got owned, but seriously. No player, no matter how good I've seen doing what a (average-good) Pyro/Assault Spec can do. Their burst is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous and the fact is they have no real 'downsides'. Decent CC (Grapple/Harpoon, by far one of the most devastating skills if used correctly in PvP) and while they do not excel in defensive abilities, they still have a couple and they benefit from the tanking tree that's partially woven in into the entire AC a bit.


For those having their doubts or haven't really faced a decent Pyro/Assault yet, here's your proof:




Please note that this is a compilation, meaning these insane numbers happened when his potential was pretty much maxed out. Nonetheless, there is no other class that can manage to do something similiar. And there is completely no factor that weighs up against this potential.


Your opinion may differ, but to me this is definetely unbalanced and this needs a nerf in some kind of way. Whether that would be their dps, survivability or overall utility is the same to me. They do have to lack something however to make up for this insane potential.


Bolded to show the parts where you apparently have no idea what you're talking about. : )


They have 1 defensive cd, and the weakest self-heal in the game.


Pyro PTs do NOT benefit from the tanking tree whatsoever in their spec, so I'm not sure where you are getting this information, other than outright lying to make a point.


Powertechs do lack something. They lack defenses. They have fewer defense / escape mechanics than any other AC in the game, period, regardless of spec or role.


You lack something too. You seem to lack the clarity to see the situation for what it really is, and instead seem to think that Powertechs are a form of god-class, which they are most certainly not.


Want to kill a Pyro? ANY Pyro? Put 2 DPS on him, mark him, and proceed w/ your day.

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Bolded to show the parts where you apparently have no idea what you're talking about. : )


They have 1 defensive cd, and the weakest self-heal in the game.


Pyro PTs do NOT benefit from the tanking tree whatsoever in their spec, so I'm not sure where you are getting this information, other than outright lying to make a point.


Powertechs do lack something. They lack defenses. They have fewer defense / escape mechanics than any other AC in the game, period, regardless of spec or role.


You lack something too. You seem to lack the clarity to see the situation for what it really is, and instead seem to think that Powertechs are a form of god-class, which they are most certainly not.


Want to kill a Pyro? ANY Pyro? Put 2 DPS on him, mark him, and proceed w/ your day.


A Pyro is harder to take down than a Sorc/Sage. A Pyro is harder to take down than a Sniper/Gunslinger. Of course it all depends on overall skill but both of the classes I compared a Pyro to are, generally, far more squishy than a Pyro himself.


And as you said before you need atleast 2 players to take down a Pyro. There is no, if the Pyro knows what he's doing, other way to kill him or neutralize his role. In a balanced PvP System, any dps could win from any dps, all depending on the situation and skill of course. This rarely is the case with a Pyro/Assault.

Edited by Mormoz
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Bolded to show the parts where you apparently have no idea what you're talking about. : )


They have 1 defensive cd, and the weakest self-heal in the game.


Pyro PTs do NOT benefit from the tanking tree whatsoever in their spec, so I'm not sure where you are getting this information, other than outright lying to make a point.


Powertechs do lack something. They lack defenses. They have fewer defense / escape mechanics than any other AC in the game, period, regardless of spec or role.


You lack something too. You seem to lack the clarity to see the situation for what it really is, and instead seem to think that Powertechs are a form of god-class, which they are most certainly not.


Want to kill a Pyro? ANY Pyro? Put 2 DPS on him, mark him, and proceed w/ your day.


PT/Sniper are the 2 classes that can really put a hurting on PT 1v1.


As an Operative I have resigned myself to watching their heat index before attacking as there is no way in holy hell I can solo a PT that knows how to handle himself.


BUT. I have noticed that outside of 30m a Pyrotech is almost gimped because of DPS intake and lack of output.


The DPS inside of the 10m mark needs to be contained just a bit and all that takes is a MINOR increase in heat cost. Do that and incease survivability (not sure how) to give some balance.

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