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Powertechs need an urget nerf


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Duckling, you are a whiner. You post absolutely no proof (combat log, screenshot, video) of the amount of damage you are going on about, and expect people to accept your word as gospel. Its really sad that the PT/Van beat you in pvp. Get better.

you need to know what trolling is before saying someonei s trolling as i am not with that post you quated me on.


Not sure how you did that. the "a" and the "o" are quite far apart, are they not?

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my facts stands that powetechs/vanguards are overpowerd


Can't really say it's a fact, it is just your opinion. My opinion is that they are fine, strong and put up big numbers but fine. My second opinion is that there are to many threads crying for nerfs in this game, it's one of the reasons I have un-subbed.

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As a commando healer, I've found a particular difficulty dealing with Powertechs, in particular their damage output while under the influence of relic buffs and adrenals. More so than other classes, but I suspect this is largely due to the fact that they come in such rare numbers that I haven't had much oppertunity to learn how to properly deal with them.


This is all outside of a coordinated group setting, of course. I suppose the only point I'm trying to make is that I'm curious as to whether, under certain circumstances, their temporary damage output is slightly higher than their peers. (I hesitate to say "than it should be", because I really don't have a clear picture of what the norm is.)



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As a commando healer, I've found a particular difficulty dealing with Powertechs, in particular their damage output while under the influence of relic buffs and adrenals. More so than other classes, but I suspect this is largely due to the fact that they come in such rare numbers that I haven't had much oppertunity to learn how to properly deal with them.


This is all outside of a coordinated group setting, of course. I suppose the only point I'm trying to make is that I'm curious as to whether, under certain circumstances, their temporary damage output is slightly higher than their peers. (I hesitate to say "than it should be", because I really don't have a clear picture of what the norm is.)




you cant deal with them not as a commando healer especialy.you can pop all your cd's and all that will do is stop him from killing you for 5 seconds while he still bursts your health bar down even through your 25% reduction sheild while spamming yourself with heals.


my commando is geared through the teeth and i feel like ive unequiped all my gear when a powertech is on me.


and thats because powertechs are overpowerd

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Duckling, you are a whiner. You post absolutely no proof (combat log, screenshot, video) of the amount of damage you are going on about, and expect people to accept your word as gospel. Its really sad that the PT/Van beat you in pvp. Get better.



Not sure how you did that. the "a" and the "o" are quite far apart, are they not?


i have proof go join a warzone

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Can't really say it's a fact, it is just your opinion. My opinion is that they are fine, strong and put up big numbers but fine. My second opinion is that there are to many threads crying for nerfs in this game, it's one of the reasons I have un-subbed.


i didnt know overpowerd broken class specs were fine nowdays and the reason people are complaining nerfs isb ecause things do need nerfing lol

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Powertech/Vanguard are OP indeed their DPS is very insanely over the roof top. Nerf would b e nice but not necessarily. but BW needs to nerf is their combat self heals and defense. Edited by EugeneYap
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As a commando healer, I've found a particular difficulty dealing with Powertechs, in particular their damage output while under the influence of relic buffs and adrenals. More so than other classes, but I suspect this is largely due to the fact that they come in such rare numbers that I haven't had much oppertunity to learn how to properly deal with them.


This is all outside of a coordinated group setting, of course. I suppose the only point I'm trying to make is that I'm curious as to whether, under certain circumstances, their temporary damage output is slightly higher than their peers. (I hesitate to say "than it should be", because I really don't have a clear picture of what the norm is.)




I respect your honesty sir and honestly, even as a VG I rarely see my mirror in battle. I will impart what I can though. Pre 1.2 I spec'd fully for defense / tanking and geared for same. I experimented here and there but didn't stray too far from the basic tanking roles. Post 1.2 I noticed I went down faster than a drunk chick on pro... well, I died a lot quicker let's just say ;). So I figured I'd try going the route of burst damage. I spec'd almost fully into ranged / burst damage and began to gear for the same.


Now, as burst / range damage focused my opening volley is typically to light you on fire with a DOT / throw an assault plastique (delayed blast bomb that sticks to you), fire a HiB (hopefully crit), then likely try to close the distance and hit an ion pulse, stock strike, etc., etc., and of course try to interupt as much of your stuff as I can while waiting to peel off some more HiBs and stuff, because after my opening volley my "burst" is kind of on cool down for a few seconds. Now I could start slinging harpoons and cryo grenades and activating stims and relics if I really want to kill you (and if your a healer of any ability, chances are I do). However if I get too excited and blow my wa... er, cool downs too quick, chances are if you have any half aware buddies / team mates they are gonna gang up and beat me to death PDQ for messing with their heals.


Bare in mind I'm not super geared, don't consider myself a "pro", and generally when I see a healer I get tunnel vision for killing them (meaning the healer's body gaurds generally have their way with me and I'm just praying to knock the healer down before the inevitable).


Also, despite my spec and general gearing philosophy I do still run a shield gen., and defensive "stance" so I can gaurd my sides healers, gimping my damage to some degree.


I think that's a real general idea of what you have to expect from us as a healer though. We'll try and unload as much burst on as possible and then tie up your heals til our CD's start to become available again. 1 v. 1 you're likely to have to abandon trying to heal all others to stay up til help clues in to the fact that you aren't healing them and they see why, nature of the beast though :rolleyes:. If I were playing your toon, my knee jerk reaction would be to throw some CC on the VG / PT (or any DPS climbing on you like a monkey on crack) and get your buddies swarming him ASAP so you don't have to miss a beat healing. I know that'd be in a "perfect world" though. Sadly, in a practical world - outgear your opponent - is the most realistic "tactic".

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Powertech/Vanguard are OP indeed their DPS is very insanely over the roof top. Nerf would b e nice but not necessarily. but have it need to be nerf is combat self heals and defense.


Sir, I'm willing to accept (hell, I'm just gonna assume) english is not your first or native language. As this um... this? devolved into completely unintelligible though I have never the less tried to understand, I hope I'm missing the mark but....



Did you really just suggest there to nerf our self heals? Couldn't be... Could it?


P.S OP (Duckling), thanks for the laughs in this thread but I think you're no longer needed. You aren't entertaining us anymore and honestly that little "facts" comment didn't just shoot your questionable legitimacy in the foot, it blew your whole damn leg off. Again though, hell of a late night entertaining thread, thanks for that :)!

Edited by Mayams
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depends if they crit.


when rail shot crits i lose half my hp in 1 go and i have 19400 hp and 1200 expertise



I am full DPS Pyro PT (5 pieces of WH Eliminator gear) and I have only ever got the 5k dmg medal 3 times. Rail Shot will certainly NOT take almost 10k in a single shot. Even on 0 expertise.


Yes we have a lot of damage, but we are pretty much glass cannons, we go down pretty easily and get focussed straight away to get us off the battlefield.


**EDIT - Anyone who says differently is a Sent / Marauder trying to deflect attention away from themselves, to try and prevent nerfs in their dirrection.

Edited by THAAC
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I am full DPS Pyro PT (5 pieces of WH Eliminator gear) and I have only ever got the 5k dmg medal 3 times. Rail Shot will certainly NOT take almost 10k in a single shot. Even on 0 expertise.


Yes we have a lot of damage, but we are pretty much glass cannons, we go down pretty easily and get focussed straight away to get us off the battlefield.


**EDIT - Anyone who says differently is a Sent / Marauder trying to deflect attention away from themselves, to try and prevent nerfs in their dirrection.


You have utterly decimated my hopes and dreams sir! I was going to start a new VG on an entirely new server with the SOLE POINT of creating the Legacy name of "TheRaidBoss". Glorious dreams of stomping through WZs dispensing 10k HiBs at will, dashed! DASHED SIR!


I didn't want to be a unique and special snowflake! I wanted to be a GIANT MENACING ONE THAT HURTS LIKE HELL! Oh well back to slapping gaurd on the ball carrier I go... *grumble* *sulk* *sniffle*

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All you have to do against these players, is take any internal DoT spec and use it on heavy armors. It will melt them fast.


Ah crap... secrets out. (seriously there is even more "******" in our armorif anyone cares to look into it)

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Biochem, general buff stacking and the Expertise damage increase needs to be fixed before bioware go around nerfing classes randomly.


A lot of problems would go away if people couldn't stack consumable buffs and if expertise raised damage reduction by an equal if not higher amount than damage done.

Edited by namelless
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I play a Powertech (BM-gear) on DPS at the moment and also a Sith Sorc (BM/WH-gear) on healspec.

On my healer some powertech on my server i have to fear, but they only kill me alone, if I (!) do some mistakes, kite badly or have important stuff on cooldown. The highest Crit i got was around 4 - 4,5 k. The thing you have to know is ... some good PT put 2 dots and Thermal Detonator on you befor they start the railshot-flameburst-railshot rotation ..... so if thermal detonator, the 2 dots and the raishot crits at the same time a target loose a lot (8k maybe) hitpoints and it looks like one global cooldown/railshoot hits for this damage. But you have to know the mechanic behind .... on my healer i know if i see thermal detonator on me, its time to RUN and to put all defensive stuff on me (shield, hot, purge) or CC or rupt the powertec ... or at last need some help from my team.


Playing my powerec i know he has at the moment one of the best burst-rotations in the game. But we only hit with railshot with 3 - 5 k on players in full BM-Gear ... higher lucky crits you only have on players in PvE-gear ....

At the moment i see one thing one the powertech as overpowered .... you can fire all skills of the damage-rotation instantly while running behind your target. This is to easy and to strong i think.


But other DPS Classes are also very easy to play at the moment .... at moment dpsclass > healer >>> tank .... arcade dps game


So remember: know the rotation of your enemy to survive ... this helps you more as all the nerf-threads here around ;)

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Biochem and general buff stacking and the Expertise damage increase needs to be fixed before bioware go around nerfing classes randomly.


A lot of problems would go away if people couldn't stack consumable buffs and if expertise raised damage reduction by an equal if not higher amount than damage done.


crit/surge relic, power adrenal, aim/pow stim, crit class buff, it's not unusual to see (+/- a few 100) thermal for 4k, rail for 4k, with the dot for 1k, rocket punch for 2.5k and then rail for another 4k, it can push higher, but these are pretty average numbers really for me, as far as the enemy is concerned, they see the 1000 damage from the dot then see the next 14.5k over 3 seconds. (so about 16k over 4.5 seconds)


If you chuck in expertise and/or bloodthirst, can i break 19.5k in that 4.5 second window? sure


Will it happen often? no not at all, maybe once every 20 games and i do this burst 5 times a game or so, so 1 in 100.


There's a running joke I have, whenever i see a lot of sorcs, "i will feed on the tears of their uselessness", pity my other character is a sorc and it works both ways :/

Edited by Adzzy
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So remember: know the rotation of your enemy to survive ... this helps you more as all the nerf-threads here around


True words indeed. As I pointed out earlier; I suspect the primary reason why I'm having trouble with Powertechs is the fact that I haven't gone up against a lot of them, and therefore don't exactly know what it is they're doing.


Well, that, and the fact that when you're not running with a premade, chances are you'll be on your own when one of them has you in his sights ;)

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Ah crap... secrets out. (seriously there is even more "******" in our armorif anyone cares to look into it)


LOL! The edited part is a term that could be construed as a slang racial insult to people of the Chinese nationality, of course it was in NO WAY meant to portray that defintion, heh.


BTW, I'd love to go back to being a tank, it's why I made a VG out of the gate. Take your DPS back and give me the defense that is the hallmark of any tank so I can go back to getting punched in the face so my team mates can punch others in the face unabated :cool:. You can even take my 10k HiB back :rolleyes:!

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While I appreciate the forums trying to not nerf my awesome marauder anymore I don't think Powertechs deserve a nerf either.


Tank Powertechs in DPS gear are like Tanksins but with half their survivability. Maybe I haven't run into any amazing Powertanks yet though, but overall I find them relatively balanced. Tough,not unkillable, dps class that does solid,not great, damage. I would rather not nerf them over a knee jerk reaction to this new spec becoming popular due their old spec being nerfed. Maybe once they plague WZs like tanksins do I'll see differently.


Pyrotechs are imo the poster child of balance in this game. Awesome damage against all targets + CC/taunt + ranged. Offset by 0 escapes and average defenses(no force shroud/undying rage/vanish/etc to catch a heal). They kill anyone without defenses up awesomely fast, but are also one of the best targets to focus down. With tanks and heals behind them they are like wrecking balls of destruction. Without them though they die just as quickly as they kill, and are arguably one of the easier targets to focus down in PVP. They are like Marauder's that traded survivability for added utility and the ability to kill tanks. They are a great pick for a dps provided you've got the tanks+healers to support them.


Honestly I have to give it to Bioware to balancing the game to the point to where almost every class is OP at the same time according to forum QQ. Even I find tanksins ridiculously OP so I'm not above the QQ lol. Oh and Operatives need a leap, Sorcerers need an "ice block", DPS Mercs need to spec Pyro(Arsenal is just bad for PVP) and probably still need another defensive CD. Then we'll pretty much have all classes OP.

Edited by Seravis
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but BW needs to nerf is their combat self heals and defense.


You mean the one 15% HoT with 180s CD and two defensives (assuming I'm a Shield or Tactics spec)? The first of which does half the incoming damage reduction of an Assassin or Shadows' and the second of which is either an accuracy debuff that many competitive builds opt out of or a CC immunity that doesn't affect damage mitigation?


Yeah, those things really give these classes so much uptime per use relative to other defensive CDs...It definitely has nothing to do with a good player properly harassing his opponent, controlling their resource pool and shutting down output..;)

Edited by AlyxDinas
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I would not pay too much attention to the OP. All she (?) does is call for nerfs and complain about any class that kills her (?) in PvP...which is all of them.


Just check her post history. She has no credibility in these forums.


The guys that said Pyros have great DPS, but zero escape and really bad defensive CDs was spot on. Once we are in a fight, we either walk away winning, or rezzing...we cannot break combat once we start.

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