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10 Good
  1. OP post combat logs or even better Fraps of these 5 sec deaths and 9K Railshots. BW and the community need to know about this massive conspiracy of injustice of un-balanceness.
  2. OP are you the same 'TheNinjaboy' who posted on the Age of Conan Forums as well as a few other MMO message boards?
  3. Yup its been mentioned quite a lot, people are attributing it to a fresh set of hacks that came out. which include lagswitching and teleport. you might wanna /report
  4. 11. Dismiss your pet, and solo some Elite mobs, you will be forced to learn your class toolset, Your PvP skill will increase dramatically. Companions are whats really OP'd, ask BW to nerf them.
  5. ITT: People who don't know, or are conveniently forgetting there are multiple types of damage and each defensive CD are specific in what they screen out. "Invulnerablity" is a MYTH. Start reading the tool tips, learn how and when to counter with what ability / attack. The mechanics in this game are much more complex than many people are trying to make them out to be, they cry about PvP balance without bothering to understand the core game functions. Pro-Tip: go fight some Elite Mobs with your pet dismissed, you'll have to learn how and when to use your whole toolset very quickly, your PvP skill will improve dramatically. By all means keep screaming for more Nerfs, BW keeps trying to deliver what you are asking for, you guys keep asking for a dumber and dumber game.
  6. Agreed, they tend to come at me like they are the Kings of all WZs ... after they rezz they seem to try an avoid me at all costs and I have to chase em around to get at em.. And I aint even a Merc
  7. Nope I play a thrice nerfed Operative, Still waiting on Combat Logs or even better some Fraps.
  8. You haven't shown any math, just made up numbers and a lot of hyperbole. Post your combat logs, and we can crunch some numbers
  9. By all means, keep crying out for more downward spiral, its a vicious cycle that has been happening since beta, So much of the game has been removed because of complainers, Start asking them to add things instead of taking everything out, or we will all be left with nothing.
  10. I said this in another thread and i'll say it again here: A very bad president has been set, how many times have people screamed "NERF THEM THEY ARE OP !!11111!!", and BW does exactly that.? It happened with Sorcs, Mercs and Ops (<---- 3x now btw). And when they do, people stop playing those classes and re-roll something un-nerfed. Shortly after people switch, the "NERF THEM NAO!!!111!!!" Squad picks a new target and has another tantrum. Just a suggestion folks, but unless you want every class and every mechanic dumbed down and nerfed to the point of 'no-fun-ness" maybe you should start asking for buffs for the classes you love, instead of trying to neuter the classes you dont. BW keeps adjusting things to deliver to you the game you ask for, ... Stop asking for a game where nothing is fun and all classes are exactly the same.
  11. A very bad president has been set, how many times have people screamed "NERF THEM THEY ARE OP !!11111!!", and BW does exactly that.? It happened with Sorcs, Mercs and Ops (<---- 3x now btw). And when they do, people stop playing those classes and re-roll something un-nerfed. Shortly after people switch, the "NERF THEM NAO!!!111!!!" Squad picks a new target and has another tantrum. Just a suggestion folks, but unless you want every class and every mechanic dumbed down and nerfed to the point of 'no-fun-ness" maybe you should start asking for buffs for the classes you love, instead of trying to neuter the classes you dont. BW keeps adjusting things to deliver to you the game you ask for, ... Stop asking for a game where nothing is fun and all classes are exactly the same.
  12. ITT: "My server is a ghost town, makes pvp horrible" "Glad all the crybabies are unsubbing" Vicious circle folks
  13. And VERY FEW people actually got to test it, with no 'copy character to PTS' functionality they were never going to generate enough feedback in a timely manner. I hope they learned a big expensive lesson from this.
  14. That is the impression I was left with from the last few patches and testing 1.2 on PTS. It is as if someone decided the game needed more 'grind' to keep people subbed. I think that approach only works in Korean MMO markets. I un-subbed prior to this whole debacle, the game wasn't headed in a fun direction in my opinion. It's a shame, I really had a great time from early access until recently.
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