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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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1. End-game follows same gear grind approach as every other MMO. (Will resub when new chapter in story comes out). As it's looking , the past 2 patch have just been the same as every other MMO (daily zones and new raid content). I was really excited when they post an entire article regarding story continuity but all we got were daily zones with hardly any story in them.

2. Fleet. I understand why they did it but im sick of being in a space station all day while spamming "LFG HM flashpoints". At least with WoW I could endure it due to the amazing sight of Stormwind City but the Republic Fleet is very hard to appreciate espcially after knowing it's an imperial fleet copy but recolored brown.

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Haven't gotten to the point of unsubbing (yet) but here will be my 5 when (I mean, if) I do:


1. Dead servers. My rep fleet is lucky to break 20 people on primetime. Can't get a warzone unless I get on at a certain time. Leveling alts isn't too fun because I can't find anyone for flashpoints or heroics. Rerolling is out of the question too.


2. Dead GTN (and no other sandbox elements). This is tied with reason no. 1, but it deserves its own because I like playing markets in MMO's. It's one of the big reasons I like MMO's. When I look up earpieces and find that there's only 1 being sold... that's right, just one on the entire server... pretty depressing. And just try selling something.


3. No cross-server/ranked warzones. This is again tied with no. 1. I really do like PVP in general so it's really sad that something like this has to bust it.


4. Not enough open-world PVP. Again, this is tied with numbers 1 and 3. (I did really like the PVP we got in the Rakghoul plague though. Hopefully they can keep that up...) But in general, the factions are way too isolated.


5. The Legacy Anchor. I like the concept of legacy, and even though I'm not terribly excited about the current perks, I am eager for what's to come. I want my level to be as high as possible, but it's tying me to a dead server.




All these problems I listed aren't unsolvable. In fact most would be solved by server merges/transfers. In this case it's a matter of patience. If I do unsub, it will be temporarily until they get addressed.

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WoW burnout has caused me to cancel my subscription.


So for me, after taking in all this game has to offer, I can't stand to log in anymore, just like I was with WoW, because SWTOR is the same dang game. Yes, yes, there are a few differences, but lets face it, at it's core, we have WoW in space with some well done stories.


If leveling alts is so important, so we can see these stories play out, why are we again forced to watch 90 percent repeated content? That's not the way to keep my interest. New character? Then give me a completely different experience leveling to 50. Or at least significantly different. I've tried to level multiple alts only to burn out somewhere around mid way... just can't stand to listen to/do the same quest yet again.


The next MMO that comes out with "dailies" as some sort of viable end game mechanic I will not purchase from the start. What a boring, mindless grind mechanic. Come on, there HAS to be a better way then dailies.


Packs of mobs just standing there dotting the landscape? Ugh, c'mon. They should at least roam or something. Interaction with the world around them. Not some cardboard cut outs waiting for me to knock over.


Zero depth crafting/professions? Crafting could almost be a game itself if done properly.


Raiding I do enjoy, but even that runs out of steam pretty quickly. I was lucky enough to have a solid guild that kept my interest in the game longer then it would have. More variety to raid mechanics would be very helpful. Not the repeated mechanics we rely on now. I understand balancing this would be very, very difficult but that's what I'd like to see.


And why is tuning content so often based around increased stress on healers? I think the answer is that in this type of game, WoW 2.0, it's the easiest way.


If SWTOR had come out first, I probably would have played this for years, got bored and quit, tried WoW when it came out hoping for that old magic, then quit in a few months out of boredom. I would have said WoW is just SWTOR with a fantasy skin.


GW2? If it's different at it's core, I'll give it a go. Still looking for that original WoW magic! I fear it's gone.

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Im still a subscriber and I do not plan on cancelling anytime soon but here are some of my thoughts.


I had to leave my 1st server due to low population and re-roll on a more populated one. I could not progress my character by myself, it sucked. No one to play with and no way to equip my toon with an empty economy and en empty auction house.


Server mergers should have happened before Feb. 20th ish. Dose this date ring a bell to anyone?


#1. Server mergers.

#2. Something to do at level 50.


You have done nothing for fix these 2 very important problems.


#3. Game engine optimization's.

#4. Bug fixing.


So many of my friends still to this day crash randomly, have lag and suffer from 3+min loading screens.


#5. Class changes boosts/nerfs. I'm not going into detail here.


Anyway... most players do not hate the game, they just hate you Bioware for not fulfilling their needs to enjoy and be successful in this "mmo". They wanted to stay and enjoy what they paid for but you didn't listen. They will NEVER come back and you left a very bad impression.

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1 - Lack of solo end game content. Progression is limited to group content.

2 - 1.2 showed a turn towards the "wipe till you learn the dance steps" type content which I find tedious. Coupled with number 1 that means there is nothing at end game that interests me.


Why am I still here?


Because I am still leveling alts and enjoying that for now. I'm guessing that I will be bored of that by the time my sub runs out in a few months. Hopefully, they will address end game in that time. Otherwise I'll go play something else.

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Unsubbed, and may return if they ever add space content.


1. No Space. And dont give me the BS that the rail shooter is space content. This is an MMO in 2012, should have been able to get in my ship and go where I want.


2. PVE is hardly different from WoW. BW really didn't do anything innovating with this game except waste a ******** of time and money on voice overs. What happened to guild capital ships etc? THOSE would have been innovations.


3. Server merges/forums. BW really pissed me off by making forums for server groups.... That **** is ridiculous. There could have been a lot more trading etc with our own forum. THe fact that they were too cheap to do something simple like that pissed me off.


4. Customer service is horrible. Practically non-existent. I would dare to say they are worse than AT&T....


5. PvP/ balance. BW clearly needs to revamp PvP and take a look at the classes.

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The SWTOR Experiance

My wife and I are currently unsubbed and these are our reasons along with possible ideas to better either this game or another.

1. Pigeoned holed affection gains for companions disrupt overall story modes. Of course I am going to pick the options that offer more affection points for our companions. Why? I don't know. Same applies for Light side/Dark side gains. Because of this I can not enjoy any of the story lines much less roll another toon. A trapped feeling if you can understand.

Possible FIX: Remove light/dark side gains and allow for us to set our own slider position. I would set mine slightly above light side because that is how I would want to play my toon. It would feel right with most decisions I would most likely make.

As for affection gains take them out of story line options as gains and change it up. My companions should get affection if I choose to use them in my adventures. They should be thankfull they get to roll with me.


2. LFG anyone!? I might have been misguided or just maybe I was daydreaming but I thought bioware was going to come up with something better then forced grouping to complete heroic story lines and flashpoints. The problems I have with grouping is that they really are not fun anymore. I do not really make friends anymore by being forced to hang out with someone I may not like or they may not like me. The last couple of times I tried to do a few runs, a few of the people had this gogo idea and it left a dull dark feeling in my mind. This happens now more times then I can count now. IMO forcing people to group to do content isn't what makes a game an MMO. What makes an MMO is the opportunity to meet and hang out with all kinds of different people.

Possible FIXes: If you are going to make a single player mmo, you should have just made all content soloable by letting us use more then one companion. This way I can play at my pace and not be hurried by other gogo people. Object to this really? But its not an mmo without group content!!!! I don't know who wrote the rule book or law book on mmo but in my experiance an mmo is a place where many people are playing the same game together or against each other. Should I and other people that think this way be pushed down and stomped on?

Bioware just finish this game up and make it either completely singler player or multiplayer cause you can't have both without the right tools. Add in things for people to do that isn't a FP or OP like events that many people can get together and hang out with out that forced grouping, mingle it up.


3. Crafting and Gear. So I guess the best craft is biochem. Gear is so well made that repairs make it brand new, untill its replaced by something better.

Possible FIXes: The max durability on gear should wear down after each repair. Crafting should provide the only and best gear in game. Of course boss/reg mobs would drop those hard to find parts. Random applied bonus on crafted gear for chance at rare makes. But this isnt UO or SWG!!?? Yea well the way it is now is stale so why not.


4. Mobs. Really do you think adding a bunch of hp to a mob really makes me feel like a hero? No it don't, I have downed many mobs in the game and the most boring ones are the ones with a ridiculous amount of hp. Why? I beat them anyway. I do feel pigeoned holed into using my healer companion on most encounters though.

Possible FIX: A retune of all mobs to consider, less hp more AI and difficulty. More hp doesn't mean harder it just means more boring. When a fight breaks out it is usually quick and deadly and should be here as well.


5.Space Combat. I have no idea what was going on at the time this was put in the game but...... Yea.

Possible FIX: Redo this, I can say right now that my wife and I had an amazing amount of fun with swg's Jump to Light Speed. Why not?


6.PVP. Nerf....Nerf and more Nerf. Really I took my time to get to 50 and by time I got there you all had already made some major nerfs. So many nerfs.

Possible FIX: Instead of NERFING why not get the other classes up to par.


7.Char lvls. Really I would have thought that most of us gamers moved past the need for lvls. Why do we have them? I don't need my hand held on how to learn to play a toon or a carrot on a stick. Do char levels really matter that much? Are char levels responisible for making the game fun or dragging it out to be tiresome and boring? Does it say that levels are a must have in the mmo law book?

Possible FIX: Get rid of char lvls, basicly just make everyone and mobs tuned to lvl 50 from creation. Ok so I start game out and play and guess what? Anytime I want to do something with someone else I CAN because everyone is the same lvl. Maybe some places harder than others and would require better rated gear and geared companions. More toward end game after the main storty lines and such.

Even without char levels you would still progress through the main story lines and at least wouldn't have to worry about repeating the sides quests 15 times over. Datacrons would be linked according to reb or imp side toons so you wouldn't have to go play super jedi bros again and again.

Not to mention that I know I would get a piece of mind knowing that I could focus more on the mmo part and not so much the repeatative grind part.

I can also say that having the benifit of removed char levels would make the above idea of crafting and gear more valuable. In game economy would thrive.

This might sound kinda impossible or would not work but.... Can you really tell me that you are willing to grind and repeat side quests on 16 chars? I won't. If there was a way to do this without the endless pit feeling, then yes I would.

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I am not unsubbing yet, but one thing that is becoming an every growing pain in the rear, The worlds feel static and dead. Lifeless, pair that with low pop servers and you have THE GREATEST single player MMO ever made.


Other then that no major compalnets I could nitpick but why?

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1 - Lack of solo end game content. Progression is limited to group content.

2 - 1.2 showed a turn towards the "wipe till you learn the dance steps" type content which I find tedious. Coupled with number 1 that means there is nothing at end game that interests me.


Why am I still here?


Because I am still leveling alts and enjoying that for now. I'm guessing that I will be bored of that by the time my sub runs out in a few months. Hopefully, they will address end game in that time. Otherwise I'll go play something else.


I share some of the same feelings. They really added the safety dance to this game? brb, I can't quit laughing.

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My sub runs out in 44 days, and I'll probably be canceling for a while.


My 5 reasons:

[*]I'll probably get flamed for this, but PvE content is too inaccessible. I don't mean the lack of a dungeon tool, I mean the difficulty, bugs, and time required do not justify the rewards. The first tier of PvE felt just right in terms of difficulty. Everything released since launch (Kaon, Karagga's, and beyond) seem overtuned imo.





You're kidding, right? The PvE is incredibly easy...

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You're kidding, right? The PvE is incredibly easy...


The only instances in this game that have felt 'easy' to me were Story Mode EV, and about 3 of the HM Flashpoints.


The rest are overtuned and too difficult imo.

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Hey all,


This thread is getting off track and we would like to ask everyone to please ensure your posts are constructive to the discussion of the topic.


We welcome feedback, provided it is constructive (This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for.) and that it is on topic to discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


As this thread is asking for feedback, provided it stays constructive and is centered around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, we welcome it.


However, we do want to remind everyone that if you feel a thread needs moderator attention, such as being off topic, not constructive or in violation of any of the rules of conduct, to please simply report it. Posting in the thread as to why it is a violation is not on topic and only serves to disrupt the discussion and also bumps the thread. Reporting it will bring it to our attention much faster and will not disrupt the discussion.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding moderation on the forums, please send us an email with your feedback at communitysupport@swtor.com


That being said, let's allow this thread to get back on track. If the discussion continues to be off topic, we will have to close it.


Thank you for your understanding!



*teacher slaps student on wrist*


the irony...


also please don't make it more obvious you have a mod/dev posting questions you guys should be asking.

Edited by Braaaiins
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My comments when un-subbing :


Poor performance:

This game runs poorly. I'm playing on a laptop, but can support other games like TERA on the highest graphics no problem. SWTOR only runs on lowest graphic and it still has a hard time at times (like with smoke from smuggler nukes).


I did not enjoy PVP : Everyone is our guild was looking forward to the rated PVP which didn't happen. After 1.2, PVP feels very broken. The time to kill is ridiculously fast, some classes can kill me in under 5 sec and I'm in full BM with 2 WH pieces. Healers and tanks are now pointless in PVP. Oh and don't get me started on Ilum : just fail...


I did not enjoy the Flashpoints: flashpoints were fine while leveling. Hardmodes were stupid, hard, and with crap loot. So no one ever does them. (and the new one in 1.2 is just stupid if you have melee you can barely kill the first boss when everyone is in full Rakata)


I have finished all current content : EV and KP were pathetically easy, we've cleared most of it on nightmare. The real challenge was keeping our cool when wiping to bugs or the never ending RNG stuff. There was never any point in doing it on story mode we could down hard mode bosses in green gear. EC is stupidly hard, we can hardly clear it in full Rakata gear and all ranged dps. This is really unacceptable, do you guys even proof test your stuff ?


The game was imbalanced : 1.2 really killed the limited amount of balance there was. Scoundrel healing noob heal for more than full Rakata or BM commandos?!? Come on...


The game was not fun : the amount of bugs that were left in a released version was appalling. Seriously, there are dozens of contenders in the MMO gaming world. How can you possibly find it ok to release game content that's not working properly.




Someone from BW said in an interview lately "SWTOR is a triple-A MMO" and at first it felt like it was, except that it really wasn't. You can't call yourself that, and not have half of the functionality any other triple A mmo has (server transfer, cross server cues, LFG tool etc etc etc ad infinitum). Add to that the never ending string of bugs, and this makes for a poor experience indeed. I am done defending this game... I'm done with this game.


My sub ends in 43 days... make something happen

Edited by Kelhemvor
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I just unsubbed too.




Because of legacy it dont make any sense rolling on a new server and starting again.

Because of the Low Pop.




Cannot get any1 for fps or ops.

Leveled a Marauder to 50 and had done 3-4 FPs and 1 Heroic !!!


Bye All

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I just unsubbed too.




Because of legacy it dont make any sense rolling on a new server and starting again.

Because of the Low Pop.




Cannot get any1 for fps or ops.

Leveled a Marauder to 50 and had done 3-4 FPs and 1 Heroic !!!


Bye All


There is more than 1 server

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I came from a healthy server population [The Harbinger] but I have just recently unsubbed because I felt like this mmo can no longer offer me any sense of satisfaction, PVE content post- lvl 50 is useless and PVP which is the only thing that kept me going these few months has become stale and boring, not to mention that it has been predominated by warzone premade groups which made it a burden rather than a joy to participate in. I know that low server populations is the primary complain among dead servers but for me it's the lack of any meaningful end-game content that finally pushed me to unsub and uninstall SWTOR, I have recently moved to Tera Online and I find it a much more enjoyable mmorpg, so instead of being a masochist and continue playing SWTOR, I simply chose to search for greener pastures and thankfully I found it! :)
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I unsubbed over the Rakghoul Plague Forced PVP on PVE servers and PVE Players (me) and afaik my toons are still infected.


I did not WANT to unsub at all. I really like this game I enjoy all the movies and story line (my toons are L20ish) and was having a great time PVEing. I did a few groups but I'm not very good at figuring out that part although my Sith Warrior/Jagg was asked to tank several times and my JC/Sage was pulled into group stuff several levels higher than she was so I guess I did ok there and was looking forward to more adventures.


I stuck around HOPING for something from BW about PVP Opt Out Means Opt Out. I was sooo disappointed that they've said nothing. <G>


This is what instantly did it for me. I disagree with the rest of this fellow's post (i.e., that the game is PvP oriented), but Bioware really, really screwed up here.


I cut game developers a lot of slack for the learning curve on game balance issues, especially when it comes to PvP, because no one whines like PvPers. I thought the warzones were fine, and pre 1.2, the time-to-kill was pretty good. There wasn't anything about the PvP game I thought that was particularly broken, although open world PvP and ranked warzones were definitely things that needed follow-up.


For me, it's a taboo to intentionally, and secretly, put in a mechanism for involuntary PvP flagging on PvE servers.

To date, there's been no warning, no apology, and no fix (plague is still out there, as far as I know). Lots of players gave BW the benefit of the doubt that it was a bug, but a few of us (including myself) finally found out through repeated CS petitions that this flagging was working-as-intended.


If you feel like trolling on this point, imagine if I went to a PvP server and used a level 10 character to spray something on some uber-geared level 50 that unflagged him (and me) while I hopped around him gleefully, enjoying his misery at being unable to do anything, despite it being a PvP server.



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For me and my guild that have been together for well over a decade. We simply did not want a different style of world of warcraft. The game is far to close to WOW and not closer to SWG in our opinion. Daily grinding, pets, instanced pvp it's a cheap rip off of WOW.

Nothing against BW or EA but the game clearly lacks it's own feel and style. Possibly in the future if they spend another 200mill they will get it right.

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My thread got silenced.

This is the reason the game failed, but more importantly why it can't be fixed:


I've played countless MMOS, so I feel I have a good perspective about how this game went so horribly wrong. I'm going to try to keep this list to things I haven't seen mentioned often on the forums. And they are all related to just how inept the developers truly are.

There's a TLDR(best description of this game, ever.) for the lazy people.


1. Time required to reach lvl 50.

It is way too easy to reach level 50. It's absolutely ridiculous. This mistake is probably the most important. you aren't supposed to be able to reach level 50 in a week. It's absurd. This is one of the few mistakes they can't fix. It should have taken at least 2 months to reach level 50. After you have a lvl 50, there should be something in the legacy system that makes it easier for alts to reach 50.

Developers are supposed to be developing content while the players level. Because of this ridiculous mistake, they will always be playing catchup. Release a patch, players clear all content in less than a week, wait a month, repeat. There's just no way for Bioware to fix it at this point.

Bioware obviously spent most of their time on the storyline(and the storyline really is good). But when you're done with the story in a week, you know you're going to have a fail game overall.


Look, they have way too many quests for how long it takes to out level an area. It wouldn't have been that hard for them to make it take more exp to level. There still would've been plenty of content to use. It's beyond comprehension why they made it so easy to level. It's like they never tried out their game. You should've had to do all quests, do some space missions, and some pvp before you outgrew a level. Nope, all you have to do is half the quests on a planet before you outgrow. Biggest mistake in an MMO ever, imo.


2. they did something absurd for dps.

The heavy armor classes do more dps than the medium armor classes, and the medium armor classes do more dps than the light armor classes.

It's supposed to be the other way around. You don't give the classes with the highest survivability the most dps.



3. Ilum

need I say more?

Ilum shows such a severe ineptitude at game development.

Removing the quests was just an insult. You know they really think we're all dumb enough to forget ilum ever existed...they're counting on it. They're probably right.


4. Bugs in Raids

Absolutely ridiculous. They didn't even bother fixing them. I haven't raided in about a month, so they might be fixed by now. I don't really care enough to look. 4 months is till way too long to let that many bugs stay in a raid.


5. Poor/boring Raid layout

I will admit, they were all fun the first time. The huge room in EV was so cool. . On the second run through, I really analyzed the raid. It's pretty much a straight line. And the boss fights are pretty darn easy. The only thing that made them difficult is bugs.

So now we not only have buggy raids, but uninspired ones as well.


6. Bugs in WZs

A lot of these have been fixed. But there's one in particular I want to point out, really it's not even a bug just poor game design. When the game was first released, and for about 3 months after it was released, the timer was just 1 minute before you got kicked out of the WZs. The timer started when you started to load into the WZ, so you could load and run straight to the gate, and wind up getting stuck behind the gate for the remainder of the lockout timer. Does anyone else realize how silly that is? It's like the developers never actually played the game. They probably don't because they know how crappy of a game it is.


7. The gear grind

I'm not complaining that it's too long, no. In fact I like a long grind. But Bioware needs to make up their mind about whether it's going to be a long grind, or a short grind. It's like they have absolutely no idea what they're doing. and don't forget that gear was given out randomly at one point. They fixed the random part, but you can't just forget about it and act like it never happened. Yes, I have been mentioning some things that they've fixed up to this point. But you really can't forget about all the mistakes BW has made. I'm trying to show just how inept they are at developing this game. When they are this bad, you can't expect them to come up with good ideas in the future.


8. Removal of Rateds.

don't worry folks, they're coming soon....

and they'll be perfect because Bioware is such a good game developer. /sarcasm


9. Space combat

Space combat shows very little effort put into it. Really, the whole game looks like they put very little effort put into it, but space combat is the best example.

They should've went all out on space combat. Space combat is such a huge part of star wars. We should've been able to fly our ships around the galaxy, like it was an actual galaxy. Instead they went with the arcade version.


10. EA

I feel a lot of these things are because EA rushes BW, and EA is just trying to make a buck, not an enjoyable gaming experience.

I remember the last time I played an EA game I vowed to never play one again. This time I will remember by vow and never let it happen again.




This game is just not built to be a successful long term MMO. It shouldn't be possible to get to level 50 in a week. They shot themselves in the foot with that one(If they even care). It appears to me that this game is designed to milk dumb people out of their money, and they don't care if it's truly a good game or not. They're just going to keep that carrot on a string for you, like rated WZs, until they have no subscribers. This game will no doubt make a profit for a while, there's a lot of dumb people on this planet(nothing wrong with being dumb though). Even though it will make a profit, it will NEVER be a good game. It might be fun, and it might be addicting, but it will never be a good game. yes, they make it appear like it's a good game. It's very deceptive. It's a horrible game, even if it is fun at times. The best analogy i have for it is this: it's like a log ride, you're going down a steep hill and it's a thrill, but then you get to the bottom you realize that wasn't water spraying on you, but rather pee.


yes, I cancelled my subscription today.



TLDR: The best analogy i have for this game is this: it's like a log ride, you're going down a steep hill and it's a thrill, but then you get to the bottom you realize that wasn't water spraying on you, but rather pee. and then they keep charging you 15 dollars to ride again.

Edited by LexiCazam
Inappropriate content - old post
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I've unsubscribed but i have 41 days left



Here is the reasons:


1- Empty server with No guilds able to even clear 16 man content due to lack of pve'ers


2- No competitive pvp content


3- PvE end game TO EASY yes i said it TO EASY. There is no reason we should clear 1.2 content in the first week or even the first day. It's way to easy and story mode & hard modes a joke once you get the fights down.


4) economy well it sucks go figure

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1. Endgame PvE is unsatisfying. Especially once you have most/all the gear you could want. The continued storylines are absent and the updates seem to just be taking the classic mmo take of "let's just throw in a harder raid with better loot."


2. PvP died with the decline of Ilum, imo. When Ilum began it was actually a lot of fun. You know, before the fishing and kill trading. When that all went to nothing, I had to focus on warzones, which were ok for a while. But after the constant grind it got way too mundane for my tastes.


3. Community. Dunno if it was like this on anyone else's server but for the most part, people are pretty full of themselves (especially in pvp). Even guilds that start out great turn into douchebags the better they get. I understand experience should give you a little authority but a LOT of people take this out of hand.


4. Lack of anything really interesting. This can kind of tie in with 1 and 2 I guess, but for the most part I don't have a lot to do in the game anymore. Sure I could start some more alts and finish the storylines for classes that I haven't yet, but each one would be a month's grind to do and I honestly don't really care all that much. Legacy update was neat and all for the first few days, and the Rakghoul Plague was a nice change of pace but really there's not a lot going on in the world of TOR


5. I had too high of expectations. This one I guess shouldn't really count but I was expecting TOR to be a fantastic way to kill time. To me, after playing for as long as I have, the only REAL difference I saw between this and WoW was the storylines (which I've played through BH, Warrior, Agent, and Smuggler). It's the same grind, the same endgame, the same experience that WoW was, but with more bugs being a fairly newer mmo. I understand games that come out in the mmo genre are bound to have their bugs but there were a few (I'm looking at you SOA) that were absolutely infuriating.


On top of all this, my friends have quit playing, and my guildies are slowly diminishing. So there isn't really anything holding me to this game.

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